Alright so I can't be sure but it looks like in the Q-Zone when you find Fenny, his tail wags, and it kinda almost looks like he has the windup key on his back? It's hard to tell because he's lying on his back. I been trying to get better angles but I just plain suck.
there's a holiday windup key costume piece...i actually bought one yesterday for 50G in fact - and used it immediately, so you can't haz it for creepy hunting
I bought the windup key costume and visited the various npcs but nothing happened.
I also thought that maybe what Spiral says maps to an action figure:
Travesty... = Catoastrophe No... = Null Iffy... = Snowflake You... = not sure, but guessing this might refer to just you being there without an AF out.
So I tried summoning each of those AFs when Spiral said the relevant word and nothing happened. Maybe others can think of other relevant AFs? Or maybe the whole thing is off-track.
Based on conversations with Kaiserin, having an active AF as a trigger doesn't work properly, so I would assume no creepies are triggered in that way (they might be triggered by one in inventory, of course).
Until space station is called "Gateway". Gateway is synonymous of door, gate, doorway, which is something which turns an obstacle like a wall into something you can enter.
Redid mechanon last mission, and found nothing.
Inspected Gateway station. Found only two suspect things:
1- The openable window panel in change room of the station. Suspicious because i missed it in my previous visits which means maybe it wasn't there at that time (or simply forget i saw it which is also possible, memory is a curious thing). Can't find any use of it, you can open it or close it. Maybe it has a hidden use or maybe it's only here to look nice.
2- A lot of machines on the station bridge display coords:
x 8.397 y 5.512 z 0.399
Inspected QWZ, MC, Vibora, MI, Lemuria, Canada and desert. Coords seems too high to be contained in these maps. Also inspected Demonflame Q zone, and multifaria map (starting zone outside of conquerors building) which seems too small too.
Does these numbers evoque something for somebody or is it just part of station settings?
Did you notice all those very small numbers inside UNITY building, on the command panels of the teleport room?
Numbers are so tiny you have to be in first person view to see them. The most interesting string could be that one : 2074 1207 0746 but there's a lot of other numbers, red and green lights which could also be part of something more complex (or simply be here for decoration). But it's in unity building and so it's suspect
Anyone remember the ingame command to display coordonates ? Not the /loc, there is another one i used some time ago which display coords permanently in white under the map, it can be switched on and off. Impossible to remember what it was, but it's more pleasant to use than /loc when searching.
2- A lot of machines on the station bridge display coords:
x 8.397 y 5.512 z 0.399
Inspected QWZ, MC, Vibora, MI, Lemuria, Canada and desert. Coords seems too high to be contained in these maps. Also inspected Demonflame Q zone, and multifaria map (starting zone outside of conquerors building) which seems too small too.
Does these numbers evoque something for somebody or is it just part of station settings?
If this is a map coordinate (I wouldn't rule it out), this would probably correlate to an interior map. The Y values for them seem a lot closer to single-digit numbers for the ground floor.
These coordinates are reachable inside the UNTIL HQ map, but it doesn't seem to be a particularly noteworthy position, it's several feet above the consoles in the main area.
Incidentally? The same texture you saw in the Clockwork station seems to be around this general area as well: The texture is also mirrored further down the console as well, which makes me think it might not be a clue? But who knows.
EDIT: while using /showcampos does have decimal places, using /loc does not, which makes the likelihood of expecting 3 decimal point precision for your positioning to find a creepy probably isn't that high. Or perhaps they're not supposed to be interpreted as decimal points?
EDIT2: Now considering Spiral's hint towards UNITY and the fact that these numbers "2074 1207 0746" are printed on dials beneath each monitor image of a different zone, I think that might be worth looking at. Doubly so, considering these are formatted like map coordinates (no decimal) and are underneath images of each zone. I tried navigating to these coordinates in MC, but it's just an empty area in the middle of the sky above west side. For canada it appears to be in the general vicinity of Teleios Tower, though also kind of arbitrarily out in the open.
Ah yes it was /showcampos 1 Thx a lot. Searching with /loc was really annoying
So i checked MC, Desert, Canada, MI, Lemuria, Vibora Bay and QWZ at 2074 1207 0746. To be sure, I also checked 2074 0746 1207 on these maps because i know coords are displayed xzy instead of traditional xyz. Nothing obvious at these locations sadly. The only suspect thing was a relatively fast respawn of mobs around that coords in qwz, when i was cleaning mobs presence around in case the creepy would have been shy like the Socrates one.
