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[PC] Game Crash to Desktop and Client Freezes.



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    rivodus07rivodus07 Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    I don't expect instant fixes. . But with all the crashes going on should the devs or someone step in now and fix the stability of this game in general? Why is it so hard to do?
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    moltenperezosomoltenperezoso Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    Started running Epic Demogorgon tonight, and now I am getting Event ID 1002 events in my windows log (application hang) Updated graphics drivers to latest for AMD 7970 , and still have an issue. Anyone else having this problem ? Whenever I reconnect to the game it says that there are bad files and that they need to be verified. This happens after every crash. No idea what to do here......
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    gluggogluggo Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    I have been having major crash issues as well since new mod, almost always where there is lightning of some sort involved.
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    marcoparad85marcoparad85 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 38 Arc User
    I have been having the same problem with Epic Demogorgon, it just makes my client crash. I have a GTX660 and I've resolved by switching to directx 9 and disabling Dynamic Lighting. Hope it helps ;)

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    chaosweaver83chaosweaver83 Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Still not getting crashes, however this morning the game is basically unplayable. Near constant "server not responding" issues and when it's not that, it's severe rubberbanding. Pretty lame.

    ETA: I've been playing for about 45 minutes now since I posted this and have had no issues. Weird.
    Post edited by chaosweaver83 on
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    charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    358.50 has been solid for me with win10 on an 860m
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    tantrumusmaximustantrumusmaximus Member Posts: 215 Arc User

    All of this stems from the Tuesday patch. It isn't your drivers or your video card (or if it is, it is directly related to something they rendered incompatible in this latest patch).

    The other notable thing that is happening is people freezing up on specific characters at the Character Select screen...http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/comment/12754890

    Of course, now it is Thanksgiving, so just when we were looking forward to getting in some quality gaming time, it's broken with little chance of a fix until after the weekend...

    Please listen to this person's logic. Please for the love of whatever ..stop talking about rolling back drivers, and nVidia and etc etc and lowering quality, and saying "you fixed it" when u didnt.

    It's a problem from the last patch and until they address it we will continue to crash. I have tried everything mentioned in several different posts in these forums and it's so intermittent that you will/may think it is fixed and then several hours later, it rears it's ugly head. Heck I even thought I had it licked too... played like 3 hours last night and then BAMN, this morning all I did was sign in and invoke and right in the middle of the invoke, freeze... Gameclient not responding.

    I never crash in this game prior to last Tues. patch. Now I've crashed probably 30-50 times just since Black Friday.

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    foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    freezes to crash when there are lightning powers or effects around. Happening since this last patch,
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    hugienwnhugienwn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 54 Arc User

    freezes to crash when there are lightning powers or effects around. Happening since this last patch,

    Me as well. Stormcallers' lightning, Cloud Giants' lightning pillars both cause me to crash to desktop without fail since latest patch.
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    sorce#8115 sorce Member Posts: 1,009 Arc User
    My crashes started on Saturday (Singapore time - so Black Friday for the US). Easily 20-30 crashes in a ten hour window. As stated above, 90% of the crashes when there is a lightning effect on the screen (Stormcallers being the worst - I refuse to run egwd until this is fixed).

    Thought I'd try my mote farming in Fiery pit - 4 instances in, crashing as the battle starts. Guess no fire weapon for my Paladin.

    Epic Demo was causing issues for us also - our guild ran ten runs back to back on Sunday morning - out of those ten runs, first 6 had people crashing, again, usually when massive lightning spells per cast. Eventually we all booted up in safe mode which seemed to resolve msot of the issues.

    Sunday lunch time, whilst still in Safe mode, crashed again - this time in WoD. And then in normal Demo as I was spawning in. So safe mode seems to only keep you safe for so long. :/
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    mattsacremattsacre Member Posts: 330 Arc User
    Cryptic....remember Cryptic! Look it up, they named the company that for a reason...they don't explain because it would be Cryptic. They don't balance classes because why? Cryptic. Fixes for things that weren't broke? Cryptic. Never listening to player base and instituting requests? Cryptic. Do I need to say more? Cryptic :)
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    zokirzokir Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Okay, the character selection crash I think is gear-related. I inspected my main character that I can't log on from an alt and I crashed when I selected preview all. I don't have extra gear in my inventory that I can equip via gateway, unfortunately. That might be worth a try for someone else experiencing this problem though.

