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typhonus Arc User



  • Ugh, this is a super super small edge case that I've never seen anyone but myself use, but... Wrist Bolters + Automated Assault adv. is how I proc Revitalize. It keeps firing even though I'm maintaining other toggles, but won't return me energy, so under your suggestion Revitalize will only proc for me in between firing…
  • To be honest, this is by far the simplest solution for gold farmers spamming addresses. That's not to say simple is necessarily good.
  • Were you flying? I've got the sinking feeling that it's the weird gravity that's doing it. Decimate doesn't work either. I've never dueled in my Moon Base though, so I'm not sure if that's the exact reason.
  • The rewards in there right now are placeholders.
  • I heard someone mention this before, but a Rampage lvl 40 version of this event would be pretty awesome. Make it hard, put it in regular rotation like Gravi, I think that'd hit your other bases. Change up the rewards or give significantly higher chance for the better stuff from the Rampage one.
  • Bug Got to wave 7, PSI, defeated all visible enemies, timer counted down to 0, and mission failed. Bug Character does not move to target when using Decimate while flying. Animation plays but character doesn't move. Works when character is standing on the ground, but not during flight. I only have Decimate to test right…
  • Shoulder Beam Power Armour Shoulder mounted beam cannon for continuous particle damage in a 3ft cylinder with a 50 ft range. Similar to Minigun, but energy based. Shoulder Slot power. Ranking up increases damage. Special Advantage: Here's My Sunday Best Changes Shoulder Beam from a targetted power to a non-targetted power…
  • So..those Neverwinter posts on the CO Facebook page wasn't you?
  • Yup! /10charrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • Servers down again?
  • Help click my cows before you go!
  • This gives us all a new game to play. The waiting game.
  • Trail posted on the Facebook page about the outage already, no new details there.
  • Alright, so not just me then.
  • Haha pretty much. Drakanus is a joy to play. TK Burst x5, Ego Surge, TK Lance. 14k damage. It's great. I gotta get him a set of SCR gear though, I think that'd really help over the two +25% bonuses from the Cybernetics Q gear.
  • I've pretty much addressed surviving by having more dodge stuff in my gear. Still doesn't help with getting one shot, but I'm having a lot less issues getting through content. The toon still needs better gear, but he's in a much better position now. Thanks for the tips!
  • There is an Ego specific form, Mental Discipline, but the boost from the multiple stacks of Concentration outweigh the cost discount + damage boost from Mental Discipline IMO. Edit: I should mention, I like Telekinetic Burst for its guaranteed Ego Leech stacks and the knockdown advantage. It's spammable and an AoE, so I…
    in Ranged TK Comment by typhonus April 2013
  • Weird, I had the funniest feeling I shifted this character from TK melee because some patch broke melee and made ranged better. Either that or I saw a guy with Ego Blast and was enraptured by the sight of flying swords. Probably the latter. I thought Ego Weaponry was a terrible move and that it should feel terrible, but I…
  • Whoa, speedknob. Blast from the past for sure.
  • I've been seeing AngelOfCaine around the forums since beta time, and he's always been pretty level headed and reasonable. I kinda thought he'd gone on to other games like some of the other older players, but never anything like this. Godspeed Caine. You definitely made this a better place to be on the internet. Here's…
  • Not a PVPer, but might be worth mentioning. INT PSS has Revitalize in its spec tree. I use that tied with PA's Wrist Bolter w/ Automated Assault. Pop Electric Sheathe, go to town with MM, Minigun, WB, their maintains end, pop LnL while ES is still up. I only get a little bit of over lap, but that's because of lacking gear.…
  • Honestly, the devs just need to stop all bug fixing, QoL, lockboxes, everything, and just get the Foundry in the game. The game's stable enough, but we need more content. The devs may not have time to handle content creation on top of everything, so the Foundry's the perfect answer. Let the community make the content, you…
  • Was expecting more complaints. Rewards sound awesome though. Nice one guys.