Welcome to 2015! It's a new year and time for a new project from me.
Awhile back, I created a new character and began playing her. I really enjoyed the costume/concept and decided to keep her. My original intent was to create zone-specific costumes, but many of them went off an a tangent and didn't seem to fit the theme very well. However, as I still liked these costumes, I chose to keep them. Then, inspiration hit me like a stubbed toe--out of the blue but less painful.
What would she be like if she were from an alternate earth? Would she be a hero? A villain? None of the above? So I played around with this idea and came up with quite a few concepts, some vastly different than the original. Interested? If so, then follow me as I explore this path through the Multiverse.
Earth Prime, the center of the Multiverse. Every other Earth is just an offshoot of here. To keep things simple, I will consider Champions Earth to be the Prime. I will catalog each additional Earth with a number.
This will be an ongoing project, not posted all at once. Each alternate version will come complete with at least a brief history of the world and/or character. Hope you all like it (fingers crossed).
Kalina Two-Hands: Earth Prime (EP)

Vigilante, anti-hero, street warrior--these are all names appropriate for Kalina Two-Hands. Hero also applies, but to a lesser degree, as she is not the White Knight variety. In the aftermath of the Qularr attack on Millennium City, crime rates began to soar. After several of her friends became victims of the increased violence, she decided enough was enough. Born with above average strength, extraordinary agility and a preternatural ambidexterity, Kalina took up arms and entered the life of fighting crime.
In her early days, she fought with whatever was at hand. Clubs, kitchen knives, hammers--anything that could be used as a weapon. Using money recovered from defeated criminals, Kalina paid for her unofficial vigilante education. She purchased a pair of pistols, in order to be able to fight from a distance, later on modifying them with blades for close-quarters combat, when there was no room for larger weapons. She also apprenticed with a blacksmith at a Renaissance Festival for a couple of summers. This eventually paid off, because today Kalina wields a pair of hand-crafted swords, specifically designed to quickly bring down her enemies.
Currently, Kalina fights alone. However, she has made some inroads with the Champions, occasionally working with them--when they ask for her help, that is. She has also worked with the MCPD, FBI, UNTIL and various other abbreviated law enforcement agencies. Ultimately, Kalina still prefers to be the lone wolf.
Some random gangster: I was behind some boxes when this dame walks into the warehouse. She comes right up to my boys and says, "I'm gonna do one of two things: chew some bubblegum or kick your a**es". She looked around slyly, then she said, "I HATE bubblegum!". Let me tell ya, that broad was scary. I stayed hidden until she left.
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Earth 27 is virtually identical to EP, with one exception. Back in the early 2000's, a "window" to an alternate dimension was discovered in northern Canada. This portal allowed us to peer into another world without being seen. An observation/research post was set up around it and then later expanded to a small base. In the following years, the research team continued to grow and the base size matched pace. Today, it stands as Force Station Steelhead (FSS).
Initial studies of the rift determined that nothing was able to pass through, in either direction. This was a good thing, as the world beyond changed randomly and some of them were less than pleasant. Over time, technology was invented that allowed for some manipulation of the portal. The window was enlarged and the "view" could be controlled. Data was collected and analyzed, information was recorded and archived; the cataloging of the Multiverse had begun in earnest.
Now,some scientists believed that this window could eventually be made into a door, but this is still considered speculation and conjecture by the larger scientific community. However, the United States and Canadian governments decided to take precautions in the unlikely event of some other Earth discovering a way to do this first. This is where Kalina Two-Hands enters the picture.
The Kalina of Earth 27 never became a vigilante because the CIA recruited her before that event ever happened. She scored high marks not only in combat, due to her inborn abilities, but also in tactics, intel gathering and infiltration. When she graduated from the training program (read: spy) she was immediately stationed at FSS. She was to observe the rift, study the data and report any anomalies to her superiors, ASAP. She was also in command of responding to any and all threats to, and from, the portal.
Kalina Two-Hands: I hate my job. No, I love my job but I hate this place. It's always winter here and I hate the snow. And the cold. And the ice and the wind and all this STUPID SNOW! Jeez, I can't walk outside without freezing my t*ts off!
I did something a little bit different. I used a theme of Polish Superheroes (I'm Polish, and it's not like there's a ton of superheroes from my country in any superhero lore
Anyway - I love the idea, and will watch closely where you go with this concept! Good Luck!
Vampires, werewolves, zombies and other dark things, monster all... and very real. These creatures of darkness seem to congregate within the city of Vibora Bay on EP. Now imagine, if you will, an Earth where these monsters had spread throughout the entire world. That's exactly what happened on Earth 141, around 200 years ago. Oh, they haven't overrun the world or anything like that... well, not yet, but they can be found in most populated areas. The reason for this is simple--humans. We are their food source, their sole means of survival. We are also the bane of their existence, for which they hate us profoundly... except for the zombies, they have the emotional capacity of a stone.
