Here are some fictitious 'patch notes' compiled from some random ideas rattling around between veteran players recently. What are your fake patch note ideas? Add here. Edit: added a few more bullets to the op.
Stronghold overload enchants are now Bound (account) like the SH food buffs instead of Bound (character).
Most buff potions are now on a combat timer similar to overload enchants rather than a standard timer.
A queue timer has been added that shows how long a player has been waiting in queue.
Players who disconnect have a chance to reconnect to a match rather than being forced to take loss and penalty.
Avalanche boon now stacks at a limit of no more than 2 stacks per second and no longer multiprocs.
Elven battle enchantment no longer triggers a bleeding damage loop against thorned roots.
Guild Strongholds are now customizable with a variety of cosmetic modifications such as guild banners, graphics, dyes, and cosmetic items/objects.
A small pvp flag practice area has been added to the stronghold map.
A /trade channel has been added which crosses all strongholds instances or all game zones
The PvP domination leaderboard now calculates ELO correctly.
PvP respawn timer now starts at 5 sec and increases by 1 sec for every minute the match has progressed (up to 20 sec).
Initial node cap progression is no longer "shared" between opposing teams.
PvP Battle Potion of Restoration is now available from the strongholds general market.
The PvP campaign has been updated. Double and triple kills work in GG. Kill 1000 NPCs has been reduced to 250.
Instead of domination matchmaking arranging opponents by class type (dps, heal, etc.), matchmaking is now done so that the sum of the Item levels of both sides is as close as possible.
The costs and requirements of many strongholds upgrades has been reduced.
Armor Reinforcement Kits can now be removed and reapplied to other gear similar to enchantments.
An additional belt item slot has been added for a total of (4) belt items.
The quality of unique belt slot items may now be upgraded (green, blue, epic) through professions.
Powerpoints are now granted with each Level 70 overflow or may be purchased with Zen.
Artifacts are now Bound (account) but each upgrade tier has a minimum level requirement (L70 for mythic).
Celestial bags of refining from invocation now stack up to 99 in inventory.
Strongholds vouchers may be deposited into a guild bank for storage.
Mount skins are now transmutable. Rank 3 mounts may be upgraded to rank 4.
Costs of other hardcoded expenses such as companion upgrades, transmutes, and bazaar items have been reduced.
A transmute vendor has been added where phased out gear may be purchased for transmute.
A separate dedicated RP bag has been added alongside main, professions, and companion bag tabs.
Continued class balancing and economy balancing changes as metalldj and others suggested.
As a capstone of these positive changes, Neverwinter will hold a Grand Relaunch campaign to draw player base back into the game through advertisement, incentives, and prizes.
ps. The new dev team is doing a terrific job relative to the prior one. Fundamentals are being addressed. Changes are coming far faster and are more sensible.
+ Leadership tasks have been upgraded with Stronghold Vouchers as reward.
I do believe in killing the messenger...
Want to know why?
Because it sends a message!
tassedethe13Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 806Arc User
+ Now you can buy potions by more than 20 units in one time + Now you can switch between 2 spells bars + 3 more potions slots have been added to your belt + You can now have a preview on stuff sold at AH
+By pressing one button you can change spells and armor (including necklace jewelery etc) which has been set up before. ( Most likely to make easiness of chaning from pve gear to pvp gear) +Ability to stop getting friend requests from bots. Set an minimum level in option blank so ppl who are lower than this level cannot add you and scam you. +Companion upgrade cost has renewed. Now you need to collect varius foods to increase their quality. No longer requires cost as AD.
