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Kaufmann side stories

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Fan Base Alpha
Now here is the first part of Super Sentai's point of view, in the nemcon a la Kaufmann.

Now that I finished procrastinating about posting the first part up, I would like to have reviews to how I have gotten the characters. I am really capable of changing things. Or even editing to fit jane's point of view, if there are some differences to be made. not much action right now, as I am still sore from work, and really tired. And so, without further ado...

Nemesis Confrontation : side story: Super Sentai - part 1

James Christopher Oliver, otherwise known as J.C. Oliver, was roof hopping, Jumping from roof to roof. He was thinking about the call earlier to invite him, for an inaugural trip, to the moon. The red and black clad hero, was asked, after having fight off against a mass brainwashing, take over the world scheme.

With his Japanese themed hero outfit nice and washed, his katana strapped to his back, his pistol at the ready, and his red helmet with black visor, and his favourite scarf, Super Sentai was ready for the trip to the moon.

As he jumped off the last skyscraper, he freefell some way before pressing the icon on the front of his costume, and he vanished in a red puff of smoke, and reappeared close to the ground, then he flipped and perfectly, and gracefully landed on his feet, in front of the Until building. Once inside, he was brought in the room with the transit teleporter that was going to be inaugurated. Looking around, he saw Dr White and Dr Black both working through the last few kinks.

Super Sentai also noticed two other heroes. One was an energetic young lady. She was very bubbly, and she was wearing a costume that did shout superhero. The other looked like he came over from the English aristocracy. Right down to the top hat, and the monocle. Apparantly, by the way they were talking, they have been friends for a while, and have fought together.

Let’s see… These two… hmm… Nope… don’t have anything too substantial in my databanks… Although I do have the girl’s picture in my Viper files… nothing really outstanding. Just one of many heroes who thwarted their nefarious plans…

“Oh! Heya! I know you! I saw you on tv! So you fight for Justice? That’s so cool! I’m Mirra! And this is Big Ben. Nice to meetcha!” Mirra practically skipped to J.C.

“Good day, sir. Very nice to meet you.” Big Ben tipped his hat.

“The Forces of Justice are pleased to meet such powerful allies, in such a glorious moment. The Forces of Justice call themselves Super Sentai!” After introducing himself, he heard a sigh coming from behind him. A red headed young woman, in a black and red outfit, came in. She had a bow and quiver filled with arrows.

Now this person Super Sentai knew. Not because he had files from Viper on her. But because he came face to face with her… And her brother. And would have been killed if Shinryu hadn’t gotten involved.

Jane Archer. Young archer supersoldier, with possibly, just as much, if not more, training than him. If memory served, she had an extra sixth sense type of ability. Just in the way she moved. And the order he got to take her and her brother alive. But something didn’t sit right.

Didn’t she have a twin brother? Jax Archer, or something like that? He may have beaten me, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t get a few shots in.

“Greetings, Ally of Justice. It seems like we are to team up for such a noble cause for Righteousness!” Super Sentai posed dramatically in the middle of the room, getting odd looks from people in the room. Mirra Applauded, Big Ben gave a raised eyebrow, And it looked like Jane was staring at him. Probably trying to figure him out.

“Sorry for the wait. But it looks like everyone’s here. Now we can start our inaugural transit to the moon base.” one of the techies told the group.

As the group was led to the teleporter, every one was standing as instructed. Mirra then piped up.

“Heya! I’m Mirra, this is Big Ben, and that is…”

“Super Sentai. I heard him.” Jane then looked at Mirra.

“All right… Teleporting in 5... 4... 3..” Dr Black counted down, he then heard someone else in a panicked voice.

“There’s something wrong… the coordinates have been hijacked! We’ve been hacked!”

“Stop the sequence! Now!” But before anyone could do anything, there was a bright light surrounding the group, and next thing Super Sentai saw (Thank heavens the visor caught most of the blinding flash) Was a gaudy prison cell, and a familiar face approaching the cell.

“Good day, Stupid Sentai. It has been a while…”

“The Forces of Justice think that it hasn’t been long enough…” Great… Why do I have a feeling we aren’t on the moon… And why, of all people, did I have to meet Dr Armageddon, here of all places? Why couldn’t it be a nice super villainess, or a female reporter, or a rabid fan… Was what went through the crimson hero’s head.
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    YES! Now we're talking! Mirra and Big Ben are right on spot and I cant wait for the next part! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    i loved it let me get to typing it tomorrow and her intro will be ready about noon tomorrow
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Okay, gotcha. Can't wait to see her side of the story.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    sorry for being late i've been buisy so here it is
    seems part of my story didn't copy over from my word.... i fixed it

    Jane yawned as she awoke to the sound of her cell phone ringing. She answered and a it was defenders voice over the phone. "Greetings Jane I have been asked to invite you to the moon-base. I know how you hate Until but can you?" Jane sighed, "Sure", she said.