    Edit: Okay after further inspection, it is only previewing the mainhand that makes it crash. I have a legendary drowned dagger, non-free transmuted, perfect vorpal enchant. Probably related to weapon enchants & new weapons? I don't recall seeing the visual weapon enchant effects on my new transmuted weapon, if that means anything.

    If you can't log onto your character, can you post which weapon & weapon enchant you're using, and if it's transmuted or not? The other person I know who also cannot access his main character is also a TR with a new legendary weapon, with a non-free transmute, and a vorpal enchant.

    The only thing even remotely related in the patch notes is this: "Players may now preview gear that cannot be equipped by their class."
    Post edited by zokir on
    Hyenas@zokir - Essence of Aggression
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    Yesterday 1/3 of black lotus had serious problems playing. Btw strum should be aware of the problem
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited November 2015
    Trying to make things clearer, as a few different crashes have been reported in this thread, and for records for the developers, as of this post here are the number of reported individuals with crash issues reported in this thread (at the time of this post's edit time-stamp):

    Types of Crashes Reported:
    In-Game Crashes and Freezes During Combat

    Observances suggest Maelstrom of Chaos (CW), Divine Protector (OP), and possibly other powers may be a root cause.

    Character Select Screen / Login Crashes
    Client goes not responding or crashes to desktop when trying to log into a character. Some reports suggest that certain equipment may be to blame, while other reports seem random and not character specific. Personal testing suggest one login issue is when double-clicking the character name to enter the game, as opposed to selecting the character then clicking "Enter Game" button and doesn't happen all the time, just when it does, it was when I double-clicked a character name to enter the game. So, possibly two or more different crash issues here.

    Client Crash/Freeze on initial black "Loading.." Screen
    Not much to go on other than the client freezing on the initial Loading screen prior to the character select screen.

    Client Crash when Previewing Equipment
    Report suggest a crash related to previewing the main-hand artifact weapon, possibly TR related and/or legendary artifact.

    Launcher Crash
    Not much info to go on, other than "launcher crashes."

    Error 36 Crash
    Not much info to go on, Error 36 Crash resolved by rebooting the PC.

    Idle / Alt-Tab Crash
    Reports of crashes while doing nothing in game suggest users were possibly Alt-Tabbed or on another screen/program when the game crashed. Most of these reports are when the user is idle in Protector's Enclave.

    Unknown Crash
    No info to go on.

    Individual Reports:
    In-Game Crashes and Freezes During Combat (68)


    Character Select Screen / Login Crashes (6)

    Client Crash/Freeze on initial black "Loading.." Screen (1)

    Client Crash when Previewing Equipment (1)

    Launcher Crash (1)

    Error 36 Crash (1)

    Idle / Alt-Tab Crash (2)

    Unknown Crash (1)

    ( Update 11/30 @ 3:23pm PT: Added @kassabre , @fatsteve / Removed @charononus )
    Post edited by zebular on
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    muratttimurattti Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 417 Arc User
    What do you need me to do so?
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    For me the only crash I get is the login crash when switching characters. I've been noticing that this only happens when I double click the character's name to log in, instead of clicking the character then clicking the Enter Game button. It doesn't happen all the time, maybe once or twice a day. But when it does, it is always when I double clicked their name to enter the game, not the button.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    murattti said:

    What do you need me to do so?

    Any further details other than what you posted would be welcomed. Be as detailed as possible. We're keeping this info updated in a special section of the forum for the Developers as well but wanted to have the list here also for you all.
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    muratttimurattti Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 417 Arc User
    maintenance windows 7 64-bit using I w10 I'm going to play there was erased before I know once you get past give the client error of 5 times the machine restarding , my gtx970 AMD FX 3850 has processor, but we miss to play a futile mistake where I do not know the way the game is at your leisure.
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    zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    zebular said:

    Any further details other than what you posted would be welcomed. Be as detailed as possible. We're keeping this info updated in a special section of the forum for the Developers as well but wanted to have the list here also for you all.

