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What do you think of the change removing AD from leadership?



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    kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator

    People will continue to do invoking and continue to do leadership for different reasons.
    Doing invoking, leadership and doing dungeons is not mutual exclusive.
    People did both and will continue to do both (if they stay in this game).

    The only difference is they do X for reason B instead of reason A.

    I fully intend to continue to do leadership on at least some of my characters. Not sure how many. And probably will not be invoking on the on a regular basis. Will continue running dungeons and skirmishes on my main and probably 1 alt.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
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    doctordnadoctordna Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    People will continue to do invoking and continue to do leadership for different reasons.
    Doing invoking, leadership and doing dungeons is not mutual exclusive.
    People did both and will continue to do both (if they stay in this game).

    The only difference is they do X for reason B instead of reason A.

    I fully intend to continue to do leadership on at least some of my characters. Not sure how many. And probably will not be invoking on the on a regular basis. Will continue running dungeons and skirmishes on my main and probably 1 alt.
    Does that mean you are wavering a bit? I thought you are a loyal minion of Cryptic? You better rethink yourself or turn in your uniform kreatyve. You are suppose to be the shiny beacon of all that is wholesome and decent about Cryptic. You meant to type;

    I fully intend to continue to do leadership on at least some ALL of my characters. Not sure how many ZEN I will purchase but it will be a lot. And probably will not be invoking on the on a regular basis. Will continue running dungeons and skirmishes on my main and probably 1 alt all of my other characters.

    Glad I could help you out. I was going to add "Hail Perfect World Entertainment!" but I thought that was a bit over the top.

    Most of my friends have either left the game or can't login. I am waiting until I see what changes are made this weekend before I jump to any solid decisions. I don't make a lot of AD to begin with, but since I started back in March all they have done is pull things from the game. It is rather annoying I haven't been able to do the dungeons or enjoy the game much. Seems every week they find something to remove that I just started working on. They can't remove the quests too?

    I am wondering with the hacker and all, if I will have an account here by the end of the month. I didn't want him to get my credit card and banking information, so I put a freeze on my card until the bank issues me a new one. They will keep tabs on my account to make certain no unauthorized purchases are made.

    Best Wishes!

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    fatgunsfatguns Member Posts: 410 Arc User

    So my question is this. Was leadership a fun aspect of the game for people? Did people honestly enjoy the "cookie clicker" aspect of leadership? Or was it the results that made people happy?

    In other words, do you feel the game would be more fun for people if:

    A) Players were essentially required to run 20-30 or more Leadership toons to be able to play the game


    b) Playing the game was more rewarding, and provided a more clear path to advancement

    Because A is the status quo. If the planned leadership changes were reverted, it would essentially require players to continue to play "cookie clicker" for most of their time, in the hopes that what little slivers of time they had not managing a leadership army was more fun. As well as maintain a very easily exploitable profession for bots and AD farmers.

    Or we can go do the path of B, and while it's filled with uncertainty, hope that the benefit to the overall "fun" of Neverwinter, as in just playing the actual game, becomes more rewarding.

    Biased polls aside, that's the real choice we're looking at here.

    The thing is, not everybody wants to run the damn content couze it wll certainly be PVE, mostly PVPers actualy had those armies couze there were 0chance for us to earn stable AD.
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