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
torontodaveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 992Arc User
edited September 2015
1. A Unique 3pc set, 'Scholars Vestments' that only drops from Featured Foundry Quest chests has been added 2. Real rewards for playing/making foundries have been added 3. Vouchers that drop from featured foundry quests for use in strongholds have been added 4. A stronghold 'scribe' in the library who issues quests to complete foundry missions for stronghold currency added 5. (sensing a theme?) 6. Weapon Transmutes as a lockbox item have been removed because COMMON SENSE. 7. Icewind Dale Open PVP is now an hourly event and will show up on the clockface. 8. HE's in IWD (that started Aquamarine and were downgraded to White Pearl) will be upgraded to Peridot. [BTA] 9. Updated Knox to tell new lvl70's that in order to unlock IWD they have to see the Caravan Master south of the city Marketplace 10. Added secondary 'Gear + Loadout' and secondary 'Appearance and Style' tabs. your 'C'haracter screen has been redesigned to accommodate them. 11. Fixed double-invoke bug. For real this time. 12. Redesigned all crafting trees. They all now have a continued purpose for end-game economy. Lvl25 EVERYTHING is now able to craft some RP or some vouchers or something. All useless ingredients also have a purpose for this endgame economy. Leadership is actually useful again. Go check it out! 13. The 'Teleport Scroll' in stronghold siege is NO LONGER CONSUME AFTER USE. You don't have to wait 10 seconds for the sparklies on the travelling wizard to appear just to talk to him to get another scroll. It will stay in your inventory till the match is over! 14. In fact, all 20v20 lag is gone! We got rid of lots of the interact sparklies and replaced them with invisible clickies that dont sparkle! [See the foundry mechanics subforum for how to do this] 15. Made the 'Craft Adamantine Gauntlet' stealth 'repeatable' quest in Dread Ring count for 1 quest in the '0/3 Quest Completion in Dread Ring' stronghold task [just like the Dark Fey 'Have a key!' quest counts for 1 in sharandar!] 16. Wondrous Bazaar and ZEN shop have had their prices reduced 80% because microtransactions should be micro. They should be throwaway purchases without thought. Anything over $8 requires thought. =P 17. Every point value having to do with 'Supplies' in Stronghold Siege has been doubled. Depositing 1 supply will give you 20 points instead of 10. Horses are now worth 40, Building a Ballista is worth 20. Depositing ammo for catapults/building catapults is also worth 20. [This is so you can reach the participation threshold easier] 18. New 500 Ardent Coin reward! "RP Loot Hoard" or Artifact, or Legendary mount, orrr Drizzt companion ;D 19. Weekly quests have been given an AD reward, (Protecting the Portal, Arcane Reservoir, DRx3summoners, Biggrins) 20. bleh im bored of this list. no one will read it anyway. prove you read it by quoting this line. ;D
21. the gateway has been updated to allow a cool java drag n drop interface for seeing all your characters inventories and allowing you to move profession resources all around your multiple characters with ease.
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
romotheoneMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 729Arc User
edited September 2015
Awesome ideas so far guys, don't stop! We need a great collection thread to inspire the devs.
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
- crafted gear via professions are all BoE now - Superior Healing Potions now grant 20k HP instead of the measly slap-in-the-face 10k it previously restored (not much of an improvement we know but something is better than nothing after all)
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited September 2015
I like it. I like it a lot. Keep it up.
I also like it so much I'm going to pre-emptively issue a warning here. If anyone starts trolling this thread or violating the forum rules, they'll be struck down with extreme prejudice. I'm standing by with a wand of fireballs and flasks of acid.
You've been warned.
Edit: How about a wand that shoots flaming gnome alchemists who also throw flasks of acid?
Post edited by ironzerg79 on
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
I also like it so much I'm going to pre-emptively issue a warning here. If anyone starts trolling this thread or violating the forum rules, they'll be struck down with extreme prejudice. I'm standing by with a wand of fireballs and flasks of acid.