    I mostly experience crashes in combat, and frequently (but not always) there's a lightning bolt (from maelstrom) on the screen. I cannot recall having crashed on strictly solo content as a TR. Usually this occurs during PvP (example: in a domination map I was on cap #2, and off in the distance on cap #1 a lightning bolt appeared and I crashed at the same instant), demogorgon, or demonic HEs, but that's also the majority of the content I run. In one case I have crashed during the loading screen (an issue I recall experiencing rarely since long before the last update). I do not recall yet having issues on the character selection screen--and I always double-click. Though in a sort-of login related matter: when my main crashed immediately after loading into Prophecy of Madness (I spacebar'd out of the intro movie, and immediately crashed when the camp was rendered), I tried to log back in soon afterwards only to crash again in the same way, and then when I tried to log into it again the game froze before the loading screen even popped up. I played my alt for a while and then when I tried the main again it said there was an error and asked if I wanted to try loading into the same place or my last "safe" load. I went for the safe way and was fine.
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    rivodus07rivodus07 Member Posts: 53 Arc User

    Please be aware that a select amount of people have been crashing to desktop during fights just after strongholds went live.

    I'm not sure if the crash is related to the new crashes that are happening at random lately, it feels like it though.

    I've been waiting months to stream Neverwinter on my high end rig but I have been unable to do so because the game crashes at random points during fights even on training dummies.

    Please believe me when I say I have tried everything from downgrading windows to wipeing my hardrives nothing works. It feels like some sort of problem with the Nvidia drivers or Windows 10.
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    aimeesellersaimeesellers Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    @zebular ... Thank you for compiling all of this. It has been a long, frustrating weekend for all of us with the issues we are having with the game. In the early stages of it... I think many of us felt like we werent being taken seriously. It is also worth noting, that there are many who play NW, that dont even read the forums... much less post on them. The reports noted here are only a portion of the people having the same issues. I know in our guild alone... close to half of the players seem affected by the "client freeze in combat" issue.

    Also... in regards to that issue, you may want to note that it isnt just Maelstrom that seems to cause the freeze up... but any in game effect similar to it. (Stormcallers in GWD, Malabog, Cloud Giants, etc). The same, or similar texture sprites are probably used for all of them.

    The one thing I have found that seems to help the most, is turning off shadows totally. It doesnt eliminate the crashes... but it greatly reduces them... at least on my end. It does make the game look a bit funny with no shadows on though :(

    In any case... the holiday is over... the devs are back... and I hope a resolution can be found to this, and the other issues that popped up after the last patch, sooner rather than later.
    A'Mie Stormshield (GF) / A'Mie Stormshard (CW)
    Play Legit or Quit
    Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
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    revdeadcorpserevdeadcorpse Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 21 Arc User
    Adding some more data...

    Win 10 Pro Ver 1511 Build 10586.14
    Macbook Pro. Intel Core i7-4770 @2.20GHz 16Gb RAM. Stock Intel Iris Pro 5200 graphics. Driver Version

    Crash logs:
    151128 01:55:19 232 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
    151128 17:42:22 296 Client[0 P[505430395@7557428 Gestia Svartdottir@revdeadcorpse]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
    151128 22:35:40 228 Client[0 P[102567792@7557428 Noram Everhate@revdeadcorpse]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
    151129 15:56:01 164 Client[0 P[102567792@7557428 Noram Everhate@revdeadcorpse]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
    151129 17:42:28 192 Client[0 P[102567792@7557428 Noram Everhate@revdeadcorpse]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
    151129 22:54:35 206 Client[0 P[102567792@7557428 Noram Everhate@revdeadcorpse]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
    151130 03:04:51 192 Client[0 P[102567792@7557428 Noram Everhate@revdeadcorpse]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
    151130 04:19:22 164 Client[0 P[504898569@7557428 Rivaatis Stormdoter@revdeadcorpse]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
    151130 14:55:56 218 Client[0 P[505430395@7557428 Gestia Svartdottir@revdeadcorpse]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
    151130 15:53:38 222 Client[0 P[505430395@7557428 Gestia Svartdottir@revdeadcorpse]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
    151130 16:37:43 222 Client[0 P[102567792@7557428 Noram Everhate@revdeadcorpse]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()

    Started last week after the latest update. Before that, crashes were rare... Happening maybe once every 40-50 hours of playtime.

