Nephilim Armor/Aesthetic - I see a character waltz in, and they're just some skeleton/demon/whatever faced dude wearing a big cluster of Nephilim parts, sometimes mixed up with things like Roin'esh and stuff. Ok, great. Your outfit gives me no insight to what your character actually does or what powers they have. What it says to me is: "I want to show off how powerful I am by using these bulky, unlockable pieces!" All it does is remind me why I don't play WoW.
Female characters with a jacket, but no shirt. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Characters who are obviously human, but 8 feet tall. If you're giant, I expect there to be a reason. Like being a frost giant. Or a golem. Or a moose/cow/tiger/horse/lion manimal, since most of those are a good deal longer/taller than 8 feet.
Children characters that don't actually look like children. Can't really be helped with guys, but I've seen too many 'children' that are just normally proportioned people, but really short. Come on.
In defense of odd heights, the monstrous size of the npc townies pushes this issue with me to some extent. It irks me when I make an average 5'4" female, only to have her two heads shorter than a female townie jogging through. So If I have to make a 6' female just to be appropriately average to the townies, or a 7' female to be an athletically tall woman to them, so be it.
Nephilim Armor/Aesthetic - I see a character waltz in, and they're just some skeleton/demon/whatever faced dude wearing a big cluster of Nephilim parts, sometimes mixed up with things like Roin'esh and stuff. Ok, great. Your outfit gives me no insight to what your character actually does or what powers they have. What it says to me is: "I want to show off how powerful I am by using these bulky, unlockable pieces!" All it does
Works for some things, not so much for others. I'm not sure why you need insight on what they do or what their powers are, this seems a bit more like a personal thing. Granted, I personally don't like the BLADEZ AND SPIKES EVERYWHAR! look, either. But I've seen some pretty cool brute characters with a Planet Hulk-like look to them.
I'll also say that a lot of these 'ew' costumes some people dislike aren't so much the player, Cryptic just seems to be offering an over-abundance of mystical-type things. The worst part is that about HALF of the powers in the damn game are magic, and I'm not sure I recall half of any comics universe having that much magic. It was more rare, and less practical sometimes. Dr. Strange was awesome and powerful, but he couldn't just stand on the same level as Iron Man or the Hulk.
Another thing I'll comment on about this thread- a lot of people seem to be insinuating that the 'black' and such sucks, and that people who aren't playing a cape & tights superhero are 'lame' or 'noobs'. This has never been my preference of superhero, and even today comics have advanced a bit to make the costumes more modernized and understandable. However, it -is- further giving into the oft-stated stereotype that the 'classic hero' players of Champions Online are elitist snobs. The last time I checked, this was 'be the hero I want to be', not the one you want me to be.
I'd prefer if this thread stayed on 'this looks bad based on design' more so than 'this is so noob costume'. After all, if I can't come out on this site and say I hate a certain type of fictional animal character theme or foreign animation without people reacting as if I've donned a Waffen SS uniform, the same rules should apply for putting down all preferences for theme and fiction.
Some of these peeves are incredibly petty. I can't stand someone just using two colors for their costumes, ignoring that a possible thematic reason might be behind that choice! I can't stand black hair + brown eyes. how dare you play a character of certain race with such genetic attributes! Oh no, you're using accessories on your toon! Keep it simple man! Oh look it's another Japanese anime-inspired cyber-ninja/samurai katana-user, SO ORIGINAL! Another wolf person! Get out! Look, that female character is using max breast slider! HARLOT!
I wonder if anyone realizes that someone who would be "guilty" of any of these might come across a thread like this and feel bad / insulted. If that's the main goal of it, then congratulations for showing others what sort of a "costume noob" they can be, as described in the OP.
Reading the thread really did **** me off, and I'll admit readily to what ego I still have left being bruised. But then it hit me. It is PETTY. I'm busy in game, I will wear what I damn well please, and if certain themes upset people too damn bad. They can log off and cry about it in the their superman underoos for all I care.
While I'd like to attach sinister motivations to people who hurt others for sport, this is at the end of day, a game. It would be nice if we had content to hash over instead of this arbitrary crappy nonsense (OP I don't think that was your original intention, to hurt, but genie out of the bottle and all that.) .
The forums may be slow as molasses but if anyone thinks new players don't come here to check things out they are mistaken. Threads like this will hurt feelings. Kinda the opposite of heroic.
Edited due to inaccurate and unfair statements made.
Reading the thread really did **** me off, and I'll admit readily to what ego I still have left being bruised. But then it hit me. It is PETTY. I'm busy in game, I will wear what I damn well please, and if certain themes upset people too damn bad. They can log off and cry about it in the their superman underoos for all I care.
While I'd like to attach sinister motivations to people who hurt others for sport, this is at the end of day, a game. It would be nice if we had content to hash over instead of this arbitrary crappy nonsense (OP I don't think that was your original intention, to hurt, but genie out of the bottle and all that.) .
The forums may be slow as molasses but if anyone thinks new players don't come here to check things out they are mistaken. Threads like this will hurt feelings. Kinda the opposite of heroic.