Monsters being a plague upon mankind, we began to hunt them. Rag-tag bands of huntsmen tracked them down one by one, but this was a stalemate at best. The creatures could spread like a disease, infecting people with a single bite or scratch and thus transforming them into one of their own. Over time, new tactics and weapons were developed to more easily kill the beasts. Eventually the Guild of Monster Hunters (GMH) was formed, the world's largest non-military organization.
Earth 141 continued to progress along a path similar to EP. Cities developed, technology advanced and people lived their lives the same as always, with one exception: the ever present threat of the occasional zombie plague, moon run (it's a werewolf thing) or vampire infestation. In modern times, the GMH has bases all across the globe, able to respond to these threat quickly and efficiently. Kalina is a member of the GMH, and as such is pictured wearing the official member's uniform. The GMH are nothing if not traditionalists. Their attire and weaponry harken back to the days of old, when the guild was first formed. Blades and bullets of silver, wooden stakes and holy water are all found the the arsenal of the Hunters. After all, there are only so many was to kill a monster... and keep it dead.
(Two Hunters whispering)
Monster Hunter #1: Hey, what's that out in the dark?
Monster Hunter #2: It's a monster.
MH #1: No sh*t Sherlock, I know it's a monster.
MH#2: Actually, Sherlock was bitten by a werewolf and eventually had to be put down, so don't call me Sherlock.
MH#1: Thanks for the history lesson, Mom. Now, what kind of monster is that out there?
MH#2: The best kind.
MH#1: What the vampcrack is that supposed to mean?
MH#2: That, my uncomprehending friend, would be Kalina Two-Hands.
MH#1: Oohhh... (shudders)
Around the end of the 17th century is the point in time that Earth 245 deviated from EP. The polar icecaps began to melt and the sea level started to rise. This continued unabated for the next couple of decades and then, just as suddenly as it began, it stopped. By this time, nearly 40% of land was now underwater. Australia was reduced to the size of Hawaii, which itself was now little more than a volcano sticking up above the water. The Caribbean Islands ceased to exist, joining the likes of Atlantis in legend.
After "The Great Flood", as the event is called on Earth 245, the world developed at a much slower rate. Ships still have sails, horses are still beasts of burden and the use of electricity is still in an infantile state. Guns require black power and swords are a necessary implement. Architecture, clothing, arts and entertainment haven't changed much since about the mid 18th century. Life, however, changed for everyone on this world.
As coastal cities were submerged, new coasts formed. Less land, more water meant that land routes between trading nations disappeared. Shipping, seafaring, became a way of life and the primary means of conducting business. Sailors were in great demand and everyone knew someone who worked on a ship. All of this was well and good, but there was a dark cloud... pirates.
The increased amount of merchant vessels brought about a greater number of pirates. Originally considered a crime, pirating eventually became a recognized profession. Oft times, sailors jumped ship (sometimes quite literally) to join the ranks of the buccaneers, seeing this as a more lucrative venture: same risk of death, greater benefits. Of course, this created a decrease in profits for the merchants. As such, most countries began sending military escort ships along with their merchants, only to be met by fleets of pirate ships. Navy warships were dispatched to stop them but, with the seas being much larger now, they were hard to catch. This continued, seemingly unchecked, for a long time.
Today, there are four primary sea-related job classifications: Merchants, Sailors, Pirates and Pirate Chasers. Chasers are skilled people, trained in the tracking and removal of Pirates. Many are former Pirates themselves, not unlike EP's hackers becoming security experts. As you can guess, Kalina is one such person. Wielding a cutlass in each hand or a pair of repeating flintlock pistols (ok, so there are a few advancements in technology), she sails the seas aboard her vessel, Double Trouble. Escorting Merchants, defending Sailors or hunting Pirates, that's all in a day's work for Kalina Two-Hands.
Greybeard the Elder: As I train ye lads and lasses to be future Pirates, let me be givin' ya a word 'o caution: beware the Chasers. Fight them with overwhelming numbers or run away 'cause ye might not be gettin' a second chance. (Noticing something in the group before him) Ahoy, me hearties! A raised hand be a question asked. What be yer query, lass?
Hooded Trainee: Who is the best Chaser?
Greybeard: Ye mean the worst and that be Kalina Two-Hands 'o the Double Trouble.
(Pulls down her hood to reveal her mischievously grinning face)
Kalina Two-Hands: Aye, that's what I thought you'd say.
This world is very nearly a copy of EP. Just as the original Kalina became a vigilante, so too did this version of her. However, unlike in our own world, the circumstances behind her transformation are significantly and tragically different.
