I listened to what he said, what's your point? Mods were going to be supported via private servers, which aren't implemented yet.
Private servers for visual mods.. give me a break.
No, private servers for all mods. No mods on public servers. I know you don't like it, but I know if you just take a moment and think about it you can understand it.
i can play that game too...while bashing game developers seems to be the trending thing to do, people forget that, while the corporate side of bethesda maybe full of dicks and assholes - as any corporation is - the actual developers still care about the people who play their games, and in fact, never STOPPED caring
if they didn't care, they wouldn't do things like this
The first "dumb thing" is actually an homage to a moment in Fallout 4. There was a small national park right on the waterfront, near the quarry, where an aspiring author thought he'd rent a cabin so he could finish writing his novel away from his nagging wife and his daughter. Thanks in part to his own lack of inspiration and in part to the noise from the quarry, he got as far as writing the dedication and the first chapter title before the War.
On #4, while I haven't yet found that terminal, I did find a note from before the War, with a family complaining about the noises and shaking in the cabin, and the father convinced his son had started hallucinating because the son was certain he'd seen the pictures move (as I had). I wasn't ready at the time to completely discount the idea of haunting, because I remember what happened at the bottom of the Dunwich Borers quarry site in FO4...
#3 is largely graphical glitches that have (for the most part) been corrected in subsequent updates; the T-pose in particular is something that happened almost entirely in the beta. (I've encountered a few instances since then, but in every case it's been a ghoul/Scorched that's lying down, and only appears to be T-posing when at the very limit of the detection distance.)
#1 - the cats have been around, in several varieties. I've also encountered a Mr. Handy named Mr. Veterinarian, who appears to be trying to gather them together. (No one seems to have programmed him with the idea of "herding cats" as being a metaphor for the impossible.)
I do wonder why this person thinks nobody except him looks at all the little tableaux scattered throughout the game - some of them, like the couple who decided to head up to the roof and start making out as the bombs fell, are kind of touching, while I rank the adult playing Spin the Bottle with the teddy bears as being almost as disturbed as the ones who turned the graveyard church south of Point Pleasant into some kind of bizarre shrine to what appears to be a vengeful Human Centipede before committing mass suicide.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
dunwich borers itself is an extension of the dunwich building from fallout 3, and all the cthulhu-esque insanity that entailed...the supernatural has always been just as big a part of fallout as aliens have - and the two have even intermingled, as with Lorenzo Cabot
finally, a non-mutated dog breed that isn't a german sheperd...
and fallout's never been one to shy away from creepy scenes...remember the plunger room of DEATH in fallout 3? or all the various mannequins, gnomes and other inanimate objects that seem to have committed murder most foul?
For anyone who took the video I posted as a serious video that needed a very serious response, I'll point out that Indeimaus's channel is a comedy channel. He makes silly videos and tries to entertain. One of his most popular videos is "Top ten Dark Souls stones" where he makes a top ten list of, you guessed it, various rocks and stones in the game. Taking his videos seriously is a great way to end up looking very silly. Also towards the end of the video he mentions that he's having fun playing the game and has the achievement for playing for more than 76 hours, so if you didn't make it that far before responding then you done goofed!
Of course none of you guys would ever do that, so this comment isn't actually directed at anyone.
I remember a video where someone was investigating a ship wreck and the ship was transporting mannequins, but the crew seemingly got killed by the cargo. The captain even left a log talking about the insanity of what was happening. So the implication is that some force in the Fallout universe can in fact possess inanimate objects to bring them to life and commit murder.
I'm pretty sure this is the church jon was talking about
Yep, that's the one. I got a pic of my first toon, Johnny C, standing in the shed outside (where there's what looks like a practice shrine), with one of the "Welcome To West Virginia" frames.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
I wonder if they're aware that those special areas exist because devs need to test items to make sure they don't literally break the game (as in, render it unplayable), and that insisting on using those items out in the world might be what's giving them such a terribly unstable experience?
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
The idea of people panicking because item duping might be fixed amuses me.
Hopefully they manage to banhammer all these cheaters before any new multiplayer content comes out. As it is you barely ever encounter these people in the wild(or anyone for that matter) except during certain open world events.
In a shop like mine, where we take software engineering seriously, that would absolutely be grounds for getting fired.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Really? What noncosmetic item is available in the Atomic Shop? Because I was just looking through it today, and nothing in there makes the least bit of difference to gameplay.