We've had another patch so it's worth re-checking every relevant area once more to see if there are any changes because we have seen changes to Creepies with patches....specifically Fenny. Stuff to look at for changes and clues: 1. The Vibora Bay Arcade 2. Fenny: info and interaction prompts 3. Qzone in general 4. Qzone creepies....spawn all 4 and see if any of them look different, have new info text, or have new accessories (like the Teddy did) 5. Powerhouse Theater. If the Arcade is one hub for clues and Creepies the Powerhouse Theater might be another...each of the first 4 Creepies: Fenny, Teddy, Sammie, Cheshire may map to an different area for clues in addition to being tied to Creepies. 6. Another check on Sammie (esp with the Soaked Aura in your inventory) and check the surrounding area 7. Check the Fenny in the hamper at Carl's Gym 8. Check completed perk text for Creepies perks 9. Check on Spiral, the cat at the Games of Chance booth near the Arcade....does the cat say anything besides: "You..." "Travesty..." "Unlikely..." "No..." "Iffy..." - - spells: UNITY, U Tiny, Nuit (night in french) - - also could be words that would complete a sentence or phrase hence the "..." at the end of each word
None of the text hints have been helpful so far but let's list them just in case: "The end is nigh" "You should not have done that" "Always watching" "We are all going to die" "The cat may have answers" - pretty sure this refers to Spiral, but there are other randomly placed cats in the game that could be checked "Not all walls lock you out"
Other loose ends: - We have not found anything regarding Cheshire
- There's probably more to Sammie than just the arcade coins from her dollies. Especially since she recently got the soaked aura effect on her in the Qzone. - - Lemuria would be a great place for Creepies but not sure where to start..... - - Canada has an underwater mission and some lakes worth checking - - MI, MC, and VB all have water around them....worth checking those areas
- The arcade machine reverts to a Monster Attack game after you use a coin to play it
Reposting this from before in case it inspires anyone to look more.
"The cat may have answers" probably refers to Spiral, but might refer to Cheshire in Qzone.
Re: Powerhouse Theater, we already identified the Teddy as being part of this but maybe there are other creepies there or at least some clues like there are at the VB Arcade.
I don't believe any of us truly know the context behind the Creepies. Well, maybe cept Kaiser herself. None of the perks we've discovered thus far really have any story behind them except giving hints as to what the next one leads to. My focused suspicion still remains towards that SOCRATES virus being behind all of this, due to the constant themes of mechanical monstrosities and whenever you get near a Creepy (that we've encountered so far) it's uses a special static HUD overlay containing bits of random binary code at the sides.. and also the fact that she's the final creepy.
With what I mean about the HUD overlay See the binary on all of them? The arcade is much more prominent because it leads directly toward the Virus itself. (Edit*: forgot to mention that the Arcade also turns yourself into a stream of red cubes (AKA, Red Pixels Aura).
Binaries? Pixels? Coincidence? I also noticed that all of the beast Creepies as well as the Virus itself have this odd back tentacle aura thing. From what we know so far, all of the beasts are blackened while the Virus is red alone.
NEW DISCOVERY TODAY! (though it's not going to help with anything) So when I was looking back at my screenshots, I came across my picture of the corrupted Teddy again and I was looking at its chest with the special red, diamond-shaped emblem I've never seen on anything else in this game. Today, a new costume pack was released called the Power Gem. Featuring an assortment of differently-shaped gems on various attachments. I was looking closer at it and I noticed... Just how long have these stones existed, only now to be finally given to us?
Has anyone used the DemoRecord ingame Tool to inspect the creeps' costumes better?
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
So when I was looking back at my screenshots, I came across my picture of the corrupted Teddy again and I was looking at its chest with the special red, diamond-shaped emblem I've never seen on anything else in this game.