    Crashes can happen anywhere, or any time. I've had it crash logging in. Crash during combat in Dead Ring, Well of Dragons, Sharandar, etc... as well as during skirmishes and single dungeons like the Quickling Den.

    Throw a Warning in the Win System on event viewer. "Display driver igfx stopped responding and has successfully recovered."

    Cranking the settings down, limiting fps to 30, etc... Nothing works. Game is nearly unplayable now.

    And yeah, I tried some of other steps as well... Re-install with a regclean, clear out all system tmp files, nuke Gameprefs.Prefs file...
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    revdeadcorpserevdeadcorpse Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 21 Arc User

    All of this stems from the Tuesday patch. It isn't your drivers or your video card (or if it is, it is directly related to something they rendered incompatible in this latest patch).

    The other notable thing that is happening is people freezing up on specific characters at the Character Select screen...http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/comment/12754890

    Of course, now it is Thanksgiving, so just when we were looking forward to getting in some quality gaming time, it's broken with little chance of a fix until after the weekend...

    Please listen to this person's logic. Please for the love of whatever ..stop talking about rolling back drivers, and nVidia and etc etc and lowering quality, and saying "you fixed it" when u didnt.

    It's a problem from the last patch and until they address it we will continue to crash. I have tried everything mentioned in several different posts in these forums and it's so intermittent that you will/may think it is fixed and then several hours later, it rears it's ugly head. Heck I even thought I had it licked too... played like 3 hours last night and then BAMN, this morning all I did was sign in and invoke and right in the middle of the invoke, freeze... Gameclient not responding.

    I never crash in this game prior to last Tues. patch. Now I've crashed probably 30-50 times just since Black Friday.

    This. All of it...
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    revdeadcorpserevdeadcorpse Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 21 Arc User
    Even though it isn't reflected in the logs, either System or Game, the pop-up error message is as follows:

    "Fatal Error: Direct3D driver returned error code (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) while creating index buffer. Reason: 0x887a0006 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG) Technical Details: GetLastError()=0, details = 0x437074d"

    According to MS...



    The application's device failed due to badly formed commands sent by the application. This is an design-time issue that should be investigated and fixed.
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    geetheblueskygeethebluesky Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Regarding the Maelstrom issue specifically: Since not using it, and replacing it with Oppressive Force in my usual loadouts, I haven't been crashing as often (not at all with OF).

    I have experienced 1-2 crashes in battle that seemed random, meaning seemed triggered by something other than what I was doing at the time (battle with Tiamat being one instance). This is over an entire weekend of play, so probably 24 hours total :) And in all of these recent crashes I was in a group. Never crashed solo.

    How do you guys come up with the logs you've posted here?
    I'd like to provide / check my own, but am unsure which loggers or switches you've all activated.
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    kassabrekassabre Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 9 Arc User
    I am also getting random client crashes where the client itself hangs (can't move my character and no motion or ability to interact with screen... I can alt-tab to windows and windows is fine so only the Neverwinter client seems to be affected). The main time this seems to happen for me is when I'm doing demonic heroic encounters.

    My system specs are as follows:
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    EVGA x99 FTW Motherboard
    Intel x99 5820k CPU
    Nvidia GTX 770 Video Card (Driver Version 359.00)
    16GB G-Skill DDR4 Ram 2400 MHz
    Corsair GT 240 SSD (SATA 3, 6 GB/s)
    Western Digital 1 TB Black HD (SATA 2, 3 GB/s)
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    fatstevefatsteve Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Just adding my name to the list of client freezing - most commonly in combat. Latest was demonic heroic
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