I think you're taking this thread a bit more seriously then intended. I personally find the way (focus on that word) you're voicing your complaints a bit more aggressive in intent then most (some? I'll re-read things, but I'm pretty sure 'most' qualifies) of the posts in this thread (that aren't similarly complaining about people voicing dislike of certain things, as so far a majority of posts doing so are very antagonistic about voicing their opinions on the thread's topic).
I mostly just took it as a way to kvetch about something in a cathartic way without being specifically insulting to anyone in particular (granted, some of the comments in this thread can be viewed as a bit too negative). It's yelling into the wind. If you're seriously upset about it, well, maybe you need to let it go a bit. Or maybe not post while you're still upset on the issue - voicing your discontent in a calm, mature fashion is generally better then doing so in a bit of a rager.
Or maybe I'm taking you too seriously. If so, I apologize for the confusion. :U
Start a thread on the proboards about this . They used to have plenty of nitpicking, racism and intolerance there ( well not recently but lots of us have better than average memories and if one thing sticks out in this day and age it's intolerance ).
Someone just nuke this crap. Or at least close it.
Not once has racism or intolerance ever been acceptable over on the CO proboards. Nitpicking and complaints about nitpicking occur on every forum but the rest of that does not take place over there.
Not once has racism or intolerance ever been acceptable over on the CO proboards. Nitpicking and complaints about nitpicking occur on every forum but the rest of that does not take place over there.
I think you're taking this thread a bit more seriously then intended. I personally find the way (focus on that word) you're voicing your complaints a bit more aggressive in intent then most (some? I'll re-read things, but I'm pretty sure 'most' qualifies) of the posts in this thread (that aren't similarly complaining about people voicing dislike of certain things, as so far a majority of posts doing so are very antagonistic about voicing their opinions on the thread's topic).
I mostly just took it as a way to kvetch about something in a cathartic way without being specifically insulting to anyone in particular (granted, some of the comments in this thread can be viewed as a bit too negative). It's yelling into the wind. If you're seriously upset about it, well, maybe you need to let it go a bit. Or maybe not post while you're still upset on the issue - voicing your discontent in a calm, mature fashion is generally better then doing so in a bit of a rager.
Or maybe I'm taking you too seriously. If so, I apologize for the confusion. :U
Especially comments that refer to the limitations, defaults of the game proper. In that someone, by no fault of their own, may contribute to a peeve simply because they used the defaults.
Using black is fine. Using flat black with the cloth texture so it virtually absorbs light, and the most virulent neon red you can find with glow maxed, and nothing else, looks horrible. Same goes for virulent neon purple and neon lime green.
Shading, folks. It's a good thing. You get four different color patches on most costume parts, y'know...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
My only real pet peeves about costuming in CO are some of the existing restrictions. The system is so very open that the occasional, "you can't do that," tends to be a kicker for me.
...and people insulting others' purely subjective preferences.
...and people insulting others' purely subjective preferences.
I generally try to be pretty forgiving about stuff, even if it bothers me. If asked, I'll make a point to say what my issue is and explain it in exhaustive detail (because I'm a verbose person, and I like trying to get across as much of my viewpoint as possible). However, if I'm just passing someone in-game and I see something that bugs me, I'm not going to go out of my way to harrass them about it or anything.
It's usually just 'My god that's hideous', and then I go back to the goal of the moment. I have no illusions that some of my costumes have caused people to do the exact same thing - I'd infact be shocked if they didn't, I'm terrible at this sort of thing. I get that other people can have completely different opinions on what does/doesn't look good - or that some people truly don't care at all, and just go with default color scheme and the random button (my biggest pet peeve, as stated previously). That's fine. I think it's awful, but I won't argue that they're fully entitled to do it.
Which is what I think an issue is here - people are just venting some of their biggest pet peeves re: costuming. It's a way to vent those feelings and emotions to instead focus on more interesting and fun things, not an attempt to go out of one's way to make people feel bad. Maybe some posters are taking it that far, but I'm not entirely certain that's the stated intent.
(DISCLAIMER: I was thinking about this for a good bit, and saw an opportunity to get the opinion out. Not trying to pick on you, Ashen. ob)
Your outfit gives me no insight to what your character actually does or what powers they have.
While I sort of agree with disliking the "hodgepodge of unlockables to show how leet I am!1" thing, the character concept may dictate them deliberately not giving a clue as to what their abilities/powers are.
Moreso if they're a sneaky type, but still.
That's why my telekinetic main uses Swinging. Someone thinking they can cut your grappling line and finish you off is in for a rude awakening when you can self-levitate.
Is your complaint about wolf heads that the ones in this game look stupid? Because I would add that complaint about most animal heads, really. I thought the frog ones looked stupid until I got the Gadroon missions. Now, I see a very narrow use for them, but I think I hate the Gadroon.
Not only they look stupid, but there seems to be one hell of a fashion about wolves overall and most would just strap a wolf head on anything, including everything I said above. Other animal heads are decent, sometimes funny looking.
Not only they look stupid, but there seems to be one hell of a fashion about wolves overall and most would just strap a wolf head on anything, including everything I said above. Other animal heads are decent, sometimes funny looking.
The default wolf heads in this are simultaneously "too cartoony" and "too rule 34'ey", which is why I (personally) don't like them that much.
The werewolf-style heads from one of the Halloween packs look a lot better, IMO.
I have seen some pretty good characters that make use of them, though.