His claim, that the temporary effect given by purchasing (for free! Atoms fall on you with ridiculous regularity) somehow "breaks the promise", is as ludicrous as claiming that Witchcraft hanging out in RenCen distributing XP bonuses but only for one weekend is "forcing" players to buy new character slots to take advantage.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Nah but really FO76 held my interest for about as long as I suspected it would be, and it was fun while it lasted... but I'm going to need to have some new content to bring me back and keep me interested. Meanwhile the RE2 remake is super good and everyone should play it.
I played it a lot... and now I am back to fallout new vegas.. trying to figure out where my mods went terribly wrong.
It turns out having more than 130 active plugins in New Vegas tends to make the whole game an unstable and buggy mess. I corrected this and it seems to have fixed most of my problems.
It's going to start getting really sad soon. Not the game, I mean the Bethesda Hate Bandwagoners who thought this would last forever. There's this whole meme of "RESET THE CLOCK!" when something goes wrong with the game, and people are already starting to get desperate to keep it going.
- A cheater claims they were wrongfully banned for having too much stuff RESET THE CLOC0- Wait... oh turns out they were duping. Don't reset the clock.
- A store somewhere bundles a copy of the game with a 5$ gamepad accessory. RESET THE- no, that has nothing to do with the game itself. No clock reset.
- Some girl has an allergic reaction to the glue on the power armor helmet. RESET- nope, common reaction to a commonly used glue. Leave that clock alone.
- They broke their promise on Pay 2 Win REEEEEEEEEEEEE- Oh calm down, it was a 1 week event and pvp is completely voluntary.
- But what about lunch box buffs?!? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - Not even in the game. "what ifs" don't get to reset the clock.
Expect the desperation to get sadder and sadder the quieter things get! I keep getting called a fanboy just for suggesting that something might not be a clock reset. The bandwagon is on fire.
It turns out having more than 130 active plugins in New Vegas tends to make the whole game an unstable and buggy mess. I corrected this and it seems to have fixed most of my problems.
i found that out myself, while trying to figure out what was causing massive random texture glitches, missing mesh ! points showing up despite the mesh itself not actually BEING missing, etc. - and it's more around 120 that the glitching starts up
maybe there's a plugin like JIP's one or a code project or something out there that fixes it (the former fixed that vendor bug, after all - where a vendor acquiring more than 32-some K caps would bug it out PERMANENTLY and stop giving you money for things sold to them), but if there is, i don't know where - haven't touched F:NV for over a year
It turns out having more than 130 active plugins in New Vegas tends to make the whole game an unstable and buggy mess. I corrected this and it seems to have fixed most of my problems.
Okay, so what's their excuse for the XBox 360 port?
I kid, I kid - but what Franken used to call "kidding on the square", because sometimes FNV on the XBox really is an unstable buggy mess. And there aren't any mods available either, doggone it - I really wish I had the color mods that Oxhorn used in making his video series, because the one thing that really gets on my nerves about FNV (and FO3) is how drearily monochrome everything is. (I can live with bugs; back in the old days, when a game bugged out we'd just try to get screenshots so everyone could laugh at how silly it looked, instead of freaking out about things being "unplayable". It was only "unplayable" when it simply wouldn't start.)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
i found that out myself, while trying to figure out what was causing massive random texture glitches, missing mesh ! points showing up despite the mesh itself not actually BEING missing, etc. - and it's more around 120 that the glitching starts up
This sounds exactly like the problem I was having. Something I read said that 130 was around the max limit for mods so I cut it back to around 125 or so and so far things are feeling pretty stable.
Okay, so what's their excuse for the XBox 360 port?
Oh gosh yeah that was pretty bad, I used to occasionally get corrupted auto save files back when I played it on xbox, losing hours of game time spent if I didn't save constantly on multiple files. Still loved it though...
And the Starfield modding community will fix the rest.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
> @sistersilicon said: > jennymachx wrote: » > > It's ok. Starfield will fix everything. > > > > > And the Starfield modding community will fix the rest.
God forbid they try to use the resources that they have to make a new improved game engine> @sistersilicon said: > jennymachx wrote: » > > It's ok. Starfield will fix everything. > > > > > And the Starfield modding community will fix the rest.
Being the multi-million dollar developer that they are they could invest in making an improved version of the aging Creation / Gamebryo engine so that it'll run more optimally on modern systems, but what do I know.
It turns out having more than 130 active plugins in New Vegas tends to make the whole game an unstable and buggy mess. I corrected this and it seems to have fixed most of my problems.