    She quickly put on her newest outfit. It was mostly black and red. The shirt was black with red stripes along the side and came down around her chest. She wore white leather tights with a Medium sized black split skirt. She had made this outfit mostly for her battle against her brother but still she had a feeling she needed it. She grabbed her bow and utility belt. it was a normal brown. Then she grabbed her Visor and booted up the AI.

    "Morning Jane will you be needing my assistance today?” the AI said. "Not yet"she replied. She opened her door and spun out the way of a small kid chasing his dog.

    "Hey Toby you need to be more careful!" He turned and just kept on running. She laughed then sighed. Lucky kid she thought and exited her apartment complex.

    She hoped on her motorcycle. It was a Red Ducati 748. A gift from her Godfather. She made her way through the streets of down town. She stopped in front of the Until building after watching a red tight clad superhero with a god-awful scarf enter the building. She knew immediately who he was. He was the hero Super Sentai. She remembers though fighting him along side her brother about five years back.

    Before Jax's betrayal. At the time they beat him but barely escaped. It was evident that viper had some kind of super soldier program back then. Viper was very interested in her from the very beginning. His fighting skills are much more on the level of Jax's, relying mostly on tactics.

    As she entered the building she ignored the usual bull that went on. She came to the room she needed to be and saw a bubbly hero that looked like a hero and a burly man wearing a monocle and top hat.

    She went to the teleporter as instructed. She just kept looking at sentai trying to get her visor to atleast some of the more recent stuff he's been doing.

    “Heya! I’m Mirra, this is Big Ben, and that is…” she started

    “Super Sentai. I heard him.” She looked at Mirra.

    “All right… Teleporting in 5... 4... 3..” Dr Black counted down, she then heard someone else in a panicked voice.

    “There’s something wrong… the coordinates have been hijacked! We’ve been hacked!”

    “Stop the sequence! Now!” But before anyone could do anything, there was a bright light surrounding the group, and next thing Jane she was in a cell.

    She realized she was in a cell. This defiantly wasn’t the moon. She heard laughing and looked at her twin. “How did you get out? I made sure Nova blessed your cell in stronghold to keep you from using your powers.” He looked at her and his eyes weren’t their usual color of purple. They were black and yellow.

    “Destroyer let me out and don’t you think its ironic that you’re the one in the cell? If you get out you can fight me.” She banged on her cell in anger as he left. “I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS.” She screamed and hit the floor in anger crushing the bricks she hit.

    She laughed. "I should have seen this coming. Never again will i trust magic. Now how to get out of here?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    hope you feel better
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    awesome. Nice going with Jane's pov.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Lol thanks
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Nemesis Confrontation: side story: Super Sentai part 2

    "...And so, after my humiliating defeat at your hand, after my brilliant ploy to brainwash the rest of the world, Dr Destroyer saw the brilliant genius of I, Dr Armageddon to aid in conquering the world, and as my first act, I shall destroy you, Super Sentai, for fooling me that you were but a simple child entertainer! And..."

    And there he goes... Ranting and monologuing about his take over the world speech... again... Does he ever shut up? But then again, there are probably heroes that think that about me... I'm just making up for lost time... Is that too much to ask for?

    "The forces of Justice will never surrender! The forces and his Allies of Truth will conquer you, and take down your nefarious plans!" I can't believe that I'm feeding this... But then again... it's not every hero that can get his villain to monologue, while the dashing hero... oh? that guard's hand just twitched... Super Sentai noticed the giant guard's hand twitched, in an ADHD fashion of distraction, all the while his nemesis was monologuing.

    "Well, it is too late for you, Super Sentai! You and your meddling do gooders will never escape! We have already won!" Followed by a maniacal laughter, Dr Armageddon FINALLY stopped monologuing and walked away. The guard let out a sigh of relief, before walking over to the cell.

    "Shut up in there! Your turn will come soon enough." was all he said.

    "Well, the Forces of Justice do not listen to evil giant minions that are only good at following the orders of evil supervillains!" was the retort from the crimson and black clad hero.

    "Silence! If you make another peep, I'll come in there and finish you off!"

    "Finish off the mighty hero, the Forces of Justice? But that would go against orders! the nefarious Dr Armageddon will wish to eliminate I, the mighty Super Sentai, with his own two hands! You, mindless minion, shall fall under the heel of Dr Armageddon's boot if you dare harm the Forces of Justice!"

    That got a twitch from the giant. "Doesn't mean I can't rip off an arm or two. He wants to finish you off. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy this!" The giant then proceeded to unlock the door, and charge at Super Sentai.

    J.C. then jumped to the right, drawing his blade out, and as he noticed the gladiator's blade flying sideways, the hero then dashed under the blade, and rolled to the back of the lumbering giant, slashing at the back of the knee. A howl later, and another backwards slash got the hero in the air, as Super Sentai gracefully landed on the flat side of the blade.

