It would be very nice to have the artifacts land within the 5 groups we're required to hunt for Streets Run Red. Sometimes they come quick, but often not...I've taken as many as 10 groups before getting them all, and Water and Wind seem to be the most stubborn. For those of us running this mission on multiple alts, we…
I made a gunslinger type last year as an alt. I like having the cigar in his mouth in a Clint Eastwood-ish style, especially with the glow texture on the tip. However, he's supposed to have the beard style with the sideburns, and they're the same slot. There should be a face slot as well as a mouth slot.
We've got two pairs of running shorts, and the booty shorts in the main leg items, but I was thinking this other athletic style would be nice with some extra textures on it.
It's real random. Same as with the perma-block macro, which was listed here in another thread. I made several alts in the past few months. This stuff either works on them, or it doesn't. That would be one thing, but it's that I have no idea how to fix it is what really bugs me.
Good suggestions, all. The question is, can they add a stemmed glass, a pilsner glass with a nice head, and a steaming mug, so they can be told apart by observers?
It does seem a lot worse lately, at least since sometime in autumn. It gets me mad because I make sure to get my 4-hour XP bonus, when Witchcraft is up. Then, a lot of time gets blown on the bonus, waiting for groups to form.
I'd really just like to the spawn rates go up...when I run and open at least 6 gift boxes in a row, I get more stocking, but when running several alts in evening sessions and the evil toys don't pop, it kills a lot of time, and turns the Misfit Toys mission into an exasperating grind. I can get more response and payoff…
I like the 'Lighted' necklace piece from the ongoing Winter event; anything with glow textures is usually a winner with me, but may I request that the item also be opened up into the collar costume slot? Most of my heroes have various kinds of neckwear, and having the Lighted necklace to wear around them would be cool.…
Really nice to get those low saturation hues into the palette; I use some costume parts with plain white on a regular basis, and my attempts to make a convincing 'off white', which brings out the textures better sometimes, were pretty limited with the existing grayscale hues. Also very nice having the optional lighting…
I bought a decent number of costume sets before going lifer, I've felt I'm at the point of having the 'ones I want' with a few of the 'ones I wouldn't mind having' still out there. Guess I better take a look at the lifer vendor later today...
Bearing this in mind, I think it would have been cool to have some subway stations; via either by a building door or street staircase. Goes down to an abbreviated version of the Praetorian Underground in CoX. Subway lines with adjoining service tunnels and access ways. You can quick click through from…
I had it happen once...was prompted for a rename, and nothing more came of it. Nothing in the name was truly prohibited or was just something that some might see bad in some contexts. But yeah; it's definitely a problem- we have some 'sensitive' members among the community at large. Especially among the…
Glad to see community opinions requested. Truth is, I picked this one up in the summer of 2012, as the announcement came that City of Heroes was going away. I knew I was going to need something to get my superhero MMO fix, which became a required thing after the splendor of CoX. Like many others here, I had numerous…
Yeah if you quick log out and in with a basement hideout, you'll see the extra rooms. Can we please just open these maps up completely? Even if the extra spaces do absolutely nothing.
"I am not happy that there is now a costume slot cap." Agreed. On a couple of my mains, I am capped out on costume slots. To get any more, I'd have to pay open them up, so what gives? If I'm offering $$ to get more slots, why turn that down? :/
I lost several hundred in recent holiday currency between several alts. What was the reason for this removal? I camped for this stuff...if this is permanently gone, I just won't be able to support CO financially going forward.
Hasty Transformation: A similar animation to the Superman phonebooth suitup, or the Wonder Woman spin, but it's whirling emote where articles of clothing spin away, persisting for a few seconds on the ground as the hero or heroine hastily suits up.
I'd like to see some emote or stance that reflects the awkwardness of superheroes that try to do heroey things while in stiletto heel boots. Would make some fun comedy relief.
I could so easily turn this into an anti-cat, anti-dog statement (anti-furry...far too many of you milling about in Renn Center),but you all play what you play because you enjoy that character type somehow. I've exceeded a normal quota of hapless heroines, so we all have a preference or vice. I can accept the differences…
I can see that it won't be a thing for everyone, but those of us that are tighter on our character concepts and portrayals are making good use of these. We had them available in past (current) games like CoX. Patience will be a virtue for the 'next generation' superhero MMO's, but in the meantime, we have two cities to…
Leveling a 40 from the ground up in a week, or whatever it was, seemed quite a bit much for the reward. This is exactly, or a close variation of the Aerobics emote in STO. All that being said, I'd rather they put it on the market as an account unlockable. I'd buy it.
I'm in huge favor of recovering some emotes from a previous City that Cryptic built for us. First and foremost, the /e HoldTorch emote. Those of us with...dual citizenship...know that eventually became more than a fun emote, but also a tribute. In case some of you are aware, the emote was released in Star Trek Online for…