Yeah, I wish they didn't get rid of monthly subscriptions, but I guess not enough people used it often enough and maybe processing those payments wasn't worth it or something. Personally, I played often enough that I just went ahead and bought the lifetime sub when it was on sale. One thing, wish they did was just give…
Yeah. I'll probably play around with it and see if it feels redundant. Thanks for all the help, i really appreciate it. i have a feeling that just having Conviction back will make the build feel better on its own
This build might be a little crazy, lol. It feels like I'm trying to have my cake and eat it too. Healer - Freeform (Support) v3.45:38 Super Stats Level 6: Presence (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15: Dexterity (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The Witch (Con: 10, Int: 8, Pre: 10, Rec: 10) Level 6: Acrobat…
yeah. I'm back and forth on SMG and rifle because I'm thinking about my survivability again. I felt way more squishy and helpless without Conviction, my usual Protection Field (I'm almost tempted to go back to it instead of Bionic Shielding), and not wall of bullets/draining shadows (From Shadow Embrace). Like, I felt the…
After doing some cosmics, I definitely under estimated the difference that Conviction made. I might have to give up AoPM for a threat wipe though Healer - Freeform (Support) v3.45:38 Super Stats Level 6: Presence (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15: Dexterity (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The Witch (Con:…
That's really cool! I remember seeing someone years 2015 or so, have a young girl character who gets into a giant mech which was a "male" robot character. That was mind blowing back then. And this is the second time I've gotten that feeling lol
I personally don't care about realism at all, but I think the John Wick movies have made single pistol use look way cooler than dual wielding. I'd love some sing pistol powers that are 100ft. and the dual pistol powers can stay 50ft, lol
Thanks again for the help. Here's what I'm thinking I'll do after playing around for a couple of days Healer - Freeform (Support) v3.45:38 Super Stats Level 6: Presence (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15: Dexterity (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The Witch (Con: 10, Int: 8, Pre: 10, Rec: 10) Level 6:…
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try it out. I use the twins because I like to pretend that my character invents weapons for people for them to test out while she cackles in the back ground like a mad scientist only healing them so that the experiments can continue...i dunno... It's honestly hard for me to give up the…
At least one more feminine Afro hairstyle would be nice. The ones in the game honestly aren't great. They work in a "well this is all we have" kind of way, but it's pretty disappointing that after all these years, there's still...half a hand full of these styles. No braid or dread lock ponytails or anything...but it's the…
No. The Nemesis System only refers to Shadow of Mordor/War and it's system where the orcs level up and change ranks as you play the game, turning them to your side or when they kill each other or the player or when you kill them a certain way and they come back stronger and different based on how you killed them etc. The…
Thanks for the help. For the Sneak skill I figured I'd use it because it says it increases melee and ranged damage. I'm guess that's the first attack you do while in stealth and not permanently? If so I guess it'd be useful for the Ultimate? I'll probably go for the Darkness build. And that's a good point about Life drain.…
Thanks for the help. I was able to round out the build a bit more I think. And yeah, in the editor, Sharp Shooter seems like a passive because it's rank 2 and 3 says that it increased the power by 20% etc. and not that it lets you start with more stacks. My understanding is that if I wanted to go outside of Technology,…
looks like that link doesn't work anymore. edit: looks like Arc or Cryptic or who ever reverted the changes to the website (thank goodness, there was way too much stuff to click just to get to the new page and the layout felt clunky) so now the link is working again.
I've been to a lot of Cosmics as my healer where you (Nexus) were there and canceling out my AoPM. I'll be honest, it's extremely frustrating that you're very aware of this bug and refuse to just unslot the power. Your character's stats would go up for the fight if you did and so would everyone else's. I don't agree with…
Thanks, both of you. I'll give these a try. What I meant was just one build that uses a mix of powers all at once. Not multiple builds on one character or anything like that
Thanks. I think this will work out nicely. it's definitely less stressful lol. I'm using the combo power barbed chain just cause it's stronger and single target and the shredded power only applies to the main target anyway. and it looks cool lol.