    "The Forces of Justice think that not only are you, the Incompetent Mook of Evul, is gullible, but also lacking in skill and proper training. Dragon rising slash!" He boasted loudly, as he hacked off the arm of the giant, kicking up, flipping upside down in order to kick off the ceiiling, and in a flashy display, come down and finally slice off the giant's head.

    As the hero landed, and slowly put his katana away, the head landed on the ground, dissapearing in a puff of black shadows, the body then fell a second later, only to join in the shadows.

    Now that the course was clear, he stepped out the cell, and heard someone from the neighbooring cell.

    "Psst. if you help us out, we can cause a diversion..." Super Sentai raised an eyebrow under his helmet.

    About 10 minutes later, Super Sentai, and a horde of angry prisoners were running down the hallway of the prison cells, cutting down a couple of alien gladiators, and just stopping short at the exit of the hallway, into a larger room, only to hit the breaks on 3 giant qliphothic horrors in front of him, similar to the earlier giant mook.

    "Going Somewhere?"

    "Yes, the Forces of Justice and his Distressed Civilian Allies wish to leave and/or defeat all your forces, if they, the Evil forces of Evil, wish to get in the Forces of Justice and Truth's way!"

    Okay. Fighting these three may not have been the best idea J.C. may have had. He's been barely avoiding their attacks, and they seem to be ganging up on him. The little guys helping out Sentai may as well be bugs.

    As one of the attacks sent the Super Soldier flying towards a column, J.C. activated his teleportation device and reappeared behind the pillar, rolling with the blow.

    "Owww... That sure didn't tickle... Thank Viper for that serum and training... Now to... " Super sentai took out his pistol, and started blasting the giants, from affar, and avoiding their attacks, he noticed a tiny detail, as he barely avoided the attacks.

    No formal training... not even in streetfighting. Great. These guys probably havent... Now to try a theory... Might actually help out... Super Sentai charged, avoided a Vertical slash of one of the 3 with a slight dash to the right, jumped up on the head of the one who just attacked, only to barely avoid a second giant slash that actually made the first one get thrown to the wall with a sickening crack.

    As the law of gravity was starting to take hold of the bold hero, both giant horrors went to slash horizontally at Super Sentai, only for the crimson clad man to activate his teleporting device, cause both swords that already had too much strength and momentum behind them, effectively causing a double knock-out.

    As J.C. reappeared and got his breath, from 3 of the 4 other hallways, he noticed the other heroes emerging.

    From the one to the left of the hallway he came from, Super Sentai noticed a beam of light throwing a giant horror out of the room, and vanishing into the shadows. Mirra flew out, attacking a seperate horror.

    Across from Super Sentai, there was an explosion that engulfed the top of a horror, and Jane Archer fighting her opponents.

    On Jane's right, and across from Mirra, 3 giant horrors look like they were thrown into the room. Big Ben followed, dragging a last one under his arm.

    "I say, It is rather rude for you to invite us here, and keep us locked away in our cells. A proper gentleman would not behave so rudely. "

    Ah. Back together again. Time to put a bug in Armageddon's plan.

    Well, that's part two. the escape from the cell.

    read and review! The Forces of Justice demand so!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The plot thickens... Cant wait to see the encounter with the villains! Keep it up!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    glad to know you liked it..... it will be a while before i make another cause i have 2 weeks worth of make up work to do for school. seems it wasn't a cold but bronchitis
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    ouch. now that's harsh. good luck with that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    my lungs are clear now yay. anyways im hoping to have part two up real soon. i caught up on most of my work just from not sleeping. i still have this annoying cough tho
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Jane delivered a powerful kick to the prison door. it buckled and hit the oncoming guard smashing it into the wall where what looked like blood flowed from its lifeless body. Her A.I. chimed in "Jane will you be using lethal force?" She rolled her eyes. "Of course I am." she said and smiled as she noticed six more guards running towards her. "This is Jane Archer, Accepting mission" she paused "Eliminate Jax Archer and all other apposing forces."

    She drew her bow and released six arrows each one landing there marks in the guards heads. "Jane it seems your not the only one that has escaped." It displayed a map of the surroundings and showed her allies in other areas. they were beating their way through there respective halls at a fast rate. "Make sure you can keep up." the A.I. said mockingly. She ran through the hall way.

    Several of the guards tried to corner her. She jumped over one and drew several arrows and released them. They all found their mark. One approached behind and before she could react had her in a bear hug. "Oh you wouldn't hurt a young lady would you" He continued squeezing her. it was a pathetic attempt actually. She was about to break out of the hold and delivered a backflip kick and realeased an arrow. It bounced or it helmet but he wasn't lucky. It rekoched off the wall and entered in the back of its head.