As a young girl, her family lived in the city of Detroit. Her parents felt that Kalina needed to experience some time away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Every so often, Kalina would go to the suburbs to spend a few days with her mother's brother, Uncle Russ. It was during one such visit that "it"--her life changing event--happened. "DR. DESTROYER ATTACKS DETROIT!", they said on the news stations. Then, suddenly, it was over and the city lay in ruins. Her mother and father never made it out.
The loss of her parents took a heavy toll on Kalina. She went to a new school, but it was like she was just going through the motions. She stopped making friends, barely spoke to anyone except her uncle and just seemed frustrated, even a little bit angry, all the time. Twelve years old and she was practically a recluse.
At the age of sixteen, Kalina began to take self defense classes and some martial arts instructions, specifically in weaponry. The years passed and she gained new skills, improved her strength and agility and honed her ambidexterity. She purchased some guns, learned to shoot and eventually took to the streets to fight crime. Unfortunately, her anger would soon be her downfall.
Kalina came across other vigilantes but would neither accept nor offer help. She would go it alone or not at all. Once, she was even approached by a member of the Champions, extending a word of caution. Kalina brushed him off and ignored his advice. When the gangs of Westside began joining together, her name was on their list. One day, she heard about a meeting of the gang leaders at a warehouse north of the docks. Thinking she had the element of surprise and thus assured of victory, she blindly charged in. It was a trap. Ambushed and surrounded, Kalina fought valiantly until the end. Her last thought: how fitting that she should meet her end in the same city where her parents died.
Distraught over the death of his beloved niece, Uncle Russ decided to create a way to honor Kalina. His full name is Dr. Russell Setzler and he is a scientist studying the field of Artificial Lifeforms. Using his expertise, he fabricated an android body in her image, complete with her gear, guns and swords. He designed it with her fighting abilities and finished it off by simulating her personality, minus the anger issues. He would dedicate his life to this task, ensuring that some part Kalina would always be there, stopping criminals in their tracks. Destroy her and he would build another. Capture her and she would self destruct, taking her captors with her... and he would rebuild, again and again. In death, Kalina would be an even greater force than in life.
Uncle Russ: (eulogizing) Kalina may have been just my niece, but I loved her like a daughter. Unfortunately, all the love I bestowed upon her wasn't enough to shake her from her path. On that fateful day, more than a decade ago, I asked her to visit with me. As such, I inadvertently saved her life. Ultimately though, in the end, I was unable to save her from herself. In life she might have been full of anger, but now I believe she is within the perfect calm. Kalina, may you know eternal peace, once more in the warm and loving embrace of your parents.
The Multiverse, full of infinite possibilities, has many Earths populated by people with extraordinary abilities. The forces of good wage battle with the legions of evil, attempting to stop their villainous deeds and protect the lives of innocent people all around the world. Earth 473 is not one of those.
Edit: New Classification--Vanilla Earth (VE). See Earth 91 for clarification.
On this Earth, super powers don't exist. Sure, some people might be considered above average in various skills, but they are by no means super-powered. Kalina Kincaide was graced with great agility and balance, so naturally she entered the sport of gymnastics. Even as a gymnast, though, her talents stood out. In 2008, at the age of sixteen, she was part of the U.S. Olympic team. She competed in every event in women's artistic gymnastics and was so skilled that she won the gold medals for all four Individual Events: Vault, Uneven Bars, Balance Beam and the Floor Exercise. As would be expected, she also took home the gold for Individual All-Around as well as leading the U.S team to a gold.
Unfortunately, some people were unhappy with this outcome. The second place Romanians, displeased by winning only silver medals, accused the United States of cheating, pointing fingers specifically at Kalina. She tested negative for performance-enhancing drugs, no evidence of score-tampering was found and there was nothing to indicate the judges were bribed. With no proof of misconduct, Kalina was awarded her medals and returned home victorious.
Kalina returned for the 2012 Olympic Games, scheduled to compete in her same gold medal-winning events. However, it appeared that some hostility towards her still remained. It was during her performance on the Balance Beam that things went horribly wrong. Strangely, the beam collapsed beneath her and she was impaled by a broken support, puncturing a lung. She also received a nasty gash when the beam struck her in the face. Needless to say, Kalina was out of the competition. The Romanians didn't seem too shaken up by this tragic event, almost as if they approved of it.
An accident like this had never happened before and many Pro-American supporters cried foulplay, blaming the Romanians or anyone else that believed the cheating accusations of the previous Olympics. An investigation was conducted but, just like the 2008 Games, no evidence of wrongdoing could be found. Tragic accident or sabotage, who could say, but the distrust would never go away.
