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PTS update FC.30.20120629a.0



  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Like i told crush when he was on the test server he needs to make it so you can be stealthed while a party member is in combat

    Smoke grenade needs to be fixed right. Make it so it can't be used on bosses. GIve it a short chance to make it work on the bosses like grav. But give it a bit of a cool down or something to make it work like it should.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    • Boomerang Throw: I really like how this power is turning out so far and I could see the seeds for a throw-able shield attack through its mechanics.
    • Boomerang Cone: A good complementary power to the Throw. The only thing I don't like is the name "Cone". Maybe change it to "Barrage" or something akin to that.
    • Gas Pellets: Again, awesome power so far, I like that both the fact that it doesn't lock the player down when cast and that it can be casts without targeting. Even in it's early stange it looks good.
    • Grapple Gun Pull: Cool finally. :) Not much else I can say. Maybe a "Taser-themed" advantage like how the chains have Kyoketsu Shoge.
    • Bolas: This power actually compelled me to try it in the moving target part of the training room. The fact that I wasn't locked down during the charge time made it that much cooler.

      I had the feeling of manhunting the training dummies by running after them as I'm swinging the bolas over my head.

      This power actually makes me thing there should be some kind of standard in that the player should not get locked down during the charge for all "single-target" paralyze powers.
    • Night Warrior: This actually feels weird and very unweildly as a power selection. And by force-associating it with an offensive passive limits it to only be used with Hybrid and Offensive Roles.
    As I was messing with it however I started thinking how it "could" be more desireable and an idea popped up.
    Maybe instead have Sneak as a Block Replacer. How it could work:

    * Player holds Block and after X seconds without taking damage or getting attacked; it shifts into the Sneak stance.
    * As long as the player holds Block down and is not attacked, the Sneak and it's Stealth attributes are refreshed until it releasing the Block.
    * At which point Block is released, the Stealth attributes of Sneak have a duration of X seconds after the releasing Block in which the player can attack a target for extra damage/crit and any secondary benefits of those powers used.
    * Active Sneaking will refresh the duration any stealth/placate effects applied by other powers such as Smoke Bomb.

    Sneak should have the feel of a conscious & active maintenance of its stance rather than just a set & forget Toggle in such a way that Block already works. Also both powers force the player to move at basically the same speed while active so it's feels like a more natural transition between states.

    Also the advantage: Silent Running could be made to only apply when the Block successfully transitions into Sneak. In which it would not only be a desirable & unique Block Replacer, but also work as an alternate stealth ability to Evasive Maneuvers in getting out of harms way.
    • Smoke Bomb Lunge: Pretty cool, glad it's in but not much else to say other than. See Bug below:

    Summary: Smoke Bomb Lunge is incorrectly placed in the Gageteering Framework.
    Expected: Smoke Bomb per Patch Notes labels it as a Martial Arts power and makes more sense there in association with the Smoke Bomb power.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I would also like to add take your time with this on sneak..Make it how it should be not just something have done..Work on it get it right. Also don't ignore the bugs fix the bugs as well..Or just have a week full of bug fixes or a month just find a time to just stop brining content to fix the issues we have now
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Bolas: This power actually compelled me to try it in the moving target part of the training room. The fact that I wasn't locked down during the charge time made it that much cooler.

    I had the feeling of manhunting the training dummies by running after them as I'm swinging the bolas over my head.

    This power actually makes me thing there should be some kind of standard in that the player should not get locked down during the charge for all "single-target" paralyze powers.

    I couldn't agree more. As someone who dares to play a controller and also goes into PvP.. being locked down while trying to launch a 60ft power that takes 3 seconds to cast is a death sentence. Either Increase the range to 100ft (less desirable) or make all single target paralyzes mobile.

    EDIT: Also require a full charge on Bolas OR remove the full charge requirement from other powers.
    [*]Night Warrior: This actually feels weird and very unweildly as a power selection. And by force-associating it with an offensive passive limits it to only be used with Hybrid and Offensive Roles.
    As I was messing with it however I started thinking how it "could" be more desireable and an idea popped up.
    Maybe instead have Sneak as a Block Replacer. How it could work:

    * Player holds Block and after X seconds without taking damage or getting attacked; it shifts into the Sneak stance.
    * As long as the player holds Block down and is not attacked, the Sneak and it's Stealth attributes are refreshed until it releasing the Block.
    * At which point Block is released, the Stealth attributes of Sneak have a duration of X seconds after the releasing Block in which the player can attack a target for extra damage/crit and any secondary benefits of those powers used.
    * Active Sneaking will refresh the duration any stealth/placate effects applied by other powers such as Smoke Bomb.