    The body slumped on top of her. She kicked the corpse off her and it actually hit another guard. She ran at one guard pressing the button on her bow and it transformed into a laser sword. She had to conserve her ammo and she couldn't risk using any of the devices she's brought. She ran the sword to its hilt in one guard but he seemed to just get angrier.

    Her sword was stuck in its armor. "Great" she said and she jumped on its hilt. she probably shouldn't show off how nimble she was but she didnt have a choice. she used the hilt and jumped and grabbed it helmet. From there she twisted as hard as she could and its neck snapped with an audible crack. After that one big hooror stepped up out of a cell. he bradished a huge sword.

    he charged and swung the massive blade. she sidestepped and delivered several fast punches but it felt like hitting a steel wall. They had no affect on the beast. "Your bigger than the others she said>" and she brought out three small explosive pellets.

    She threw them in its direction and she ran for the main room. the explosion was large and its guts filled the hall. She was satisfied although a little over kill. Three more horrors came at her. "I call dibs on her" one screamed. She cringed and grabbed one more hilt from her belt and it turned into another bow. She laughed as she assumed a martial arts position that usually required a staff. "I've read enough manga to know how this ends. Martial Flower!!! She swept her bow and it hit solidly on one of the horrors and she delived six light blows followed by one massive blow of her bow and sent the second flying. From the she side stepped the horros swing and delivered a sweeping strike to its knee caps and she released 3 explosive arrows.

    "haha told you she was....." there was a boom as she walked out of the hall way.

    She saw Sentai as he came back into phase. Mirra had blasted several guards into oblivion and Big ben was carrying a horor.

    "I say, It is rather rude for you to invite us here, and keep us locked away in our cells. A proper gentleman would not behave so rudely. "

    She smiled. Together again she thought
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    i just went all out with this one. before I went F2P jane used several types of weapons everything from sound devices to explosives lets not forget an energy sword for added melee
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Awesome. Now that gives me an idea of how Jane fights. Despite some close range gymnastics, she has her energy sword, which she knows how to use, but she isn't as skilled as Sentai or Jax about it, but she seems to be a one shot one kill type of archer who is in mid gymnastics.

    good job on this one. It does give me a better idea of how Jane behaves, how she fights, (mostly quietly, with a good dose of sarcastic wit and dramatic flair)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Ahh, cool! If I'd known that she has devices and stuff too, I would've included that in the story too, sorry. :o

    Alas, very cool! Excited for more...

    EDIT: But I cant help but think that I have to beef up Kaufmann's abilities in the future somehow or he'll be kinda useless. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    her fighting style varies. the form of martial arts is a Brazil improvised weapons art can't remember its name tho. in all when it comes to a sword she is inexperienced and lacks formal training. with a bow she has had training and is rivaled only by a few marksman and her unarmed combat is very fast and has a lot of gymnastics thrown in.

    her power also makes it easy for her to pull of these feats. I'm pretty sure sentai would have problems imitating her. and its as you wrote she moves differently.

    just to give you more brain food.

    sentai seems very jumpy. can't wait to see more moves from him.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yeah. He's also pretty acrobatic... A super soldier serum and training program can do that... And dont worry Kauffy... Kauffmann can probably clutz out and keep up with the two.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    im pretty sure kaufman could hold his own. who knows he may be a better shot than jane when it come to marksmanship. he could prosibly have a larger arsenal of toys than jane to its apparent that he has a steadier income than she does. its enough to get her a small deluxe apartment but not a mansion. so im sure he would do just fine.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Well, he has a plethora of equipment he uses, but of course he doesn't carry everything around all the time.

    Kaufmann uses

    - A heavily customized Colt SOCOM, mostly with silencer: http://world.guns.ru/userfiles/images/handguns/usa/2/1287742772.jpg
    - A customized Taurus Raging Bull as heavy backup gun: http://www.topguns.ch/images/big/Taurus.Raging%20Bull.594215314.jpg
    - The experimental KSW-8 (Kaufmann Inc. Special Weaponry) 'Freischutz' sniper rifle, which can alternatively be used as a light assault rifle and has an underslung grenade launcher
    - A high-voltage telescope shock baton: http://www.feelsafernow.com/telescopic-steel-baton.jpg
    - A high-voltage taser
    - Different kinds of ammunition, from standard to incendiary, silver for supernatural targets, hollow-point, armor-piercing and (his favourite) remote-triggered explosive
    - Smoke grenades
    - An experimental light force field, with the generator in his belt
    - His combat drugs
    - Various kinds of poisons which he carries in syringes
    - Various kinds of explosives (grenades, mines, remote-triggered bombs (his favourite))
    - A lenght of sharp and barely visible wire, which he keeps on a small coil under his sleeve; he uses it as a garotte or even to weave nets if he has the time
    - A tool resembling a retractable dogcatcher pole for more feral superhumans, which can also be used to shock caught foe: http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/107028694/dog_catcher_snare_pole_control_pole_pig.jpg
    - A reinforced briefcase to keep his rifle and his gadgets in, which also doubles as a melee weapon from time to time: http://www.guide4home.com/office-briefcases/images/metal-briefcases.jpg
    - Other (weirder) gadgets from time to time

