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Max survivable tank

sponyjasponyja Posts: 25 Arc User
edited October 2012 in Builds and Roles
hello, i like might builds, but every build i made was quite - not survivable :P it was not super bad in pvp but in PVE it realy was very weak :(

now i want to make a build that is very, very survivable at first and damage at second - is this good ? i think that will make me killing slower but it is worth because i will survive - am I right ? :)

this is my concept (not tested yet):

PowerHouse (Link to this build)


Archetype: Freeform

Super Stats:
Level 6: Constitution (Primary)
Level 10: Strength (Secondary)
Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary)

Level 1: Superhuman
Level 6: Mighty
Level 9: Enduring
Level 12: Brilliant
Level 15: Body and Mind
Level 18: Healthy Mind
Level 21: Physical Conditioning

Level 1: Clobber
Level 1: Mighty Leap (Crippling Challenge, Nailed to the Ground)
Level 6: Roomsweeper (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 8: Ice Shield
Level 11: Bionic Shielding (Rank 2)
Level 14: Invulnerability (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 17: Conviction (Rank 2)
Level 20: Resurgence (Rank 2)
Level 23: Devour Essence (Rank 2, Phlebotomist)
Level 26: Haymaker (Rank 2, Nullifying Punch)
Level 29: Compassion (Rank 2)
Level 32: Masterful Dodge (Rank 2)
Level 35: Mindful Reinforcement (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 38: Molecular Self-Assembly

Travel Powers:
Level 6: Flight
Level 35: Athletics


I decided to try devour essence because it is melee damage (so i think it scales with STR) and it heals me mean time - as i Was playing another build this was the best survivable attack so i think this build has a lot of self healing, roomsweaper as AOE and haymaker for bosses or pvp. I am not sure if compassion will work with this healings this build have ? i decided to change revocery into INT

what do you think about this build ? thank you for all your answers!
Post edited by sponyja on


  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,360 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    your tank wont hold agro well.
    with only 1 crippling challenge with a cooldown
    and no challenging strikes.
    why not use defensive combo with crip challenge (its one of the best tanking powers in the game, with devour essence and infernal blast.
    but you need the crippling challenge advantage
    a good tank holds agro and survives
    not just survives
    read this Guide to Threat Management and Aggro Control
    if you really want to make a healing tank do

    • regeneration rank 3
    • iniquity rank2/justice
    • compassion
    • devour essence rank 2/crip challenge
    • Infernal blast crip chal/virulent propagation
    • and anything else you want

    you will be able to heal everyone and hold agro
    like this guy-
    Karma Chameleon - build
  • sponyjasponyja Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    thank you for your answer i read it and now i know more, i was trying to make tank that will do damage and survive now i know that is a kind of impossible thing :P

    please tell me - is it possible for tank to be not very good but good in pvp, duels etc ?
  • sponyjasponyja Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i have made new version build:

    PowerHouse (Link to this build)


    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Constitution (Primary)
    Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary)
    Level 15: Recovery (Secondary)

    Level 1:
    Level 6:
    Level 9:
    Level 12:
    Level 15:
    Level 18:
    Level 21:

    Level 1: Clobber
    Level 1: Mighty Leap (Crippling Challenge, Nailed to the Ground)
    Level 6: Roomsweeper (Rank 2, Challenging Strikes)
    Level 8: Devour Essence (Rank 2, Crippling Challenge)
    Level 11: Invulnerability (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 14: Molecular Self-Assembly
    Level 17: Conviction (Rank 2)
    Level 20: Parry (Rank 2, The Elusive Monk)
    Level 23: Masterful Dodge
    Level 26: Haymaker (Rank 2, Nullifying Punch)
    Level 29: Mindful Reinforcement (Rank 2)
    Level 32: Resurgence
    Level 35: Unbreakable
    Level 38:

    i took into account the advices, is it better now ? focused on holding aggro and survivability,
    i dont have any idea for the last power, maybe some offensive ?
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,360 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    looks like it will fill the tank role better now,
    while leveling you might want to replace the knock-backs with knock ups so people dont hate you in alerts where the boss knocks.
  • sponyjasponyja Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i am already lvl 37 so i just will retcon soon :),
    knock up do you suggest ?
    thank you very much
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,360 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dragon uppercut is a great replacement for haymaker
  • sponyjasponyja Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i am wondering about stats, what will be better:

    1. con, str, int
    2. con, int, pre
    3. con, int, rec

    1. more damage from attacks and lower cost price,
    2. lower cost price, and better healing
    3. lower cost price and higher equilibrium
  • ajanusajanus Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    If you want the most bang for your buck for a tank, I would suggest CON, Dex, Rec.

    Devour Essence is the only power that needs Crippling Challenge. Having it on both Mighty Leap and DE is wasteful...because it isn't going to stack and it costs a whopping 3 points.

    Taking Dex, with the Adrenaline spec (Heal on Crit), with Devour Essence will make it where you rarely have to block anything. You still want to block some key powers from bosses, but this makes it much more managable.

    Taking Dex also gives you access to Form of the Tempest for a nice damage boost as well as relieving you of any energy issues.

    Rec lets you take advantage of either Supernatural Power or Overdrive as your energy unlock, since both work well with Devour Essence.

    Now, as tanks suck at damage dealing in general, I think the Dex/DE tank is closest thing you can get to decent damage, healing, AND tanking anything the game can throw at you all on 1 toon.

    Remember: Half the people you know are below average...

    Do not correct a fool, for he will hate you for it. Correct a wise man, for he will appreciate you for it.

    Don't be like the Qularr. They would not last one round in the Interstellar Galactic Arena...

    Handle @brayv
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