As for Kalina, she recovered from her injuries but never returned to competition. Today, she is a spokesperson for USA Gymnastics and operates her own gym, Leaps Abound, training future gymnasts for a shot at the Olympics. Maybe, just maybe, she'll inspire the next Champion to go Gold.
(2012, Kalina is spotted leaving the hospital)
Tabloid Reporter: Since her dream came crashing down, quite literally, we've finally managed to catch up with Kalina Kincaide. Kalina, I'm Richard Less with the magazine, Burning Questions and readers everywhere have a burning question for you. Back in 2008, how did you manage to get away with cheating?
The sound of a fist striking a face is heard
Richard: OUCH! Hey, you can't do that! Don't you know who I am?
Kalina: Sure, I know you, ****. Can I call you ****? You're a sleazy reporter for a scandal rag sheet with so few readers that you have to practically give it away. Am I right? As for your "burning question", I believe I've already given you my answer. Unless you want another?
Richard: You'll be hearing from my lawyer, you b***h!
(As he turns to walk away, Kalina trips him, knocking Richard to the ground)
Kalina (smiling): Oh, I'm so sorry, that's not like me. Hmmm, must be my pain meds.
The Second World War, the Manhattan Project, atomic bombs... the Apocalypse. That's how things happened on Earth 5130, when spies infiltrated the Project and stole the technology from the Allies. It was then sold to the Axis powers and changed the face of the war. The Germans, the Italians and the Japanese developed bombs and missiles, forcing the Americans to share this same tech with their allies. Armies pulled back and formed defensive positions while the nations focused on developing these new weapons.
There are no records of what happened in the end, no account of who attacked first, but suffice to say that bombs were dropped and missiles launched... and the world ceased to be. Now, compared to modern day weaponry of EP, this was not a complete and total devastation of the planet, but there was wide spread death. Tens of millions died in the initial blasts, many more died from the massive amounts of radiation. In many locations it contaminated the food supply, the water turned toxic, the ground became barren... to even breathe was to inhale poison.
Those who remained were starving, dying of thirst and desperate beyond all measure. Countless people turned to barbarism, stealing from those weaker then themselves. Others fed off their fellow man as cannibals. Many were affected by the plagued lands and became little more than animals. Violence became a way of life, kill or be killed... survival of the fittest.
While some areas of the planet survived virtually unscathed, most of it suffered greatly. Today, this is referred to as the Wasteland, a harsh and unforgiving territory. The people of this land live a brutal existence, simply surviving each day is a victory. The Wastelanders are scavengers, scouring the barren wastes for anything they can use or barter. The Bandits often raid Wastelander settlements, stealing all those scavenged items. The Marauders viciously attack both, mainly for something fun to do. The Slavers will take anyone prisoner, selling them to any and all buyers, sometimes even back to the people they stole them from. In the case of the Feeders - the cannibals - these slaves are purchased as food. "The Weak are Meat!!" is a common chant amongst the Feeders. Lastly, there are the Mutants, people changed by high levels of radiation. These toxic bloodlines have created today's monsters. Savage, unthinking and terrifying in appearance, these creatures attack in swarms. When this happens, sworn enemies will join together to fight them off. Hostilities can always resume later, provided they survive.
Kalina is a Wastelander and a fighter, just like her parents before her. Her skill in dual-handed fighting was rather impressive. One day, a freakish series of events happened. Her village was attacked by Bandits, who in turn were set upon by Maraurders... and that's when the Mutants arrived. In the aftermath, Kalina was still alive but everyone else was dead, including her mother and father. To make matters worse, Slavers were attracted by the commotion of battle. Weak from fatigue and injury, she was unable to fight them off and was take prisoner. Arriving back at the Slavers' camp, she was given plenty of food and water, to be sold to a Feeder tribe, who like their meat plump and fresh. Thinking her a helpless girl was a mistake, a fatal one.
When she grew strong enough, Kalina made her escape. One of her guards, thinking to have a little fun before the buyers came and took her away, came in close one night. With the key from his corpse she unlocked her shackles, picked up his weapons and made her way across the camp. Two knives thrown, two less guards standing in her way. Three down, seven to go. Soon enough, her escape was discovered and the fight became deadly serious.
Hours later she walked into the ruins of her village. Bruised, bloody and missing an eye but nonetheless, still breathing. There being no reason to stay, Kalina had only returned for her family heirlooms. Buried in a case a hundred yards outside the village was a case, containing valuable weapons. A pair of swords, hand-crafted by her grandfather decades ago, they were always sharp and forever deadly in skilled hands. The crate also held a set of matching pistols, well cared for relics from the Old World. Wrapped in oilcloth, the metal was as polished as the day they were made, while the pearl-handled grips sparkled in the sun. With these weapons, Kalina would do more then survive, she would thrive. More importantly, she made a vow to herself. She would do everything in her power to save innocent lives, so that what had happened here would not befall others.