    Kaufmann fights

    - From afar if he can; He is starting to feel is age a bit and it's less likely to be hurt that way
    - With remote-triggered bombs and other traps first if he has time to prepare the battlefield
    - With his sniper rifle if he has engage directly and...
    - ...he'll switch to guns, explosives and taser if the enemy comes closer and...
    - ... to baton, wires and poison syringes in close combat. He isn't particulary good at it though. He has some street-brawling and military close-combat moves (mostly kicks), but nothing to write home about. He tries to keep the brawl as short as possible, with him trying to throw the enemy off-balance with fast and hard attacks, stunning with the baton and using the syringes or the wires for the finisher
    - Incredibly dirty; He'll do virtually everything for the victory: Attacking from hiding, playing dead, kicking downed opponents; He is one of the guys who know that kicking a girl in the crotch works. He's also (in)famous for rigging everything he can with explosives and blowing it up in the right moment: Spent ammo clips, bullets, his own weapons when the enemy picks them up...

    EDIT: Marked the stuff he has with him in NemCon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    very resourceful..

    jane uses these and some of the bloodmoon devices can imitate these

    her goggles give her indepth maps of surroundings

    she uses plastic explosives (those would be her explosive arrows that have a 4 second timer)

    sound devices (pellets and built into her arrows)

    a field generator to protect her friends and allies. (shes not using this in the story as she doenst have her hurricane gauntlet)

    nerve attacking nanite tipped arrows

    knock out gas arrows

    high explosive( that would be the pellets she used on the giant horror)

    flash bang arrows

    transforming hilts they turn from bow to energy sword

    advanced utility belt
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Sorry I havent posted recently continuing this, but I've had to deal with a really bad cold (which I suspect may have had bronchitis... Probably should have gone to a doctor.)

    And I will try to continue this soon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Just alright Tyson, health comes first. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    hope you get better.... my girlfriends been real sick lately so i have have been staying with her
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    just a nice little bump

    i will start the next part of the story since tyson is busy with work

    coming real soon

    i'm going to make it longer :sigh:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Jane sighed as she and Super Sentai ran through the somewhat too quiet hallway. She thought something was up considering they decide to teams of two. "Hey Sentai you think the rest of the horrors ran for it considering how easily we beat them?" He laughed "Well the forces of evil are weak at heart." She then laughed.

    They came up on a large room and there was not a single minion in sight but three villains. Two Jane knew personally. Her cousins both female and twins as well. The one in a blue Frilly Dress was Natosha and she carried a umbrella blaster. On top of that she had the power of turning molecules around her into water. The opposite of her brother. The other was Michelle with the power to manipulate energy and carried a deadly scythe she was wearing a red and purple frilly dress.

    The other two were the ones she doesn't know. One was a robot that was really muscular and stood 9 foot tall. It had long arms and a small head with a face mask and helmet and had blue and red paint throughout his make.

    "So sis how about we take out Lil' Jane's new boyfriends and leave her with the robot." Michelle said and then licked her lips. She shot a bolt of energy at Jane but Sentai blocked it with his sword. The beam split off his sword. "Sorry to disappoint you young girls but you are mistaken about me.... This ally of justice will defeat you." With that said he ran at her and continually blocked each of her blasts of energy with his sword.

    "Well this couldn't have turned out better.... Blitzkreig the girl is all yours...." With that Natosha raised her arms and created a wall of water separating Jane and Sentai. She had to deal with this massive robot behemoth. "So are going to try an assimilate me or something" The robot Responded by firing a giant gun. it sent a huge energy ball at her at a suprising speed. She tried to move out of the way but it was just to fast for her to dodge. She was thrown across the room and hit the wall. "Ouch that hurt." She said as the energy sparks from the blast dissipated. She got up and drew her bow and pressed the button and it turned into a energy sword. "At least your going to be a challenge.

    "Lets she how you handle this. ELECTROMAGNETIC SLICER!!!" She pressed the red button on the bottom of the sword and the particles started moving at a rapid rate. Energy drew into the blade and she sliced and let loose a fast blue energy blast. It hit the hulking robot and it barely scratched him. "That all you got little girl" The robot said mockingly.

    Jane scratched her head "Well i actually expected that to take you out. But I may as well get serious." She ran at the robot and slid under him to get behind him. From there she placed four Blast pellets and jumped up changing the blade back to a bow and fired four explosive arrows followed with 4 electric arrows. "FINISHING VOLLEY-EXPLOSIVE PERSONALITY!!!" She yelled and watched as the robot got consumed in explosion after explosion. When the smoke cleared the robot was in parts.