One the flipside of an earlier statement, I do want to say that it's perfectly fine to 'not like a certain look or theme'. There's a difference between 'Not liking X' and 'thinking people who do X suck and are stupid'. Some people fail to see the difference and this is not the behavior of well-adjusted adults.
That's how I feel about costumes that are intentionally bad. I don't usually like them, but I don't hold it against the people that make them because I know that it's funny. The joke gets old when too many people do it, but I haven't seen a lot of them recently.
Please don't confuse this with well executed "ugly". That, I like. It's probably why the Gadroon don't bug me.
Something that I really like, but is the source of a pet peeve is the default AT costumes. I actually like a lot of them, but it creates the expectation of more variety in default costumes.
Your outfit gives me no insight to what your character actually does or what powers they have.
Oh, okay. The next time I want to make a hero with fire powers, I'll be sure to have her outfit colored a bright combination of orange and yellow, while adding a flame emblem on her chest if things aren't obvious enough. The next time I want to make a martial-arts based hero, I'll be sure to have her wear a martial-arts gi.
[*]Characters who are obviously human, but 8 feet tall. If you're giant, I expect there to be a reason. Like being a frost giant. Or a golem. Or a moose/cow/tiger/horse/lion manimal, since most of those are a good deal longer/taller than 8 feet.
Or they could just be a metahuman with some superpower that made them grow that tall, or it could be a case of gigantism due to genetic mutation. There you go, not so hard is it?
Incorrect. I can think of 2 threads offhand, that were long, and contained both. I'm not sure If i'll be able to find them as the 2 I am thinking off (if I receall correctly) were deleted, but they were there. If I find them I will mail you a link.
*edit this was years ago so this might take time
If you can think of them offhand it won't take you long to find them and I've clearly missed them looking through the active threads and the archived threads (we don't actually delete anything). Show me and I'll handle them.
Wait...what? How does one come to the conclusion that the default wolf head is reminiscient of rule 34...
You know what? Nevermind I asked.
Ya know, I was gonna ask, but I realized I might already know why, and it's really not suitable for this forum, if it doesn't outright violate a rule or ten.
To the comments on Characters of Unusual Size, what were you looking for, a decent write up? I may not have been paying attention, but does this relate to the notion that the costume has to telegraph the character's powers and origin? One of my favorite characters in the background of the Hulk comics was Doc Samson. My tendency to favor the deadpan snarker notwithstanding, aside from his green hair, you really couldn't tell that he wasn't just into weight lifting, unless he was standing next to someone "regular sized." He origin was radiation exposure, obviously, but he didn't look out of the ordinary, and, aside from shopping at a big and tall store, I don't recall ever seeing him "in costume," unless you count the occasional lab coat.
Pretty much defies all of those "rules," and does it well, IMO.
Unless you're suggesting he wear a gymnast's leotard. which case, I may be able to support this.
Actually Robin I does wear a gymnasts outfit. His costume is based on his family's trapeze costumes from the circus. The others were just knock offs of the original. They did give the most recent one a hooded cape as he's got some assassin background.
While I sort of agree with disliking the "hodgepodge of unlockables to show how leet I am!1" thing, the character concept may dictate them deliberately not giving a clue as to what their abilities/powers are.
Moreso if they're a sneaky type, but still.
That's why my telekinetic main uses Swinging. Someone thinking they can cut your grappling line and finish you off is in for a rude awakening when you can self-levitate.
Oh, okay. The next time I want to make a hero with fire powers, I'll be sure to have her outfit colored a bright combination of orange and yellow, while adding a flame emblem on her chest if things aren't obvious enough. The next time I want to make a martial-arts based hero, I'll be sure to have her wear a martial-arts gi.
Give Vitality a durable black super suit and I'm good.
I'm a firm believer that the costume doesn't make the hero.
Those all work, yes. Plenty of heroes' outfits make no sense as to what powers they have - Robin isn't even dressed like a robin, for example. If superman is the strongest man in the universe, why isn't he showing off his pecs, and for pete sake, why is he smaller than something like The Hulk, or Lobo, or pretty much any other bodybuilder out there? If the clock king doesn't have the power to stop time, why is he dressed so horribly? Actually, for that matter, why was he just a balding guy in a suit in TAS? And how the hell did that make him like 10x more memorable?
Yeah, there's plenty of comic book heroes that are dressed up ridiculously, or in ways that just don't fit the power. now put any of them in spiky nephilim armor. Would you say the outfit would be proper for their powers or background? No. Would you say that it would be fitting for a gadgeteer who rains down death with orbital cannons and passing-by fighter jets? No. Would you say it would be fitting for a gunslinger who uses Two-Gun mojo, who also happens to have the ability to make huge clouds of poison, can disappear, and heals himself by invoking holy powers while also using a bionic coating that heals him when he is hit? ..Actually, what would a fitting outfit for that concept be?
What I'm basically saying is that pursuing the unlock-heavy-uber-armor look without having a real reason to do so, character wise, is something I do not appreciate. And thus, it is a peeve.
Would you say it would be fitting for a gunslinger who uses Two-Gun mojo, who also happens to have the ability to make huge clouds of poison, can disappear, and heals himself by invoking holy powers while also using a bionic coating that heals him when he is hit? ..Actually, what would a fitting outfit for that concept be?
