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sponyja Arc User



  • thank you all for your suggestions, i dont want a ready to copy build - i just wanted to increase my knowledge about the game, mechanics and powers :) and I was trying a few days rebuilding - build is based on this showed to me by secksegai but i changed some powers. Now i understand more and I dont always loose in duels…
  • thank you.
  • ok thank you, i still dont understand some things and mechanics i think :) i will test, test and test and then test :)
  • last try - what do you think about this ? :P PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Constitution (Primary) Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary) Level 15: Recovery (Secondary) Talents: Level 1: The Grimoire Level 6: Quick Recovery Level 9: Negotiator Level 12: Healthy Mind Level 15:…
  • ok, thank you for advice. I wish there would me more pvp than just dueling in this game :)
  • ok thank you for advice, what do you think about that tank: PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Constitution (Primary) Level 10: Recovery (Secondary) Level 15: Strength (Secondary) Talents: Level 1: The Master Level 6: Level 9: Level 12: Level 15: Level 18: Level 21: Powers:…
  • i like this build very much, it does enought damage for me - i am happy with that :) but i am wondering now to change some things, i would delete FIRE ALL WEAPONS - this is good but has long recharge time, i would change to micro munitions so i have two AoE: minigun and micro munitions that i can use all the time and still…
  • i have a noob question - what is SALVAGE and how to get it ? i can't find this informations
  • thank you ! but i have done this already, english is not my native so maybe I did not described it properly :D
  • now i can in ranged damage role often load all three attacks - i am now 38 lvl and my gear is... quite weak :D i think because i dont understand items in this game :P i will try to get better gear when i will get to 40. I have one question - is it possible to make a build that do so much damage that it will kill powerhouse…
  • and how is it ? can we increase skill levels now ? :P
  • i understand, the thing that i can bind key so i can press it and power will charge automatically is good enought.
  • i resolved it by getting primary stat REC, second: INT and END and going into hybrid role :)
  • i have energy problem - i cannot load all three attack powers :/
  • is it possible to bind one key to use more than powerslot ? for example i dont want to press 1, 2,3,4,5 but bind Y button to do this for me ? :D
  • i think that i wont like the previous one :P i have read all answers once again and made this: PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Dexterity (Primary) Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary) Level 15: Ego (Secondary) Talents: Level 1: Sureshot Level 6: Brilliant Level 9: Indomitable…
  • i understand you, i think :P what about this ? PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Intelligence (Primary) Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary) Level 15: Ego (Secondary) Talents: Level 1: Sureshot Level 6: Brilliant Level 9: Indomitable Level 12: Agile Level 15: Academics Level 18:…
  • i am wondering about stats, what will be better: 1. con, str, int 2. con, int, pre 3. con, int, rec ? 1. more damage from attacks and lower cost price, 2. lower cost price, and better healing 3. lower cost price and higher equilibrium
  • i am already lvl 37 so i just will retcon soon :), knock up do you suggest ? thank you very much
  • i have made new version build: PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Constitution (Primary) Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary) Level 15: Recovery (Secondary) Talents: Level 1: Level 6: Level 9: Level 12: Level 15: Level 18: Level 21: Powers: Level 1: Clobber Level 1: Mighty Leap…
  • thank you for your answer i read it and now i know more, i was trying to make tank that will do damage and survive now i know that is a kind of impossible thing :P please tell me - is it possible for tank to be not very good but good in pvp, duels etc ?