    Sneak should have the feel of a conscious & active maintenance of its stance rather than just a set & forget Toggle in such a way that Block already works. Also both powers force the player to move at basically the same speed while active so it's feels like a more natural transition between states.

    Also the advantage: Silent Running could be made to only apply when the Block successfully transitions into Sneak. In which it would not only be a desirable & unique Block Replacer, but also work as an alternate stealth ability to Evasive Maneuvers in getting out of harms way.

      I also agree with making sneak into a Block modifier.. EVEN if you have to make it only be a block modifier available to this new passive (if you are in fact intent on keeping this passive). You could add thhe provision that it does not block paranormal damage at all (same way electrical block doesn't work)
    • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Jaybezz wrote:

      I also agree with making sneak into a Block modifier.. EVEN if you have to make it only be a block modifier available to this new passive (if you are in fact intent on keeping this passive). You could add thhe provision that it does not block paranormal damage at all (same way electrical block doesn't work)

      i continue the block replacer notion
    • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Maybe instead have Sneak as a Block Replacer. How it could work:

      * Player holds Block and after X seconds without taking damage or getting attacked; it shifts into the Sneak stance.
      * As long as the player holds Block down and is not attacked, the Sneak and it's Stealth attributes are refreshed until it releasing the Block.
      * At which point Block is released, the Stealth attributes of Sneak have a duration of X seconds after the releasing Block in which the player can attack a target for extra damage/crit and any secondary benefits of those powers used.
      * Active Sneaking will refresh the duration any stealth/placate effects applied by other powers such as Smoke Bomb.

      Sneak should have the feel of a conscious & active maintenance of its stance rather than just a set & forget Toggle in such a way that Block already works. Also both powers force the player to move at basically the same speed while active so it's feels like a more natural transition between states.


      I have been very against the idea of allowing Stealth of any kind in combat since this patch went in. Stealth is a mechanic that is ALWAYS tied to being out of combat -> getting the opening strike in MMOs, with (I'm sure) a bare handful of exceptions. Most in-combat stealths have prohibitive cooldowns. Thats just how it always has been.

      However, I really like the quoted suggestion. It makes getting back into stealth something that you have to plan for, and something that you have to telegraph a bit. PvPers can keep you from restealthing by knocking your block down with Crippling Challenge, or... well, the way its suggested, just by damaging you. This would give you the ability to re-enter stealth in PvE virtually at will (by using something like Advantaged Palliate or Advantaged Evasive Manuvers to get your undamaged Block off) without making PvP into an insane stealthed Snipe-fest more so than it already is.

      If stealth in combat is going to be given, I VERY VERY much like the quoted poster's suggestion. I would also like to see a small amount of Damage Resist added to Night Warrior.
    • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      THB stealth is always going to take a back seat to Teleport

      Any reviewer who played the game in the last 4 years has told you that teleport's power should have been deleted in its current form.
    • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Stealth as a block makes the most sense. And a passive that grants more ability while in stealth is pretty interesting in terms of expanding gameplay. I wonder if this stuff will make great use in the next zone.
    • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Since this Night Warrior this is basically my fiend Swedsman's idea done poorly, here's his original post;

      swedsman wrote:

      Taste the word. It's pretty yummy, something that you'll let roll around every corner of your mouth like tasty piece of candy. But...


      I'm gonna go ahead with my suggestion for the actual power: Sneak
      1. First, buff it up to the same level of stealth that Smoke bomb's 4 first seconds have. That's around 1000 perception stealth and 1000 aggro stealth (I think) but should Scale of DEXTERITY (As stealth already is stated to do). BEFORE the shitstorm happens, keep reading. Basically, stealth should just be able to get into melee range, because it -IS- a martial arts power.

      2. Give it a 4 seconds charge time, and make any damage taken interrupt the charge. Not only should this make it obvious that Stealth is to be activated -before- a fight or while a TANK is keeping aggro but it will also stop people from constantly STEALTH all of the time in PvP as well as PvE, simply because they can't.

      3. Get rid of the measly damage buff. Instead, here's what it should do: Guaranteed critical hit chance on the first attack from Stealth. And let this buff scale of DEXTERITY at approx. the same scale as Imbue. This is nothing new, heck I'm pretty sure it's standard and face it: If a power like Imbue, with no actual drawback save for cooldown, can have such an effect, it sure as hell could be used in a powerset that is primarily DPS anyhow.

