One of two things is happening-
1. I queue an alert, and the window pops up for only a second, before I can click OK to join.
2. I sit in one, and it times out...doesn't even bother to queue me up for the next available.
I get the system message 'you failed to respond'. NO...the game has been broke as heck on public alerts for a several months.
Alerts didn't used to be like this. When is this going to get a fix??
This happens when the alert expires without enough players queued and switches to another alert. You can queue for a new alert but the system still seems to keep you in the expired alert queue for a few seconds. After you receive the 'failed to respond' message, you should be good to go for any other alerts you queued.
It's been like this pretty much since On Alert started. Maybe you are just running into it more recently than before?
It does seem a lot worse lately, at least since sometime in autumn. It gets me mad because I make sure to get my 4-hour XP bonus, when Witchcraft is up. Then, a lot of time gets blown on the bonus, waiting for groups to form.
Yeah, you're probably right about that...