I just started playing CO this week after coming from CoH (Rest in Peace

I am liking it so far but I am discourged by the lack of weapon skins. I love the Ego blade power set but the sword models suck. Where's the katanas, sai, daggers we need more.
Also please expaned the color pallet for power customization it is extremely lacking with only yellow, blue, voliet, red colors. If you want to keep the CoH fans that have and will be coming your way like me, More Customization is in order!
My suggestion would be to do an entire Update with nothing but costumes and expanding the custimation.
I've never had the problem myself, but I can see how it would be a problem, and frankly, the excellent costume creator is one of the best draws of CO, so limiting that with no message whatsoever is rather silly.
It ends up working like this, to steal an old, but still great, example.
Actually not. When ego blades became customizable (around the time the game went F2P), two new weapon skins were made out of the "wings" of the PSI Hypnotist back piece.
I wish the devs would do this more often; making new costume pieces by picking existing ones apart and mixing bits into new ones. It's rather easy and very effective! :biggrin:
Why does Champions lack weapon skin variety?
I play Champions and DCUO, but I noticed how much more DCUO offers as it pertains to weapon skins.
Champions destroys DCUO in costume pieces, but DCUO destroys Champions in he weapon skin department.
Why does CO have such a deep creator, but few weapon skins?
2 colors available.
CO colors:
4 color available.
(and it has separate color palette for skin.)
Flawless victory!
CO wins.
I guess it means all the CoH fans are staying.
Yea, we lack Weapon Skins.
And CoH had better variety of Tights.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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