      4. After Attacking from Stealth, (I.e Entering battle) a 30 seconds BASE cooldown should be imposed on the power, stopping you from heading straight back into stealth if you land a successful attack (Much like with teleportation). This should stop people from popping it, Snipercrit the boss and then rince and repeat until he's done for. It will also stop things such as Stealth-snipercrit-unbreakable-stealth-snipercrit from happening in PvP and duels.

      5. Take away the unlimited time on Sneak. Give sneak a 15 seconds duration at Rank 1, and let it increase with rank. Because critter aggro range is pretty short, you -should- be able to figure out where to stand and who to strike before attacking. Also, as long as you don't actually Enter battle from Sneak, the cooldown won't pop and you can always jump straight back into it.

      6. This is debatable, but allow for the use of Travel powers with Sneak, if only to allow players to position themselves easier.

      7. Skip the energy cost, or at least keep it relatively low. The whole point of the power is to get a preemptive strike. You don't want to waste this on your energy builder. HOWEVER, this "could" be changed -if- Sneak is activated mid-battle, in which case I can see an energy penalty happen. I might even suggest that you stump energy and health regen while in Sneak, to keep people from popping it just to blockspam for 15 seconds and heal up, because that's not what it's intended for. For breathing room, there's other aggrodumps.

      8. Certain Enemies should have enhanced stealthsight and be able to see through this. Animals such as Trained attack dogs and warbeasts, Telepaths such as PSI Neophytes and Hypnotists, Strong mages such as Inner circle members and Serpent mages etc.

      9. Bosses of course would also have an increased Stealthsight but still not to the point where it's impossible to sneak up on them with enough Dex.

      And that's what I had in mind, I'll give a pro/con list here for the Sneak power I had in mind

      + Gauranteed stealth against regular enemies. Scales of DEX. Increases with rank.
      + Gauranteed critical hit on your next Damage or healing power. This effect scales of your DEX. increases with rank.
      + Lasts 15 seconds (18/22 at r2/r3 respectively)

      - 4 seconds charge time
      - Must be fully charged, and taking damage will interrupt this charge
      - When using a power while in Sneak, the stealth-granting effect of Sneak cancels and a 30 seconds cooldown is imposed on Sneak
      - While Sneak is active, your Health and energy regen is severely debuffed

      These changes, I think, will make Sneak ideal for DPS powersets such as Munitions, martial arts and archery, for which I would guess they were inherently intended, while tanks will see little use for it (No imbue and Sneak at the same to for you!) and healers... well, they might have just as much use of it (Though I'd say a healer is better of with imbue in most cases if they need to crit).

      Now, this might seem like too much Cons but bear in mind that Stealth is a -Great boon- in any game and not something should be able to throw around too casually.
    • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      I am hopeing they keep the sneak power in the test server till they feel they are done with it
    • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      any updates as to when the crash on character select screen will be fixed?
    • forrksakesexcoforrksakesexco Posts: 436 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      I thought about trying out the 4th July stuff but... There seem to be some serious issues that need correcting. Hopefully it will be soon.
      The one who can't shut up formerly known as 4rksakes
      About the @handle - it's a long story.
      Profound quote.. "I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing."
    • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Hmm...I wonder if we will see alot more dev posting here..but anyway with sneak i hope they take their time
    • dagconfaraday#1221 dagconfaraday Posts: 89 Arc User
      edited July 2012

      <Sky_Commander activates Matrix of perfectworldship..>

      Arise astralcommander!! Optim-ization?!

      <<insert Stan Bush track sung by Mark Wahlberg...>>

      The guy who formally posted as @Sky_Commander. Now posts as: "劫"
    • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      ah there we go its back
    • sanguinevipersanguineviper Posts: 451 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Kept my name like a boss.

      This new avatar perfectly suits my reaction to all this.

      Snark never dies.
    • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Now i beg you don't rush sneak..
    • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      I beg that you make /sure/ it works and its a competitive choice between WotW and Quarry for Offensive passives, aswell as Shadowform. Otherwise just make sneak like it was and buff its numbers, also make sure it doesnt break when a teammate enters combat.
    • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Nemisers misson prison break is bugged at the end the mob that is at the end forgot the name you can't attack it so you can't finsh the misson.

      Oh amd yes tab targeting is still buged but if you can fix targeting compleatly
    • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      I can't wait for the next build to be honest, I wanna see what you do with Strafe Fire (or whatever the name ends up being), sounds promising

      Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
    • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Yeah but lets hope when wreck it ralph comes out they don't make a version of him and if you don't know what i am talking about here.