You've been warned
Would a wand of Acid not be more practical? Those flasks are fragile I'm told Speak to Jarlaxle, I know for a fact he has at least one on his person at all times.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
theycallmetomuMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,861Arc User
edited September 2015
+ Three new artifact weapon pairs are available for each class. The Elemental Fire weapons have been given item specific features to match the effectiveness of new weapons. + Rhix will now allow players may exchange existing artifact weapons for new weapons of the same tier and refinement level, in exchange for completing the short quest, "There are things to be done." + The "Retire Man-at-Arms," "Retire Adventurer" and "Retire Hero" leadership tasks have been added to leadership, allowing for the conversion of leadership assets to non-leadership assets. + New Fashion item, "I'm with Spidey" T-shirts, posted with Strumslinger's likeness, have been added to the zen shop (until we get sued by Marvel).
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
+ While Foundry no longer drops any items from Dragon's Hoard Enchantments, Feyblessing, Salvage & Tymora, playing Featured Foundry content rewards you with 2k rAD the first 2 Foundry runs, and 500 rAD for subsequent runs, up to a maximum of 4k (not counting the first 4k from the first 2 runs).
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
* items - a new token of sigil conversion has been added to the wondrous bazzar, allowing level 100 and above class sigil artifacts to become useable as refining points for other artifacts. This item once bought, has a cooldown of 360 days, and can be purchased only once per character.
+foundry bugs fixed: -Using teleporters in the editor doesn't mess up with the quest objectives anymore. -Selecting audiofiles in the audio menu doesn't crash the client anymore.
+Foundry changes -Bosses have been added, each and every boss of the game has been added and you can swap it's appearance like any default enemy. -Foundry rewards raised to even the ingame rewards like dungeons, and skirmishes. -Foundry has a terrain editor now, you can choose the overall shape of the map and the textures on it (grass, dirt, snow, sand, rocks, etc) -Foundry quests per author raised from 15 to 40 -Ranger, Warlock and Paladdin armor have been added to the costume selector in the foundry. -All costumes in game (free and the zen store ones) have been added to the costume selector in the foundry.
+Cryptic will regularly make thematic foundry contests (dungeons, skrimishes, taverns, towns, etc) and the winner will be added to the game as regular content. Such contests will usualy go hand in hand with current module content.
- We will have a foundry contest each month, with the prize being something special for the author and the foundry becoming a permanent dungeon in the game - HR's can now select Melee and Ranged powers independently. - HR's can tame a pet to use as a transmute for their Augment. - SWs can obtain undead skins from creatures to use for their soul puppet. - All items you pick up will go into a skin chooser. - All colors of dyes are now available individually. - Guild Member companions will randomly walk around their Strongholds - Alt characters on your account can be used as a companion with basic abilities, gaining experience that applies back to the actual character. - Armor Transmutes.....LOTS of them added into the game. - Enchant Effect Transmutes added and ability to disable them completely. - The preview window for dyes and transmutes is fully lighted now so you can see your entire character. - Campaign requirements have been reduced 50% once you have completed the campaign once. - The automatic quest in IWD has been made a normal quest so we stop annoying players each time. - Invocation Blessings now stack to 999. - All RP stones that are not item specific have been combined into a single stone. The quantity of this stone will adjust instead of having multiple stones with various RP amounts.
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
+ Leadership tasks have been upgraded with Stronghold Vouchers as reward.
Please, no. That will forever bind Leadership to Strongholds (which some players just aren't that interested in). Additionally, when the Stronghold is finally finished, the vouchers become pointless yet are unlikely to be replaced with anything useful.
Instead, look at the many suggestions that allow actual rAD to be generated by Leadership, but gated to the toons actively played (what "actively" means depends on the specific suggestion). My suggestion is in my signature.
+ While Foundry no longer drops any items from Dragon's Hoard Enchantments, Feyblessing, Salvage & Tymora, playing Featured Foundry content rewards you with 2k rAD the first 2 Foundry runs, and 500 rAD for subsequent runs, up to a maximum of 4k (not counting the first 4k from the first 2 runs).
How about allowing Dragon's Hoard drops for featured foundries, which presumably will not be featured if designed to be farming friendly? I'm not sure how a featured foundry would be any different than an instanced area like Quickling Den, which can be run over and over with Dragon Hoard.
