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shgrco Arc User



  • I'm definitely have to go with MEEGE on this one guys. One of the best PvPers I've seen in a long time. MEEGE for Pres.
  • All i know is I dont ever see a @Lovehammer1 anywhere. And yes, yes I do. You should know that already TROUBLE! :)
  • Well let me know his @handle in game then and we can have a real conversation. I thought I was just talking to some random pver or RP PvPer lol.
  • No one said anything about PvE being hard. As for PvP, you don't even PvP or if you do, its VERY rare since I've never seen you in any PvP zone. People that don't PvP shouldn't even mention the word PvP. And PvP doesn't mean "que for ONE bash a month, get steamrolled, and say "i have pvp experience so I know what im…
  • It would make aphrodite very happy actually. he hates devices and thinks his builds are unkillable without them lol. That being said. This nerf sucks and everything bacon said should apply. Lets face the facts, this nerf only came because 98% of the pve community are crybabies whining about getting out-dpsed and out…
  • Agree With This 100%. I literally JUST made my pet build last week. Spent 20k on pheramones (which, as bacon said, took me close to a year to obtain) because i wanted to be a pet dino master and now they do this? ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE. Bacon is right, if they were gonna nerf devices they should have done it MONTHS ago.
  • It's been like that for years. *guy gets killed by enrage* *complains* - BAM enrage nerf. *guy gets killed by imbue* *complains* - BAM imbue nerf. *melee gets killed by range using ascension* *complains* - BAM ascension nerf. *guy cant kill the only person in the game who likes to touch himself* *complains* - revitalize…
  • I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH THIS 100%. Make devices unusable in PvP zones and end it there. If my pet build gets messed up in any way after I spent so much time and money on it. I'm leaving the game for good and I will gaunrantee you I wont be the only one. I've sat through nerf after nerf, and only 1 MAYBE 2 buffs in the past…