    • helosie1helosie1 Posts: 14 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      I wonder if they actually made stealth...I donno, Useful?
    • karnatikarnati Posts: 8 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      i had problems with power selection also.. when ever i try to click a power at bottom of window it automatically moves to the top and selects the power on top of window,....did they rectify it tooo:frown:
    • thesoulstarthesoulstar Posts: 122 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Ok I think we're now due for a new build coming soon so I will just say that hopefully we will see a much more organized version of Night Warrior and for godsakes the removal of our mods on existing toons definitely better be fixed pronto. We all worked our butts off to get these things to min/max the hell out of our strengths and be damned if we give any of it up now.
      On Call site found here: Project On Call

      On Call FAQ found here:On Call FAQ
    • roundhousekittyroundhousekitty Posts: 44 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      So I was thinking... how about turning Night Warrior into a toggle instead? I mean, it currently doesn't have anything defensive to make it on line with all the offensive passives, which do... (Sneak doesn't count, it doesn't activate in combat.)

      So why not make it a Form like the MA forms and such? Have it be a reverse-stackbuilding system, for instance.

      Say you have 8 stacks of this buff when you run around - each one gives you x damage boost and a boost to your sneak. At 8 stacks, you would be completely invisible to all enemies and players, unless they boast super-stat levels of intelligence. Make the 'minimum' amount of stacks be corresponding to the rank of the toggle, so at rank 1 your minimum Sneakiness stack would be 1, rank 2, 2 stack etc.

      These stacks could build in a variety of ways - for instance, by using threat-decreasing powers, dodging or using stealth powers.

      But then, when you actually stealth, (which you do when you reach 8 stacks, for instance) the stacks gradually disappear, leaving you more and more exposed the more time goes on that you avoid combat, and leaves your damage boost lower and lower.
      This would encourage players to actually use their stealth for combat, rather than lingering in it and waiting for an opening. Stealth would be a risk/reward thing then, given you would have to rush some to get the most benefit out of it.

      And if stealth is automatic at 8 stacks, along with threat wipe, you would actually need to manage and time these as the resources they are, to avoid premature stealthing or too late stealthing.
      More account-wide stuff in the Z-store. I want to buy stuff dammit. :(
    • drannicdrannic Posts: 74 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      I am currently looking into the crash at the character select screen. At the moment I can not get this to reproduce, leading me to think that the issue is related to a character on the account.

      If you are experiencing this issue, please post your account handle, and a Cryptic Error number if you are given one when the client crashes.

      Thank you!

      P.S. Looks like my forum account has not been updated that I am a member of the Cryptic Team yet. :(
      Developer QA Tester
      Cryptic Studios
    • dagconfaraday#1221 dagconfaraday Posts: 89 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      drannic wrote: »
      I am currently looking into the crash at the character select screen. At the moment I can not get this to reproduce, leading me to think that the issue is related to a character on the account.

      If you are experiencing this issue, please post your account handle, and a Cryptic Error number if you are given one when the client crashes.

      Thank you!

      P.S. Looks like my forum account has not been updated that I am a member of the Cryptic Team yet. :(

      KampfyKaufmann and Dr. Sage were the first ones to report that issue. Hope that helps.

      Here are the quotes for each: <click little red circle in each>
      Maybe it's just me, but my game crashes when loading my character list on the PTS right now.
      Dr. Sage wrote: »
      It's not just you.

      The guy who formally posted as @Sky_Commander. Now posts as: "劫"
    • evilmasta1evilmasta1 Posts: 11 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      drannic wrote: »
      I am currently looking into the crash at the character select screen. At the moment I can not get this to reproduce, leading me to think that the issue is related to a character on the account.

      If you are experiencing this issue, please post your account handle, and a Cryptic Error number if you are given one when the client crashes.

      Thank you!

      P.S. Looks like my forum account has not been updated that I am a member of the Cryptic Team yet. :(

      Keep an eye out for your walking papers, this is just a subtle hint D:
      The artist formally known on the forums as @CapsLockRAGE
    • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Hey dranic are you guys going to be doing some bug fixes? From the list we posted for ya?
    • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Can we make sure Smoke Bomb Lunge gets its proper advantages? Crippling Challenge and Nailed to the Ground are standard for lunges, and its own unique, or semi-unique advantage would be good to.
    • thebuckeyethebuckeye Posts: 818 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      heh just found an awesome synergy with the Night Warrior...its other issues not withstanding (see posted above ad-nauseum) it's stealth function triggers off of Single Target attacks. What is Fighting Claws specialty...Single Target Carnage :D. Pulled off a crit of around 3500 in the Danger Room with Rend and Tear on a full charge. I know not real impressive considering how much damage other powers could do with a crit without being stealthed but I think its kind of cool so :tongue:
    • benevonbenevon Posts: 388 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      I'd like to see the range of the gas pellets adjusted. Currently, if you are in melee range, it tends to throw the bombs past and to the right of the mobs. Even if the power was meant for a more mid to long range toon, it's very difficult to get them to land where you need them.