+ Leadership tasks have been upgraded with Stronghold Vouchers as reward.
Please, no. That will forever bind Leadership to Strongholds (which some players just aren't that interested in). Additionally, when the Stronghold is finally finished, the vouchers become pointless yet are unlikely to be replaced with anything useful.
Instead, look at the many suggestions that allow actual rAD to be generated by Leadership, but gated to the toons actively played (what "actively" means depends on the specific suggestion). My suggestion is in my signature.
leadership doesn't need to be universally useful, it just needs to have a purpose.
The existence of leadership tasks that give influence would be good enough.
1. A Unique 3pc set, 'Scholars Vestments' that only drops from Featured 20. bleh im bored of this list. no one will read it anyway. prove you read it by quoting this line. ;D
Change to skill nodes: We encourage players to hunt down nodes in dungeons. Dungeons don't have to be speed runs. Everytime a skill node is opened everyone in the party receives loot from the node. This is generated on a per player basis so kicking your party before opening a node has no effect. We have added extra zones in the dungeons and a few extra mini bosses who also drop seals.
All seal purchased gear that is lower than level 70 can now be donated for 20 marks each to strongholds.
summon critter scrolls and other consumables can now be purchased with seals. Glitterdust is now available, as well as other alchemical toys based off the pnp game - some of which can be crafted with alchemy.
Scourge warlock and clerics have had a power altered to include a cc breaker so that all classes have this ability
A wider variety of utility slot enchants such as repulsion fields, defence to crit severity, defence to ranged attacks, defence to melee, boost to attack at a cost of damage, boost to damage at a cost of attack speed. Including some class specific options.
We acknowledge that virtuous clerics and faithful clerics have trouble soloing in the level 70 areas so we have altered the capstone a little bit to accommodate them.
Virtuous: this feat line specializes in ap gain and heal over time spells. The can improve their damage spells to have a bonus healing effect. They now get +30% damage when their ap metre is empty, which gradually goes to zero as the ap meter becomes filled.
Faithfull: The capstone healing buff now has a partywide cooldown of 2 minutes, similar to the coolddown restriction on the lillend companion. As soon as the capstone triggers for one party member the group has to wait 2 minutes for the heal effect to become available again. This power was meant to be an extra measure of safety for the, not to make it immortal. To compensate for this, heal over time effect have been returned to the faithful dc's spells. To improve the damage dealing capabilities of the faithfull dc, we have included a damage return effect of 20% (maximum ticks per minute) to represent the divine protections the faithful have from their deity.
Lots of good ideas here. Added a few more to the op. Players on the same page - quality of life changes, more character customization options, continued economic/item economy balancing, and class balancing.
leadership doesn't need to be universally useful, it just needs to have a purpose.
The existence of leadership tasks that give influence would be good enough.
I disagree. The utility of crafting is already so low. Limiting Leadership to helping build the Stronghold only makes it useful to players that care about Stronghold (much of the player base right now, probably a lot less so when Module 12 rolls around).
It would be interesting to introduce a profession Stronghold Building for those that care about it, like Black Ice Crafting is available for players that want to dabble in black ice.
Many, many players built up leadership, which is by far the largest investment of time of any crafting task, for it to be generally useful.
+ Now you can switch between 2 spells bars
+ 3 more potions slots have been added to your belt
+ You can now have a preview on stuff sold at AH
+Ability to stop getting friend requests from bots. Set an minimum level in option blank so ppl who are lower than this level cannot add you and scam you.
+Companion upgrade cost has renewed. Now you need to collect varius foods to increase their quality. No longer requires cost as AD.
2. Real rewards for playing/making foundries have been added
3. Vouchers that drop from featured foundry quests for use in strongholds have been added
4. A stronghold 'scribe' in the library who issues quests to complete foundry missions for stronghold currency added
5. (sensing a theme?)