    The wall of water fell meaning Natosha had fallen. Super Sentai was exchanging blows with michelle at a fast rate. She drew a electric arrow and aimed it at her. She shot only for it to be shot down. "Oh don't count me out yet Jane. With that said he's all yours sis ill take care of Lil' Jane." Natosha said, "I always hated you" And she shot from that umbrella of hers. Jane side spun and avoided and and performed a shoulder roll and fired the electric arrow at her. She raised her hand and a wall of water surrounded her and the arrow didn't make its mark. "Damn that was my last one, how about you try blocking these!"

    Jane said as she jumped and threw two explosive pellets at her. Again she tried to block them but they exploded and sent her flying where she hit the wall. "Don't mess with me b*tch im not in a good mood at the moment." With that jane changed her bow back to a energy sword and took a dash stance. she presses the red button on it once again. "ELECTROMAGNETIC SLICER!!" she shouted and sent a fast energy blast at natosha. But something was up she could see it coming but because they were related she didn't know what was coming up. She hated that one weakness to her preflex. Natosha laughed "Blasting Glacier Lance!!!" She raised her hand and a lance formed but not of water. It was ice. she threw and it went straight threw her attack and it jane on her right shoulder where it exploded sending shards of ice in every direction.
    They cut into her skin and sent her skidding back. "Well that was a new power i don't remember you doing that when we were kids." Jane said as she crouched on the ground and panted. "Yes cousin" the word was spitted out "I've grown much more powerful and you can't beat me. After all i don't have the weaknesses like you and Jax. My powers work on siblings.

    She walked up to Jane and put the umbrella gun to her head. "Now do me a favor and just DIE!!!" Jane tensed
    "Your a fool if you think a point blank shot can kill me. You forget I'M A OBSIDIAN OPS SUPER SOLDIER AND UNLIKE NORMAL HEROES I DON'T RUN OUT OF ENERGY. with that she performed a dragons tail and swept Natosha from her feet. From there she performed and backflip to get distance. After she landed she threw four sound pellets that emitted a agonizing sound and Natosha collapsed in pain. Jane ran at her and performed a raising knee that knocked her in the air and went to finish it. "DRAGON UPPERCUT" she yelled and did a powerful uppercut. It connected solidly and it sent her flying. When she landed she got up. "Damn just like your brothers that my brother and i killed when they tried to kill us. You just won't stay down." With that jane let loose in rapid succession a volley of reinforced tipped arrows. "Finishing volley-no mercy!!" two arrows entered her chest and the last went into her head. "Do me a favor and don't get up" She tapped the lifeless body with her foot and closed the eyes. She then made a cross around her chest and said a quick prayer.

    When she looked at Sentai he had sliced Michelle from head to toe. "Just like what Jax did to Mr. Tanashi...." she said remorsefully.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    i made the story longer sorry if i messed anything up on tyson's side
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    No problem. I dont mind this. Although Super Sentai prefers killing as a last resort, Jane and him make a devastating team. Lets see if I can write up Sentai's side.

    Edit: I think you intended to show Gulag in there, but you forgot about her.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Super Sentai heard Jane sigh, as they ran through the empty and eerily quiet hallway. "Hey Sentai you think the rest of the horrors ran for it considering how easily we beat them?"

    He let out a chuckle. "Well the forces of evil are weak at heart." The reply eased the tension, as she laughed at that reply.

    They came up to a large room, and not a minion in sight. Instead there were three people in the middle. The giant Blitzkreig was one of them. The giant red and blue walking tank of destruction. His name implied his preferred battle tactic.

    The two girls where apparently twins, but judging by theirs, and Jane’s reactions, they have history. The two girls were apparently dressed like gothic lolitas. The one in blue had an umbrella, and the red and purple clad one held a scythe.

    "So sis how about we take out Lil' Jane's new boyfriends and leave her with the robot." The purple one stated with a chipper tone, while licking her lips. She aimed her hand at Jane, and shot the energy blast, but Super Sentai moved faster then he had previously, and made his way between the girls, and parried the energy blast to the floor.

    "Sorry to disappoint you young girls but you are mistaken about me.... This ally of justice will defeat you." With that, he charged towards her, as she shot several blasts as he, with a slight flick of the wrists, changing the position of his blade, slightly diagonally, parried each of the blasts to the floor, with supreme grace.

    Finally reaching melee range with the scythe, the two warriors started swiping at each other at a speed that would make Anime samurai blush. Parry, dodge, jump, swipe. It seemed even. That’s when he heard the water forming up, and the other twin excited in her tone.

    "Well this couldn't have turned out better.... Blitzkreig the girl is all yours...." The blue one formed up the water, right after the giant robot charged at Jane, arming his giant arm gun, then disappearing behind the wall of water. Sentai then backflipped out of range of the scythe.