The problem is likely due to conflicting mods. Especially if you have 130 running at once.... I've been modding games longer than I've been playing games online. #1 rule is that each line of code only does one thing.
For one example, you can't have a single dialog button display two different dialogs at the same time. the UI just doesn't do that. Now adding dialog options can work, as long as they're each occupying their own place in the code and not trying to use the same place.
I have no idea what specific issue you had since I don't even know which mods you were using or what any of them did.
Seems to me that if you have over 130 mods, some of them are going to conflict. There are only so many things a mod can do, you know? Heck, I run into the problem on FO4 on XBone if I have more than ten or fifteen of their mods going - especially the big ones like the Unofficial Patch or Project X. They just tie into too many things.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
I was waiting for them to say some gangsta lines about bricking consoles but I guess this was made before that o3o
Long story short: Anthem saw the F76 fiasco and said "hold my beer".
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
A post-release Anthem patch was causing PS4s to overheat. The OS didn’t always recover cleanly from the crash, leading to fears of bricking, but there’s a Safe Mode command that repairs the problem. Even when it’s not overheating systems, Anthem console players frequently report that their boxes’ fans are constantly at full blast.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Get a proper PC, you filthy consolepeasants.
Stay on topic.
Anthem seems just some kind of cool looking shooter with incredibly silly looking powerarmors. I mean those legs, like WTF, are you a
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
OTOH, you don't want the leg thrusters melting your feet off...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Haven't hearding anything about FO76 ( no clock resets ) and now an announcement of new content. I guess we can consider this ship turned around. https://youtu.be/CIZ-LGaRB6M
So far the new bit is the daily mission regarding brewing - Biv E. Ridge is lots of fun. ("Here's a new recipe retrieved from the archive of where I found it on the floor. Don't mind the alcohol stains." <belch>)
I think the Faschnact (sp?) Parade starts tomorrow; that one's a seasonal event, awarding... well, something, including Faschnact(?) masks. And sometime later we get the ability to build vending machines in our camps to sell things to other players, as well as a special vendor to sell Legendary items to (and buy them from!).
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Private servers for visual mods.. give me a break.
No, private servers for all mods. No mods on public servers. I know you don't like it, but I know if you just take a moment and think about it you can understand it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Well that's a bit paranoid of you...
or maybe it wasn't.
My characters
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
if they didn't care, they wouldn't do things like this
On #4, while I haven't yet found that terminal, I did find a note from before the War, with a family complaining about the noises and shaking in the cabin, and the father convinced his son had started hallucinating because the son was certain he'd seen the pictures move (as I had). I wasn't ready at the time to completely discount the idea of haunting, because I remember what happened at the bottom of the Dunwich Borers quarry site in FO4...
#3 is largely graphical glitches that have (for the most part) been corrected in subsequent updates; the T-pose in particular is something that happened almost entirely in the beta. (I've encountered a few instances since then, but in every case it's been a ghoul/Scorched that's lying down, and only appears to be T-posing when at the very limit of the detection distance.)
#1 - the cats have been around, in several varieties. I've also encountered a Mr. Handy named Mr. Veterinarian, who appears to be trying to gather them together. (No one seems to have programmed him with the idea of "herding cats" as being a metaphor for the impossible.)
I do wonder why this person thinks nobody except him looks at all the little tableaux scattered throughout the game - some of them, like the couple who decided to head up to the roof and start making out as the bombs fell, are kind of touching, while I rank the adult playing Spin the Bottle with the teddy bears as being almost as disturbed as the ones who turned the graveyard church south of Point Pleasant into some kind of bizarre shrine to what appears to be a vengeful Human Centipede before committing mass suicide.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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and here are a few more interesting/kinda spooky things I have taken pictures of in FO76!
I've seen plenty of cats but this was the only non hostile non mutant looking dog I have seen so far:
and finally my character Zeebeez just kicking back and noodling a little tune on her banjo.
have a happy new year everybody!
and fallout's never been one to shy away from creepy scenes...remember the plunger room of DEATH in fallout 3? or all the various mannequins, gnomes and other inanimate objects that seem to have committed murder most foul?
Of course none of you guys would ever do that, so this comment isn't actually directed at anyone.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My characters
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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The idea of people panicking because item duping might be fixed amuses me.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Hopefully they manage to banhammer all these cheaters before any new multiplayer content comes out. As it is you barely ever encounter these people in the wild(or anyone for that matter) except during certain open world events.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My characters
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
In a shop like mine, where we take software engineering seriously, that would absolutely be grounds for getting fired.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
My characters
I'd say rip, but it was never alive to begin with.
