It seems that there is some weirdness with the cyborg head. When I use see through eye materials, it looks as though there is supposed to be a cyborg eye that is otherwise covered. Is this a bug or intentional?
I’m curious how Anniversary is going to work with the new account wide currencies. Because it’s traditionally a slow roll out, will there be a way to earn premium currency in week one, for instance?
> @championsrper said: > Its been a month since the last event. An event I didn't care about. Please, please give me something to do. We just had Circus Malvanum 2 weeks ago
Yeah, I realized after I posted it I forgot the challenge points. I'm also using the size changing aura for the giant theming, so that's sorta the thought process for powers. Thank you for your help!
Costumes* Added Heavy Hammer, Heavy Double Bladed Axe, Heavy Hammer Sledge, Heavy Sword Broad, Heavy Sword Forked as weapon skins for TK Blades. * There is a known issue where some of the new weapons erroneously display the wrong material in the tailor, this is just a visual issue for the tailor and does not carry over to…
Is there any consideration for being able to switch Distinguished Efficiency for Virtuous Efficiency? I have a lot of characters who had Dist. of Eff. for its (former) energy bonus with Virt. offense and defense, and I would love to be able to get the new set bonus, rather than being left on the lurch.
I think, respectfully, you're looking at this from the wrong perspective. With this update, you will now have a chance at 6000 Q per week, totalling 48,000 to the 30,000 vigilance now awards. Plus now we can skip alerts we don't like (*cough* STE), and we now have access to 20 SCR per week that we didn't have before. I get…
Wouldn't these vendors be better served if they required the respective perk for 50 runs or whatever, rather than charging ridiculous amounts of tokens? BTW, HUGE QoL upgrade for Forum. But you might as well get rid of the cutscenes entirely, as anyone who doesn't skip them is going to get abandoned by the rest of the team…