Overall, I think the Kiga changes have made ccing for Kiga much easier than before the changes. Three positives of the fight after the changes: 1. Initial dog pull AI is more predictable with their lunge attack Sometimes before, you would need to be able to take an unblocked dog bite, but now you can do a solo pull…
Anniversary Premium Favor comes from the mission "Save Reggie's Friends!", Anniversary Sidekick Favor comes from the missions "Invasion Simulation (Daily)" and "Destroyer's Plans (Daily)", and Anniversary Champion Favor comes from the mission "Destroid Destruction (Daily) (30)". Are you certain that you are turning these…
Rank 2 of your travel power requires you to be level 20 and Rank 3 requires level 40. I hope this helps, hero! Fight on! Bug Hover Disk Hover disk is missing "Requires level 20" for Rank 2 and "Requires level 40" for Rank 3 power descriptions which ends up confusing players like dpglerch.
Medical Beam: Rejuvenator only triggers when a power comes off cooldown while you are using/have recently used Medical Beam. Maybe a bug, maybe not. Suggestion Allow Medical Beam: Rejuvenator to trigger even while not using Medical Beam.
I made a little spreadsheet to compare different values that are relevant to a healer across various superstat choices. Cosmic gear and Cosmic Presence used for all primary stats except for PRE primary. PRE primary is using OV gear. I only looked at things that were obvious and gear wasn't optimized, so what you see here…
Suggestion The Fissile Specializations: Avenger/Vindicator Avenger spec tree is a way better fit for the Fissile AT. Avenger Mastery would allow the AT access to quick debuff refreshing using blast, on demand energy gain and form stacking, and blast synergy with Preemptive Strike > Plasma Cannon. You'd be utilizing your…
Swapping the locations of these two specs results in a heavy nerf to off-meta builds and a minor nerf to meta builds which does not seem to make sense. Meta builds (DEX superstat) will have less energy/energy pool and slightly less max hp since they will likely take Detect Vulnerability R3 and Expertise R2. Their DPS…
Bug Plasma Radiation: Dubious Custom Work When this power goes on cooldown, it only goes on cooldown for 1 second instead of 5 seconds. Suggestion Plasma Radiation: Dubious Custom Work When this power goes on cooldown or when the power comes off cooldown, have Technological Prowess form gain a stack. Right now, Plasma…
Bug Plasma Cannon Plasma Cannon is not tagged as a Gadgeteering power. It is not affected by Gadgeteering utility mod nor does its cooldown get reduced by Pulse Beam Rifle: Finite Improbability Engine.
Bug Cosmic Wonder + Particle Mine interaction Cosmic Wonder does not reduce Particle Mine's cooldown despite Particle Mine being tagged as a Summon power. Bug Cosmic Wonder + Plasma Cannon interaction Cosmic Wonder does not reduce Plasma Cannon's cooldown despite Plasma Cannon being tagged as a Stun power.
Suggestion Move Orbital Cannon choice to level 40 so that the AT could choose between two potential ultimate powers since Ultimate Orbital Cannon device exists. Power Progression: 40. Implosion Engine OR Orbital Cannon Suggestion Add an advantage to Experimental Burst Ray that increases the damage this power deals and…
Radiation Suit + Plasma Beam (7050 DPS): I don't know what to say. Doing what you think would be good is actually a DPS loss. This "universal access to Plasma Burn" does not compare to simply picking a better passive, Targeting Computer. It stands that Power Armor targeted Radiation Suit nerf is not justified if it cannot…
Your reasoning is sound, but I think you forgot to realize that you have to make a tradeoff in picking Radiation Suit over another passive. To receive the free DoT, you have to give up something like better energy efficiency with Electric Form or better critical chance and critical severity with Targeting Computer.
I performed some 1m damage DPS tests using different passives on a power armor build to investigate whether Radiation Suit offers a substantial increase to Power Armor DPS builds. Melta Cannon advantage not used in any test case. Electric Form (7021 DPS): Radiation Suit (7252 DPS): Targeting Computer (7513 DPS): Based on…
Suggestion Pulse Beam Rifle Have Pulse Beam Rifle apply a stacking buff on the player's buff bar so that players can visually see that their Pulse Beam Rifle is being enhanced as they maintain the power.
Suggestion Electro Magnet Lower activation time from 1s to 0.67s. I think there isn't a good reason for this power to have so much of a high activation time. Soul Vortex is a comparable power and has a 0.67s activation time.
Bug Plasma Cannon/Particle Mine/Electro Magnet + Onslaught Gloves of the Sniper These powers are tagged as Ranged AoE Damage but are not enhanced by Onslaught Gloves of the Sniper's increased base damage. These powers also do not trigger the gear to stack its buff.
Bug Toggle Form: Technological Prowess Does not stack from devices coming off cooldown. OR Suggestion Have Toggle Form: Technological Prowess stack from devices coming off cooldown.
Bug Medical Beam Buff on target depends on role of Medical Beam user instead of role of target. Example: User is Support, Target is DPS -> Result: Target gains resistance boost.
Could the Alert Rewards Display vendor please be updated to show all the drops possible from Franklin Stone's Penthouse? There seems to be a lot missing.
Ok, I found an actual bug interaction between Snap Shot and Onslaught Gloves of the Sniper. I did a test against a <25% HP target with two gear sets. and Same modding, OV 3 piece bonus doesn't apply. I made sure to fully stack the OV Sniper buff before taking numbers. I should expect to deal 10% more damage. Instead, I…
I did a better test and the power is working correctly. It just seems to be a tooltip bug. Test was to hit target at the two HP thresholds and then compare minimum base damage hits. Over 25% hp: Under 25% hp:
It ends up being linked to Onslaught Gloves of the Sniper. With the OV gloves equipped, the damage is 1%. With the OV gloves unequipped, the damage is 25%.
The damage is still not good. This is 1078 dps: For comparison, Potent Magic Imbued Gauntlets is 1272 dps: Screenshot damages taken without any offensive passive nor utility damage mod. Therakiel's Blade device is significantly more difficult to obtain than Potent Magic Imbued Gauntlets but performs worse in every aspect…
Could there be a change to let Hybrid roles also get the energy return increase to 20%? Hybrid role tends to struggle a lot with energy and it really deserves the better energy return. Also, with the current Tank and Support role bonuses but no bonus to Hybrid, it makes Hybrid even less of a desirable role choice in…
Yes. I remember that for 2gm it was r3 always because r2 had significantly less chance for furious. And yeah it doesn't make sense. If that chance is a bug, it is a long-standing bug. PA toggles now deactivate upon any knock or repel or reverse repel. It makes sense for knock, but for the repels, that should be a bug. Bug…
I already think that ren cen looks static and lifeless with its basic textures and wide open areas with tons of flat ground. I think that random NPCs moving in predefined paths do not help with making the place seem dynamic and full of life. Basically, I'm saying that these neutral NPCs suck and probably don't fulfill the…
I think this power is the perfect opportunity to introduce Disable CC as a choice to players given the strict <50% HP condition required to be able to use it, a condition that is largely out of the player's ability to control. Moreover, adding Disable CC to the power would start to make Archery more of a distinctly unique…
Suggestion If you want to keep bleeds as an advantage on Caltrops, instead of the power having a chance to apply bleed, make it so that enemies that walk into the area have Open Wound applied on them instead.