So a few quick thoughts form poking around with the stuff:
TK Barrage: Dazzle This just seems like a great way to make your targets hold immune really fast. Might be better with Manipulator... unless stuns overlap ( Raven do they overlap? ) Could maybe use a "this can only happen once every 2 seconds" stipulation?
TK Assault I love siphoning strikes on this. Also, finally an ego debuff for my ranged ego dps \o/
TK Shards not really impressed with this power. I see the point but it seems like it could use something else. Would be neat to take the Dazzle effect from TK Barrage and put it on this instead. Then replace the Dazzle effect on barrage with some sort of knock back or something.
> @sanguineviper said: > Well, that was money well wasted on upgrading that TK mod for Sanguine. Ah well, I knew this was coming and did it anyways. Though I was hoping deep down maybe the possibility existed that TK blades would finally get something that wasn't a nerf for once in 7 years. > So when are the MA nerfs coming? > > At least frenzy is a pbaoe now.
Amen, brother. This feels more like a nerf to what was already perhaps the weakest CO melee set. I spent money upgrading my TK mod as well.
I hope Cryptic reconsiders and does this right. TK blades needed beefing up, not nerfing.
Reduced max charge time to 0.83 seconds (from 1.33).
No longer applies Ego Leech or a resistance debuff.
This power now refreshes all of your Ego Leech stacks and on full charge stuns your target.
Domineering Will advantage: No longer stuns a blocking target. Changed to refresh the Stress debuff duration.
So the weaker, non-irritating, non-rupture based T3 spike damage attack is made even weaker, and its useful mechanic (resistance debuff) is swapped out with a stun that is ignored by anything you would want to use a spike damage attack on?
Telekinetic Wave
Now has a scaling chance to apply Ego Leech based on charge time. Previously its chance was a flat amount on tap or charge.
Increased cooldown to 10 seconds (from 6).
New Advantage: Knocks targets towards you instead of back.
This was a largely unloved power before, and this just makes it less useful. How it this supposed to compete with similar cone powers in Wind and Force? Even post-nerf Shotgun is a better power.
Ego Reverberation
Renamed to Telekinetic Reverberation
Now scales off of Recovery and Endurance.
Now applies energy over time.
Was this really necessary? Martial Arts got to keep its DEX based energy unlock. Why not TK?
Mental Discipline
Updated to use regular Form damage standards.
Applies Focus when you apply a Mental State effect.
Correct me if I'm reading this wrong, but your basic TK weaponry character needs Focus stacks to apply Stress consistently, and needs to apply Stress to build Focus stacks? This seems even more punitive than necessary. TK needed a BUFF, not a Nerf.
Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.
Correct me if I'm reading this wrong, but your basic TK weaponry character needs Focus stacks to apply Stress consistently, and needs to apply Stress to build Focus stacks? This seems even more punitive than necessary. TK needed a BUFF, not a Nerf.
They seem to follow build with the other dot-rapture frameworks
Like Bestial/Single Blade Bleed which needs Enraged and Focus to have 100% Bleed chance and Laser Sword who need Particle Accelerator to have 100% Plasma
I personally HATE IT, i don't want to count of my Toggle Form, i got Single Blade builds with enraged ruined because of this
Was this really necessary? Martial Arts got to keep its DEX based energy unlock. Why not TK?
Perhaps steadfast will change when MA get revamped, who knows
personally Im ok with REC scaling EUs
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Correct me if I'm reading this wrong, but your basic TK weaponry character needs Focus stacks to apply Stress consistently, and needs to apply Stress to build Focus stacks? This seems even more punitive than necessary. TK needed a BUFF, not a Nerf.
I believe you build stacks whenever you gain a stack of Ego Leech.
I personally HATE IT, i don't want to count of my Toggle Form, i got Single Blade builds with enraged ruined because of this
Yeah, I'm not a fan either, mainly because 1) it limits cross-framework options and 2) really isn't necessary to begin with. Here's what I mean:
If I'm already taking, say, Lightspeed Strike and nothing else from the Laser Sword tree, I'm already shortchanging myself as it is, since it's meant to work alongside other, stronger powers. Having a reduced chance to apply Plasma Burn because I didn't take the right form is really just a double-whammy. One that further limits creativity in character builds.