From now on, she would be known as Kalina Two-Hands, defender of the Wasteland. Just don't call her One-Eye, you'll only get to do that once.
Bandit #1: Look, it's Kalina One-Emmphhfff....
Bandit #2: (removing his hand from his friend's mouth) Ssshhhh, don't let her hear you say that.
Bandit #1: (a little too loudly) But there's a bounty on her, for the head of Kalina One-Eye!
(Kalina turns her head in the bandit's direction, glaring)
Bandit #2: (stepping to the side, point at his partner) I'm not with him.
Bandit #1: (whining) I want my momma....
Earth 34 is a Near-Earth-Prime(NEP) world, one that is mostly a direct copy of EP. Historic events still occurred in the same sequence and at the same moment in time. The differences are subtle and unnoticeable, unless specifically looked for. Random people of non-historical importance, people who, at the fork in the road of life, took the left path instead of the right.
For as long as anyone could remember, Kalina Kincaide of Earth 34 wanted to bring justice to the city, fight crime and uphold the law. As a child, she was always a "cop" in the game of "Cops & Robbers", never failing to catch the "robber". After graduating High School, she immediately joined the Police Academy, where her instructors noticed that she had an affinity for using both hands in tandem. Her fellow trainees saw this as well and gave her the nickname "Two-Hands". Kalina eventually completed her training, finishing in the top of her class, and this led to a job with the MCPD and the start of a bright future. What goes up... must come down.
Today, Kalina is on paid administrative leave, pending an investigation. The alleged incident--in which she is accused of using excessive force and violating civil rights--took place in a warehouse in Westside. Officer Kincaide and her partner, Officer Victor Freemantle, approached a building where some suspicious activity had been reported. Upon entering the building, Officer Freemantle was struck a blow and knocked unconscious, leaving Officer Kincaide surrounded by nine Purple Gang members.
Four squad cars, three ambulances and nine arrests later, Kalina walked out of the warehouse, none the worse for wear. While recovering in the hospital, the thugs made accusations against Officer Kincaide. They claimed that they were trying to surrender, yet the officer in question proceeded to beat them senseless with a pair of police batons/nightsticks. With no credible witnesses--as her partner was out cold--department procedure had to be followed and Kalina was taken off the streets and put on leave. She is upset at the system of justice and currently thinking about a new career, one of her own making.
Kalina: They are criminals, they got what they deserved. Maybe I didn't hit them hard enough. Perhaps I should quit the force and go into business for myself. I could do what I want, be my own boss. Hmm... "Kalina Two-Hands--Vigilante". Kinda has a nice ring to it, huh? Naaahhh.....
Thousands of years ago, the ancient Egyptians were an advanced civilization, using technology that was well ahead of its time. Many of the things they created are still around today, in one form or another. The people of Earth 4320 call this a "Leap Era" and records show this pattern happening no less than half a dozen times over the next several millennia. The length of an "Era" appears to range from a few centuries to just over a single millennium, although each "Era" seems to be shorter than the previous one. The current "Era" began around the middle of the 20th century but shows no sign of stopping anytime soon. In fact, the level of technology seems to be increasing exponentially.
Egyptech, the country formerly known as Egypt, is a Nation Corporation (NatCorp). It is the world's largest, privately owned business entity and is the only one of it's kind. After the end of World War II, when the rest of the world was focusing on atomic energy, Egypt took a different research path. Being a desert nation with plenty of sunlight, they naturally began to study solar energy. A clean, renewable and abundant energy source, this put them decades ahead of everyone else and solar power soon became the dominant power structure for the country. This also changed the political power structure of the country.
Abundant energy begat greater power and businesses were quick to seize upon this. It began with a few small companies joining forces as a way to increase market shares. These joint groups then merged with each other to form larger companies, which in turn led to even greater alignments. Unions, mergers, buyouts, hostile takeovers--this continued until there were only a dozen mega corporations left. These MegaCorps then ousted the government and instituted a Nation Board of Directors, chaired by their individual CEOs. The Board altered Egypt's national status to NatCorp, relinquishing all rights as a country and changing it's name to Egyptech.
Today, Egyptech is the leader in advanced technology. Everything from power generation* and space exploration to military equipment and even quality of life improvements, Egyptech is working on something. However, when a business that far out in front of the pack, one can expect others to be jealous of that success. Corporate espionage is a constant threat to them and as such, they employ a sizable security force--more like a small army-- to protect their secrets. Unfortunately, sooner or later, something gets stolen or leaked and the specialists are called upon.
