I've grown to like vehicles, but there needs to be more variety.
Something like Psimon's giant form would be cool. Laser beams would work with anything. The flaming Skull travel power would have made an awesome vehicle if the eye sockets and mouth were emanation points that shot laser beams. Giant flaming bird/wolf/lions would be cool.
It kinda feels like someone got tired of dolls with costumes and said "WE'RE GOING TO PLAY WITH TRUCKS NOW like you said we could." And then CO people are like, "NO! Trucks are stupid and over-powered! We want to play with dolls!" And then the Devs were like, "NO! FORTY different TRUCKS! Vroooom~!"
...Okay that metaphor kinda got away from me. But please consider some non-mechanical vehicles--not everyone likes "trucks."
The devs said, ground vehicles, such as cars/bikes etc. are not possible with the CO engine.
Neverwinter uses the same engine as CO, maybe slightly modified though. However Neverwinter does have ground-mounts and tons of them.
I think the true reason why we have not gotten ground/real vehicles is in fact the lack of ressources. Not sure if anybody has noticed it yet, but CO's vehicles have no real animations. They are just meshes with textures and sounds. While the mounts over in Neverwinter are fully animated. I am not too familiar with content develoment, but i can guess that developing non animated stuff is easier and less time and money consuming than animated ones.
The concept of vehicles is fine, but I as a hero that can fly have no use for them, in fact I find it annoying when vehicle mods take up valuable space in my already limited inventory.
I think the true reason why we have not gotten ground/real vehicles is in fact the lack of ressources.
My wholly uniformed thought on this is that the NWO maps were tagged with geometry data to allow the ground mounts to avoid clipping through angled surfaces like the cars in MC do.
Building the map chunks with that data baked in is easier than trying to calculate it and add it in after the fact.
Champions can't make money without money being invested into it. They reinvested in STO further when it wasn't doing well and its the best grossing game of all the PWE titles now. They redid NWO when it was near release date, added another year to production, and look at how many people are being lured into it.
I'd really enjoy seeing more powers, costumes, etc. Come into the game, especially hairstyles and facial feature packs, I'd be far more willing to pay for those than vehicles, in which those sort of things would be looked into more if they stopped pumping out Vehicle content and lockboxes like a rabbit in heat. Imagine, a world with more than 6 Good hairstyles.
signed but it wont matter. it sells and thats all that pwe cares about. id go further and say toss vehicles entirely, I dont see that they could add customization to the point that it would need to be to make them fun.
i try to vote with my c points, I have bought every costume set and powerset, when they weren't covered by my subscription, at this point i'd even pay for new zones/story content if it actually lead to them making some, but vehicles are apparently easier money and people buy them, so Adam Smith smacks my sentiment down.
Make them as DLC or something... I'll HAPPILY pay 15 for a good DLC that adds more stories/Areas to the game... and for the love of whatever you hold dear... When using the wonderful setting that it is Champions, treat it respectfully... enough with the silver age nonsense... This should not be Adam West the MMO -.-
The Dev team consists of about 3 people right now. Just saying. I think they are trying their best. You know, all 3 of them.
Yeeees? So? I'm glad they are trying hard.
I'm not glad Cryptic only has three flippin devs working on this game, and I'm really POd that PWE won't give Cryptic more backing to do more with CO.
I mean, if I go to a restaurant and they only have one server for a full house and the cook is new and the regular cook quit a month ago... great, I'm glad those people are trying, but I think I'm justified in being annoyed at the bad service.
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I have to say signed, even if we have gotten a bit sidetracked from the petition idea. I'm sick of the characters I spend time building being relegated to a grav bike or a tank for ANYTHING. Content should be focused on our heroes.
The only reason I'm still with this game at all is the customization and the RP possibilities. That would change if we got good content, like an extension of the Nemesis system, but so far it looks like that's never going to happen. They're going to jump from one easily monetized, overly priced carrot to the next, lockboxes until judgement day, and that's all.
Stop picking on the Devs. They're doing their best. One thing at a time guys.
i'm not, hoenstly ii think the realization that they have limited resources is what makes this inportant. if this were a large dev tam and they could work on a lot of things, vehicles would jsut be a cute annoyance that id let other people work with, but the sad reality is that vehicles are literally in the way of the animators, power fx people and balance calculators giving us new powers is what actually hurts. each new vehicle is not a plant/water/gravity/time/whatever your pet power request, not getting made. i could tolerate them as something for others is the resources weren't so barren.
i also try(maybe not always succeed) in separating my criticism for the devs from that of the publishers. i like the devs a lot, i like cryptic north a lot, they are the elves that make my toys, its the money guys that i'm usually ticked at for forcing the devs to make only some toys and not the kind i like, but the devs are usually the talented workers being managed in such a fashion that conflicts with my interests.