TK Barrage: Dazzle This just seems like a great way to make your targets hold immune really fast. Might be better with Manipulator... unless stuns overlap ( Raven do they overlap? ) Could maybe use a "this can only happen once every 2 seconds" stipulation?
It's fine because it's an optional advantage that you won't take if you want the power for raw damage. Where it shines is if you're using Sentinel Mastery, but find that Venomous Breath + Paralytic Bile, Flamethrow + Panic, etc don't fit your theme.
TK Shards not really impressed with this power. I see the point but it seems like it could use something else. Would be neat to take the Dazzle effect from TK Barrage and put it on this instead. Then replace the Dazzle effect on barrage with some sort of knock back or something.
Look at that, we might actually agree on something for once! While it certainly looks cool, it feels too much like a maintenance-y button, and not even a very good one. Some other approaches to this power
Sniper Rifle for TK (high damage, long charge, interrupted upon damage, long range)
Force Detonation for TK. Puts the "throw objects around with your mind" back into "telekinesis." Could retain the debuff refresh baseline effect and advantage for the primary target, even be reduced to single target only due to its increased utility and faster activation.
Additional utility advantages, like "apply a stack of bleeding or open wounds" or "roots the target" (you're pinning them down with the shards) etc.
As things stand now, I see both this and its melee counterpart (Ego Blade Breach) being something people are going to want to skip if possible. And no, heavyhanding the mechanics in some way to make the debuff refreshes feel mandatory is the wrong approach.
That said, the snap animation feels too force-like. It'd be more appropriate if the animation involved putting the user's hand to their head, kind of like with Mind Drain.
(Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
Bug Periodically when you go to use Telekinetic Assault Telekinetic Assault's effects do not appear while maintaining the power
Suggestions Ego Surge Nimble Mind: Ego Surge grants Critical Chance, Stealth Sight, and Perception. Scales with your Level.
Mental Impact Mental Impact channels your mental energy into a massive mental construct in the form of a hand, flattening your foes to dust and absorbing what remains of their minds. +Changed description. +Roots targets. +Instills Fear in targets. +Applies Mental Focus to you. Mental Focus applies a stack of Ego Leech every 2 seconds over 10 seconds. +Applies Mental Weakness to targets. Mental Weakness lowers Damage Resistance and Ego Damage Resistance by 15% for 12 seconds. When Mental Weakness expires, targets are Disoriented and Snared. +Leave a Mark: Mental Impact applies Mental Imprint to your target. Mental Imprint deals Ego Damage every second for 10 seconds. This damage generates high Threat.
(New Power) Telekinetic Shroud Through intense concentration and force of will, you create a barrier of mental energy that lowers the effectiveness of attacks made against you. -90 second recharge +Self Buff that grants Damage Resistance, Knock Resistance, and Repel Resistance for each stack of Ego Leech you have for 15 seconds. +Battle of Wills (Adv, 2pts): Telekinetic Shroud grants 30% Hold Resistance. +Deny Advantage (Adv, 2pts): Telekinetic Shroud reduces the damage you take from Critical Strikes by 25%. +Reflective Barrier (Adv, 2pts): Telekinetic Shroud deals 80 Ego Damage to attackers. This damage cannot Critically Hit. +Safe Haven (Adv, 2pts): Telekinetic Shroud heals you every 3 seconds.
Basically following the crowd here with comments, move of debuff to Ego Weaponry-tap and 'recharge/refresh' stacks EBB plus changing Mental form to focus stacks just makes it play like every other blade. (Refresh debuff is slightly new). Added to that move seems to have made one of the nice "large" 4 power sets down into one with EW weighted to high in usefulness (important advantages/uses), and EBB a hanger on
TK Eruption: The time increase advantages was really useful here
(Classic) Mental Discipline: It's nice to have some forms that don't build stacks. It's a) different b) prevents "one build to rule them all" where we all just play +Con// all day long
Suggests EBB keeps debuff and charge decrease stays (so needed!), (Classic) Mental Discipline and (New) Mental Discipline both go in game. (Classic) Mental Discipline gets a pass to see if it needs buffing, or some secondary scaling with SS as well as the Ego Leech stacks. Thinking some hybrid of Targeting Computer (passive) and a form. Pseudo-Passives with light scaling
Honestly I'd like to see more forms like (Classic MD)
]Bug/Annoyed Lance Rain (the OV power): Always does full charge (or uses all energy) on tap, but it sounds more like a standard tap or charge power in description. [Charge description should be tap, specify all energy used and if fully charged does blah blah blah]
The more I'm looking at the patch notes, the more Homogenization i see, (which has been a thing with past 3-4 revamps)
I had been using both Melee and Range TK blade characters for 5 years, and this is worrying me
Range TK had good DPS but Melee TK was really underwelming
i already dislike the NERF on Ego Blade Breach and the fact you need a Form to have 100% chance to have Ego Leech via the combo
also people not being impressed with Telekinetic Barrage and Telekinetic Shards, we want new powers, but whats the point if they are not impressive?