      My Characters on PRIMUS
      Toons and costumes thread
      Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
    • schizoslayerschizoslayer Posts: 6 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Nemisers misson prison break is bugged at the end the mob that is at the end forgot the name you can't attack it so you can't finsh the misson.

      Oh amd yes tab targeting is still buged but if you can fix targeting compleatly

      That Prison Break bug has been on Live for a very long time now. It's totally random but sometimes your nemesis won't leave his cell and that ends up breaking the last fight in the mission.

    • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,630 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Doesn't Night Warrior encourage players to go solo? At the same time if makes you completely vulnerable after your first attack.

      So I have a few suggestions.

      If the attack performed while sneaking successfully stuns the target, perhaps it will keep you in stealth and doesn't agro the rest of the group. Stealth breaks if you take damage. This would encourage players to attempt one hit wonders or chaining stuns until the enemy is defeated and move onto the next in a mob.

      I've found myself in plenty of situations where I would one shot kill a target from range and the rest of the mob would do nothing in response. Its rare but I would certainly like this implemented into the game in general, but more favorably into this power.

      Another suggestion is to not make this a passive if we must have it the way it is, so players can use it freely. A power that performs a function once per battle is not passive worthy.
    • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Doesn't Night Warrior encourage players to go solo?

      Yes and i find that troubling now that the game is basically about alerts (and soon lairs).

      Honestly, I think the main goal should be to make stealth killing reasonably fast paced and team friendly. That may affect pvp, but the pvp queues don't pop any more, so who would know?

      The devs seem to be afraid of making stealth too good, but no matter how good single target stealth kills are, they wont be faster than roflstomping with epidemic.

      PVP is starving without rewards

      1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
      2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
    • sagewithbubblessagewithbubbles Posts: 484 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Still crashing when I try to log in.

      I did the account conversion when the forums switched over, and my "reserved" account name and display handle were already taken, so I had to come up with a new one for both.

      Could that desynch between the current account name and the account name that was mapped to the character names on PTS be causing the problem?

      The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
    • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      No. I did the whole conversion thing months ago. Just make sure you are letting your normal shard do it's patch process then swap to the PTS shard so it can patch.
      Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
      Silverspar on PRIMUS
      Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
    • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      Spiking from sneak only starts to become worth the time if you use it with imbue and even then its just "ok".

      1. Most builds wont be able to spike from sneak with imbue because they wont have enough endurance. This is especially true with non "dragon" spike powers like haymaker.
      Dark transfusion takes you out of sneak so it is impossible to have enough endurance to do a proper alpha in many cases.

      Its not reasonable to expect players to take imbue AND dark transfusion just to be able to make use of their passive.
      Sneak needs to raise your equilibrium or build energy in order for people who dont have dragons claws/wrath to spike.

      2. Considering how time consuming it is to spike from sneak, i think that an Assassination should be able to one-shot an even level master villain.
      even level master villain at lv 30 in the power house has 8295 hp. Your trading a lot of damage over time for this spike, only for your target to live to retaliate. If you cant one shot a MV, single target stealth strikes start to be about as useless/time consuming as single target holds. :/

      The hardest hitting powers from sneak were dragons claws and haymaker.
      haymaker came the closest to one shotting a MV at 7k
      Most single target spike powers imbued from sneak range from 4.9-7k

      3. There may be too much variance in damage on single target powers that you can use from sneak. We may need a single standard "assassin strike power" or you may may need to standardize how powers behave when used from sneak (ie every thing from plasma cutter to dragons claws would do the same standard damage from sneak).

      PVP is starving without rewards

      1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
      2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
    • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      I really do hope for a month of bug fixes to get rid of some of the nasty bugs that have been around for along time
    • kurbeewankenobikurbeewankenobi Posts: 34 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      drannic wrote: »
      I am currently looking into the crash at the character select screen. At the moment I can not get this to reproduce, leading me to think that the issue is related to a character on the account.