His claim, that the temporary effect given by purchasing (for free! Atoms fall on you with ridiculous regularity) somehow "breaks the promise", is as ludicrous as claiming that Witchcraft hanging out in RenCen distributing XP bonuses but only for one weekend is "forcing" players to buy new character slots to take advantage.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Ok bud you won.
Nah but really FO76 held my interest for about as long as I suspected it would be, and it was fun while it lasted... but I'm going to need to have some new content to bring me back and keep me interested. Meanwhile the RE2 remake is super good and everyone should play it.
I played it a lot... and now I am back to fallout new vegas.. trying to figure out where my mods went terribly wrong.
- A cheater claims they were wrongfully banned for having too much stuff RESET THE CLOC0- Wait... oh turns out they were duping. Don't reset the clock.
- A store somewhere bundles a copy of the game with a 5$ gamepad accessory. RESET THE- no, that has nothing to do with the game itself. No clock reset.
- Some girl has an allergic reaction to the glue on the power armor helmet. RESET- nope, common reaction to a commonly used glue. Leave that clock alone.
- They broke their promise on Pay 2 Win REEEEEEEEEEEEE- Oh calm down, it was a 1 week event and pvp is completely voluntary.
- But what about lunch box buffs?!? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - Not even in the game. "what ifs" don't get to reset the clock.
Expect the desperation to get sadder and sadder the quieter things get! I keep getting called a fanboy just for suggesting that something might not be a clock reset. The bandwagon is on fire.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
i found that out myself, while trying to figure out what was causing massive random texture glitches, missing mesh ! points showing up despite the mesh itself not actually BEING missing, etc. - and it's more around 120 that the glitching starts up
maybe there's a plugin like JIP's one or a code project or something out there that fixes it (the former fixed that vendor bug, after all - where a vendor acquiring more than 32-some K caps would bug it out PERMANENTLY and stop giving you money for things sold to them), but if there is, i don't know where - haven't touched F:NV for over a year
I kid, I kid - but what Franken used to call "kidding on the square", because sometimes FNV on the XBox really is an unstable buggy mess. And there aren't any mods available either, doggone it - I really wish I had the color mods that Oxhorn used in making his video series, because the one thing that really gets on my nerves about FNV (and FO3) is how drearily monochrome everything is. (I can live with bugs; back in the old days, when a game bugged out we'd just try to get screenshots so everyone could laugh at how silly it looked, instead of freaking out about things being "unplayable". It was only "unplayable" when it simply wouldn't start.)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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This sounds exactly like the problem I was having. Something I read said that 130 was around the max limit for mods so I cut it back to around 125 or so and so far things are feeling pretty stable.
Oh gosh yeah that was pretty bad, I used to occasionally get corrupted auto save files back when I played it on xbox, losing hours of game time spent if I didn't save constantly on multiple files. Still loved it though...
And the Starfield modding community will fix the rest.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
And some people will try to act like that's more of a contribution than the people who made the actual game o3o
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
> jennymachx wrote: »
> It's ok. Starfield will fix everything.
> And the Starfield modding community will fix the rest.
God forbid they try to use the resources that they have to make a new improved game engine> @sistersilicon said:
> jennymachx wrote: »
> It's ok. Starfield will fix everything.
> And the Starfield modding community will fix the rest.
Being the multi-million dollar developer that they are they could invest in making an improved version of the aging Creation / Gamebryo engine so that it'll run more optimally on modern systems, but what do I know.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I honestly don't know lol. Seems fine now.
Who made this website, Todd Howard? uwu
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
For one example, you can't have a single dialog button display two different dialogs at the same time. the UI just doesn't do that. Now adding dialog options can work, as long as they're each occupying their own place in the code and not trying to use the same place.
I have no idea what specific issue you had since I don't even know which mods you were using or what any of them did.
My characters
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Long story short: Anthem saw the F76 fiasco and said "hold my beer".
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Stay on topic.
Anthem seems just some kind of cool looking shooter with incredibly silly looking powerarmors. I mean those legs, like WTF, are you a
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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That was exactly the purpose it served for me. Anthem got announced, I remembered Warframe, and now I've been playing it daily \o/
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I think the Faschnact (sp?) Parade starts tomorrow; that one's a seasonal event, awarding... well, something, including Faschnact(?) masks. And sometime later we get the ability to build vending machines in our camps to sell things to other players, as well as a special vendor to sell Legendary items to (and buy them from!).
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.