Always thouht it was a prominent heart instead of a diamond, i think fenny has one as well. Saw that as a creepy equivalent of Kingdom heart's heartless emblem but for creepy creatures in their corrupted form. At some point i even tried various things involving a strange jar containing a huge rat with a prominent heart i found in vb science trainer. Tried to bring it near spiral and near Tinman NPC whose bio says "If only i have an heart". Unsurprisingly, all that did nothing
I think we really need to focus on Spiral. After revealing Fenny, that's who the respective perk is referring to. Finding Fenny is also what triggers his appearance. He has to be involved with the next Creepy at minimum, and could be involved with more.
So we know his answers. What we don't know is the question(s) he's answering.
Hey all, just got involved with the whole Creepy thing.
First off, I'm still missing the PH teddy cause there aren't any Sovereign Sons Top Hats on AH, if anyone has the unlock and wouldn't mind letting me borrow it, mail it to @sekhmet46 and I'll return it asap in good condition :P
Secondly, I think the creepies come in sets of four, plus the thirteenth Socrates thing. 1-4 are the ones found in the warzone, and each corresponds to one of 5-8, while possibly hinting at how to discover the latter (eg teddy wearing the top hat). Also, the two of the second set we've discovered required you to have a certain item or set of items in your inventory. This pattern may or may not hold for the remaining half, but I think it's a good possibility.
I'm focusing on Sammie. Others have said that since the VB Sammie is a mission giver she's likely not a creepy. But consider the givers of escort missions: once someone takes the mission, that NPC becomes indisposed for a while and other players can't get that mission until the NPC respawns. Thus, I'm convinced the VB Sammie is a creepy, and we need to find which item(s) are necessary to transform her. I believe people have tried various types/combinations of Foxbat-event water balloons (which fortunately is in rotation again soon). However, here's what I need to know:
Does anyone remember who gives the mission in VB to kill New Shadows with the [Holy Water Balloon] mission item, and if that mission is repeatable? If so, I bet that might be our best bet. Try it on characters who have and have not completed Sammie's Lost Dollies.
If that doesn't work, I'd try, as previously listed by other players, greater combinations of water balloon items, Soaked and Rainy Day auras, and the Holy Water power. I never got close enough to see the Soaked Aura on warzone Sammie myself, but others have reported it, and it's obviously hinting at something.
Black Mask doesn't have that quest for me, which means I either did it and it's not repeatable, I haven't gotten to it yet on Yabusa, or she isn't the one who gives it.
Where is Taffy Winters again? I should check her quests.
And to think I remembered it being Robert Caliburn.
Edit: I found the mission under Yabusa's Completed tab, it's called Baptism by Ire. Still doesn't say who gives it, but I found Taffy and (if the mission is repeatable) it isn't her or Jury-rig who gives it.
There's a pool of water directly behind VB Sammie, anyone tried knocking her into it?
There's a pool of water directly behind VB Sammie, anyone tried knocking her into it?
People tried a lot of things regarding sammie. Balloons, auras, etc. Someone made a list somewhere. I even managed to kill her few months ago (she respawns after few minutes, so do not worry). For the anecdot, sammie npc is a power armor template, which is funny. Devs probably copy pasted defender npc, and replaced appearence with sammy's skin when they created vibora bay. They did not think someone would be curious enough to bring an army of nephilims on her to see what would happen...
Regarding the "holy water balloon", if i remember correctly, i think kaiserin said somewhere that "one time quest items" were not involved in creepy resolution (which is a good thing ). I do not remember if these balloons stay in your inventory after the quest. If they don't, that probably mean it's not involved. Same thing if the quest is not repeatable, which seems to be the case.
searching texture files for mentions of "creepy", "creepies", "spoopy", "pasta" yielded no results. Found the textures for things like the arcade error screen though easily enough but I knew what I was looking for with that. I need to dig deeper. . . .
I have found A use for it outside the quests given to you by Taffy. The open world mission where you destroy ZOMBIE coffins instead of vampire ones also has things that are super flammable. Although... the torch works on all destructible objects, AND enemies. MOST of them take pitiful damage.
searching texture files for mentions of "creepy", "creepies", "spoopy", "pasta" yielded no results. Found the textures for things like the arcade error screen though easily enough but I knew what I was looking for with that. I need to dig deeper. . . .
Where do you find this? Do you need a specific software to have access to this?