6. Weapon Transmutes as a lockbox item have been removed because COMMON SENSE.
7. Icewind Dale Open PVP is now an hourly event and will show up on the clockface.
8. HE's in IWD (that started Aquamarine and were downgraded to White Pearl) will be upgraded to Peridot. [BTA]
9. Updated Knox to tell new lvl70's that in order to unlock IWD they have to see the Caravan Master south of the city Marketplace
10. Added secondary 'Gear + Loadout' and secondary 'Appearance and Style' tabs. your 'C'haracter screen has been redesigned to accommodate them.
11. Fixed double-invoke bug. For real this time.
12. Redesigned all crafting trees. They all now have a continued purpose for end-game economy. Lvl25 EVERYTHING is now able to craft some RP or some vouchers or something. All useless ingredients also have a purpose for this endgame economy. Leadership is actually useful again. Go check it out!
13. The 'Teleport Scroll' in stronghold siege is NO LONGER CONSUME AFTER USE. You don't have to wait 10 seconds for the sparklies on the travelling wizard to appear just to talk to him to get another scroll. It will stay in your inventory till the match is over!
14. In fact, all 20v20 lag is gone! We got rid of lots of the interact sparklies and replaced them with invisible clickies that dont sparkle! [See the foundry mechanics subforum for how to do this]
15. Made the 'Craft Adamantine Gauntlet' stealth 'repeatable' quest in Dread Ring count for 1 quest in the '0/3 Quest Completion in Dread Ring' stronghold task [just like the Dark Fey 'Have a key!' quest counts for 1 in sharandar!]
16. Wondrous Bazaar and ZEN shop have had their prices reduced 80% because microtransactions should be micro. They should be throwaway purchases without thought. Anything over $8 requires thought. =P
17. Every point value having to do with 'Supplies' in Stronghold Siege has been doubled. Depositing 1 supply will give you 20 points instead of 10. Horses are now worth 40, Building a Ballista is worth 20. Depositing ammo for catapults/building catapults is also worth 20. [This is so you can reach the participation threshold easier]
18. New 500 Ardent Coin reward! "RP Loot Hoard" or Artifact, or Legendary mount, orrr Drizzt companion ;D
19. Weekly quests have been given an AD reward, (Protecting the Portal, Arcane Reservoir, DRx3summoners, Biggrins)
20. bleh im bored of this list. no one will read it anyway. prove you read it by quoting this line. ;D
@badbotlimit @panderus @commanderander @goatshark @asterdahl @dextructoid @strumslinger should also see this thread's dream patch notes tho. Everything above mine was quality stuff. =D
21. the gateway has been updated to allow a cool java drag n drop interface for seeing all your characters inventories and allowing you to move profession resources all around your multiple characters with ease.
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
- Superior Healing Potions now grant 20k HP instead of the measly slap-in-the-face 10k it previously restored (not much of an improvement we know but something is better than nothing after all)
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I also like it so much I'm going to pre-emptively issue a warning here. If anyone starts trolling this thread or violating the forum rules, they'll be struck down with extreme prejudice. I'm standing by with a wand of fireballs and flasks of acid.
You've been warned.
Edit: How about a wand that shoots flaming gnome alchemists who also throw flasks of acid?
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
+ Rhix will now allow players may exchange existing artifact weapons for new weapons of the same tier and refinement level, in exchange for completing the short quest, "There are things to be done."
+ The "Retire Man-at-Arms," "Retire Adventurer" and "Retire Hero" leadership tasks have been added to leadership, allowing for the conversion of leadership assets to non-leadership assets.
+ New Fashion item, "I'm with Spidey" T-shirts, posted with Strumslinger's likeness, have been added to the zen shop (until we get sued by Marvel).
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
-Using teleporters in the editor doesn't mess up with the quest objectives anymore.
-Selecting audiofiles in the audio menu doesn't crash the client anymore.
