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Who is the Scarlet Shield?

tigerofcachticetigerofcachtice Posts: 551 Arc User
edited February 2014 in Champions Pen and Paper RPG
Hi, I heard rumours among the Costume Contest crowd, then read on the forums, then saw for myself that there were indeed new costume pieces named "Scarlet Shield".

Who is this person please?
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    drgmstrdrgmstr Posts: 886 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Name does sound familiar...I think they were a hero from the 60s who was from Detroit? I'd have to refresh my memory on CO lore.

    Handle: @drgmstr

    "Embrace your dreams"

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    vitalityprimevitalityprime Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    From Champs Universe:

    "After Mr. X's retirement in the mid-Fifties, Detroit had no superhuman champions until 1966, when football star Reggie Morgan became the Scarlet Shield. Throughout the civil rights struggle (including the devastating 1967 riots that caused $150 million in damage), Scarlet Shield tried valiantly to keep peace while battling racism, with limited effect. Morgan died in 1974 when he was shot by assassins working for organized crime"

    "Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    -Abraham Lincoln-
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    flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    'After Mr. X's retirement in the mid-1950s,
    Detroit had no superhuman champions until 1966,
    when football star Reggie Morgan became the Scarlet
    Shield. Throughout the civil rights struggle (including
    the devastating 1967 riots that caused $150 million in
    damage), Scarlet Shield tried valiantly to keep peace
    while battling racism, with limited effect. Morgan
    died in 1974 when he was shot by assassins working
    for organized crime.'

    -From Champions Universe-

    EDIT* HA!:biggrin:
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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    bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The Millennium City source book has a complete write-up for Scarlet Shield, including PnP game stats and an illustration. In 1966 Reggie Morgan was a third-season starting wide receiver for the Detroit Lions, when the "notorious mad scientist" Dale Dekkar kidnapped him, along with other physically-fit human subjects, for a new treatment he was testing to create an army of super-warriors. Reggie was the only one to survive the treatment. With his newly enhanced strength Morgan broke out of his restraints and defeated Dekkar and his superhuman henchmen, Vortex and the Green Knight, and delivered all three to the police. He kept the Knight's shield as a souvenir.

    Banned from playing football due to his now-superhuman physique, Reggie became a crime-fighter in Detroit, wearing a red bodysuit and spray-painting the Green Knight's shield the same color. (His true identity was known to the public.) While he fought gangs and organized criminals in Detroit, the Scarlet Shield is best remembered for his involvement in the civil-rights movement in the 1960s and '70s. Although generally supporting the cause, he tried to be a voice for moderation and restraint, but was often vilified by both sides, viewed as too lenient by the police, as a tool of the Establishment by blacks. Scarlet Shield also set up fan clubs in poorer parts of Detroit to try to inspire youngsters to stay in school and give back to the community.

    The Combination, as the organized criminals of Detroit were called at the time, hired the super-assassin Grave to kill Scarlet Shield in 1974. Rocketman of the famed hero team, the Sentinels, brought Grave to justice. The late hero's shield today hangs in the Sentinels' trophy room, and Scarlet Shield has a statue in Memorial Park.
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    tigerofcachticetigerofcachtice Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Ah, awesome, thanks for this insight.

    He sounds like a pretty interesting character.
    More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
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    themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thanks Bulgarex....any chance of seeing that illustration of him?
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
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    eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Here ya go Mil ;) imho - they have done a fine job following the design


    From the Book:

    Appearance: Scarlet Shield was a large black man,
    standing 6'3" and weighing 250 pounds of pure
    muscle. He wore a red skintight costume with a
    cowl that left his entire face exposed but covered
    the top of his head. His boots, gloves, and other
    highlights were a darker shade of red, as was his
    shield, which was about three feet long and squared
    off at the top.

    For a bit of fun, I used my Fighting Falcon char as a base and gave him Scarlet Shield's outfit (as best I could with the parts to hand). By Coincidence, Falcon is also 6'3" but was slightly slimmer, so needed a bit of a mass increase.

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    vitalityprimevitalityprime Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Where can you get the Millennium City source book?

    "Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    -Abraham Lincoln-
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    themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    eiledon wrote: »
    Here ya go Mil ;) imho - they have done a fine job following the design


    From the Book:

    Appearance: Scarlet Shield was a large black man,
    standing 6'3" and weighing 250 pounds of pure
    muscle. He wore a red skintight costume with a
    cowl that left his entire face exposed but covered
    the top of his head. His boots, gloves, and other
    highlights were a darker shade of red, as was his
    shield, which was about three feet long and squared
    off at the top.