The Sun-God Guardians are an elite mercenary organization working for Egyptech, contracted for the retrieval of any such wayward secrets and the apprehension of all criminals involved. Ofttimes they must infiltrate rival corporations, engaging in battle with private SecForces to achieve their objectives. Lately though, the Guardians have been fighting a terrorist organization calling themselves Set's Decree. These people claim to be following the will of the ancient god Set and are determined to destroy all of Egyptech, as a way of restoring balance to the world. They attack, they destroy and then fade away in the night. There are some who believe that this is just a cover, that an elaborate theft is really taking place, but this is hard to prove when all the evidence is potentially destroyed.
Kalina Two-Hands is a member of the Sun-God Guardians and she has access to the latest tech coming out of Egyptech. Since joining, she has been stationed at the CairoPlex facility and has become heavily influenced by the local culture, particularly that of ancient times. Her combat gear reflects this, yet is still highly functional. Flexsteel bodysuit, PharaohTech armor and SunStar Holo-Shielding are all incorporated as part of her gear. Kalina does her fighting with paired weaponry: Plasmatar Blades and Sunfire Pistols.
*It has been rumored for some time that Egyptech has developed a working fusion reactor. Efforts are currently underway to determine the validity of this.
Billboard caption: Egyptech, because the future is now here.
Billboard graffiti, overwriting caption: Egyptech, because the future is NOWHERE!
Kalina: Ya see, Set's Decree is on the run and leaderless. They have taken to vandalism and propaganda. Soon we'll crush the life out of them. Mark my words, boys, the golden days are almost over. Then it's back to a boring life of spy-thwarting and paperwork. Fear the paper cut, lest it be the death of you.
This Earth, designated Earth 503, is another NEP world (see Entry: Earth 34). 503's version of Kalina Kincaide lived a life far away from the spotlight. She wasn't a superhero, she didn't have a tragic background and yes, she was entirely human. She was intelligent, not genius-level smart but still graduating from college with near top grades, and as such, scored a job as a lab assistant with the eggheads over at Starcore Labs. Kalina was the kind of person that everyone liked. She was a pleasant woman, always armed with a kind word and an infectious smile, she knew the names of all her co-workers and could carry on a conversation with them all--just so long as it wasn't too science-y.
Kalina was also a caring and giving young lady, volunteering for food drives, soup kitchens and outreach programs. She donated a good portion of her free time to helping those who had fallen on hard times. One day, she--quite literally-- ran in to a troubled young girl. After getting back up and dusting herself off, not even the least bit upset, she extended her hand and helped the girl to her feet. When Kalina learned that the girl had run away from a bad situation, she took the teenager to a place of safety. Unfortunately, no good deed goes unpunished.
A few weeks later, Kalina stumbled upon a mugging in progress. With no time to call the police, she attempted to scare the thugs off. Sadly, the area was far too secluded and when the muggers ran off, they left her body lying just inside the alley. To the world at large she was just another statistic, to the employees at Starcore--her friends, her family--she was a hero. They put together their vast intellect and came up with a way to honor her: a robot version of Kalina.
Affectionately called 'Robo-Kalina', this unit was designed to provided protection for the citizens of Millennium City. A tireless machine with the sole purpose of creating a safe and secure environment by removing criminals from the streets. Programmed to do this in a non-lethal way, nevertheless it was outfitted with a few weapons. Utilizing a pair of Stunswords and SynthShot (polymer bullet) pistols, this newly created Kalina patrols the city and apprehends criminals, doing so quickly and with minimal violence.
Robo-Kalina (in a mechanical feminine voice): Attention Criminals, cease all illegal activities and follow me to the nearest police station.
Criminal #1: Hey guys, get a load of the stupid metalhead. Ohhh, we're sooo scared, we better do what this robo chick says. But wait, let me first remove the bullets from this gun. (The sound of gunshots and bullets ricocheting off metal)
Robo-Kalina: Warning unacknowledged, beginning Apprehension Protocol...
Edit: After the success of Robo-Kalina, Starcore Labs officially launched the Autonomous-Robotic-Civilian-Defenders-Augmented for-Weapon-Neutralization (ARCDAWN) Program. The goal is to eventually have ARCDAWN robots protecting cities worldwide.
Aliens. Extraterrestrials. Interstellar travelers. No matter what they are called, many are the Earths that have been visited--even attacked--by beings from beyond the stars. Earth 83 is no different.
25 years before the recent attack on Millennium City, the Qularr sent a scout ship to Earth, laying the ground work for their future invasion. They did their work quietly and in secret, but even so, they were still stumbled upon by a group of humans. A slaughter ensued and all the humans died, except for one--a baby. With her dying breath, the child's mother used her own body to protect her daughter. However, the infant sustained injuries and would not survive with out help.