Actually Robin I does wear a gymnasts outfit. His costume is based on his family's trapeze costumes from the circus. The others were just knock offs of the original. They did give the most recent one a hooded cape as he's got some assassin background.
Still not a leotard! Stop ruining my fantasy moment.
I Those all work, yes. Plenty of heroes' outfits make no sense as to what powers they have - Robin isn't even dressed like a robin, for example. If superman is the strongest man in the universe, why isn't he showing off his pecs, and for pete sake, why is he smaller than something like The Hulk, or Lobo, or pretty much any other bodybuilder out there? If the clock king doesn't have the power to stop time, why is he dressed so horribly? Actually, for that matter, why was he just a balding guy in a suit in TAS? And how the hell did that make him like 10x more memorable?
The way I always looked at it...or at least, the way it is for Vitality (who is 5'-11" 195lbs) that the muscles are just vastly more efficient on a superhuman level.
They don't need muscles on top of muscles to be one of the physically strongest beings in their respective universe.
Ya know, I was gonna ask, but I realized I might already know why, and it's really not suitable for this forum, if it doesn't outright violate a rule or ten.
Those darn furries never being able make something nice-looking!
Those darn furries never being able make something nice-looking!
Oh Lord. Here comes the 'persecution' accusation. When did we say anything to the effect of what you're responding to? Did I miss something? If so, please point it out. Otherwise it seems like you're overreacting to something that wasn't said.
I'd agree it is awesome if this were a Disney cartoon and not a Superhero game based on Western Superheroes. It's not bad art. It's just not something that appeals to me personally.
But it doesn't change the fact that CO has the fugliest wolf/fox heads I've ever seen.
When did we say anything to the effect of what you're responding to? Did I miss something? If so, please point it out. Otherwise it seems like you're overreacting to something that wasn't said.
The default wolf heads in this are simultaneously "too cartoony" and "too rule 34'ey", which is why I (personally) don't like them that much.
Because this peron implies that putting a wolf head on something (and thereby making it a "furry") makes it automatically something pornographic. And since I get this stuff a lot being a furry myself (because most people think furries=porn) I guess I overreacted.
I think you're going to the extreme mild end of the spectrum, there. Rule 34 is, by its very definition, pornographic. You might be thinking Rule 63.
Rule 63 is purely about genderbending and has nothing to do with this. You need to brush up on your internet memes. (Though I admit being knowledgeable about memes is not exactly something to be proud of )
Because this peron implies that putting a wolf head on something (and thereby making it a "furry") makes it automatically something pornographic. And since I get this stuff a lot being a furry myself (because most people think furries=porn) I guess I overreacted.
I'll be blunt, but fair.
Yes, that is a common perception. It's not accurate. I understand.
However, let's just assume you're sort of representing a fandom. Let's pretend that fandom has a stereotype for overreacting to criticism of their interest, whether it be true or not. Now, you overreact on a forum when someone criticizes it as a style... you're not helping the perception.
And that's all I'll say, I'm not trying to be mean. Just sayin', take a look, y'know.
Like I said, not a bad drawing at all. And the heads in CO are fugly as hell. I could downright HATE furry characters, but I'd still say 'Jesus, CO makes their heads ugly'. I honestly wish the heads were better, I do- just because on principle alone they're freakin' hideous.
What the hell is up with our 'insect' heads just being Qu'larr heads? Why can't we get, like, I dunno- grasshoppers, flies, arachnids, mantises? If we're gonna talk about our pet peeves- then it's lame as hell that ALL insectoids have to look like Qu'larr. You don't look like a bug, you look like a... something. It's just... something.
Yes, that is a common perception. It's not accurate. I understand.
However, let's just assume you're sort of representing a fandom. Let's pretend that fandom has a stereotype for overreacting to criticism of their interest, whether it be true or not. Now, you overreact on a forum when someone criticizes it as a style... you're not helping the perception.
And that's all I'll say, I'm not trying to be mean. Just sayin', take a look, y'know.
Like I said, not a bad drawing at all. And the heads in CO are fugly as hell. I could downright HATE furry characters, but I'd still say 'Jesus, CO makes their heads ugly'. I honestly wish the heads were better, I do- just because on principle alone they're freakin' hideous.
No offense taken, I understand what you're saying.
What the hell is up with our 'insect' heads just being Qu'larr heads? Why can't we get, like, I dunno- grasshoppers, flies, arachnids, mantises? If we're gonna talk about our pet peeves- then it's lame as hell that ALL insectoids have to look like Qu'larr. You don't look like a bug, you look like a... something. It's just... something.
I would pay a crapton of money for more realistic, non-alien insect heads.
No offense taken, I understand what you're saying.
I would pay a crapton of money for more realistic, non-alien insect heads.
I would as well. Not to mention, the abdomens and such could make some freaky bugs if that were a tail option.
And all 'ovipositor' jokes aside- the rear/tail category is WAY under-used for everyone. It's also a cool place to have a couple of holstered pistols for people who don't want to use thigh pistols (Which all look awful) or a couple of combat knives or something. THAT irks me, overall, combined with the fact that many of the 'wearable' weapons don't really have an equivalent to use as a weapon and vice-versa.