If it's possible, try to make a search by date, to see what has been added when the creepy was implemented
Initially thought that was a neat idea, but the method I used extracts files from the .hogg files. These are large sorta batch files that hold a ton of information for other files inside them. So upon extracting them to see what they actually are, they are dated all as the time which the files were created when they were extracted.
So texture.hogg file becomes 10,000 different files of textures. All those texture files share the date of when they were made from the texture hogg file so I'm not able to search by date. I feel it would kinda be cheating anyways not that I wouldn't do eeeeet
What is the deal with this suspicious cat? Smokey the cat, have you always been near the Powerhouse in the Rencen...!?
Yeah, they've been there for quite a long time now, tried using anything we could on them at this point. Got Smokey on the table in Ren Cen Beanie and Needle in the Auction House The Unnamed one near the Destroyer museum and Vinnie in Club Caprice's bar. I don't know if there's been any others found since then, but as we know of now, they do absolutely nothing.
They don't seem to fit the bill as far as the other creepies, but sure seems suspicious they would pop up around the same time as creepies. What methods have been tried on them? And, it might not be any one cat, perhaps something must be done to each one?
Just a clarification, the Destroid museum "cat" is client sided only. If you change instances it may show up as a dog instead. Different people will also see it differently as either a dog or a cat. Since there is no way to interact with it, I would think it's safe to not take it into consideration for Creepies.
On the other cats personally (that I remember cause I think we've been stuck in this part for 5 months) I tried all of the consumbale Foxbat devices, all of the different colored Rocks, Therakiel Sword? (cause it unlocks a trout costume).
The cats might be tied to Spiral, the Cheshire Cat that shows up in Vibora after you unlock the Fenny creepy, however we've not been able to find a connection between the clues Spiral gives and the other cats.
Teddy Bear creepy also gives the clue "Not all walls lock you out"
Teddy Bear creepy also gives the clue "Not all walls lock you out"
I suspect that Eido is a creepy.....he is a friendly target in the Qzone when he is not unlocked and does a "come here" gesture if you load in with him in view. I thought that the walls clue might refer to the wall that separates you from him....since you can jump over it and go mess with him.
So a frog statue was discovered in a pool, definitely out of place. We aren't sure it if actually means anything though. We can't target it or push it around. It's a solid geometry object. Perhaps we are simply missing the trigger conditions to interact with it, or it may mean nothing at all. Either way, it was out of place and interesting to see. Maybe some of you can take a prod at it?
I went to Carl's and the Arcade and nothing.
I also thought that maybe what Spiral says maps to an action figure:
Travesty... = Catoastrophe
No... = Null
Iffy... = Snowflake
You... = not sure, but guessing this might refer to just you being there without an AF out.
So I tried summoning each of those AFs when Spiral said the relevant word and nothing happened. Maybe others can think of other relevant AFs? Or maybe the whole thing is off-track.
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Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Until space station is called "Gateway".
Gateway is synonymous of door, gate, doorway, which is something which turns an obstacle like a wall into something you can enter.
Redid mechanon last mission, and found nothing.
Inspected Gateway station. Found only two suspect things:
1- The openable window panel in change room of the station.
Suspicious because i missed it in my previous visits which means maybe it wasn't there at that time (or simply forget i saw it which is also possible, memory is a curious thing). Can't find any use of it, you can open it or close it. Maybe it has a hidden use or maybe it's only here to look nice.
2- A lot of machines on the station bridge display coords:
x 8.397 y 5.512 z 0.399
Inspected QWZ, MC, Vibora, MI, Lemuria, Canada and desert. Coords seems too high to be contained in these maps.
Also inspected Demonflame Q zone, and multifaria map (starting zone outside of conquerors building) which seems too small too.
Does these numbers evoque something for somebody or is it just part of station settings?
Numbers are so tiny you have to be in first person view to see them.
The most interesting string could be that one : 2074 1207 0746
but there's a lot of other numbers, red and green lights which could also be part of something more complex (or simply be here for decoration). But it's in unity building and so it's suspect
Anyone remember the ingame command to display coordonates ?
Not the /loc, there is another one i used some time ago which display coords permanently in white under the map, it can be switched on and off. Impossible to remember what it was, but it's more pleasant to use than /loc when searching.