The Lo'Kaash. Myths. Legends. Ghosts. Rumors exist of this hidden alien race, living somewhere within the Milky Way galaxy. Rumors and nothing more, because none have ever been seen, no matter how advanced one's technology is. However, the Lo'Kaash are real, they actually prefer to stay hidden, largely due to their rules of non-interference. A brief history follows:
The Lo'Kaash are an Elder race, possibly the oldest race still in existence in the galaxy. Long ago, having had enough of wars and battles, they withdrew all of their forces, ending all conflict, and simply vanished. Centuries passed but they were never seen again. Eventually they were forgotten, believed to have possibly destroyed themselves. This couldn't be any more wrong. The Lo'Kaash had just gone into hiding, to become observers, watching the galaxy change around them. They studied new species, following the rise and fall of civilizations. Witnesses to the cessation of all life on a planet, even the destruction of the planet itself, still they maintained their self-imposed watchmen status.
The ability to remain undetected for millennia was simple: cloaking technology. The actual tech was anything but simple. Cloaking fields for their ships had been standard for ages. When ground work was required, they created special stealth suits. These were equipped with their own cloaking fields but, by itself, was not enough. Some species had far better senses than others, so new tech was needed. They developed devices to nullify sound in a short range around the suit, as well as ones with the ability to mask the body's natural scent. They became as ghosts, moving unnoticed where ever desired.*
The commander of a Lo'Kaash ship was tracking a Qularr vessel, one far outside it's usual territory, on a course toward a habitable planet, called Earth by the local population. Taking a team down to the surface, the commander was trying to determine what the bugs were doing here when he came upon the site of the massacre. He was overcome by guilt, guilt for not helping innocent people, no matter that they weren't even his own. Guilty for having all this advanced technology and using it for nothing by study. He then heard a sound, sobs coming from a nearby body. He pulled aside the dead woman and revealed the female youngling. He examined the babe's injuries, calculated the distance to the nearest human medical facility and determined that the child would not survive until help arrived. Ignoring the non-interference decree, he took the child back to his ship for treatment in the med bay. Unable to remain on Earth any longer, he returned home with the human.
For breaking the rules, the commander and his family were exiled to a distant outpost colony. They were determined to raise the child, instructing her in useful skills: combat, diplomacy, tactics and the like. They would also teach her everything they knew about the people of Earth. One thing they could explain to the girl were emotions. As the Lo'Kaash didn't feel or express emotion the same way as humans, she was taught ways to suppress them.
Due to the gravity of their new home being slightly greater than Earth, the girl grew to be a little stronger than the average human. She was also quite skilled with weapons in both hands. She became a true warrior. Her surrogate family had named her Kahl'hina, which means 'Great One' in Lo'Kaashian. As she had some trouble speaking in the Lo'Kaashian tongue, this came out of her mouth as Kalina.
One day, they received word of a Qularr invasion fleet heading towards Earth. The time had come for Kalina to return home. Wielding a pair of organic morph-able weapons (guns/close quarters combat), she hopped into a small ship and followed the coordinates to Earth. She arrived in the midst of the invasion, helping to win the day. Kalina had returned to her people as a savior, a champion, and she would remain here, fighting to protect the innocent, never to leave again. Although she would dearly miss her Lo'Kaashian family, she would never show it.
*The true reason that the Lo'Kaash have been able to remain hidden for so long is due to the invention of a planetary cloaking device. Yes, they managed to hide the planet, the whole planet.
Kahl'hina: Goodbye, Falsha. Goodbye, Mokthra. I go now to achieve my destiny. Live well, until the Great Beyond beckons.
Falsha: Farewell Daumek, live the life you were saved for.
Mokthra: Travel on your journey's path, the Great Beyond will wait. Farewell, Kahl'hina.
Lo'Kaashian Translations
Kahl'hina: Great One
Falsha: Father-not-Father
Mokthra: Mother-not-Mother
Daumek: Daughter-not-Daughter
Classification: Oddworld
The Earths of the Multiverse, while infinite in number, can still be divided into categories: Near-Earth-Prime, Apocalypse, Non-Exists, etc. Then there are versions that border on the absurd, when compared to EP standards. Earth 30 is one such world.
A few centuries ago there lived a druid, the most powerful of his kind. He saw the modernization of mankind as an act of war against nature. Druid-kind had been on the decline for a long time, as civilization continued to gain ground against the natural order of things, so this Druid King summoned the remaining druids to a gathering. He had devised a spell so powerful it would require every last drop of magic to give nature a fighting chance against mankind's development. Their sacrifice infused the trees of the world with the power to grow at a significantly increased rate. In less than a single year, fully matured trees would exist, a rate of growth faster than man could harvest.
