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razorcure Arc User



  • Thank you Biff! I'll give it a go..almost certain it will fix the issue for me..sorry yours didnt Pyro And..bingo. Fixed it, again So..to recap..there is a patch, and for some unknown reason, that breaks the exe for SOME people. Clearly it could be our PC's fault..but if so..why have I been able to get other patches and…
  • Please don't take what I am about to say as personal or overly rude, as it seems like you are the only Dev connected to CO who actually..does stuff on the forums but... ARE YOU SERIOUS? I know for a fact that I have got that exact same error pretty much every couple of WEEKS since I started playing. Oh yeah..and I made…
  • Thanks for those Mer. I love how consistent this problem is..and how it doesnt seem to get fixed. Every 2-3 weeks for me. Really makes me feel like playing the game. Not.
  • Not really about the bikes..but.. As a new player from City of Heroes..I am literally gobsmacked at how stupid some of the things going on in CO are..particular this. I am a silver player atm, and I loathe lockboxes with a burning passive. They are just so obtrusive and annoying, and thrust in your face. I caan't unlock…
  • As you did at the start of the post..I will give a warning. I have not pvp'd in CO. I am not going to. I don't plan, I don't care too. I don't know what powers are broken in pvp, in either good or bad ways What I do know, is pvp from City of Heroes. And the people who DID pvp there. I read your Rant. I actually did not…
  • All I did Jay.. Get someone to upload their Champions Online.exe file Replace the file you have in your CO folder And..bingo, it works. Such a stupidly simple and annoying fix. I just don't understand why it even happens. WHy would patching the game in someway (which did NOT happen. I mean..after I replaced teh exe, I…
  • Cheers Zero. I got the exe of another friend though. Glad it is so easy to get around..NOT happy it seems to happen every few weeks.
  • Oh Id never demand you to make one on Live! lol. Nice of you to test it on Beta though. It is really odd. As I said, if it was just happening in a big 5 player alert brawl, I'd put it down to lag...but it happens EVERY time I use other attacks, and then use DW. Every single time! Even attacking a single bad guy, it does…
  • The damage numbers dont show, and the target doesnt lose ANY health at all. Tested it quite a few times. I have to use DW at least once before it starts doing anything, besides the Rush buff.
  • Next question.. At the moment, when attacking, I having been leading with Storm's Harvest for the disorient, then going to maintaning EotS, and then using Dragon's Wrath for the Rush buff. After EotS comes off (I can clearly SEE the damage tics from teh power) I will activate DW on full charge and see..nothing. No damage…
  • In regard to the travel powers from vendors..(ie, the ooze tunneling and bat flight) I am assuming they are only unlocks for THAT character? So I couldnt get them on one, then have access to them on a new guy? Oh and..just was looking at a few general guides, and then are talking about having NINE gear slots? Like..Primary…
  • Looking more at teh SIlver Gear. Say from Primary Defence (I am the Unleashed AT) Is it better to get the pure +def one? A Mix? Is Dodge chance better to get the Avoid? Seems like it would be? Also..why does it say like +132 Dodge..when it wont BE 132? And then..those take 3 mods? So use ones for my super stats or perhaps…
  • AH ha, thanks for the gear update. Makes sense hearing it has 3 Mod slots. Just a quick clarification, assuming I got some of said gear, its better to slot it with mods boosting my superstats correct? I did Nemcon..that was pretty cool! With nems, the clue just wont drop. They are spawning fine (from teh chairs behind…
  • Yeah that is what happened :( Some of the submissions in the Hotspot HAD a location listed, and when I zoned there, I'd get a mission marker...but soo many more just had no location listed, so I couldnt finish them. Very annoying. Thank you for the clarification about what the Unity stuff gives..makes sense. I was…
  • So I have been 40 for a week now and..well..wtf IS there to do at 40? Alerts for resources and Q..ok, till I am capped for teh daily Q Have joined Unity and been doing teh Hotspot missions, but they are so buggy (only managed to finish 2 of 7 attempts, since the submissions keep having no location). Then there us the…
  • I am sick to death of this BS error. 3rd time in under a month I had gotten it. Game works fine..THEY change something, it ****s up. Seriously. And when the fix is just getting a new exe (the exe just seeming to load the laucher..) yet teh awesome support on this site can't help..pathetic, just pathetic.