    Well, looks like Jane’s taking care of Blitzkreig. Don’t have to worry about her. She can take care of him. Let’s see… how well trained are these twins…

    “Oh wow, Natosha. Lil’ Jane’s boyfriend is good! Let’s teach him how to be a proper gentleman.” The scythe wielding one stated.

    “Yes Michelle… He wanted to hit a girl… Let’s teach him boys shouldn’t hit girls. Of course, he is weaker than us.” Natosha commented.

    Sentai charged forward, parrying more blasts, trying to cover ground, but he barely dodged the large mass of water that tried to swipe him away. As he landed, he found Michelle above him, slashing downwards with her giant weapon. Not enough time to dodge, J.C. braced himself, and caught the blade with his. He then twirled on his toes, to disrupt her balance, and as she fell to the ground, he proceeded with a punch to her gut.

    She coughed and hacked as she tried to catch her breath after that rather painful expulsion of lungs,

    Taking advantage of the situation, Sentai then charged towards the aqua kinetic. Avoiding her water blasts, and her umbrella gun blasts, he continued to parry her shots, and even did something to surprise her.

    Bringing his blade in back of himself, flicking it several different times, parrying 3 energy blasts meant for him. “Supreme All-Seeing Justice Defense!”

    That was the same attack that Jane used to nearly kill me that time with Viper. Of course I learned to watch my back.

    With finesse and acrobatics, he avoided the last of the bullets, only to get into melee with the multitasking sister, and to strike the umbrella with his blade, throwing it off course, narrowly missing her sister.

    “Hey! Watch it!” Michelle stated as she then started to fill the gap between her and the other two.

    Sentai and Natosha proceeded in fisticuffs, as paid attention to his back, jump up when he estimated the slash of the scythe would catch him. Kicking off the ceiling, he came down to punch the water manipulator across the face. Hard.

    “Lightning dragon crash!” With that, he then proceeded to parry the blade of the scythe with his own, yet again. An eloquent explosion was also heard. It was then followed by the splash of water crashing into the floor, and an arrow flying.

    "Oh don't count me out yet Jane. With that said he's all yours sis ill take care of Lil' Jane." Natosha said.

    With that, the blade wielding duo then jumped back. “Oh goody. Now I get to play with you all by myself. Yummy.” Michelle let out.

    After a few seconds of exchanging blade swipes, they were in a deadlock. “You don’t stand a chance against me, you stupid Saturday morning cartoon. We don’t have your weaknesses. I am very powerful. Far more powerful than that stupid cousin Jane and Jax. We don’t have their weaknesses.”

    Why is it that they always monologue? Is it a super villain hobby? The young man thought.

    “So if the forces of delusions of grandeur have no weaknesses, then why is your foe not only unscathed, but also alive?” Super Sentai sent out to his target.

    “Because I don’t get much playthings, and you are far more fun than what I thought.” The girl chipped in. He smirked under his mask.

    “Also, the forces of Justice must ask, also, do you have any weaknesses?”

    “Nope! None. We are perfect. Not like that hussy girlfriend of yours. I always hated her.” the girl responded cockily.

    Why is she assuming that we are together… I mean… she is cool, nice, and the way she handles that bow and those explosives… but that doesn’t mean we are actually dating…

    Now, Super Sentai broke character. “That must be a last rate super soldier program that trained you. Or else you would know that everyone has a weakness. A super soldier must exploit that weakness. Choosing to train twins has strengths and weaknesses. She was your weakness all along. You focus on her for support, and you watch your back… “ The next part was the hero mostly bluffing. “And what does she do? She sees that she doesn’t stand a chance against me, and she tries to go after the easier prey in order to save her own skin, while leaving you in the lion’s den to fend for yourself.”

    The girl launched several blasts that matched her sudden rage. “You’re lying! You’re just some sissy in some toku costume, that thinks he can play superhero! This is just a game to you! I’m a professional! And my partner is gonna come and help me kill your useless carcass!”

    Hiding behind a pillar, while explosions were going on around him, he waited a minute until the explosions died down, which he then proceeded to charge her directly, parrying some blasts, but getting one directly in the torso as he got thrown back and crashed through the pillar.

    “Now, I will rip your fingers as you slowly bleed… yeeaaarrrgh!” From the smoke of the crash, came a red laser that seared her face close to her right eye. “You… you… *******… you ruined my face!”

    “Now now… don’t get angry… you would show a weakness… a weakness that the Forces of Justice can exploit!” The red clad hero holstered his gun and took his katana to charge her again, slashing into melee, with them exchanging slashes at high speed.

    She then proceeded to slash him horizontally, only to find him out of sight. She looked left and right, then she heard behind her, and as she turned, she saw him standing on the flat side of the blade, with perfect balance.