Worst of all is the 'Uzi' leg accessory (That's more of an MP-7/Ingram hybrid) and the matching 'Submachine Gun pistol' weapon that would be ideal as a pistol, but LOLNOPE it's an SMG that your stabilizing hand isn't even touching when you fire it.
My only real pet peeve is laziness. You can make some really incredible, unique looking faces with the character creator, yet I can't tell you how many default male face with slightly troubling smile and weird huge googly eyes I have seen. Or worse, when said default moron face is just covered up with a hood and ninja mask.
ROFL!!! Ok that's... really gross, but there was obviously a care and an intent that went into making that incredibly disturbing face! As opposed to this guy...
And as far as the two colors thing in costuming, I don't have a problem with that...
While I sort of agree with disliking the "hodgepodge of unlockables to show how leet I am!1" thing, the character concept may dictate them deliberately not giving a clue as to what their abilities/powers are.
Moreso if they're a sneaky type, but still.
That's why my telekinetic main uses Swinging. Someone thinking they can cut your grappling line and finish you off is in for a rude awakening when you can self-levitate.
Yeppers, one of the themes of my characters is purposefully deceptive.
Since he's a super-telepath-tk, whose soul is stuffed into an Ankh, worn by a female, he takes great pains to not be noticed. So, the outfit is skimpy to draw eyes away from the Ankh and the heroine's nickname is not 'The Ankh' (because bad guys would then aim at the Ankh).
One the flipside of an earlier statement, I do want to say that it's perfectly fine to 'not like a certain look or theme'. There's a difference between 'Not liking X' and 'thinking people who do X suck and are stupid'.
I agree.
There is also a difference between, "I don't like X," and, "X is bad."
If you can think of them offhand it won't take you long to find them and I've clearly missed them looking through the active threads and the archived threads (we don't actually delete anything). Show me and I'll handle them.
Edit: You have never reported a post over there.
I should have specified numerous posts in threads, not thread titles using those themes. My bad.
1. Won't take long......then what am I doing wrong? Either the search function is suboptimal or someone has been slipping me crazy pills. After being stymied for quite some time I started using terms in the search field that should have yielded results (movies you guys discuss, powers, gear) and could not FIND jack squat.
2. One of the threads I mentioned was locked. I don't want to post it here and start debate #1274527 over things that people play games to forget. If you want I will send a pm with the thread title, and if you are of the opinion that I'm being overly sensitive, and I am still unable to find the 2nd thread, I will amend my statement.
3. I would swear I reported at least one post. I do not use my game handle here over there, but I'm assuming you were able to check because my handle there is kind of, well just similar. I wouldn't bet my life on it, but I'd wager I have reported at least one post during one dark and *cough "stormy" night.
-edit: I shouldn't have painted the npw forums as a place where those things are common. They are exceptions, very rare, and certainly not the norm. Will amend previous posts accordingly.
Before I make my rebuttal, because a few people called me out, I'd like to point out why the wolf heads look rule 34ey. It's not inherent to the furness, it's the look they have on their face. It's really a bit "bite the pillow, this is going to hurt a bit".
Ok, I think the reason I started this thread might be a bit misconstrued, and some people might be taking it too seriously. I was fishing for what people are annoyed by, so I could personally improve my costume skills, as well as maybe having someone stumble across it and take a few clues. I picked up a few good ideas in the noise, and I'm personally responsible for a bunch of the things people mentioned as peeves. But, you know what? That's taste, and taste is subjective. You can't be upset by someone saying "I dislike this specific thing" because for all you know, they run around in game like some random button monstrosity. I think to be offended by a thread like this, an in good faith "let's just discuss costuming" thread without any malicious intent, involves a certain amount of oversensitivity. Hell, we've had people saying from 2 different directions on a few different issues, that it's their preference. An example of this is that I legitimately hate heavy tech. It always wins, and I find it clunky. I prefer light power armor. Does that make it not a valid category for a costume contest? No. I even have one, even if I totally suck at costuming for him because I dislike heavy tech. I also pick heavy tech as tech winners for my ccs, because I can tell in an unbiased way what other people would consider to be a good heavy tech, even if it's not in my tastes. Does this offend anyone? I'm sure no more than I'd be offended by someone who has the opposite mindset. Some cc judges legitimately don't seem to like or appreciate light tech. That's fine, I still wear it there, because *I* enjoy it.
I hesitate to say it, but some people might need to relax a bit and take this into perspective. We're a bunch of faceless goons on a message board, our opinion really shouldn't matter. And nobody means any of it with malice. Except the eyebrow thing. Seriously, guys, color your damn eyebrows. It's really distracting. :biggrin:
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
In defense of odd heights, the monstrous size of the npc townies pushes this issue with me to some extent. It irks me when I make an average 5'4" female, only to have her two heads shorter than a female townie jogging through. So If I have to make a 6' female just to be appropriately average to the townies, or a 7' female to be an athletically tall woman to them, so be it.
Works for some things, not so much for others. I'm not sure why you need insight on what they do or what their powers are, this seems a bit more like a personal thing. Granted, I personally don't like the BLADEZ AND SPIKES EVERYWHAR! look, either. But I've seen some pretty cool brute characters with a Planet Hulk-like look to them.