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
The non-damage effects of these powers seem comparable (though Stun on full charge is almost always useless); why the dramatic difference in damage?
Tier III. It seems to be where powers go to die.
Cheers for the fix to TK Lance - that was a big problem - but please reconsider the changes to the EU. The set has never been OP enough (and certainly isn't now, with the Ego Surge nerf) for the EU stat scaling choices to be a problem. Consistency is nice, but TK is a technical set at the best of times and adding additional stat requirements to it is unwelcome.
Again I am extremely disappointed by the EU scaling changes. That can break complete builds and stat setups. People can have paid lots of money to get their mods all set up, just casually breaking that without very good reasons, is not a good thing to do.
And it seems the only way sets are going to be balanced is by making them all the same, and that is taking away a lot of what makes CO interesting and the sets have their own unique feel. Please stop that, I am starting to hope for less revamps at this rate.
Instead of making Id (dual) weapons an aura, could the choice between single- or dual- wield be handled as an option on the costume tab where you select your telekinetic weapon skin?
I really dislike putting Focus into this framework at all. If a TK Blades user wants Focus, they can already take an MA form and proc it with whatever mechanic that form uses.
Please keep a form that uses Ego for scaling and has its own stacks.
So Ego Blade Breach has been moved to Tier 2. I'm fine with that.
But about Mental Discipline... it should be the signature form of the powerset and not become a reskined martial arts form. So what about something like this...
Mental Discipline
+Grants stacks of Mental Acuity/Psionic Power/etc (I'm not good with creative buff names)
+Each stack of this form increases your Melee and Ranged damage by XX%. Stacks up to 5 times
+You receive a stack of this form each time you apply a Mental State (Stress, Regret, Dependency, Fear or Disorient) to a foe once every 3 seconds. (If this form grants less stacks than the regular ones, remove one second for stack obtention please)
+You receive a burst of energy each time you gain a stack. You can gain energy this way once every 4 seconds.
+This form scales with your Ego OR your Dexterity, whichever is higher.
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+This form scales with your Ego OR your Dexterity, whichever is higher.
I like this, OPTIONS
and we haven't got a NEW form that scales with 2 SS since Chilled Form
everything else is only 1 Stat
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
I suggested something like this earlier, however, I think if by a sheer miracle it was picked up...I think Mental Discipline would still be primarily melee based, so something like this would be closer to what I'd expect...
- I think a compromise is in order for Mental Discipline. For a very long time it has allowed for very attractive flexibility. This should not be cut off at the knees with this update. Doing that is honestly bad form. I propose the following for Mental Discipline:
Mental Discipline - Grants a stack of (Enlightenment/Mental Acuity) for each rank of this power that you have. In addition whenever you directly apply a Mental State you gain a stack of (Enlightenment/Mental Acuity). (Enlightenment/Mental Acuity) stacks up to 8. (Enlightenment/Mental Acuity) scales with Dexterity or Ego whichever is higher. Each stack of (Enlightenment/Mental Acuity) increases your melee damage by XX% and your ranged damage by X%. When you gain a stack of (Enlightenment/Mental Acuity) you gain +XX energy. While this power is on your Energy Costs are increased by 10%.
This way, TK Melee aren't forced to be less potent by not being able to pick a stat (Ego) which boosts their unique melee. I think that's much better than the current version of Mental Discipline.
I look forward to eagerly anticipate testing those Telepathy changes next week...