Problem is it shows the position of the camera and not your actual position, but it's good to get a general idea
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
These coordinates are reachable inside the UNTIL HQ map, but it doesn't seem to be a particularly noteworthy position, it's several feet above the consoles in the main area.
Incidentally? The same texture you saw in the Clockwork station seems to be around this general area as well:
The texture is also mirrored further down the console as well, which makes me think it might not be a clue? But who knows.
EDIT: while using /showcampos does have decimal places, using /loc does not, which makes the likelihood of expecting 3 decimal point precision for your positioning to find a creepy probably isn't that high. Or perhaps they're not supposed to be interpreted as decimal points?
EDIT2: Now considering Spiral's hint towards UNITY and the fact that these numbers "2074 1207 0746" are printed on dials beneath each monitor image of a different zone, I think that might be worth looking at. Doubly so, considering these are formatted like map coordinates (no decimal) and are underneath images of each zone. I tried navigating to these coordinates in MC, but it's just an empty area in the middle of the sky above west side. For canada it appears to be in the general vicinity of Teleios Tower, though also kind of arbitrarily out in the open.
Put on the Creepy Mask and Horns. Talked to Spiral saying its name and Unity and combinations of. Nothing happened.
Thx a lot. Searching with /loc was really annoying
So i checked MC, Desert, Canada, MI, Lemuria, Vibora Bay and QWZ at 2074 1207 0746.
To be sure, I also checked 2074 0746 1207 on these maps because i know coords are displayed xzy instead of traditional xyz.
Nothing obvious at these locations sadly.
The only suspect thing was a relatively fast respawn of mobs around that coords in qwz, when i was cleaning mobs presence around in case the creepy would have been shy like the Socrates one.
"The cat may have answers" probably refers to Spiral, but might refer to Cheshire in Qzone.
Re: Powerhouse Theater, we already identified the Teddy as being part of this but maybe there are other creepies there or at least some clues like there are at the VB Arcade.
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Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
My focused suspicion still remains towards that SOCRATES virus being behind all of this, due to the constant themes of mechanical monstrosities and whenever you get near a Creepy (that we've encountered so far) it's uses a special static HUD overlay containing bits of random binary code at the sides.. and also the fact that she's the final creepy.
Playing CO since August 25, 2012
Lifetime sub since July 6, 2017
"Don't call me lizard!"
See the binary on all of them? The arcade is much more prominent because it leads directly toward the Virus itself.
(Edit*: forgot to mention that the Arcade also turns yourself into a stream of red cubes (AKA, Red Pixels Aura).
Binaries? Pixels? Coincidence?
I also noticed that all of the beast Creepies as well as the Virus itself have this odd back tentacle aura thing. From what we know so far, all of the beasts are blackened while the Virus is red alone.
Playing CO since August 25, 2012
Lifetime sub since July 6, 2017
"Don't call me lizard!"
So when I was looking back at my screenshots, I came across my picture of the corrupted Teddy again and I was looking at its chest with the special red, diamond-shaped emblem I've never seen on anything else in this game.
Today, a new costume pack was released called the Power Gem. Featuring an assortment of differently-shaped gems on various attachments. I was looking closer at it and I noticed...
Just how long have these stones existed, only now to be finally given to us?
Playing CO since August 25, 2012
Lifetime sub since July 6, 2017
"Don't call me lizard!"
Playing CO since August 25, 2012
Lifetime sub since July 6, 2017
"Don't call me lizard!"
Saw that as a creepy equivalent of Kingdom heart's heartless emblem but for creepy creatures in their corrupted form.
At some point i even tried various things involving a strange jar containing a huge rat with a prominent heart i found in vb science trainer. Tried to bring it near spiral and near Tinman NPC whose bio says "If only i have an heart". Unsurprisingly, all that did nothing
Playing CO since August 25, 2012
Lifetime sub since July 6, 2017
"Don't call me lizard!"
So we know his answers. What we don't know is the question(s) he's answering.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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First off, I'm still missing the PH teddy cause there aren't any Sovereign Sons Top Hats on AH, if anyone has the unlock and wouldn't mind letting me borrow it, mail it to @sekhmet46 and I'll return it asap in good condition :P
Secondly, I think the creepies come in sets of four, plus the thirteenth Socrates thing. 1-4 are the ones found in the warzone, and each corresponds to one of 5-8, while possibly hinting at how to discover the latter (eg teddy wearing the top hat). Also, the two of the second set we've discovered required you to have a certain item or set of items in your inventory. This pattern may or may not hold for the remaining half, but I think it's a good possibility.