    “The problem with twins raised as weapons, is that they rely on each other. This is both a strength and a weakness. Raised as a weapon alone, and without power is far riskier, but this weapon learns to fight alone. I recognise some of the moves from a previous encounter with Jax and Jane. The main difference, is that they are aware of their weaknesses. And that makes them far stronger than them. Final move.” Super Sentai let out a last lecture.

    This poor girl is broken. She hasn’t found her soul through all of the pain. Time to give her some mercy. Rest in peace.

    The crimson clad hero jumped up and with the hilt in his blade, he pressed a button. His blade then started to glow hot red, as he came down with this one last slash. As the girl tried to parry the blade, In a crimson flash, he landed on the ground, and her body fell to the right and the left, in perfect half, cauterized. The weapon she wielded, also in several pieces, cut at two locations.

    Unpressing the button, the sword stopped glowing, and Sentai sheaved it, he saw Jane in the air, releasing her volley of arrows.

    "Finishing volley-no mercy!!" As she landed, she approached the lifeless body, and tapped it with her foot. "Do me a favor and don't get up". After confirming her cousin was dead, she then closed the eyes, and proceeding to say a quick prayer.

    As she approached him, she looked at the body of the other cousin in half. "Just like what Jax did to Mr. Tanashi...." There was remorse in her voice.

    Super Sentai did sigh remorsefully as well. “Yes. I did cross blades with him at some point. And I was taught to always be prepared to learn from the talented. If it’s any comfort, their broken souls were put to rest.” The toku themed hero broke character. He went to continue on the way to the next area, but then stopped. “If you can’t fight your brother, then let me handle him. I’m confident in my fighting abilities.”
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Okay. Action heavy scene. I hope I handled the twins correctly.

    also, as the arsenal of weapons have been written out, I'm gonna write Super Sentai's as well.

    -Bullet proof body armour that is sturdy, and very comfortable.

    -durable helmet, with visor that scans the environment on just about every spectrum, with Champions, Viper and personal databanks. Also built in radio and comm device

    -A modified blaster pistol that has several functions. He changes it with a dial on the side
    -laser blast
    -Light Flash (for blinding distractions)
    -ElectroMagnetic Pulse blast
    -Stun function
    -Super Stun function, for more powerful foes
    -Sonic blaster

    -A katana with a secret heat blade function. When he activates it, it glows red hot. He prefers not to use it, in order to keep an ace up his sleeve.

    -a teleportation device that is autorecharging. It is on his belt, and it takes about a half hour to recharge one charge, and it has 3 charges. He can bring along someone else, but it often uses extra energy.

    -also, other gadgets, as he is really good at taking things appart and reverse engineering technological doodads.

    His fighting style is flashy, sometimes obnoxious and very acrobatic.

    He is a trained swordsman and martial artist, that tries to locate and exploit weaknesses.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    This turns out to be a really cool story! The action scenes are awesome (and I really wish at that point that Kaufmann would have appeared earlier in the story so he can show off a bit too :D).

    Oh, and just to be sure, is that Hero/Villain teamup right? Just so I can edit it in the original story if necessary:


    Super Sentai
    Jane Archer
    Big Ben
    Dr. Kaufmann

    Blitzkrieg (Dr. Armageddon / Gulag?)
    Michelle / Natosha (Jax?)
    Shadow Queen
    Blaster (Killed by Kaufmann in the prologue)
    John Dark
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Blitzkreig and Gulag are Dr Armageddon's lackeys. If they are there, then Armageddon's not far.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    TysonRuhl wrote:
    Blitzkreig and Gulag are Dr Armageddon's lackeys. If they are there, then Armageddon's not far.

    yea i didn't know how to do Gulag so i just edited that part out sorry....... i just couldn't think of anything
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    That's okay. I would have to go in and see how I made her again.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    with the next it would be funny to play along with what the twins implied between our duo. imagine how heart broken dr. armageddon would be
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    if you need help figuring Jax out heres an episode of needless..... his powers are the same as Aruka schild

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The good Doctor would be irritated that no one would be listening to his maniacal plan.

    Ah gotcha. Gonna have to take a look at that. So Aruka schild eh?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    yea funny thing tho i had his powers created back when i started the PNP about 12 years ago when i played as a 6 year old
  • kinster2kinster2 Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    dunno if tyson rhul or kaufhmann can get on but hey wanting to continue this story btw this is @kennsimmons
  • sumthindarksidesumthindarkside Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Okay. I'm willing to continue, btw, this is @tysonruhl
  • kinster2kinster2 Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ok the next part is up to you
  • sumthindarksidesumthindarkside Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Ack! Okay... hmmm...
  • kinster2kinster2 Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    soor man don't have alot of personal time to think of the next part been with my girlfriend

    finally got a gaming laptop that blows the slow piece of trash i had for a Desktop away lol
  • sumthindarksidesumthindarkside Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It's okay. Cause I plan on the next thing showing both Dr Armageddon and your character's brother...
  • kinster2kinster2 Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    alright i look forward to it and writing Janes POV
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