With the invention of heavy machinery and modern technology, today's day and age have seen the scales tipping back into man's favor. In order to keep things in balance, laws were written, programs developed and various groups were formed to enforce these regulations. Nature violations are of the highest order and are considered international crimes. The largest of these enforcement agencies is the international government-sanctioned W.O.O.D.A.I.D.(hereafter, WOODAID)--Woodland Organization Organized for the Defense Against Illegal Deforestation. This agency investigates the "tree gangs*", groups of lumberjacks opposed to the laws.
*Also known as tree-orists
The basic tenet of these tree-orists is that there should be no rules to tree cutting, that they should be allowed to cut lumber wherever and whenever they want, with no limit on how much. They believe that deforestation is neither legal nor illegal, but a necessity to ensure the survival of man's way of life. They are an eclectic mix, with names such as LOL(Lumber Over Life), 4EST LORDS and CCR(Clear-Cutting Renegades). However, the most notorious would have to be the Lumberjacks for Tree Freedom, or as they call themselves--FreeJacks.
Kalina Kincaide is an agent of WOODAID, currently deep undercover within the ranks of the FreeJacks. As a truly dedicated agent, Kalina underwent surgery to hide her womanly attributes, as the FreeJacks are exclusively men. Fourteen months in, she has risen up through the ranks and will soon be in a position granting her access to the inner workings of the FreeJack elites. Then it will just be a matter of time to get the evidence to bring them all down and put an end to their tree-oristic ways. Plus, if the FreeJacks are felled, the other gangs might just blow away--like leaves in the wind...
FreeJack Leader, Lester Zmahls: Ok Kal, since you found the 'root' of our last problem, you made the 'cut' for the south quadrant team. After that, we'll 'branch' out in new directions. This is my plan and you're about to 'hatchet'. Get it, 'hatchet' (chuckles quietly). Now make like a tree and 'leave'. Ha ha ha!
Kal Inna(Kalina): Ugh! You're killing me Zmahls!
Classification: Vanilla Earth (VE)
Earth 91 is part of a new classification, a Vanilla Earth (VE). This is an Earth that is completely ordinary; no superpowers, no aliens, no magic. Totally ordinary in every way.
Kalina Kincaide, on this Earth, grew up with a normal life. The child of loving parents (alive, no super villain attacks), she is a beauty to behold (no tragic accidents, scar-free). As a teenager, Kalina entered the world of modeling, beginning with the latest fashion trends. She used the money from her photo shoots to pay for college and, after earning her degree, applied that education to her modeling career.
Kalina became a swimsuit model, a very lucrative profession, using her degree to help manage her finances. Smart and savvy, she saved and invested, eventually becoming one of the most successful models in the world. A perfect mix of brains and beauty, Kalina is in high demand around the world. Her photos have appeared in such publications as Sports Incorporated, Top Shelf Magazine and even a classy shoot for The Playbook. She has also been seen in various television commercials and is currently contemplating a career shift towards acting, with the possibility of eventually directing.
*Currently ranked #227 on the FortuneStar 300, an index of the most successful individuals in the world
Kalina (speaking at her old high school): Modeling is a great job but it won't last forever. Age steals youth, beauty fades, accidents can happen--but a college education is something that will always be with you. So remember, stay in school and be healthy, treat yourself right and most importantly, be happy. After all, you've got your whole life ahead of you.
Earth Rank: #1182
Classification: Non-Exist (NonE)
Kalina "Two-Hands" Kincaide: "_______________________"
Classification: Oddworld
The people of Earth consider personal privacy to be very important. They do what they can to protect it and, in the modern world, demand that any company they do business with protects it as well. The people of Earth 395 have taken privacy issues to a whole new level.
There are many things an individual can do to protect themselves from identity theft but wouldn't the best defense be to hide it? Obscure the true identity among layers of false persona. It would be like Halloween--365 days a year. On Earth 395 this is call Perpetual Cosplay (PCP) and it is simply a way of life. Almost everyone engages in some form of PCP, from the recreational players to the hardcore elites. Kalina Kincaide is one of the elites.
Kalina has adopted many identities, ranging from a fairly normal cab driver (albeit from the 1950's), a princess and all the way up to her current look, that of a classic storybook witch. This look goes way beyond a simple costume as she employs the use of full facial prosthetics and Hollywood-style makeup effects. She has enhanced her age to look older, enlarged her nose and chin and even appears to have sunken cheeks.
However, the real trick to keeping one's identity hidden is to conceal their online presence. As such, a significant portion of the world uses fake names with every persona change, thus making it harder for identity thieves to discover their true identity. At least that's what the people of Earth 395 would like to believe.
B-Witch(Kalina): Oh yeah? I'd like to see you drop a house on me! You may dress the part but you're not really Superguy, dumba**!!