  • Yeah..I just found out about the claiming attachments. Though..god knows why you cant JUST claim from email..is it such a big difference to go to the terms? Ok..seems to be going now. Next question..after donig teh Vibora Bad Apoc arc (very cool btw) and unlocking T4 powers..do I have to be a full sub to use them? I ask…
  • Also..can a F2P not claim email attachments? I got the Unity email and one from Sapphire..but I cant claim the attached files?
  • Back to Nemesis Missions. I made my Neme, got a clue the next day. Since then, almost 4 days..I have NOT got a single clue more. I had been killing chairs, and getting the mobs of neminions spawning, but then are NOT dropping clues. Apparently its every 6 hours per clue? It has been over that. Is there some way I missed…
  • Thanks Bio. I was really just using the Ques Travel powers as an example, since it is the first thing I saw. So a Freeform slot, at 4000Zen, would be around..600,000 Q, with the average exchage right, correct?
  • I saw the exchange. But no idea what to do. lol. I see I can get travel powers (for example) for 200k Ques. Like electric swinging. Is that the same as normal Swinging, but colored? Would it be better to exchange Q for Zen and get the power instead? How long does it roughly take to get enough Q/Zen for a freeform slot?
  • Ahhh thanks for the new info Naz. I was playing about in the online builder thingy, going on some of teh info people have put forward, and came up with teh following. I am not sure if you can view Stats in the Onlline builder (like you can in the Offline CO builder) but..more of a idea for what skills and stuff to…
  • Oh, one last question. I was looking in the Q store, and saw, at the bottom, Set Items for like..11k Q each. They seem decent numbers and apparently level with me. But..then are a lot cheaper than the other stuff at 100k. lol Are they just not worth it, overshadowed by the Until stuff I can get at 40?
  • Just gonna ask a few more questions..thank you for the replies already Hal. "are primary offense w/ +crit chance as a fixed stat, primary defense with Avoidance (slot Gambler's Lucky Gems in both, which would give more crit chance and dodge chance, respectively). For primary utility, cooldown reduction and cost reduction…
  • I did the Museum one. Have only got one more Nem 'mission' since then, in..7 levels of play? Is that about normal? Also, you say to get a set of the Heirloom stuff. Is that gonna take ages and ages? Is being able to get a set by say..level XX, a realistic goal? Thank you also!
  • Another good, different type of reply, thank you. Your explanations help..I found my CoX builds to be much better after I got a basic understanding of HOW and why stuff happened. Seeing the differences is good.
  • Thank you Red! That was a great lil collection of clarifications and tips. Really nice. Especially the bit about the resources..I was wondering why I'd get 7k..and then have nothing. lol. I was assume the AT's were less good than Freeform, hearing it confirmed is helpful. A bit sad though. Your view on energy builds helps…
  • Wow, that worked for me to. Which is utterly bull**** since I am almost 100% sure it is exactly the SAME exe version that I had..and worked last week. Now it is patching again..maybe there was an update I missed? Even so, why the hell does the launcher just decide to ****e itself? So yeah..its doing stuff..still more than…
  • Just opened my ports..did JACK ****. As I figured..since I could run the game without them open..5 hours ago. But now.. Screw this, bye bye CO. I'd love to say its been fun but..
  • Had this error after I downloaded the game. Finally got it working via someone elses exe. Then today, it was working fine. I logged off for a few hours and now..BOOM. Cant update the launcher. Have to say, I am about to say **** It and not bother. Seeing how common this error seems to be and the lack of support on the…
  • God this ' for a short period of time after account creation, posting new threads is disabled; crap is annoying. I guess they do it so new people can;t start ******** about their game, before they have actually got INTO the game. Like me Finally got the launcher to work..got the 1.5 gig patch. Now it is downloading a 61mb…
  • Just downloaded the game last night..after CoX died :( My internet has been a bit patchy today but everything 'else' is running run now. Everything except CO. Running the CO desktop icon, I get the Launcher Autoupdate popping up then it fails to connect with 'Unable to establish connection to Patch server' I tried turning…