Hey Devs, the general consensus seems to be that the zombies in Zombie Apoc are a bit overtuned, plauge seems to stack far to fast and scales alot higher then before. this has resulted in most matches ending within 1-2 minutes. while fast matches are fine for a event ideally the zombies should ramp up in difficulty every…
please scrap the build swapping change entirely. i understand why you believe it needs to exist, but it simply does not. feedback on this change should make it very apparent that its not only not needed but flat out detrimental to the existing playerbase. if you care about player feedback even a little bit please dont do…
consider changing action figure rarity to blue then, as is when someone sees a gold/red shiny they get excited only to instantly be let down when they find out its a AF.
really hype for new lance PVD but it appears to have several bugs that prevent its use, i own TK lance and yet when trying to use the PVD from ranged i get a "must have target message" it does allow me to use the PVD in melee range but not from range. if i tap the normal tk lance power after using it in melee range it also…
they could copy the base frag grenade power, swap to plasma damage then include a advantage to apply one of the two particle debuffs, frag grenade also has a advantage to apply bleeds so maybe for this version that advantage is swapped to plasma burn (by making it apply radiate effect)
i think certain powers need to be individually tagged to not consume cosmic strike, such as will of the wisp. (this power currently can stack/consume cosmic strike, this should not be the case specifically because consuming cosmic strike with this power in ANY scenario is a waste.)
on one hand i completely agree with you, but i also cannot deny that having this passive currently yields the highest dps on meta characters. this might be tied to the effectiveness of vindicator mastery (this does not mean vindicator mastery needs a nerf, it does not.)
all the ques have given us the same error. we havent tried zombie apocalypse. this has happened both pts and live server. to my knowledge each time we have tried everyone was in zone (renaissance center). everyone was level 40. i am unsure if ATs were involved in the most recent attempt but the first 2 attempts were all…
This PVD seems verrrrrry niche and not in a good way. i think the concept of a sonic punch is good and it even has a pretty cool look to it, but players absolutely DESPISE things that lock you out upon a full charge and while the CC might seem situationally useful there are a wide variery of situations where it would be…
wanted to report a bug with cosmic strike, frag grenade seems to not be tagged as a dot as its stacking/consuming the cosmic strike effect. all other dots ive tested do not produce this effect. at the time frag grenade had both advantages.
Wind here, i agree with all these points. it is very possible to still make this a grind without involving some of the most hated aspects of the game. Id personally like to see the grond/medusa/gravitar OV pieces have BOE versions that drop from their respective boss in Telios Ascendant.
just gonna leave this here, 6 people including myself attempted to use the private ques yesterday. it spat out some kind of map error to the host and refused to que us. awesome.
hey so, im noticing that the new cosmic pieces are not present in the GCR/SCR vendor like they initially were in pts, is this intentional? id hope the gear is not solely tied to rng drops
Hey kais, this gear is pretty fun to mess around with but im noticing a bug with cosmic strike. sometimes when you take to long to attack again your stacks will drop off even though the timer still visually shows you having time. Also i am reccomending that the actual Crit effect itself be buffed to last for 7 seconds…
I agree with the majority of these suggestions, especially the one regarding Adventure Packs. Alot of content in champions online is rarely done or seen due to the game not giving you any incentive to do that content. Grond also would make a very good cosmic if designed right tho id personally like his size to be increased…
If this is the case then all this update did was waste developer time and give players false hope. Not cool at all. Id go as far as to say just can the idea entirely because releasing as is is just a slap in the face to the already dying pvp community. This update could have been amazing for us and now its pretty much…
I hear you but im leaving this feedback in the hopes that kaiserin considers it. frankly this addition is clearly not meant for pve players so i feel like feedback from the people who had previously planned to use such a system should atleast count for something. as i stated in the previous post players want something like…
those minimum player requirments will ensure not even pvpers use this. again im really happy you even considered adding this but i see no reason to be adamant on such a high player limit when that limit will severely limit the use of this que system. 1v1 and 2v2 fights need to be playable or this was simply of waste of…
Wind here, Just tried to test private ques with a friend but each que failed to launch with a "not enough players" message. the minimum players for pvp ques should be set to two, also when trying to join a private que the host will see the person joining as having a greyed out name, not sure if this is purely visual bug or…
This nerf seems really extreme. 1k shield and 3 seconds to summon the shield completely defeats the purpose of the advantage and borderline makes it useless. im going to suggest a few changes that would make more sense instead of completely gutting the power like it is currently on pts. Add a cooldown to shield effect…
Devs should honestly give this list a really long read through. I support every change you outlined here. All of them would contribute to breathing new iife into champions. The game may be somewhat dead now but changes like this are exactly what we need to get the ball rolling again.