      If you are experiencing this issue, please post your account handle, and a Cryptic Error number if you are given one when the client crashes.

      Thank you!

      P.S. Looks like my forum account has not been updated that I am a member of the Cryptic Team yet. :(
      I am having the crash issue as well. My handle is @Kurbee. I immediately get sent to the crash report window, so I'm not sure I receive an error number.

      (I would check, but I can't seem to get through the launcher, likely due to the current maintenance.)

      @Kurbee - Join date: Nov 09. Interested in costume contests? Join the 'Contests' channel to see advertisements for CC's occurring every day.
    • drannicdrannic Posts: 74 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      evilmasta1 wrote: »
      Keep an eye out for your walking papers, this is just a subtle hint D:
      My account was updated, so I guess they want to keep me around. :P
      Hey dranic are you guys going to be doing some bug fixes? From the list we posted for ya?
      I do have the list of issues, and I will be going over them. I am also working on another thread that I will be posting, so keep an eye out for that. Currently my focus on bugs is making sure this new branch (FC.30.2012XXXX.X) is as clean as it can be before this goes live. So issues found here are currently high priority.
      Could that desynch between the current account name and the account name that was mapped to the character names on PTS be causing the problem?
      The way the accounts are linked should not be causing the problem, but i dont think im allowed to go into detail on how they are linked. I will keep this in mind while im trying to hunt down why the crash occurs.
      Developer QA Tester
      Cryptic Studios
    • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      oooo yay!!
    • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      mien is @apygoos, andthe error window keeps poofing before i can get a ticket number to give, with regards to the crash on character select screen
    • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      The nemesis in whiteout disappears at 1/2 hp preventing you from completing the Cyber Lord fight or continuing with whiteout.

      PVP is starving without rewards

      1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
      2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
    • voiceoftemprusvoiceoftemprus Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      @temprus and error code is: 14087645
      Good-bye, DevSlayer title, you will be missed.
      Still Waiting on: Archer and the Ultimate Ninja!
      Any chance we can finally get the vibro sword laser sword skin?
      "CO once had devs, but they all fled to STO and NW because they feared Caliga." -matixzon
    • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      I kind of like this "Off Guard" idea. What if we just used Fear, as it essentially does what your asking and would work well the whole NIGHT Warrior theme. Not sure of the Snare Effect as you could always use a power that has a snare effect on it anyway. Maybe make the Snare Effect an Adv? I dunno.

      The reason that i didn't go with fear is because i only wanted this "off guard" debuff and the crit bonus it gives to be available rite after a stealth strike. If we used fear, then you could just take a bunch of fear powers and be a crit monster all the time.
      Also, the more you limit players access to "off guard", the more powerful the buff can be.

      PVP is starving without rewards

      1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
      2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
    • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
      edited July 2012

      Using a single target melee attack from sneak will apply an 15-20ft AOE [damage/dodge] debuff around your target.
      this is a variation of the "off guard" debuff suggested in post#77
      I suggest that the dodge debuff be equivalent to the dodge buff the elite mobs get.

      1. This makes Stealth striking more rewarding, especially at higher difficulty levels where all mobs have an innate dodge chance.

      2. In other threads, players have been asking for a dodge debuff.

      3. Its important that Night Warriors are welcomed in a team setting. A dodge debuff on elite mobs would be very valuable to a team in an elite instance. This would greatly help aoe dps do its job more quickly and safely. Something as unique as a dodge debuff would give Night Warrior a niche in a team.

      4. Since elite mobs can dodge, it can be very dangerous to have your stealth strike dodged and then be left exposed and empty handed.
      At least if an elite MV dodges your stealth strike, a dodge debuff wont let them dodge your followup attack.

      PVP is starving without rewards

      1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
      2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
    • thebuckeyethebuckeye Posts: 818 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      A thought the Gas Pellets power shouldn't break sneak in fact it should buff your sneak rating while the mobs are in it and a perception debuff...but that's just my 50 cents (would be 2 cents but with inflation...)
    • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      thebuckeye wrote: »
      A thought the Gas Pellets power shouldn't break sneak in fact it should buff your sneak rating while the mobs are in it and a perception debuff...but that's just my 50 cents (would be 2 cents but with inflation...)
      I believe that COX let you use Caltrops from stealth. So that may not be much of a stretch. also Caltrops would be cool in this game.

      PVP is starving without rewards

      1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
      2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
    • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
      edited July 2012
      When is the next PTS build coming in? I'm very anxiously waiting for improvements to Night Warrior and Sneak
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