I have to say signed, even if we have gotten a bit sidetracked from the petition idea. I'm sick of the characters I spend time building being relegated to a grav bike or a tank for ANYTHING. Content should be focused on our heroes.
At least for SC and LI I don't have to tailor someone's build to the rampage to survive it let alone contribute. Nothing says focused on our heroes like requiring every hero to have conviction/rebirth/resurgence/masterful dodge if they don't want to spend the whole instance staring at the release button.
Outside of exploitive farming techniques how are you relegated to a vehicle?
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Let's look at it from a proper perspective: The Batmobile is probably the most iconic superhero vehicle out there. Did Batman sit in it 24 hours a day to stop crime. No. He used it to get places and fight crime himself, even as super cool as it was - OCCASIONALLY using it's built in gadgets to help him.
That's how vehicles should be a treated in Champs.
Seriously Dev Team, let's concentrate on the content others have mentioned above. Focus on our Super Characters. I'd love to see a smart and reasonable way to monetize things like a Nemesis system addition, an expansion of Millenium City, etc.
Also, to make up for the crappy vehicle madness they've subjected players to, by way of poetic justice, all Cryptic and PWE executives should be forced to drive a Trabant for the remainder of their natural lives.
No more time on vehicles!
Add customization to vehicles!
A == B && A != B make it happen!
I think it's more 's*t or get off the pot.'
Either target vehicle development on making them more interesting and widely attractive to people, or give up on a lost cause and move on to something more of us want.
That's not an incoherent position.
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I'm fully aware that the coders are kind of hamstrung and handcuffed and blindfolded regarding what they can and cannot do for this game due to a combination of lack of funding and lack of man (and woman) hours.
It still gets me though that the limited time and effort they have going for them tends to be put into the exact same thing all the time which does very little to actually add to the game itself.
I would rather they went months without giving us anything but at least have that something when it finally comes be something that actually improved the game and made it more viable for retaining gamers and drawing in new customers.
It's like the stupid stimulus that America went through a few years back. Spending the money was not the bad thing. The bad thing was wasting the money on useless things or things which did not in any way contribute to the nation's growth. If the government had spent that same money on building up the infrastructure or drawing in overseas companies and investors then the spending would have paid for itself. Instead it just added more debt.
The same thing is happening here with CO. Coders and graphic artists are spending unknown amounts of time on superfluous things which does not improve the game engine, does not improve the server structure, does not improve the character building experience, does not draw in players from other games to this one, and does not in any way make a player less likely to quit this game.
I don't dislike vehicles per se. I have one on a character because in makes sense for them to drive places in one. But "Vehicles 2.0"? What. Please focus on stuff for our actual heroes. New powers, new missions, light and dark colors on powers, 6-40 content in MC, getting rid of all the level locks.
Hmm, well I pay for 2 monthly gold subscriptions and buy zen on occasion. Is that enough to qualify for asking for new content?
I was referring to the people who don't and still complain about lack of content. But the sad thing is we people who put well over a hundred (some a thousand) carry those who don't spend a dime and those people act like they have the right to complain more than anyone.
People don't need a right to complain when things are clearly wrong.
And you don't know how many of them would actually spend money if they felt the game deserved it.
Where do you get off?
It'd be one thing if they were wrong, or if it were more up to debate. At best people can argue about REASONS and whether things are just about to get much better.
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
well, lifetimer since launch. yeah, i haven't paid much lately, but on the same token, I put in 200 bucks at launch, so risk and reward, ya know. I backed it when it was a risk, could have died at launch like a lot of games did and left me holding . that said, the only reason I haven't put much money in lately because they haven't put much in to outpace my stipend. they outpaced my stipend (which was about the same cash value) in coh, and i spent money.
People don't need a right to complain when things are clearly wrong.
And you don't know how many of them would actually spend money if they felt the game deserved it.
Where do you get off?
It'd be one thing if they were wrong, or if it were more up to debate. At best people can argue about REASONS and whether things are just about to get much better.