I'll also say that a lot of these 'ew' costumes some people dislike aren't so much the player, Cryptic just seems to be offering an over-abundance of mystical-type things. The worst part is that about HALF of the powers in the damn game are magic, and I'm not sure I recall half of any comics universe having that much magic. It was more rare, and less practical sometimes. Dr. Strange was awesome and powerful, but he couldn't just stand on the same level as Iron Man or the Hulk.
Another thing I'll comment on about this thread- a lot of people seem to be insinuating that the 'black' and such sucks, and that people who aren't playing a cape & tights superhero are 'lame' or 'noobs'. This has never been my preference of superhero, and even today comics have advanced a bit to make the costumes more modernized and understandable. However, it -is- further giving into the oft-stated stereotype that the 'classic hero' players of Champions Online are elitist snobs. The last time I checked, this was 'be the hero I want to be', not the one you want me to be.
I'd prefer if this thread stayed on 'this looks bad based on design' more so than 'this is so noob costume'. After all, if I can't come out on this site and say I hate a certain type of fictional animal character theme or foreign animation without people reacting as if I've donned a Waffen SS uniform, the same rules should apply for putting down all preferences for theme and fiction.
Just sayin', fair is fair.
Reading the thread really did **** me off, and I'll admit readily to what ego I still have left being bruised. But then it hit me. It is PETTY. I'm busy in game, I will wear what I damn well please, and if certain themes upset people too damn bad. They can log off and cry about it in the their superman underoos for all I care.
While I'd like to attach sinister motivations to people who hurt others for sport, this is at the end of day, a game. It would be nice if we had content to hash over instead of this arbitrary crappy nonsense (OP I don't think that was your original intention, to hurt, but genie out of the bottle and all that.) .
The forums may be slow as molasses but if anyone thinks new players don't come here to check things out they are mistaken. Threads like this will hurt feelings. Kinda the opposite of heroic.
Edited due to inaccurate and unfair statements made.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
I think you're taking this thread a bit more seriously then intended. I personally find the way (focus on that word) you're voicing your complaints a bit more aggressive in intent then most (some? I'll re-read things, but I'm pretty sure 'most' qualifies) of the posts in this thread (that aren't similarly complaining about people voicing dislike of certain things, as so far a majority of posts doing so are very antagonistic about voicing their opinions on the thread's topic).
I mostly just took it as a way to kvetch about something in a cathartic way without being specifically insulting to anyone in particular (granted, some of the comments in this thread can be viewed as a bit too negative). It's yelling into the wind. If you're seriously upset about it, well, maybe you need to let it go a bit. Or maybe not post while you're still upset on the issue - voicing your discontent in a calm, mature fashion is generally better then doing so in a bit of a rager.
Or maybe I'm taking you too seriously. If so, I apologize for the confusion. :U
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
Not once has racism or intolerance ever been acceptable over on the CO proboards. Nitpicking and complaints about nitpicking occur on every forum but the rest of that does not take place over there.
Retracted and noted.
Especially comments that refer to the limitations, defaults of the game proper. In that someone, by no fault of their own, may contribute to a peeve simply because they used the defaults.
Shading, folks. It's a good thing. You get four different color patches on most costume parts, y'know...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
...and people insulting others' purely subjective preferences.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
I generally try to be pretty forgiving about stuff, even if it bothers me. If asked, I'll make a point to say what my issue is and explain it in exhaustive detail (because I'm a verbose person, and I like trying to get across as much of my viewpoint as possible). However, if I'm just passing someone in-game and I see something that bugs me, I'm not going to go out of my way to harrass them about it or anything.
It's usually just 'My god that's hideous', and then I go back to the goal of the moment. I have no illusions that some of my costumes have caused people to do the exact same thing - I'd infact be shocked if they didn't, I'm terrible at this sort of thing. I get that other people can have completely different opinions on what does/doesn't look good - or that some people truly don't care at all, and just go with default color scheme and the random button (my biggest pet peeve, as stated previously). That's fine. I think it's awful, but I won't argue that they're fully entitled to do it.
Which is what I think an issue is here - people are just venting some of their biggest pet peeves re: costuming. It's a way to vent those feelings and emotions to instead focus on more interesting and fun things, not an attempt to go out of one's way to make people feel bad. Maybe some posters are taking it that far, but I'm not entirely certain that's the stated intent.
(DISCLAIMER: I was thinking about this for a good bit, and saw an opportunity to get the opinion out. Not trying to pick on you, Ashen. ob)
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
While I sort of agree with disliking the "hodgepodge of unlockables to show how leet I am!1" thing, the character concept may dictate them deliberately not giving a clue as to what their abilities/powers are.
Moreso if they're a sneaky type, but still.
That's why my telekinetic main uses Swinging. Someone thinking they can cut your grappling line and finish you off is in for a rude awakening when you can self-levitate.
The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
Not only they look stupid, but there seems to be one hell of a fashion about wolves overall and most would just strap a wolf head on anything, including everything I said above. Other animal heads are decent, sometimes funny looking.
The default wolf heads in this are simultaneously "too cartoony" and "too rule 34'ey", which is why I (personally) don't like them that much.
The werewolf-style heads from one of the Halloween packs look a lot better, IMO.
I have seen some pretty good characters that make use of them, though.
The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
Please don't confuse this with well executed "ugly". That, I like. It's probably why the Gadroon don't bug me.