+Foundry changes
-Bosses have been added, each and every boss of the game has been added and you can swap it's appearance like any default enemy.
-Foundry rewards raised to even the ingame rewards like dungeons, and skirmishes.
-Foundry has a terrain editor now, you can choose the overall shape of the map and the textures on it (grass, dirt, snow, sand, rocks, etc)
-Foundry quests per author raised from 15 to 40
-Ranger, Warlock and Paladdin armor have been added to the costume selector in the foundry.
-All costumes in game (free and the zen store ones) have been added to the costume selector in the foundry.
+Cryptic will regularly make thematic foundry contests (dungeons, skrimishes, taverns, towns, etc) and the winner will be added to the game as regular content. Such contests will usualy go hand in hand with current module content.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
- HR's can now select Melee and Ranged powers independently.
- HR's can tame a pet to use as a transmute for their Augment.
- SWs can obtain undead skins from creatures to use for their soul puppet.
- All items you pick up will go into a skin chooser.
- All colors of dyes are now available individually.
- Guild Member companions will randomly walk around their Strongholds
- Alt characters on your account can be used as a companion with basic abilities, gaining experience that applies back to the actual character.
- Armor Transmutes.....LOTS of them added into the game.
- Enchant Effect Transmutes added and ability to disable them completely.
- The preview window for dyes and transmutes is fully lighted now so you can see your entire character.
- Campaign requirements have been reduced 50% once you have completed the campaign once.
- The automatic quest in IWD has been made a normal quest so we stop annoying players each time.
- Invocation Blessings now stack to 999.
- All RP stones that are not item specific have been combined into a single stone. The quantity of this stone will adjust instead of having multiple stones with various RP amounts.
Instead, look at the many suggestions that allow actual rAD to be generated by Leadership, but gated to the toons actively played (what "actively" means depends on the specific suggestion). My suggestion is in my signature.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
The existence of leadership tasks that give influence would be good enough.
Change to skill nodes: We encourage players to hunt down nodes in dungeons. Dungeons don't have to be speed runs. Everytime a skill node is opened everyone in the party receives loot from the node. This is generated on a per player basis so kicking your party before opening a node has no effect. We have added extra zones in the dungeons and a few extra mini bosses who also drop seals.
All seal purchased gear that is lower than level 70 can now be donated for 20 marks each to strongholds.
summon critter scrolls and other consumables can now be purchased with seals. Glitterdust is now available, as well as other alchemical toys based off the pnp game - some of which can be crafted with alchemy.
Scourge warlock and clerics have had a power altered to include a cc breaker so that all classes have this ability
A wider variety of utility slot enchants such as repulsion fields, defence to crit severity, defence to ranged attacks, defence to melee, boost to attack at a cost of damage, boost to damage at a cost of attack speed. Including some class specific options.
We acknowledge that virtuous clerics and faithful clerics have trouble soloing in the level 70 areas so we have altered the capstone a little bit to accommodate them.
Virtuous: this feat line specializes in ap gain and heal over time spells. The can improve their damage spells to have a bonus healing effect. They now get +30% damage when their ap metre is empty, which gradually goes to zero as the ap meter becomes filled.
Faithfull: The capstone healing buff now has a partywide cooldown of 2 minutes, similar to the coolddown restriction on the lillend companion. As soon as the capstone triggers for one party member the group has to wait 2 minutes for the heal effect to become available again. This power was meant to be an extra measure of safety for the, not to make it immortal. To compensate for this, heal over time effect have been returned to the faithful dc's spells. To improve the damage dealing capabilities of the faithfull dc, we have included a damage return effect of 20% (maximum ticks per minute) to represent the divine protections the faithful have from their deity.
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
It would be interesting to introduce a profession Stronghold Building for those that care about it, like Black Ice Crafting is available for players that want to dabble in black ice.
Many, many players built up leadership, which is by far the largest investment of time of any crafting task, for it to be generally useful.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min