I'm focusing on Sammie. Others have said that since the VB Sammie is a mission giver she's likely not a creepy. But consider the givers of escort missions: once someone takes the mission, that NPC becomes indisposed for a while and other players can't get that mission until the NPC respawns. Thus, I'm convinced the VB Sammie is a creepy, and we need to find which item(s) are necessary to transform her. I believe people have tried various types/combinations of Foxbat-event water balloons (which fortunately is in rotation again soon). However, here's what I need to know:
Does anyone remember who gives the mission in VB to kill New Shadows with the [Holy Water Balloon] mission item, and if that mission is repeatable? If so, I bet that might be our best bet. Try it on characters who have and have not completed Sammie's Lost Dollies.
If that doesn't work, I'd try, as previously listed by other players, greater combinations of water balloon items, Soaked and Rainy Day auras, and the Holy Water power. I never got close enough to see the Soaked Aura on warzone Sammie myself, but others have reported it, and it's obviously hinting at something.
My characters
Where is Taffy Winters again? I should check her quests.
And to think I remembered it being Robert Caliburn.
Edit: I found the mission under Yabusa's Completed tab, it's called Baptism by Ire. Still doesn't say who gives it, but I found Taffy and (if the mission is repeatable) it isn't her or Jury-rig who gives it.
There's a pool of water directly behind VB Sammie, anyone tried knocking her into it?
I even managed to kill her few months ago (she respawns after few minutes, so do not worry). For the anecdot, sammie npc is a power armor template, which is funny. Devs probably copy pasted defender npc, and replaced appearence with sammy's skin when they created vibora bay. They did not think someone would be curious enough to bring an army of nephilims on her to see what would happen...
Regarding the "holy water balloon", if i remember correctly, i think kaiserin said somewhere that "one time quest items" were not involved in creepy resolution (which is a good thing ). I do not remember if these balloons stay in your inventory after the quest. If they don't, that probably mean it's not involved. Same thing if the quest is not repeatable, which seems to be the case.
If you still want to try, here's a link with all about the quest you are talking about:
Found the textures for things like the arcade error screen though easily enough but I knew what I was looking for with that. I need to dig deeper. . . .
Speaking of Taffy.. has anyone found a use for her torch? It's technically a quest item, but it's one you can keep afterwards.
My characters
My characters
If it's possible, try to make a search by date, to see what has been added when the creepy was implemented
So texture.hogg file becomes 10,000 different files of textures. All those texture files share the date of when they were made from the texture hogg file so I'm not able to search by date. I feel it would kinda be cheating anyways not that I wouldn't do eeeeet
And what about these two in the AH!? HRM!?
Beanie and Needle? More like CREEPY #8 & #9!!
Trying to tease them with the cat AF from nightmare event.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Got Smokey on the table in Ren Cen
Beanie and Needle in the Auction House
The Unnamed one near the Destroyer museum
and Vinnie in Club Caprice's bar.
I don't know if there's been any others found since then, but as we know of now, they do absolutely nothing.
Playing CO since August 25, 2012
Lifetime sub since July 6, 2017
"Don't call me lizard!"
On the other cats personally (that I remember cause I think we've been stuck in this part for 5 months) I tried all of the consumbale Foxbat devices, all of the different colored Rocks, Therakiel Sword? (cause it unlocks a trout costume).
The cats might be tied to Spiral, the Cheshire Cat that shows up in Vibora after you unlock the Fenny creepy, however we've not been able to find a connection between the clues Spiral gives and the other cats.
Teddy Bear creepy also gives the clue "Not all walls lock you out"
No luck yet though.
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Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Spotted this dude among the Foxbat fans.
My characters
So a frog statue was discovered in a pool, definitely out of place. We aren't sure it if actually means anything though. We can't target it or push it around. It's a solid geometry object. Perhaps we are simply missing the trigger conditions to interact with it, or it may mean nothing at all. Either way, it was out of place and interesting to see. Maybe some of you can take a prod at it?
The location of the pool in Vibora:
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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