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sumthindarkside Arc User



  • Thanks for posting. I've been working on putting together a superhero universe, but I've created a ton of characters to try to fit this mold, but even though many are really good, my instincts tell me "No. This isn't the one." And I end up moving on. Iamrune: That really helps. I see what you mean. Hence why Steve's…
  • Although I've stopped writing for a while, but I would like to start practicing my craft again. So add me up to the tally.
  • Well, I don't know what I'm famous for... But I used to write in the literary challenges, and I'm particularly liked for my Power Ranger themed toon, Super Sentai, that I used to go in chat and try to mess with Lee Tosi, and speak in the third person, by calling himself "the Forces of Justice"... You know what... People…
  • Nice arguments on all ends. All eras have their good and bad sides. I'm going to skip the Golden Age, as I've had no real interactions with that era. The Silver Age had a lot of good ideas, and it may have been a good idea to start with a code... Although it severely limited some storyline potential, a lot of good ideas…
  • I have to say not to worry about commissions. You are already really good. I actually love your art style. Well, if you aren't taking commissions yet... do you need more heroes to practice on? cause I'm more than willing to volunteer some of mine. :tongue:
  • Nice. I like Jane's biography. Makes me want to write about Super Sentai again. And please do start with the literary challenges. I need to start writing again. Not to mention I have a ton of other heroes ready to be written.
  • (Different hero this time...) The black trenchoat and raven winged secret operative was observing the scene of the heroes fighting the Mega Destroids through the Sniper Scope of his gun. He was also listening to the com in his ear. "You know your orders, Dark Prayer. Assassination of Dr Zertoiten is your prime directive.…
  • J.C. Oliver was facing his worst threat yet. He tried to tell them they needed to change that. It wasn't a healthy thing to do to keep to the old stuff. Unfortunately, did they ever listen to him? No... The pasty, gunk-like moldy glop of unknown origin that the school cafeteria lady made was stuck to the walls of the…
  • Just read the story with Jane Archer... I don't know what it is about her, but it makes me in the mood to write Super Sentai... Well done. I like the story, and is curious where that will lead her.
  • Well we got options. Alerts, Origins revisited, How the public views the hero... there's lots we can do...
  • Oh man... sorry for the Necro... But Lee Tosi is always fun to see in chat... I enjoyed the banter that I shared with him as Super Sentai, and getting on his list... Disclaimer: no I do not always talk in the third person "The Forces of Justice"
  • Ah okay. Gotcha. I could tell some parts seemed more feminine and some felt much more awkward. And yeah, it was a good description... I think it's more the delivery that was awkward. But hey... you can't learn without making a few mistakes... and let's face it. I'm really in touch with my feminine side. Always have been.…
  • Other than that small moment in the beginning when chance meets Theo, The fanfic is really well written, and has an excellent plot. other than the few moments where the gender pov seems a bit off, I really enjoyed it. Would like to read more about Kid harrier.
  • rexcelestis, I really enjoy reading teen and kid heroes... especially boys. And even though I've read about a page into the fanfic... I can't help but notice... Is Chance Gay, or is he seriously straight? I don't mean to be offensive... But terms like handsome and chiseled, when refering from a first person view from a guy…
  • okay. I just had other matters in real life that I had to take up. That and the fact that I'm going to uni next week, means that I'm not going to have as much time. Hopefully I can manage to get through to put up more posts for challenges, also getting over writer's blocks. How about you post the next one up on Monday... I…
  • All right. I apologise for my absence, but I was in the middle of a move, And I just got internet less than an hour ago. If everyone wishes, I am willing to step down and let someone else pick up the torch for the literary challenges. Unless everyone agrees that I should stay, I will. Thanks everyone!
  • Awww... Does it have to be limited to the CORP supergroup?
  • So I'm not the only one who enjoys kid heroes. Yeah, I hear ya, wanting to play a Power Pack themed supergroup. Would be awesome.
  • Awesome. Thanks. I'll leave it up a little longer, so that people can post up the stories a bit more.
  • It's okay. Cause I plan on the next thing showing both Dr Armageddon and your character's brother...
  • Ack! Okay... hmmm...
  • Agreed. I feel like Canada is chopped liver on this matter. We had our independence day practically a few days before.
  • Okay. I'm willing to continue, btw, this is @tysonruhl