    Thanks for that Liath....yup, it looks like they have followed the original design closely. I still think it would be great to be able to colour the chest shield design differently than the rest.

    I've got a good feeling that we're getting shields :biggrin:
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
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    bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Where can you get the Millennium City source book?

    Easiest and cheapest place would be the online store of the website for Hero Games, publishers of PnP Champions and many other fine game books.

    MC can be ordered in either PDF, or a combination of PDF plus hardcopy, for a ridiculously low price.
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    bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Honestly, I find it comforting whenever the Cryptic design team takes its cues from the original PnP character illos. Some of their past choices for changing a character's look seemed to have been governed by a desire to "look cool," with less than salutory results.
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    drgmstrdrgmstr Posts: 886 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If you look closely it's the golden age chest piece with just the outlines. :biggrin:

    Handle: @drgmstr

    "Embrace your dreams"

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    tigerofcachticetigerofcachtice Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    eiledon wrote: »


    That's so cool, thanks for both. This answered the question behind the question.
    More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
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    fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,591 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Now I can only wonder, what would a dead superhero's costume pieces be apart of that could be leaked?

    Oh, the possibilities. :biggrin:

    Deliciously nutritious!
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    bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Now I can only wonder, what would a dead superhero's costume pieces be apart of that could be leaked?

    Oh, the possibilities. :biggrin:

    Personally, I'd love to see a few more "legacy" heroes taking up the mantle of retired or deceased supers. The setting has a rich history with many notables like SS mentioned and described. Probably couldn't make them PCs, or course, but NPCs would be cool.
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    canadascottcanadascott Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    At the very least, it's a nice way to celebrate American Black History month in CO.
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    bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    OMG, that never even occurred to me! Shrewd observation Scott.
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    crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,605 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'm betting if the tech for shield weapons were in place, we would have gotten to see that too. ;)
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    ninten92ninten92 Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thanks for that Liath....yup, it looks like they have followed the original design closely. I still think it would be great to be able to colour the chest shield design differently than the rest.

    I've got a good feeling that we're getting shields :biggrin:

    Actually, I'd heard the Scarlet Shield tights set was never supposed to be put in the PTS or Live tailors, it was added in on accident, IIRC.

    In any case, I hope they bring the character, or any 'legacy' character into the game as a prominent NPC. Black Mask was/is neat. :) We need more local, Westside heroes instead of just, uh... Kodiak and Burt Jackson? Maybe Nighthawk? I dunno.

    Actually, more NPC superteams aside from the Champions would be great.

    Also, yes, MOAR SHIELDS please!
    Just another average RPer, costume part collector, and tabletop gamer.

    Looking for a lore-based Superhero RPSG? Why not http://earth-guard.shivtr.com/

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    bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The Millennium City Eight would be fun to see. Lady Liberty, Raaktor, Steadfast, Psiphon, El Aguijon, Megaera, Stalker, and Commando Rubberbando (the press named him).

    A link to an illo of the MC8 from the cover of Digital Hero #13: http://staino.deviantart.com/art/Digital-Hero-Cover-65951127
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    tigerofcachticetigerofcachtice Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ninten92 wrote: »
    Actually, I'd heard the Scarlet Shield tights set was never supposed to be put in the PTS or Live tailors, it was added in on accident, IIRC.

    I heard something along those lines, too, and true or false, the real question is:

    Why did Cryptic North make the Scarlet Shield tights in the 1st place?

    So it got leaked by accident, but there must be a reason for it to exist to begin with.

    Who among you know? You can reply here if you're comfortable...or PM me privately.
    More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
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    eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    speculation on my part - but im hoping we are getting a rampage or mission that involves time travel back to the mid 70s Champs universe - maybe as part of the Destroyer story. Would love to fight alongside the Fabulous
    Five, the Justice Squadron, the Sentinels amongst others. They have so much IP that they have barely scratched the surface off.
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    bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    1985 (Champions Earth's official timeline) saw the so-called "Secret Crisis" (comic-book inside joke), "a war across space and time involving almost all of the heroes that had ever existed, or ever would exist." (Champions Universe p. 25) That's all the info about it to date.
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