It's worth noting that, even if it is more expensive to produce than costume sets are, this is irrelevant to the costumer, as they won't really be aware of it or generally care about it - the only thing that is important for the costumer is the perceived value rather than the actual value. Doesn't matter how expensive…
I can't speak for others, but frankly I don't buy consumables and things that need to be bought multiple times. I buy costume sets and other account wide things, since they're the most value even when they're slightly more expensive. since I'll get them for all of my characters no matter what.
Well, that's perfectly fine! As I said, it's a nice number to stop with, and it actually allows people to catch up. :> Thanks, TT! Always on the ball, aren't you?
Well, condolences to the CoX'ers who lost their games (and the Paragon Studios people who lost their jobs. :C). I wasn't even aware until i saw this thread. Bummer. Here's hoping CO will survive longer.
Yeah, it sucks to miss out on information or, for instance, an Ask Cryptic because I don't feel like sifting through forum chatter to find them. :smile: No offense intended or anything.
Rename it to 'Employee Tracker' and all is well. It'd be useful to be able to sift out the new stuff (like Ask Cryptic) instead of having to go through every forum and every thread to find out if they've posted answers. Plus, community people were on the dev tracker before.
This isn't really a question to this, but, can't you add yourself and Stormshade to the developer tracker? Currently, you guys aren't there, so we can't track you by those means. It'd help me have known about this thread earlier.
...I actually think this is a pretty solid vet reward. Though I'm curious to see just what the glow tights are... if it's a costume set or if it's allowing us use of glow. I hope it's the latter. The 16K Q cap is a pretty good idea for a vet reward, even though it won't do me personally much good. Curious about the travel…
They can't do it. Their website doesn't communicate with the game at all anymore, so it's not possible, and they aren't going to put it back in in the foreseeable future. ^ Stormshade saying the same thing.
Also worth noting that Soviet Russia and Modern Russia is not the same thing. I very much doubt most actual, modern Russians would feel much sympathy for Hammer and Sickle-wearing terrorists. Just like Germans would most likely not identify with Nazi-terrorists, or you americans with confederate flag-wearing terrorists.…
So I was thinking... how about turning Night Warrior into a toggle instead? I mean, it currently doesn't have anything defensive to make it on line with all the offensive passives, which do... (Sneak doesn't count, it doesn't activate in combat.) So why not make it a Form like the MA forms and such? Have it be a…
Hey, 'Shade, when're you going to look into people's subscription counter being reset? I'd like to be back to 1000+ days, asap. On that note, can you tell whoever's in charge of it to get the UNTIL Report done? I want -something- good out of this transition soon.
Are you bloody kidding me? We get stuck with a 90s freeboards looking crappy forum layout, and we get ADS on top? This is the dumbest ****ing thing I have ever seen.
So now I can't see which of my friends are ingame, I can't see my mail, I can't pick my own forum image and the forum layout -had- to change to a layout that looks like it belongs to 90s free forums? God-bleeping-dammit. How did anyone think this would be beneficial to anyone? EDIT: Oh, and it shows I have 0 days…