After puttin over 2k in this game over the years, anywhere I please.
The only way Cryptic is going to stop developing new vehicles is to get the masses to just stop buying them outright.
There clearly is a demand for vehicles, otherwise Cryptic wouldn't be churning new ones out at the Z-store. Us as a forum vocal minority can't really do anything when the dollar signs are all that matters.
Personally I like my Hawkwing prototype and my Fire Ant, but I would definitely like to see a different direction taken with the game that isn't focused on vehicles. Micro-transactions are all the rage these days and if it really is that profitable then I don't see Cryptic doing anything really different down the line.
I felt like the latest patch was a waste of update, MBs and resource time!
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
The absolute best thing, for me, about Champions Online is the diverse character creator. I love the customization that it brings and that I can basically make anything with two arms and two legs from it. I know it's like the best character creator ever, but I want more from it!
I'd like to see:
-costumes, costumes, more costumes
-high speed car chases
-more "grand theft auto" elements
-a villain side / PVP conflict / something
-customizable real estate / interior decorating packs
-a Foundry so we can create story missions to keep people busy
-actual raid content
-customizable vehicles and a world fit for them with less instancing
-a sumo suit joke costume set/pack for both males and females so I can make fatties
-a desperado power set
-a plant based power-set
-more reasons to play my hero
-more prizes for the new tokens
-less lockboxes and more mission rewards
-the ability to get Cosmic Keys through doing missions or in decently low drop rates
-a Foxbat power set. I just LOVE his powers! Who doesn't want a Bubblegum gun?
-Incubus Danceclub (social instance)
-Westside High (social instance)
-A couple of the fast food joints as social instances: Darren's Pizza, Royal Burger, O'Reilly's Pub, Macho Nacho, Hero Donuts, so on.
-More places to explore in general.
Give me a reason to play my character, and not her Centurion 2! Plus, I'd love to be able to color it pink or blue, or add parts to it. I'd like to see vehicles receive their own cosmetic parts as well and stuff!
Also, I spend more time in the character creator and in RP than actually playing the new Rampages! Just thought I'd through that in there.
I'm not complaining with what we already have. I'm just listing some of the things I'd like to see as a customer and player of Champions Online.
10 pages in this thread, and I've yet to see one person arguing against this and professing their love for vehicles.
Squeaky wheel gets the grease, Cryptic. Take that recommended alternative (Customizable Be-Critters like mech suits, armors, monster forms, etc) and go with it.
I will say I really only enjoy vehicles as thematic travel devices, but I'm happy to see some of the changes to help balance them. Gravity pulses and plasma beams were pretty crazy.
The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
Something like Psimon's giant form would be cool. Laser beams would work with anything. The flaming Skull travel power would have made an awesome vehicle if the eye sockets and mouth were emanation points that shot laser beams. Giant flaming bird/wolf/lions would be cool.
It kinda feels like someone got tired of dolls with costumes and said "WE'RE GOING TO PLAY WITH TRUCKS NOW like you said we could." And then CO people are like, "NO! Trucks are stupid and over-powered! We want to play with dolls!" And then the Devs were like, "NO! FORTY different TRUCKS! Vroooom~!"
...Okay that metaphor kinda got away from me. But please consider some non-mechanical vehicles--not everyone likes "trucks."
Hey now, PvP may not be popular but there's no reason to get rid of it.
The devs said, ground vehicles, such as cars/bikes etc. are not possible with the CO engine.
Neverwinter uses the same engine as CO, maybe slightly modified though. However Neverwinter does have ground-mounts and tons of them.
I think the true reason why we have not gotten ground/real vehicles is in fact the lack of ressources. Not sure if anybody has noticed it yet, but CO's vehicles have no real animations. They are just meshes with textures and sounds. While the mounts over in Neverwinter are fully animated. I am not too familiar with content develoment, but i can guess that developing non animated stuff is easier and less time and money consuming than animated ones.
The concept of vehicles is fine, but I as a hero that can fly have no use for them, in fact I find it annoying when vehicle mods take up valuable space in my already limited inventory.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
My wholly uniformed thought on this is that the NWO maps were tagged with geometry data to allow the ground mounts to avoid clipping through angled surfaces like the cars in MC do.
Building the map chunks with that data baked in is easier than trying to calculate it and add it in after the fact.
Isn't that something that's a given for any business?
How about they give Champions that chance now?