Something that I really like, but is the source of a pet peeve is the default AT costumes. I actually like a lot of them, but it creates the expectation of more variety in default costumes.
Wait...what? How does one come to the conclusion that the default wolf head is reminiscient of rule 34...
You know what? Nevermind I asked.
Oh, okay. The next time I want to make a hero with fire powers, I'll be sure to have her outfit colored a bright combination of orange and yellow, while adding a flame emblem on her chest if things aren't obvious enough. The next time I want to make a martial-arts based hero, I'll be sure to have her wear a martial-arts gi.
Really? This is a requirement?
Or they could just be a metahuman with some superpower that made them grow that tall, or it could be a case of gigantism due to genetic mutation. There you go, not so hard is it?
could've sworn i was able to do it before
If you can think of them offhand it won't take you long to find them and I've clearly missed them looking through the active threads and the archived threads (we don't actually delete anything). Show me and I'll handle them.
Edit: You have never reported a post over there.
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Ya know, I was gonna ask, but I realized I might already know why, and it's really not suitable for this forum, if it doesn't outright violate a rule or ten.
To the comments on Characters of Unusual Size, what were you looking for, a decent write up? I may not have been paying attention, but does this relate to the notion that the costume has to telegraph the character's powers and origin? One of my favorite characters in the background of the Hulk comics was Doc Samson. My tendency to favor the deadpan snarker notwithstanding, aside from his green hair, you really couldn't tell that he wasn't just into weight lifting, unless he was standing next to someone "regular sized." He origin was radiation exposure, obviously, but he didn't look out of the ordinary, and, aside from shopping at a big and tall store, I don't recall ever seeing him "in costume," unless you count the occasional lab coat.
Pretty much defies all of those "rules," and does it well, IMO.
Part of the problem since December, 2012.
Robin? Superman? The entire Fantastic Four?
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Unless you're suggesting he wear a gymnast's leotard. which case, I may be able to support this.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
I'm a firm believer that the costume doesn't make the hero.
"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln-
Actually Robin I does wear a gymnasts outfit. His costume is based on his family's trapeze costumes from the circus. The others were just knock offs of the original. They did give the most recent one a hooded cape as he's got some assassin background.
Batman however...does not have bat powers.
I think I worded that poorly. Sorry.
Those all work, yes. Plenty of heroes' outfits make no sense as to what powers they have - Robin isn't even dressed like a robin, for example. If superman is the strongest man in the universe, why isn't he showing off his pecs, and for pete sake, why is he smaller than something like The Hulk, or Lobo, or pretty much any other bodybuilder out there? If the clock king doesn't have the power to stop time, why is he dressed so horribly? Actually, for that matter, why was he just a balding guy in a suit in TAS? And how the hell did that make him like 10x more memorable?
Yeah, there's plenty of comic book heroes that are dressed up ridiculously, or in ways that just don't fit the power. now put any of them in spiky nephilim armor. Would you say the outfit would be proper for their powers or background? No. Would you say that it would be fitting for a gadgeteer who rains down death with orbital cannons and passing-by fighter jets? No. Would you say it would be fitting for a gunslinger who uses Two-Gun mojo, who also happens to have the ability to make huge clouds of poison, can disappear, and heals himself by invoking holy powers while also using a bionic coating that heals him when he is hit? ..Actually, what would a fitting outfit for that concept be?
What I'm basically saying is that pursuing the unlock-heavy-uber-armor look without having a real reason to do so, character wise, is something I do not appreciate. And thus, it is a peeve.
Still not a leotard! Stop ruining my fantasy moment.
(DISCLAIMER: This post entirely facetious.)
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
The way I always looked at it...or at least, the way it is for Vitality (who is 5'-11" 195lbs) that the muscles are just vastly more efficient on a superhuman level.
They don't need muscles on top of muscles to be one of the physically strongest beings in their respective universe.
"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln-
Those darn furries never being able make something nice-looking!
Oh Lord. Here comes the 'persecution' accusation. When did we say anything to the effect of what you're responding to? Did I miss something? If so, please point it out. Otherwise it seems like you're overreacting to something that wasn't said.
I'd agree it is awesome if this were a Disney cartoon and not a Superhero game based on Western Superheroes. It's not bad art. It's just not something that appeals to me personally.
But it doesn't change the fact that CO has the fugliest wolf/fox heads I've ever seen.
Also, this thread has entered the WTF Expanse...
Part of the problem since December, 2012.
Think we've ramped the shark there by this point, at least.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
The post which hit a nerve was this one:
Because this peron implies that putting a wolf head on something (and thereby making it a "furry") makes it automatically something pornographic. And since I get this stuff a lot being a furry myself (because most people think furries=porn) I guess I overreacted.
Rule 63 is purely about genderbending and has nothing to do with this. You need to brush up on your internet memes. (Though I admit being knowledgeable about memes is not exactly something to be proud of
I agree with you that the male wolf head looks quite bad. The female version is kinda cute though.
I'll be blunt, but fair.
Yes, that is a common perception. It's not accurate. I understand.
However, let's just assume you're sort of representing a fandom. Let's pretend that fandom has a stereotype for overreacting to criticism of their interest, whether it be true or not. Now, you overreact on a forum when someone criticizes it as a style... you're not helping the perception.