Thanks, I appreciate your help as always. I couldn't think of what else to get so I just went with a self rez. And you're right, after thinking about how long it takes to pop off an ally rez, as a tank I'll be getting hit too much for that. but I figure a self rez wouldn't hurt for alerts or when off tanking maybe.…
I could never get into the ATs. When they took away the ability to pay monthly, I stopped playing the game entirely until they gave away a free Free Form slot for the first time. Then I'd play my old gold character only. Then when they gave away the second one, I played my current main. then eventually got the life time. I…
yeah i figured. Even glitched and missing costume pieces I main healers, they are extremely useful. They give me more damage output during cosmics so i can focus on healing and keeping people who don't block alive. And when I have to do solo missions, it turns a 30 minute session into a 10-15 minute or less one. Being able…
Yeah. The grind is absurd I just stopped playing as much and only just started playing again recently to do the halloween stuff to see if there was anything worth getting as a healer or costumes-wise. The Eido fight just isn't that fun with how easy it is to fail and just never getting anything out of it didn't help…
I've glitched out of the basement before and saw the "other rooms" it was just filled with all the objects that are from the other options, i assume they can be loaded in instantly when you select them. So I guess the other hideouts have something like that. Maybe a miracle will happen and Gearbox or whoever will give them…
Awesome, thanks! I really appreciate it. I might end up making two characters to use both builds, lol. And I guess with the blank slots I could get an ultimate and maybe imbue. I'll probably be back asking for a tank build one with which ever one I end up not using lol
Yeah, I was thinking about getting a threat wipe. Is there a viable unarmed build that uses Open Palm Strike? That power looks so cool x_x But then again, I hate knock back and taking the adv just to make it a pull seems like a waste. I'll just stick with dual blades lol
Yeah, I find myself using the rez mainly during event bosses and cosmics. In alerts people just recovery right away, but they do that on my healer main as well if they happen to die, which rarely happens. Here's what I went with and I like it waaay better than single blade. I took your advice going with Str Dex and Con as…
Thanks for the advice and the builds. i'll go over both and try them out. I wanted a rez because I main healer and I guess i just can't help myself lol. But also, as a healer, when I'm downed for a long time during cosmics and not being rezzed by anyone while my self rez is recharging, it's really frustrating. The other…
I've played around witht he build and it seems pretty good in the training. i haven't taken it out in the field yet. I started wondering though...would it be a horrible idea to replace Shadow Blast with Pulse Beam Rifle with the random effects adv? From my testing I'd say it's funny, but I'm curious if it's regarded as…
Thanks once again for the feedback, I appreciate it. I'll try Dex as a SS. I did forget to add an energy unlock, so i replaced the Ult with it since I don't have that one unlocked anyway. I might replace Blinding Light with it when ever I can get my hands on it.
There's no telling. I'm still confused by DCUO's design choices both for how their powers work and how their costumes and the colors work. It's so limited and restrictive for no reason. And I personally like DC far more than Marvel, so i'm not really looking forward to it personally, but I'll keep an eye on it. I'd rather…
Would it be possible to get the "Hide unowned costume parts" back where it was or on the main page? The Tailor is laggy and having to go to that tab just turn stuff off or on makes things take even longer
Nevermind, I figured it out. For anyone else who might want to do this. I'm using Autohotkey the program. The script i'm using is this: Ins::Suspend SendMode Input
~$*XButton1:: Loop { Send {XButton1 up} Sleep 0 ;change 0 to whatever you want. 1000 = 1 second Send {XButton1 down} Sleep 0 ;change 0 to whatever you want.…
I know what macros are, but what do you mean? Are they in-game somewhere? I have no idea how I go about doing this. Is there a tutorial or documentation anywhere?
Bug or Oversight: There is no Medic Cross for Front or Back Emblems. There is, however, a Medic Cross Emblem for Insignias. The Cross is the symbol for the Support Role and a universal symbol for medics. There's also the Cross in the Goth Necklace. It seems like this was left out by mistake and not done on purpose,…
The only reason I play the game is to unlock costume pieces lol. I do cosmics for the gear to make my character less squishy so I can do the content for said costume pieces.
for general guides text with pictures. I usually find that when people make videos, they just use text anyway instead of speaking, lol. but with this rampage mission specifically, i think just playing it and learning as you go with someone explaining it is the best way to go about it. Someone explained it to our group…
I main healer, so it's staying off. it's already annoying with someone with a giant character and huge flapping wings keeps standing behind me so I can't click a person who isn't in team up. seeing a bunch of giant characters would make it even worse.
Yeah, I already do that. My healer is a scientist who uses satellites to beam healing rays to people and not "divine" power. When I say I like weapons too much, I mean just that. I like the way the weapon powers look and feel. I prefer guns over attached hand canons or whatever.