Figured I would start a thread where would could collate examples of vehicle models we would like to see in game (seeing as they are here to stay) and that could work with the existing flying model (seeing as we are unlikely to see ground vehicles anytime soon)
To start the ball rolling I would like to see some sort of flying convertible using either an existing car model (retooled for extra detail) or something sleeker from the minds of the designers. The flying car idea has been around in comics for a long time, and has been recently resurrected in the likes of Marvel: Agents of Shield (and briefly in the first Captain America movies).
I would love to see an opentop/convertible because I want to see my character IN the car - hell they could even sell left and right hand drive variants (e.g Imports)! I appreciate this would require modelling a new pose, however I think it would go a long way to filling a need in the vehicle market - not everyone wants bikes, or jets, or rocket ships.
In terms of cockpit design something like this would be great:

However I prefer the external design of this model (and the rotors are very similar to what we have in the VTOL jets already) - minus the doors of course.

Of course if you could make something like Lola..
It's not like they're hard to design.
+magical vehicle is needed, frankly, any.
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Search feature is a mess...
I can't find even my old threads, unless I have link to them.
"Where we're going, we don't need roads"
RIP Caine
So how about stuff like this?:
Cyberpunk Police Cruiser:
Cyberpunk Police Patrol:
Some other stuff unrelated to my point above, which are also super weird and probably impossible:
Hoverchair (unusual vehicle that doesn't have weapons. The user can use their own attacks and heals while in the hoverchair, but not any melee attacks, blocks, or travel powers (each of which are replaced with standard vehicle functions. Reload would probably be labeled as something like Recharge).
Carrier (extremely high defense vehicle with decent speed and horrible attack power. Has a special ability that enables other players to interact with the Carrier to board it, and unboard it at will.)
The fying throne:
Classic for cosmic powered characters, a very simple concept.
And we already have sitting animations for it.
On top of that, just by changing textures, a throne model can be tailored even for high tech and magic themes.
Also, VIPER hoverbike & hovertank. We've got the models in-game, why not use them?
As usual, I suggest landbased or airbased police vehicles, with hopefully a focus on the actual mundane police vehicle types: helicopters and police cruisers.
But the above (somewhere in this thread, I think, if I look up) flying police hoverbike is cool too.
Give our boys in blue some love!
But that's not all! We have a hospital right on the doorstep of the Ren Cen!
So, new from the Sisters of Mercy Engineer Corps, is the Flying, Destructive, Mega Mecha Hover Ambulance!
A white brick with decor on it to make it ambulancy, no longer will our SOCRATES-controlled traffic flows slow down our journey to the victims of nefarious crimes! With healing rays of every artifice and enchantment, the hover-ambulance is there to heal everyone!
(warning, side effects may include dizziness, loss of blood, injury, and death)
<_< A giant robot would be cool too.
That Dork In The Suspenders, signing out.
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So the big issue you'd see with basic cars/bikes/tanks you'd see is that half the time, when traveling across hills or ramps, the front half of the car would be clipping through the slope.
This on the other hand I can get behind because the Reprogrammed Terminator bit at the end of Resistance was probably one of the best moments in the game for many people. Though alternatively it'd probably just end up annoying the hell out of people in RenCen most of the time. Probably the most common height for a piloted giant robot would be 45-60 feet, which already is super-big.
Stop crushing my dreams with well known facts. :P
Yeah, even the original Gundam is only a bit under 60 feet tall, and it's not even that big compared to most of it's successors. Or even some of it's contemporaries. And that's just in the "real robot' genre. Super Robots are huge.
That Dork In The Suspenders, signing out.
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That Dork In The Suspenders, signing out.
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What I was looking to do was compile suggestions for vehicle models we would be likely to see because they require minimal changes to the existing vehicle system.
This would probably be
- limited skeleton creation for posing on 'open' vehicles
- vehicles which use the existing vehicle flight mechanics
Something else I would like to see are actual planes - over in downtown they have two statues of fighter planes (a WW1 era biplane and a WW2 era fighter) - I would love to see these available as vehicles (retrofitted with modern weapon slots of course). This would give something for pulp and golden age heroes to fly without feeling too out of theme.
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HELL YES. This is on hulu, you rewatch it recently? Such a well done and mature cartoon, that explores some really adult themes. IMO, possibly one of the 5 best cartoons ever created. I had every toy they ever released for it.
RIP Caine
I'm not thinking something like a Warlord become for an exo suit. But rather a static pose for said exo suit, arms are always elbows down, hands pointed forward, while the feet perpetually hold a Jetboot pose. I admit It wouldn't look GREAT as far as the lack of animations go, but it would at least be a neat idea for a vehicle.
And as i always see other players who like me have Retro Sci-fi heroes a classic sleek Retro Scifi rocket and sleek Flying Saucer would be great.
Also we have existing aliens with vehicles in the game. The Qularr ships from the invasion could easily be shrunk down for one-person fighters and theirs the small Gadroon ship too!
These vehicles could be made available via missions in areas with Qularr and Gadroon in them creating a further incentive to play those areas and missions.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
An alien vehicle set would be great: Gadroon, Qularr, and Roin'esh.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Heck there's a lot of in game vehicles that I'd like to see a player version of.
Viper tanks
Viper Transports
Gadroon Saucers
Qularr Fighters
the other Lemurain subs
I understand that the in game versions might not work but having hero version of them would also be great. However we would really want some in the original villainous colors.
Here we are now going to the West Side
Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
Some may come and some may stay
Watching out for a sunny day
Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm
In game as @forgemccain
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
Various mechs with various poses. Some you stand on like pictured, others, your character is inside.
I want this one!! NAO!!!! :eek:
Additionally it would seem to be a perfect recipient of a toggle effect (ala Liberty bike) - you could have a throne with or without Kirby Krackles/Krackle Aura effect (colorable of course via power tinting)
Furthering this toggle idea, I did suggest over in the PTS thread that it may be a method of adding a small amount of customisation to vehicles -- give each new vehicle a toggleable overlay effect - think something like holoforce idea that is tintable using power tint. At least then people could feel they have something personal to them on their vehicle.
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Vehicles Themed around existing villain/hero groups within the game.
We have had a few UNTIL affiliated vehicles with the VTOLS, but how about some more themed around other groups within the CO world.
Cobra Lords - A Low Rider big engined hover bike
Purple Gang - A 40s 50s styled hover car, classic gangster movie styling.
Black Aces - a crazy clockwork orange flying sphere.
Viper - An updated version of their existing hoverbike, styled to match the viper costume pieces
MCPD - Black and White police styled hover car or bike, complete with red blue lights and siren toggle effect.
etc. Any one else feel free to add other thoughts on vehicles themed around existing groups.
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'Course the Devs would have to over come the old "doesn't work on water" problem.
edit - btw, Devs: Where's my flying Delorean? ;-)
Yay ;D
Anyway some more ideas, since we have the trains now, maybe hover cars could be coming (pls)
Love the brutish look of these
This is a bit kitsch, but if you streamlined those wings so they flowed from the front wheel arch and reduced them in size a bit, I am sure there is many a golden age/pulp champion would would throw money at a classic motor.
Indeed combine it with this look perhaps from Captain America
Or getting back to the skies, how about some helicopters - there must be some players out there who want to be a pilot of their own Airwolf or Blue Thunder
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"Good can be found in heights, even in the deepest pits of evil" but "The valleys of evil always exist in the mountains of good."
Three to be exact. A demon like ghost train and two steampunk trains in either silver or copper
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber