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Bluhman's New Museum



  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Do you think you could do a request for me? I have been trying to make a toon that is like a russian super soldier akin to Captain America but maybe someone that uses a mix of munitions and close range combat, could you help me make a costume? maybe make one for female and one for male since I cant decide :P

    I swear, I have like 1 or 2 cyborg/super soldier soviets lying around in my costume folder. I'll get back to you on that after I'm well-rested.
    O.o I must say that Ignuss took me by surprise. What a neat concept!! I really lurbs him to bits... indeed bluhman, you are just gifted with an unending amount of creativity.

    Keep the great costumes coming!

    PS: Can we get a different shot from Swansong?? I am curious how she looks without the TP.

    Thanks! But really, Ignuss takes a huge amount of influence from a similar character made by another player (I can't remember their name... Dangit). The thing I'm probably most pround about with him is his color scheme; you don't often see complimentary schemes that straddle directly on red/magenta/orange.

    I'll be sure to get some updated pictures of swansong. It is a good idea, because within a couple of days of taking the picture, her cape and outfit colors changed.
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  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Alright. First off, soviet soldiers.

    "Red Jets" - An augmented soldier, equipped with guns, jetpack, and heavy armor. Less of a superhero and more of a warrior, given his less-than-flashy choice of uniform. A note to make is that a lot of these designs are a bit heavy on the unlocks, and this is no exception: This requires the Cyberpunk Torso, Nighthawk and Mk. 2 sets, and the Red Winter hat set. Get here.

    Chukenu - Pretty clearly a cyborg, her arms were upgraded to enable her to fire energy weapons from them, as well as throw supercharged punches. Chukenu's actually Chinese, not Russian, but the central color scheme used here is still largely the same. Get here.

    Captain Notamerica - The above two were made without any pretense involving a captain-america-esque hero or whatnot. That said, this third outfit was my attempt to capture that sort of spirit a bit closer. I'd highly encourage you to make modifications to this one if you do use it: I've left all of the physique sliders alone. Get here.

    Next is Swansong outside of flight, as well as her new outfit. Her old white/gold outfit out of flight is on the right, while the new one is in the center and left. The decision to change the color scheme came forth when I realized that Xenophon actually used the same combination of colors. As for why it ended up being sky blue that took its place, it was one of the results that came up when looking for color schemes involving white. I think it still works, given that her red hair serves to create good warm/cool contrast.
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  • zackattackv20zackattackv20 Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    All of these are kick **** dude
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Okay, now my builds are deliberately trying to find ways to break the game.

    .62 - "Skilled hacker and technophile, he was something resembling a supervillain early on in his career, when he used his espionage expertise to steal robotic parts from Harmon Industries for an unknown client. After several coups for his mysterious employer, he was betrayed when the client purposefully set up an 'accident' for the spy, causing grievous damage to his entire body. Thankfully, the spy survived after extended operations, consequentially turning most of his body to cybernetics and making him an even deadlier assassin. Despite his boosted abilities, he was rather quick to find out his client's ulterior motives, and soon quit afterwards, turning to heroic work in order to undermine his former employers."

    .62's gimmick is that he uses Stealth. Not only that, but he pairs this with a bunch of attacks that do not break said stealth (Strafing run, Particle mine, Orbital cannon...). He can spend entire alerts and missions killing enemies without them ever seeing him. Yeah, they'll just run towards his general location and then stand around wondering why the heck they moved there in the first place.

    Kalbuexele - "A princess and warlord from an ancient kingdom in Turkey, Kalbuexele was certainly feared for her impressive tactics and ferocity on the battlefield - and also coveted as a bride by many princes across the land. The king's offers to have her daughter married off attracted many grooms, but also attracted many of Kalbuexele's enemies, including one prince from Rome whose gift was an amulet made from the eye of the gorgon, which in itself was embedded in a thin salt casing. As soon as the amulet had made contact with water, the casing dissolved, revealing the bare, cursed eye, and therefore freezing the princess in stone. Thousands of years later, she managed to break out of the curse after Trismegistus explorers used a counter-curse to free her and find out the secrets to her empire. Consequentially, the counter-curse has also made her a much more formidable fighter than before, and now she wanders the world, blindly seeking vengeance against a roman prince that has been dead for eons now."

    The idea for the build here was for high health, high regeneration, and forcefields. Since damage absorbers such as Protection Field and Eye of the Storm (apparently) do not factor in any sort of mitigation, the idea here was to have Kalbuexele apply shields/protection to herself in battle so that her Regeneration could patch the damage up during combat.

    Do not try to write improv bios when sleep deprived.
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  • lilsteffielilsteffie Posts: 602 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Wow .62 looks very neat! totally digging that armour there bluh! Keep making more dude, we all love you XD
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
  • summerfields#1113 summerfields Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well, I'm sure others have already stated this but: Outstanding work, my friend! Keep it up! :)
    [ @Skaargoroth in-game / @summerfields on the Forums ]
    Current character roaster: The Iconica, Lady Mythica, Black Jackal, Omni-Woman, Fantomask
    Currently waiting for: Moar comics! And maybe City of Titans, too. Hopefully!
  • keikomystkeikomyst Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I ran a Nemcon with Bay Pig last night and it was awesome. All of your characters and concepts are downright inspirational (I've seen more than a few palette-swapped Chisokus!)
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

    And man, what is it about Chisoku that makes everyone copy him?
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  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Double post. Good news though is that there's a lot on this one.

    Black Templar - "Originally a marine, Black Templar had been enlisted into the navy the same year that Roger Warwell had, now known more commonly as Warlord. Having gotten into several personal conflicts with the abrasive soldier, Black Templar grew to have a lasting vendetta with him, even following his routing from the military. Even after he had been declared a criminal, Templar continued to do research on his foe, until he found out about Warwell's armor and his involvement in the underground weapons community. Anonymously commissioning his own armor, Black Templar now seeks to take his former colleague down a couple notches."

    With a look that's ridiculously inspired by Unreal Tournament/Starcraft/Warhammer/Any other thing out there that has rocket-weilding marines in powered armor, Black Templar's build so far is surprisingly fragile and weird, focusing on using INT and a variety of recharging, explosive attacks to lay a ranged beatdown. At high levels, he's plotted to use Rejuvination alongside Lock & Load, Unbreakable, Masterful Dodge, and Eye of the Storm to basically make it so that he's never not running some sort of active ability.

    But now for the meat of this post: A huge discussion and showcase of all the planning and incremental change I go through to make some characters.

    .62 - Originally started out as basically Jensen's less impressive cousin. Soon decided that I hated the look because this game can't do trenchcoats properly, and thus adapted for a cyber-ninja appearance. A couple color tweaks later and it produced what is seen on the card.

    Kalbuexele Evolution - Originally, Kal here was a lot less medieval, and for a very short period of time I began to run a character named Jailbird. Didn't like how the character looked in this instance, so I began several iterations on a large, well-muscled female weaponmaster, progressing through both of those tonfa bruisers and into the more traditional 'skimpy armor' category, until resulting in the interesting combination of armor and bodypaint on her current design.

    Kalbuexele Alternates - Something I don't quite like about Kal, though, is that I believe that her character's overall theme/style is too simplistic. That said, there are alternate outfits here that explore alternate styles. I'm partial towards perhaps turning her into a living statue of marble or metal, but most of the shades I've tried so far aren't quite satisfactory, especially when combined with more metal armor.

    Xenophon Alternates - Since evolving from being a bluish tin can, Xenophon's become mostly white in color. I had a bit of fun with the variants, making heavy and light versions. The light version soon progressed even further into the Socrates Style appearance on the far left. The neat thing about that one is that the Harmon Mk2 Eye holograms are present, but colored completely black. What this does is that, whenever Xenophon uses an ability that places an aura over her (Force Shield or Conviction) the invisible hologram piece will show up.

    Draugur Evolution - I kind of like Draugur's evolution, since it almost accurately reflects his progress as a warrior - he starts out as a measly skeleton lurking in the shadows, then progresses to wearing some armor. By the time that stealth was changed around, he had become this regal looking fellow with a flowing beard, cape, and distinct helmet.

    Human Draugur - So, with Draugur's backstory with him trying to get back to Valhalla, it sort of technically makes sense that reaching 40 could symbolize such a status or whatever. Basically, as a human, he looks kind of like this. Also, random bronze armor set on the far left, because why not.

    Phasechange Progression - Less of a legitimate evolution of character and more a representation of the character's canonical progression, this basically shows the details of how Phasechange turned from just an ice projector into a freakishly powerful elementalist that throws out fire and ice. The only thing that doesn't quite fit into the sequence is her light outfit here.
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  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hahaha thats sooo neat!

    I have the files of the evolution of my costumes as well, but its definitely way more boring than this, not to mention that the first iterations usually are terrifying to watch.

    Keep the great heroes and costumes coming!

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well, after finally getting back to my desktop, I've taken some photos and made some bios of yet 2 more ridiculous alts. In addition, now that I realized that IMG tags mysteriously work here, I can post the cards directly! Though, to prevent table breakage, the ones here are just small versions that link to the larger ones.

    "A bizarre electrical mishap with an arcade machine caused the titular protagonist of the game 'Klonk the Caveman' to somehow manifest in the real world. Quickly picking up to the circumstances of his sudden transportation and his near-invulnerability to any non-digital attacks, he soon became a famous boxer. When he was kicked out of the boxing league for dirty fighting, though, he began a brief stint as a thug for various villains, only to begin to miss the glory days of being a simple hero. With nothing but the clothing off of his back and some fisticuffs skill, Klonk has only just begun to reform himself."

    Cartoonish looks aside, Klonk here is basically a 'boxer' build - now that Defensive Combo hits multiple targets on that last punch, it has some serious defensive potential, because each target you hit with that last swing applies a stack of Defiance. So, Klonk here is running both Lightining Reflexes, and up to 5 extra stacks of Defiance on top of that. For flavor, his only other attacks include Demolish and (maybe) rising knee. Use that with Form of the Tempest, and you've got a low-knock, dex-based boxing/might build.

    It also should be noted that using Defensive Combo with Arbiter/Warden spec trees alongside Warden mastery produces more DPS than Haymaker taps at identical rank. Yeah, if you spend your specializations correctly, those damage boosts really add up.

    "A magician from the far future, she is merely a chronomancer acolyte. Despite her fledgling status in her own, medieval society, she does hone an incredible amount of power, and uses her abilities to freeze her foes in place, while boosting her own speed. Aside from this, she seems willing to help, but has quite nebulous intentions and loyalty to other heroes."

    Presenting: A character that uses the worst passive in the game (Aura of Arcane Clarity). Heck, I probably could've used Night Warrior to get the identical charge-reduction effect. In fact, said reduction is practically more than double on Night Warrior VS AoAC, so I'm basically using this passive for nothing! That said, the stacking recharge reductions alongside high INT and planned specializations means that she might end up being a character that constantly is running active offense and active defense to keep the damage rolling high and often, while also being survivable. Again, very strange build experimenting stuff.

    Evolution: Celosia
    Celosia went through quite a few iterations, none of which I was really happy with. At first, I was going for the traditional robed-mage look, only to be displeased with the variety of loose-sleeve styles that were available. Dammit, they really need to just make a generic cloth sleeve bracer part; that would solve so many problems.

    The Adventurer Mage B costume I settled on for a bit, but then the day right after creating Celosia, I got my 1000 day veteran rewards, giving me access to glowing tights. At that point, I was like "hell, why not", and decided to give her glowing patterns on her robe. I think it gives the outfit a nice futuristic-runic flair.
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  • zackattackv20zackattackv20 Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I dont remember if you take requests but do you think you could make a costume for me? After reading the bio for Klonk the Caveman it has inspired me to have a character of my own of like a similar origins, only maybe instead of him being from a cartoonish game or maybe from a cartoony game maybe he could be like from a fighting game ala Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct, Eternal Champions, ect
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I don't formally take requests, but I'm fine with people asking! There's a wide variety of looks I could come up for something like this, but I'll see what I might be able to brew up.
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  • zackattackv20zackattackv20 Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    How goes the request?
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    D'oh. Completely forgot about it, sorry.

    To be honest, I don't have the slightest idea of where to start. Give me a reference point to start from, because there's a huge gamut of possible fighter-character styles I could do.
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  • zackattackv20zackattackv20 Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I was thinking maybe something akin to Darkstalkers or Killer Instinct
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I hope you weren't expecting something human, then, because I now have a selection of three things I came up with. Note that they're rife with unlock parts, so you might have to spend some money to get these outfits to work.

    This one has the least unlocked parts of the three as far as I can tell, mainly focusing on parts from the Rock set.

    This one's unique simply for being made quite a while before the preface of the request. Granted, I've had it lying around for a while without a character/build to match it, so now it's here.

    Wooooo a gargoyle. This one is the only one that has a real unlockable. I.E. his rocky face is a part that can't be purchased - but is instead gotten randomly from a grab-bag. Ooops. Stupid me. I hope the files at least load the outfits with the basics intact, because otherwise they're just fancy reference costumes.

    So, yeah. Click on the large images to get to the actual costume files.
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  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I hate double posting. Today's theme seems to be 'blue'.

    "A lone, wandering possum was once run over in the middle of the Louisiana wilderness. It was at this time that he was bitten by a radioactive human, and was therefore imbued with their fantastic human powers of cognizance, gunplay, and running over people. Having now marketed his marksmanship, he has been able to comfortably afford his own garage, containing his very own bikes, cars, and flying tanks. He actually hates the latter, but uses them simply because the streets of the city are always jammed."

    He uses pistols. Those things are stupidly powerful.

    "Former nemesis of Barbara Blaster, whiteout re-evaluated his approach to using his superpowers when he realized that the water line in his home state of Alaska was rapidly rising. Moving inland and realizing this was due to the global mean temperature rising, he soon made the conclusion that Canada would soon be the new leader nation, and began to pave his path towards becoming a national hero. He honestly does have concern for the locals of Canada, but he is also quite clearly opportunistic, and still bears some rather ill will towards the ilk of Californian heroes."

    After like 70 characters, I have finally made an earnest attempt at making an Ice elementalist. Cripplingly weak defenses aside (from EGO/End/Rec; probably the best stat combo for blasters), Ice Blast and Avalanche seem to really pack a huge punch. By some strange mechanical mucking about, it seems that a lot of the spec trees seem to help this set out a lot. Now all it needs is a proper energy return.

    "This worker at a chemicals plant was unfortunate enough to have fallen into a vat of experimental materials. However, in his case, something very unusual took place - though his skeletal system was completely dissolved, his muscular tissue became elastic and amorphous, while his skin followed suit, taking on a blue tinge. His organs, fusing into an unusual ball encased in noncorrosive film, ensured that he somehow survived the transformation process. Now a vigilante freak with highly basic, corrosive skin, he seeks to get revenge on his former employers (despite it being his fault for being a klutz in the first place)."

    Another slime character, much like Apoplexy. Though, in his case, he's actually going to be using attacks that sort of reflect that gelatinous state, including his goo-spiked fists, covering the floor in muck, and his poison and moisture-sucking abilities. Let me just say right now that it was a huge B:eek:TCH to get this guys appearance down pat. I'll have to post an evolution of this guy later on, because there's like 10-15 costumes of the goo-warrior concept alone.
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  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    "Shelix was originally a ballet dancer, who had been practicing her craft since she was a young girl. However, when she was 18, she suffered a horrible fall during one of her practice sessions, causing her to suffer a concussion and become vegetative for several hours. When she came to, many found that she had been greatly changed; her delicate graceful movements now clumsy, and her gentle, shy demeanor replaced with a boisterous, disgruntled one. As it turned out, the concussion had caused some of her hormonal glands to overreact, causing an irrevocable mutation and granting her immense physical power. She soon decided to put her destructive power to use as a club bouncer, and (after she was fired), a street brawler."

    Rule for this one: Might-based. And not like a demolish/boxing might person with a ton of defense, no. A pure, smash-people-across-the-world-and-do-grievous-damage might person. Just to see how Alert changes the dynamic of such a character.

    "The village of San Gestahl was a curious Californian colony set up by Portuguese-Spanish explorers that split up from Magellan during his voyage around the world. Unlike Magellan, though, the colonists of San Gestahl had managed to discover and settle the new world... At a great cost. In order to survive the perilous voyage across the pacific, the colonists had made a pact with dark gods to grant them powerful wind magics that could more easily guide and move their boats than mere rudders and sails. When the gods decided to curse the colony, the settlers began to pray for help. It never came, and San Gestahl was reduced to rubble and pestilence by 1562.

    5 centuries later, the combined power of the spirits of the lost colony, coupled with a benevolent force finally noticing their pleas, called down an angel to answer their prayers. San's Seraph, now possessed by the collective undead will of the village of San Gestahl, now prowls the world, keeping the forces of dark and evil deities at bay."

    This is the most roundabout way to explain a typography pun. This one is also weird: A Celestial DPS character. Very endurance heavy, but it's amazing how much of a punch that Celestial Conduit packs when tapped. When maintained, the ticks normally only trigger once per second, but the tap animation only takes 0.5 seconds to start up. Tapping costs a crapton of energy, but the pain piles up fast.

    "A boy genius and pop star; Treble had initially begun work on a special hoodie he could wear during his dance shows: A special article of clothing that could both be worn, and show visuals and play music at the same time. During a test run, though, a miscalibration of the system caused the hoodie to expel a disastrously strong sonic wave, rendering the boy deaf to low frequency sounds. Still mostly able to hear imporant noise, and now knowing the danger the system could pose, he put the project away before anything more could go wrong. However, the issue wouldn't die quietly: Bandits began to try and steal the suit for themselves in order to weaponize the technology. Obviously, Treble decided to do it first. His musical hoodie was then transformed into a sonic suit, using a giant low-frequency speaker on his chest and hands to throw out cataclysmic blasts of noise at his foes."

    Initially I wanted to make this guy use a pure force build: Kinetic Manipulation and everything. The problem was that the best attack in the entire force set, Cascade, removes energy forms, so it quickly becomes completely obsolete to just using Quarry, active offenses, and energy refraction. I cannot believe how much fun it is to use FC at such low levels, when even taps easily wipe out henchman mobs.
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  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    No replies? Business as usual!

    Evolution: Corrosive
    Like I said, Corossive went through a very long design process. I'd long been interested in making a goo-like character; Cerulean Droplet was the first draft for such a character, which I think I came up with around 1-1/2 years ago or so? In any case, the design began to cycle through several colors and materials. As you can see, a lot have a strange, black face with a glowing orb in the middle. I wanted to try something that looked similar to Megaman's Yellow Devil, but couldn't get the look right; the material either wasn't liquidy enough/wouldn't match the goo travel powers well enough, or the face would end up being too reflective and shiny to really convincingly look like a hole. Several of the designs tried to make the illusion of this effect, using unusual parts (90s mask, for example, on the Bioengine), but that posed a whole new set of problems; mainly the 'hole' sticking out in 3D space over the head. Whoops.
    I began coming up with the idea to add pointy 'horns' to the design around the time I came to Corrode's version. This development definitely stuck, as it really helped to give the look some definition in the sea of a single color. To top it off, the final version was completed by adding a very light gradient between different shades of blue - linking it right back to the initial design of Cerulean Droplet.

    Evolution: Shelix
    Ironically - and maybe a bit disappointingly - Shelix' evolution is the exact opposite case of Corrosive's. Whereas I knew exactly what I wanted with his design and couldn't achieve it with the creator, I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do with Shelix' design, but certainly had a bunch of options. Originally, the plan was actually to make Shelix a Might/Telepathy hybrid, with a spiral/helix motif (get it? Shelix = She+helix har har.) Because the planned build was going to focus on disorienting foes and taking advantage of this via telepathy moves, I wanted to emphasize that characteristic: disorganization and chaos, bringing forth the first asymmetrical design.
    The 2nd design held on to the 1st's general mood, but emphasized a greater deal of geometrical symmetry: the textures on the clothing was still off-kilter, covered with various angled lines, but the actual components of the outfit were now even. It was around this time I began actually playing the character and discovering that Might itself was very low on disorient moves - I'd have to use Heavy Weapons instead, which was out of the question, considering that there were no real items in there that suited a super-strength untrained brawler.
    So the design took on some radical shifts, dropping the whirl motif for a while. Towards the end, Shelix began taking on a sort of golden age design with the "Purple V" outfit. As you can see, it is very similar to the final version, but uses a different color scheme and shows off the legs instead of the arms. While I do like that version a bit better, I felt that too many of my characters had color schemes centered around the color purple (Think Tank, Coulrophobia, Celosia, Heckrana, and Secretary all count) so the final version's outfit shifted the color scheme around to the pink/red range. The decision to change from exposed legs to exposed arms was because of the character's build: she doesn't kick, she punches, and the skin exposure on the arms would thus draw more attention to that element of her body.

    Evolution: Treble
    Yes, that's only 3 outfits, but it took place over the course of several months. Way before the plans for treble were laid out, I originally was toting a randomly-created outfit named "Stereo"; an obnoxiously 90s looking girl with a synthetic supersuit/shirt thing with a boombox like top. There's quite a few elements on the outfit that I like, now that I look back on it - the organic colorscheme and incorporation of street clothing, to name two. Also, the fact that the Superconductor tights on females have white borders that trail underneath the speaker disc, making it look a lot more appropriate for wiring.
    For some reason, almost none of that made it over when I finally came around to making Treble himself. I already had a female force character in Copper Hawk - in fact, I was noticing that many of my blasters were already female, so I wanted to try out something different. Initially, the design I called for was almost completely retro-based, complete with black mask, and a bright colorscheme with lots of yellow - a color I don't usually use as a central tone.
    And for good reason, because from the back, the 2nd design pretty much looked like a half-dressed matt groeing cartoon character. The whole ordeal to shift his palette to something less skintoned raises a lament: I really wish that there were more shades in the red-yellow spectrum. I find myself constantly gravitating back to a majority of my characters being green, blue, or purple in color scheme, because there's just that many more viable choices available in those parts of CO's color spectrum. Bottom line - I shifted the palette to something less "retro" and more "techno", changed the mask to a visor to match, and altered the hair color and style. That's probably the one thing I'm proud of on this final design: The trick to use a forehead emblem in conjunction with a hairdo to make a widows peak.

    Yeah whatever.
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  • lilsteffielilsteffie Posts: 602 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Well now, corrosive has some interesting changes going on there, Cerulean droplet had something to it.. that was really just eye catching. Either the fact it looks like it could morph into an object or the fact that it has a single eye. Simple yet, i love it.

    Bioengine, i would imagine to be a hulking mass of matter.. huge. Again good job bluh, keep'em coming.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Thanks for the kind words, XGen!

    I'm actually really partial to the Droplet design as well. Perhaps it's how the arms morph into blades that contributes to its malleable look? Something I'll have to look into.
    The main reason I didn't stick with the design, though, was that it didn't seem to be that unique/attractive by standards of popular opinion: didn't win any CC's it entered.
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  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    bluhman wrote: »
    Thanks for the kind words, XGen!

    I'm actually really partial to the Droplet design as well. Perhaps it's how the arms morph into blades that contributes to its malleable look? Something I'll have to look into.
    The main reason I didn't stick with the design, though, was that it didn't seem to be that unique/attractive by standards of popular opinion: didn't win any CC's it entered.

    And IMO im surprised it didn't win. Honestly I loved Droplet as well, she's brilliant. Ergo... I guess thats one of the main reasons I don't participate in CC's often.

    Great job as usual in here Bluh.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Thanks; I'll have to see what elements I can use from that version!

    I've been trying to make a new character that isn't a robot. As a result, I somehow made three robot things.

    This character would have used nothing but fire attacks originating directly from the hands - Fire Strike, Fireball, Heatwave, and Pyre. The appearance of this character is pretty directly based off of the old fire example character. Was quickly scrapped after realizing just how abysmally weak Fire Strike was, and that the build would be regulated to being a tank, due to it not making much sense for this character to be on fire the whole time.

    A swift robot that would use pistol attacks via his machine gun hands. Kind of liked the look, but the build plan was pretty boring, so I scrapped that. I was considering calling the character Mechbuttbuttin at one point.
    PNG (Power Network Girl?)

    Laser blade tank. Special costume gimmick here is that when the character activates an ability which lays an aura over the outfit (Conviction, Force Sheath, etc) invisible, pure black Holo Hex pieces will show up - That is to say, the outfits on the left and right are actually the same, just one has Force Sheath active.
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  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    bluhman wrote: »
    PNG (Power Network Girl?)

    Laser blade tank. Special costume gimmick here is that when the character activates an ability which lays an aura over the outfit (Conviction, Force Sheath, etc) invisible, pure black Holo Hex pieces will show up - That is to say, the outfits on the left and right are actually the same, just one has Force Sheath active.

    O.o that's a gimmick I didn't knew it was around... coooool!!! I'll definitely try it out on one of my characters, if I can make those darn pieces to fit xD.

    Nice robots in here, I must say I am a fan of all of them.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I had no idea about the solid black Holo pieces either. I mean I knew you could make em invisible, didn't know that they light up with certain powers. It makes PFF look sooooooooo awesome, and very thematic. Thanks for a great secret, Bluh!

    The "evolution" posts are fascinating, please keep them coming. Didn't comment sooner because I'm lazy, and I have to assume that many others suffer from the same ailment. I've always liked looking at your toons, but it is really interesting to see the making-of process through a few stages. More, please. :biggrin:
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    cascadence wrote: »
    O.o that's a gimmick I didn't knew it was around... coooool!!! I'll definitely try it out on one of my characters, if I can make those darn pieces to fit xD.

    Nice robots in here, I must say I am a fan of all of them.

    Thanks! Truth be told, the trick was actually taught to me by another player in RenCen one day. Thought he was just switching costumes at first, but then he revealed the trick, and I was also really amazed.

    A thing to try: make a character with a power-hue changing macro. This will cause the plates to assume the different colors of aura abilities as you cycle through them! That, or it just might make it look muddy as you layer a million random colors on the outfit. One or the other.
    jonesing4 wrote: »
    I had no idea about the solid black Holo pieces either. I mean I knew you could make em invisible, didn't know that they light up with certain powers. It makes PFF look sooooooooo awesome, and very thematic. Thanks for a great secret, Bluh!

    The "evolution" posts are fascinating, please keep them coming. Didn't comment sooner because I'm lazy, and I have to assume that many others suffer from the same ailment. I've always liked looking at your toons, but it is really interesting to see the making-of process through a few stages. More, please. :biggrin:

    Thanks for the compliments. As you probably noticed, a lot of these characters go through like a crapton of refinement and reimagining over time!

    As for the request for more, I can half-fulfill that.


    "A power outage and freak accident one stormy night caused a teenage girl to disappear during her late night up studying. For days on end, her parents and highschool mates were searching all about their town, but they had no luck. As it turned out, she had been absorbed into her laptop by the power surge, and had her entire mind and body washed through the internet and entirety of cyberspace. Though it largely cost her her sanity and human form, she re-emerged, now armed with digital weaponry, and greatly boosted prowess. Power Network Girl walks the earth!"

    Just making the PNG thing in the above post official and stuff. You can see there was probably some sort of scarcely subliminal influence in the outfit for her, even for the one on the left.

    By the way, those energy surge devices are great! Especially considering that I haven't gotten Crippling Challenge yet, those things are really good at preventing power outage from happening on this character.

    "Known by many names, Blossa den Fule (Blaze the Evil One) is an ancient dragon, who guards a horde of treasure in northern Sweden. Some say she was originally a princess who was cursed by an elder dragon's magic, while others say that it was the result of her lust for power and greed taking the best of her. One thing is for certain, though; she has recently come out of her lair to wreak havoc among those who offend her and/or carry valuable treasure."

    Builds as obtuse as ever: Blossa uses a mix of Bestial Supernatural and Fire for energy (despite the fact she could just use Supernatural Power and probably be done with it.) Originally was going to be DEX based and use Form of the Tempest, but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to be a towering, fire-breathing, slashing dragon... With quarry as a passive.

    I've still got like 3-4 different color schemes that I might use for this thing, and totally can't make up my mind (one might be charizard). Also, Blossa is in no way related to Orlaskathut or any other dragons you might know.

    Corrosive as Cerulean Droplet

    Here, I decided to have a go at the gelatinous cyclops look yet again, adopting a few tips and aspects from the original design into this one. Though, where the other one was fairly delicate looking, this one is a meaty freakin' jelly. I just wish that the Abberant foot had a metallic option, because that would fit so much better than these veiny stilty things he's got for feet.

    Meliora's Seasonal outfits
    Like any good deciduous tree, Meliora goes through seasonal phases! Spring's obviously her default look, though my favorite of the alternatives is the Autumn one. Wasn't a big fan of the fur pads on the side of the skirt initially, but it works to add extra fall shades to the foliagey dress. In contrast, I still don't think I got the winter look down well enough. Then again, it is supposed to sort of represent a tree holding on for dear life, so I guess looking pretty wouldn't be the first thing on her mind, now would it?
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  • creamymarinecreamymarine Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Oh, dammit, Bluhman, I gotta scrap my holo-girl and find something else for a PFF tank, had a similar design (using vanguard thights as I do not have the veteran award ones), now it just feels like a crappy copy of PNG.

    I keep trying to stay out of here so I can make my outfits in peace, but oh curses, foiled again!
    Your costumes are too good to pass on checking them out, keep up the good work.

    edit. Fun fact: a tired mind is a ranty and nonsensical mind

    And if that don't work?
  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    bluhman wrote: »

    "A power outage and freak accident one stormy night caused a teenage girl to disappear during her late night up studying. For days on end, her parents and highschool mates were searching all about their town, but they had no luck. As it turned out, she had been absorbed into her laptop by the power surge, and had her entire mind and body washed through the internet and entirety of cyberspace. Though it largely cost her her sanity and human form, she re-emerged, now armed with digital weaponry, and greatly boosted prowess. Power Network Girl walks the earth!"

    Just making the PNG thing in the above post official and stuff. You can see there was probably some sort of scarcely subliminal influence in the outfit for her, even for the one on the left.

    Glad you made her a character she's great!. As for the gimmick is awesome I've been toying with it all day. Seems it works on any transparent piece on the game, which... gives me ideas for future costumes.

    Also... I must say that I love to bits your Meliora's costumes... makes me wish so bad that a nature powerset existed.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • chaoswolf820chaoswolf820 Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    One of these days, bluhman, you oughta consider making some sort of special tricks-n-tips tutorial thread showcasing how to do your various gimmicks and effects like the armor thing PNG has.

    I mean, I know for some of them you've explained it, but you've got a lot of thread to search through, and besides, I'm sure there's some stuff you know but haven't told us yet.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    One of these days, bluhman, you oughta consider making some sort of special tricks-n-tips tutorial thread showcasing how to do your various gimmicks and effects like the armor thing PNG has.

    I mean, I know for some of them you've explained it, but you've got a lot of thread to search through, and besides, I'm sure there's some stuff you know but haven't told us yet.

    I believe you just convinced me to do something. I will have to expand on this!
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    "Once part of a travelling troupe of stunt magicians, Facade worked very closely with his brother. His brother always wore a white mask to their performances, since his shady involvement with some crime rings meant that he'd have to hide his identity. Facade himself followed suit, wearing a black mask, silently knowing that, one day, his sibling's involvement would spell the death of him.

    What he wasn't preparing for, though, was for a legitimate accident during their performance, resulting in his brother's fatality. Facade went mad; he had mentally rehearsed and prepared to hear of his sibling's death from afar, had he of been captured by his criminal enemies. Instead, he was forced to personally witness his demise; to watch in shock as his own kin fell silent to his own blade.

    Seeking vengeance for what was essentially a pure accident, Facade donned his brother's white mask, took up his blade, and went to Hudson City, seeking to kill the crime ring leaders of the city that his deceased brother had once been involved with."

    A single blade DPS character - Decided to roll this after realizing that my other two single-blade people were both tanks.
    I still think he looks too unintentionally christmassy with that color scheme. I might change his pants to orange/brown.

    The Wall

    Mighty Tank and Supervillain with a semi medieval theme. Makes me wish there was a brick pattern for tights, as well as like a █▀█▀█▀█▀█ pattern for the shoulder shawl thing.

    Bright Idea

    Electric robot supervillain. First thing I thought when seeing that lemurian helmet was "lightbulb". Now if only there was a way to get the glass itself to glow. And not be transparent.
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  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Is it me or Facade gives me a really strong vibe of Street Fighters Vega? =p He looks awesome though, its an awesome, awesome concept.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    cascadence wrote: »
    Is it me or Facade gives me a really strong vibe of Street Fighters Vega? =p He looks awesome though, its an awesome, awesome concept.

    That was my first thought, as well. Great-looking costume, though, and FWIW I did not get a "Christmassy" feel from him at all. Liking the red pants, actually.

    Bright Idea: awesome, one of my favorites. Almost looks better that way than if the helmet was opaque and glowing... great job.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yeah, actually, Facade's design started with the face. As soon as I completed it, I realized it looked pretty much exactly like Vega, so I opted to diverge wildly on the body design - which takes more influence from Sin Cara actually.


    "Initially a rookie cop on the MCPD, she was on the verge of uncovering Frank Zaretti's Fighting Club in westside. By going undercover in the club, she had managed to spy on Zaretti and serve as her faux assistant for a while. When the secrets on the fight club were uncovered, however, Zaretti knew there could only be one person possible of revealing the club in such detail.

    Zaretti's vengeance was swift and merciless - his Cobra Lords amputated all of her limbs and forced her to fight in the ring with remote-controlled, weaponized limbs. After other members of her squad had managed to rescue her, she quit the force, determined to keep out of all future instances that might endanger her. She remained retired until she heard news of the rapidly uniting forces of West Side, at which point she joined up with UNTIL and re-equipped herself as Halberd."

    The gimmick here: Kinetic Manipulation as a passive, and TGM. No recharge crap, no intelligence focus, pure. Unadulterated. Straight. Physical. Damage. I don't know if it's a result of the huge stacking of damage boosts or because of TGM itself, but she can take down a master villain of identical level in about 2 seconds.
    She's essentially a female version of the "Submachine" character I posted last page, at least build-wise.
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • robotrock22robotrock22 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    bluhman wrote: »
    Thanks for the words, Cervando! Kind of funny you say that, because there's plenty of designs here I'm not happy with. To compound that, it usually takes me like 8 or 9 tries to get things right. And even then, I sometimes find make a new design by complete accident for an old character, and I'm like "Well, crap. Now I have to update that card again.

    This is the usual process for anyone that makes good costumes. Most of my good ones I came by COMPLETE ACCIDENT. Just use the editor alot and ideas will keep swarming to your brain.
  • zedecks#7196 zedecks Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    All awesome stuff as per usual!
    Just noted something I found a bit funny and I can't help myself but to point it out.
    "Blossa den fule" is a swedish term, and it doesn't mean "the evil". It means "the ugly".
    Thought you might want to know.
  • thecobra22thecobra22 Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    some great characters you got :) i like your action shots.

    loving mr troll ,that face is awesome *Troll Face*. id be stealing that character if it wasnt against my policy :P
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Bluh, I've recently made an Indian toon, and I've been tearing my hair out trying to get a bindi on her forehead. I am very curious how you got that effect on Vasuda. Any help you can offer would be much appreciated.

    And update soon, I WANT MORE.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Thank you folks once again for checking this place out!
    lognatz wrote: »
    All awesome stuff as per usual!
    Just noted something I found a bit funny and I can't help myself but to point it out.
    "Blossa den fule" is a swedish term, and it doesn't mean "the evil". It means "the ugly".
    Thought you might want to know.

    Whooops. That'll teach me to use translation services hastily! Though it might've been on purpose, who knows!
    thecobra22 wrote: »
    some great characters you got :) i like your action shots.

    loving mr troll ,that face is awesome *Troll Face*. id be stealing that character if it wasnt against my policy :P

    If you want to use techniques/tricks/whatever you've seen on these characters, I am most certainly not going to stop you. Heck, a majority of the characters I've done have taken at least some influence from tricks I saw done by other players.
    jonesing4 wrote: »
    Bluh, I've recently made an Indian toon, and I've been tearing my hair out trying to get a bindi on her forehead. I am very curious how you got that effect on Vasuda. Any help you can offer would be much appreciated.

    And update soon, I WANT MORE.

    Vasuda's bindi is the bow-and-arrow forehead emblem with black and skintone shades. I actually needed to consult some friends to try and help me look for something that would get the proper look - and was pleasantly surprised to see how well it worked!

    As for the cry for more, I can but try.


    "Diamond Knight of the Subterrestrial people, Diamondgard is part of a race of hyperevolved neanderthals that migrated beneath the earth's surface millions of years ago. Having become hardened by the high pressures and temperatures of the underground world, the Subterrestials stand several feet taller than most humans, have laudible endurance, and manage to survive by having specialized tribe members digest and process minerals and raw carbon (diamonds and oil) into more palatable compounds.

    Certain members of the tribe are deemed loyal and diligent enough to become Knights; soldiers who are imbued with an empowered gem that boosts the capability of the knight. Diamondgard is the leader of these knights, receiving immense physical strength and jumping prowess from his gem. As of late, his underground homeland has been plagued by attacks by strange gelatinous creatures with immensely corossive skin - knowing that this must have been due to treachery of the humans, he has now emerged to the surface to try and straighten out the problem."

    Diamondgard, alongside Chisoku and Paladin/Redemption, has his origins from CoH. He's actually been redesigned several times for CO now, but only recently have I gotten up the motivation to actually try him out as a legitimate character. His main purpose here is going to be to test out the Sentry Tree, which is insane and almost covers every base for a tank/DPS survivor.
    The costume itself was surprisingly easy to recreate - the rivets pattern on the banded gloves and boots lent itself easily to that part of the design. Only two things I'm not happy about with it is the tights and the face. DG here is supposed to look kind of young, as well as have a strong facial structure; something that distinct facial textures and models achieved in CoH. Also, his hairstyle is completely wrong. We need more hairstyles.

    Reason some of these are taking long to make is that I'm now doing a lot of demoediting/animation alteration with these. You'll probably note that in the last 2 cards so far the characters are actually doing poses that usually don't pop up in the game. To add to that, I have no clue what kind of character I should expand to next, so that's also a slight hamper to forward development!

    Couple more that might turn into real characters? WHO knows.
    A female speedster with a slight patriotic slant, and a very strong casual/amateur hero appearance. As related to the whole Sentry epiphany I had when making Diamondgard, Harrier's basis is slightly related in that she was going to use a combination of Recovery Primary and Intelligence Secondary to get super-fast recharging attacks and super-full energy reserves for increased critical chances. I dropped the character, because Harrier is a stupid name.
    Here's what the build would have looked like. Note that the build's name is even stupider.
    Unnamed Bomb Man
    Related to the above, he would have also used a REC primary to focus on throwing out bunches of bombs and explosives with high crit rate. Didn't run with this one, since I didn't like the hat choices I was restricted to, and also the fact I couldn't figure out a good color pattern for the fellow.
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  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Ahh the bow & arrow emblem... Man, I thought I had tried every symbol, but apparently not. Just looked at it now, wish the shape were rounder, but it looks good, especially when not zoomed in. Many thanks for the help, and nice work on the latest ones. I like Diamondgard's tights, FWIW.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    D'oh! My apologies. After actually checking the costume creator, the forehead emblem that I used was the Crescent Compass. A little troubling thing is that the emblem comes with two clear black crescents that descend to the left and right of the main part. On Vasuda, this is hidden by her hairline, so be discerning when choosing hairstyles.
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bluhman wrote: »
    D'oh! My apologies. After actually checking the costume creator, the forehead emblem that I used was the Crescent Compass. A little troubling thing is that the emblem comes with two clear black crescents that descend to the left and right of the main part. On Vasuda, this is hidden by her hairline, so be discerning when choosing hairstyles.