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
No one's picked on them. And they aren't doing anywhere near their best, they are doing minimal work which would be mocked anywhere else.
Now, the REASON for that is because they aren't given anywhere near the resources to DO their best, but this isn't a charity.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I'd really enjoy seeing more powers, costumes, etc. Come into the game, especially hairstyles and facial feature packs, I'd be far more willing to pay for those than vehicles, in which those sort of things would be looked into more if they stopped pumping out Vehicle content and lockboxes like a rabbit in heat. Imagine, a world with more than 6 Good hairstyles.
i try to vote with my c points, I have bought every costume set and powerset, when they weren't covered by my subscription, at this point i'd even pay for new zones/story content if it actually lead to them making some, but vehicles are apparently easier money and people buy them, so Adam Smith smacks my sentiment down.
Enough with the vehicles already...
How about new... AREAS? Powers? Foundry?
Make them as DLC or something... I'll HAPPILY pay 15 for a good DLC that adds more stories/Areas to the game... and for the love of whatever you hold dear... When using the wonderful setting that it is Champions, treat it respectfully... enough with the silver age nonsense... This should not be Adam West the MMO -.-
The Dev team consists of about 3 people right now. Just saying. I think they are trying their best. You know, all 3 of them.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
Fix the game, then add content. Making a nemesis has been borked for over a year now.
Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
(link under construction)
Yeeees? So? I'm glad they are trying hard.
I'm not glad Cryptic only has three flippin devs working on this game, and I'm really POd that PWE won't give Cryptic more backing to do more with CO.
I mean, if I go to a restaurant and they only have one server for a full house and the cook is new and the regular cook quit a month ago... great, I'm glad those people are trying, but I think I'm justified in being annoyed at the bad service.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
The only reason I'm still with this game at all is the customization and the RP possibilities. That would change if we got good content, like an extension of the Nemesis system, but so far it looks like that's never going to happen. They're going to jump from one easily monetized, overly priced carrot to the next, lockboxes until judgement day, and that's all.
i'm not, hoenstly ii think the realization that they have limited resources is what makes this inportant. if this were a large dev tam and they could work on a lot of things, vehicles would jsut be a cute annoyance that id let other people work with, but the sad reality is that vehicles are literally in the way of the animators, power fx people and balance calculators giving us new powers is what actually hurts. each new vehicle is not a plant/water/gravity/time/whatever your pet power request, not getting made. i could tolerate them as something for others is the resources weren't so barren.
i also try(maybe not always succeed) in separating my criticism for the devs from that of the publishers. i like the devs a lot, i like cryptic north a lot, they are the elves that make my toys, its the money guys that i'm usually ticked at for forcing the devs to make only some toys and not the kind i like, but the devs are usually the talented workers being managed in such a fashion that conflicts with my interests.
so north is off on other pwi games already? faster than i expected.
At least for SC and LI I don't have to tailor someone's build to the rampage to survive it let alone contribute. Nothing says focused on our heroes like requiring every hero to have conviction/rebirth/resurgence/masterful dodge if they don't want to spend the whole instance staring at the release button.
Outside of exploitive farming techniques how are you relegated to a vehicle?
Let's look at it from a proper perspective: The Batmobile is probably the most iconic superhero vehicle out there. Did Batman sit in it 24 hours a day to stop crime. No. He used it to get places and fight crime himself, even as super cool as it was - OCCASIONALLY using it's built in gadgets to help him.
That's how vehicles should be a treated in Champs.
Seriously Dev Team, let's concentrate on the content others have mentioned above. Focus on our Super Characters. I'd love to see a smart and reasonable way to monetize things like a Nemesis system addition, an expansion of Millenium City, etc.
Add customization to vehicles!
A == B && A != B make it happen!
Also, to make up for the crappy vehicle madness they've subjected players to, by way of poetic justice, all Cryptic and PWE executives should be forced to drive a Trabant for the remainder of their natural lives.
I think it's more 's*t or get off the pot.'
Either target vehicle development on making them more interesting and widely attractive to people, or give up on a lost cause and move on to something more of us want.
That's not an incoherent position.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
It still gets me though that the limited time and effort they have going for them tends to be put into the exact same thing all the time which does very little to actually add to the game itself.
I would rather they went months without giving us anything but at least have that something when it finally comes be something that actually improved the game and made it more viable for retaining gamers and drawing in new customers.