And that's all I'll say, I'm not trying to be mean. Just sayin', take a look, y'know.
Like I said, not a bad drawing at all. And the heads in CO are fugly as hell. I could downright HATE furry characters, but I'd still say 'Jesus, CO makes their heads ugly'. I honestly wish the heads were better, I do- just because on principle alone they're freakin' hideous.
What the hell is up with our 'insect' heads just being Qu'larr heads? Why can't we get, like, I dunno- grasshoppers, flies, arachnids, mantises? If we're gonna talk about our pet peeves- then it's lame as hell that ALL insectoids have to look like Qu'larr. You don't look like a bug, you look like a... something. It's just... something.
No offense taken, I understand what you're saying.
I would pay a crapton of money for more realistic, non-alien insect heads.
I would as well. Not to mention, the abdomens and such could make some freaky bugs if that were a tail option.
And all 'ovipositor' jokes aside- the rear/tail category is WAY under-used for everyone. It's also a cool place to have a couple of holstered pistols for people who don't want to use thigh pistols (Which all look awful) or a couple of combat knives or something. THAT irks me, overall, combined with the fact that many of the 'wearable' weapons don't really have an equivalent to use as a weapon and vice-versa.
Worst of all is the 'Uzi' leg accessory (That's more of an MP-7/Ingram hybrid) and the matching 'Submachine Gun pistol' weapon that would be ideal as a pistol, but LOLNOPE it's an SMG that your stabilizing hand isn't even touching when you fire it.
I hate hoods and ninja masks.
It's like he's cut a silent, nasty fart and he's waiting for everyone else in the room to smell it.
You called?
I'm laughing, but the chest hair is the touch that makes it more horrifying.
Thanks a lot, Smacky.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
And as far as the two colors thing in costuming, I don't have a problem with that...
LOL, the socks really make that look!
Yeppers, one of the themes of my characters is purposefully deceptive.
Since he's a super-telepath-tk, whose soul is stuffed into an Ankh, worn by a female, he takes great pains to not be noticed. So, the outfit is skimpy to draw eyes away from the Ankh and the heroine's nickname is not 'The Ankh' (because bad guys would then aim at the Ankh).
I agree.
There is also a difference between, "I don't like X," and, "X is bad."
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
Ela has so many great costumes, you really should show them off sometime!
You're a lunatic with a mad man's dream of a milk proof robot!
I should have specified numerous posts in threads, not thread titles using those themes. My bad.
1. Won't take long......then what am I doing wrong? Either the search function is suboptimal or someone has been slipping me crazy pills. After being stymied for quite some time I started using terms in the search field that should have yielded results (movies you guys discuss, powers, gear) and could not FIND jack squat.
2. One of the threads I mentioned was locked. I don't want to post it here and start debate #1274527 over things that people play games to forget. If you want I will send a pm with the thread title, and if you are of the opinion that I'm being overly sensitive, and I am still unable to find the 2nd thread, I will amend my statement.
3. I would swear I reported at least one post. I do not use my game handle here over there, but I'm assuming you were able to check because my handle there is kind of, well just similar. I wouldn't bet my life on it, but I'd wager I have reported at least one post during one dark and *cough "stormy" night.
-edit: I shouldn't have painted the npw forums as a place where those things are common. They are exceptions, very rare, and certainly not the norm. Will amend previous posts accordingly.
But but bu...whats wrong with hoods?! I think they can be kinda nifty *points at AV*
Now im gonna be all self conscience and dejected.
BTW, the face on your character is AMAZING. I'm going to continue to hide in my hood, on account of me not being worthy.
Thank you, I'm very proud of her
And I don't have an issue with hoods alone! Just hoods in combination with masks!
Ok, I think the reason I started this thread might be a bit misconstrued, and some people might be taking it too seriously. I was fishing for what people are annoyed by, so I could personally improve my costume skills, as well as maybe having someone stumble across it and take a few clues. I picked up a few good ideas in the noise, and I'm personally responsible for a bunch of the things people mentioned as peeves. But, you know what? That's taste, and taste is subjective. You can't be upset by someone saying "I dislike this specific thing" because for all you know, they run around in game like some random button monstrosity. I think to be offended by a thread like this, an in good faith "let's just discuss costuming" thread without any malicious intent, involves a certain amount of oversensitivity. Hell, we've had people saying from 2 different directions on a few different issues, that it's their preference. An example of this is that I legitimately hate heavy tech. It always wins, and I find it clunky. I prefer light power armor. Does that make it not a valid category for a costume contest? No. I even have one, even if I totally suck at costuming for him because I dislike heavy tech. I also pick heavy tech as tech winners for my ccs, because I can tell in an unbiased way what other people would consider to be a good heavy tech, even if it's not in my tastes. Does this offend anyone? I'm sure no more than I'd be offended by someone who has the opposite mindset. Some cc judges legitimately don't seem to like or appreciate light tech. That's fine, I still wear it there, because *I* enjoy it.
I hesitate to say it, but some people might need to relax a bit and take this into perspective. We're a bunch of faceless goons on a message board, our opinion really shouldn't matter. And nobody means any of it with malice. Except the eyebrow thing. Seriously, guys, color your damn eyebrows. It's really distracting. :biggrin:
RIP Caine