    Awesome, that's the one. Thanks again--more thumbs up for you.
  • novapolaris#2925 novapolaris Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would like to know, how did you get the chest piece on Idaten to work with the shoulderpads? I know that the Ninja chestpiece doesn't work, as it's an Integrated Shoulders piece, so what did you use? As I'm developing a ninja character of my own, I am having some trouble in getting it to work with a wider variety of shoulderpads.

    EDIT: Ah, I think I know how you did it now. It was the Martial Arts Gi Tank Top, wasn't it? I kept passing that one over because on a female model it doesn't quite look the same, at least when you use a breast slider setting on anything other than max.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Yup, Idaten's upper torso design uses the Gi tank top chest piece, alongside gladiator shoulders and sci-fi armor to make the fake sleeves. Main reason for those big shoulderpads, actually, is to hide the seams that form between the arm accessory and the base torso geometry.


    I technically shouldn't be up right now, but oh well! I have these things to share!


    "Hailing from an alternate universe of Multifaria, Kigali Gatandatu (Kigali-6) is a special agent from the multifarian trade capital of Rwanda. She was originally sent to our world to try and gather further information on Dr. Destroyer, after having been hired by Citizen Harmon to stage and hide his disappearance in the standard timeline.

    However, after she realized how much nicer the atmosphere and conditions were in Millennium City, she decided to settle down and use her collected bounties to buy a suite in the metropolitan area. When she feels like it, or when her superiors begin shouting at her, she will occasionally decide to 'research' our earth using her pulson weapons."

    My first and only Recovery superstat character. I say only, because at level 23 she's already being horribly outdone in DPS by most other people in alerts, doesn't handle energy that well, and also suffers from being really fragile. Her build looks like this.
    Also to note, she's rather strongly based on the prototype designs for Aglareth-38947024703270937... Who also happens to be a secret agent from another dimension. Huh.


    "Florida-born cheerleader, Kickstarter and her brother were kidnapped by the Dogz at a young age. Thankfully, the Vibora Bay hero, Redsnake, was able to show up to the scene of the crime quick enough to rescue the children. From there, Kickstarter and her brother made a silent vow to make sure such a catastrophe would never happen again.

    The brother's solution was to move as faaaar away from Vibora Bay and Florida as possible. Kickstarter, however, had different ideas. By the time she was 19, she applied to Redsnake's dojo to learn how to fight. Having shown considerable skill with her agility and footwork, she has become one of Redsnake's most prestigious students, and now is skilled enough to clean up the city streets on her own."

    Weirdly enough, Kickstarter here uses nothing but Martial arts attacks that have four letter words in them. Considering this, I think I accidentally decided upon the least fortunate costume for this character.
    I can't think up of a backstory to this one right now. Here's what the build would look like. Maybe.
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  • lilsteffielilsteffie Posts: 602 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Whoa :O Kigali Gatandatu has a lovely costume.. damn i love that colour scheme.. also the fact that shes somewhat casual looking and bad ****. You do lightly armored people better than i do haha,im not too good myself when it comes to casual wear. i'll give you respect for that. :)
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
  • randomchance4242randomchance4242 Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Good lord, man! You made the Medusa tights look good.



    ... Are you a wizard?

    (seriously, awesome designs as always, Bluh! :biggrin:)
  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bluhman wrote: »
    My first and only Recovery superstat character. I say only, because at level 23 she's already being horribly outdone in DPS by most other people in alerts, doesn't handle energy that well, and also suffers from being really fragile.

    Yeh.. I've struggled myself with REC as primary myself. I only had it in 1 particular scenario to be useful... therefore I only have REC as primary with only 1 character as well.

    I see 3 key specializations that must be considered if you want REC as primary:

    1) Staying power: this one is quite needed if a) you don't want to stat END and b) your build is very energy needy.

    2) Well rounded: while the health boost is okay, the energy boost is fantastic. The same 2 principles of above apply though, its all up to how needy your build is.

    3) Super charged: this one is a MUST. Though here's where most of the REC spec comes into... you really need to come up with a build that has MOST if not ALL the time has above 90% of energy. If you manage that this spec becomes a plain 15% buff to your crit, which is huge.

    Efficient is useful as well, though depends once more... what you need if you want to achieve the above 90% energy thing.

    The way I make it work is with a pure electric toon, REC primary, DEX/EGO secondary. Between the specs mentioned above, plus the energy regen of concentration and ionic reverb, keep me above 90% energy while spamming both single and AOE attacks.

    Long story short... yes its a pain in the butt to have REC as primary, and fits very few specs... but when it does fit, oh my its so beautiful lol.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • zackattackv20zackattackv20 Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Could you make me some more costumes? Again I am gonna make some characters that are videogame characters brought to life, I had some themes in mind

    1: Mortal Kombat
    2: Street Fighter
    3: Something based on a horror movie monster like Freddy Krueger, Jason, ect ect
    4: Disgaea
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'll admit I have not looked at them all (on mobile and some links don't open) but for what I have see they are overwhelmingly great. Even the simply ones with the seasons such a great ideas!

    I wish I could just make random heroes but I can't, I get emotionally attached to them and then they don't call back and then I'm showing up at their house and...oh...I've said too much.
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