It's like the stupid stimulus that America went through a few years back. Spending the money was not the bad thing. The bad thing was wasting the money on useless things or things which did not in any way contribute to the nation's growth. If the government had spent that same money on building up the infrastructure or drawing in overseas companies and investors then the spending would have paid for itself. Instead it just added more debt.
The same thing is happening here with CO. Coders and graphic artists are spending unknown amounts of time on superfluous things which does not improve the game engine, does not improve the server structure, does not improve the character building experience, does not draw in players from other games to this one, and does not in any way make a player less likely to quit this game.
I like the vehicles at a certain point, giving my alien characters a small shuttle to dash around, but that's the main purpose why i use them.
I think, they really should start working on the powers. Some powersets are near to useless if you play solo. (Magic for instance)
Formerly known as Rei_Kisagi
Join Date: 19 June 2011
But anyway.
Just because We're idiots and can't stop hoping to be proven wrong by them.
/SIGNED, PLEASE, for the love of all that's heroing, CONTENT!!! Read my jets, NO MORE VEHICLES!
I was referring to the people who don't and still complain about lack of content. But the sad thing is we people who put well over a hundred (some a thousand) carry those who don't spend a dime and those people act like they have the right to complain more than anyone.
And you don't know how many of them would actually spend money if they felt the game deserved it.
Where do you get off?
It'd be one thing if they were wrong, or if it were more up to debate. At best people can argue about REASONS and whether things are just about to get much better.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
Not picking on the devs. Picking on the people in charge of Cryptic.
I won't be satisfied until Champions Online sees some of that money it made from going F2P.
After puttin over 2k in this game over the years, anywhere I please.
There clearly is a demand for vehicles, otherwise Cryptic wouldn't be churning new ones out at the Z-store. Us as a forum vocal minority can't really do anything when the dollar signs are all that matters.
Personally I like my Hawkwing prototype and my Fire Ant, but I would definitely like to see a different direction taken with the game that isn't focused on vehicles. Micro-transactions are all the rage these days and if it really is that profitable then I don't see Cryptic doing anything really different down the line.
You're right. Plus it's probably not particularly motivating to have to read a wall of negativity, er "feedback."
I forget sometimes.
April 1st is coming though, and that event is pretty cool with more sweet 90's costume parts.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
For real!! I'm even excited to see Wolverine clones! That ping pong gun is gonna be fun!
I felt like the latest patch was a waste of update, MBs and resource time!
It's well earned.
If they actually added content and listened to their player-base, there wouldn't be such overwhelming back-lash against them.
Given there would still be some, since some people are going to complain regardless of what's done, but it'd be far less than it is now.
The absolute best thing, for me, about Champions Online is the diverse character creator. I love the customization that it brings and that I can basically make anything with two arms and two legs from it. I know it's like the best character creator ever, but I want more from it!
I'd like to see:
-costumes, costumes, more costumes
-high speed car chases
-more "grand theft auto" elements
-a villain side / PVP conflict / something
-customizable real estate / interior decorating packs
-a Foundry so we can create story missions to keep people busy
-actual raid content
-customizable vehicles and a world fit for them with less instancing
-a sumo suit joke costume set/pack for both males and females so I can make fatties
-a desperado power set
-a plant based power-set
-more reasons to play my hero
-more prizes for the new tokens
-less lockboxes and more mission rewards
-the ability to get Cosmic Keys through doing missions or in decently low drop rates
-a Foxbat power set. I just LOVE his powers! Who doesn't want a Bubblegum gun?
-Incubus Danceclub (social instance)
-Westside High (social instance)
-A couple of the fast food joints as social instances: Darren's Pizza, Royal Burger, O'Reilly's Pub, Macho Nacho, Hero Donuts, so on.
-More places to explore in general.
Give me a reason to play my character, and not her Centurion 2! Plus, I'd love to be able to color it pink or blue, or add parts to it. I'd like to see vehicles receive their own cosmetic parts as well and stuff!
Also, I spend more time in the character creator and in RP than actually playing the new Rampages! Just thought I'd through that in there.
I'm not complaining with what we already have. I'm just listing some of the things I'd like to see as a customer and player of Champions Online.
Concider me SIGNED!
Squeaky wheel gets the grease, Cryptic. Take that recommended alternative (Customizable Be-Critters like mech suits, armors, monster forms, etc) and go with it.
Customizable vehicles should have been the way to go, specially with this new "Vehicles 2.0" update.
The poster formerly known as Lightwave!