Only thing I might add (unless I missed it somehow) would be to up Telekinetic Assault's application of Ego Leech to at least 25%. While using Ego Reverberation, I found that TKA didn't activate EL often enough to keep me from running out of energy on a certain type of build. That is what it's there for, I assume. (The sword combo does 25%-25%-100%.)
Shouldn't Mental Discipline be based on EGO instead of DEX? Why DEX? It seems like it's a reskinning of FotT.
Also, this change to Ego Blade Breach makes it useless. Refreshes Ego Leach? Pass. Please restore its debuff.
I've waited years for this TK blades makeover. Kaiserin has noted this necessity publicly. I'd like to see it done right. It should be on par with single blades, shouldn't it? Please don't let me down, Cryptic!
Yeah, refreshing ego leech can be done with the combo; 3rd strike is 100% every time (first 2 are 25%). Sounds like this power may be ruined, but we'll see.
And now Ego doesn't seem to fit into the Ego damage framework. Weird.
Ego Blade Breach has lost some serious damage in favor of making Ego Blade Annihilation the heavy hitter within the set.
I don't agree with what has happened to this power testing prior to this change, the debuff it had did cause complications as both versions of the same power had access to different versions of the same debuff which meant they stacked.
Obviously making, them just the same would have been easier IMO, but I'm not a Developer.
I will definitely miss this power as the "Ego Dragon's Wrath" style animation it's been severely relegated and I'd like to see that reverted and something else done instead.
Also forcing the previous Domineering Will advantage to be innate to the power is kind of horrible.
Ego Blade Breach has lost some serious damage in favor of making Ego Blade Annihilation the heavy hitter within the set.
Ego Blade Annihilation damage is STILL incredible underwelming, so Ego Blade Breach got sacrificed for nothing
Aqa did some DPS testing, and compared to a Bestial DPS build, the DPS of EBA is not even Half of Massacre
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
So um... why can't the EGO tree powerset have EGO interactions? With the exception of ID surge (which ironically due to DR is better when you play without ego), there's now nothing else.
Why Focus stacks? The set has a lot of critical chance, I can just run Form of the Tempest if I want focus. Or Form of the Tiger by grabbing anything that can be charged.
Why is the Mentalist tree, which is all about the MIND focused on DEXTERITY, RECOVERY and ENDURANCE?
The Melee TK needs more powers. There's little option for what powers to pick right now. There's also not really much to do just for damage while you wait your 5 ego stacks to come back from an Annihilation.
If you want to force Melee TK to be squishy, thats fine (not really), but it should be rewarded for so, rather than doing same or less damage than the other trees.
Personally ranged TK feels good- but only barely a little more than it used to be. Not sure I like the changes to Lance rain, though you did mention its incomplete, so I won't judge it yet fully, only: The energy cost is immensely high, which is an issue since it isn't being lowered by "Mentalist cost discount" buffs.
Hope you guys do this right, the Mentalist trees are my second most favorite concept-wise.
Suggestion: Telekinetic Reverberation be based on Ego and Recovery. Having it Endurance and Recovery just feels out of theme with the framework.
Suggestion: Mental Discipline should have a new buff than Focus. Call it maybe "Superego" and have it increase Ego Damage (and perhaps all other damage by a smaller amount), buff amount should be based on Ego. Ranged TK is a good chunk of the set, it makes no sense to make them not benefit anymore from the in framework form.
So I had a thought; Instead of giving Mental Discipline stacks of Focus, which is redundant as they could already choose FotT, make a new buff that gives an increase to EGO damage with each stack based on how much Ego you have, so you don't have to explain away the Melee/Ranged dealy on a form that is only ever going to see use on one set ever anyway
Suggestion: Telekinetic Reverberation be based on Ego and Recovery. Having it Endurance and Recovery just feels out of theme with the framework.
Suggestion: Mental Discipline should have a new buff than Focus. Call it maybe "Superego" and have it increase Ego Damage (and perhaps all other damage by a smaller amount), buff amount should be based on Ego. Ranged TK is a good chunk of the set, it makes no sense to make them not benefit anymore from the in framework form.
WOW Kallethen Had the exact same thought before I did. lol
Suggestion: Mental Discipline should have a new buff than Focus. Call it maybe "Superego" and have it increase Ego Damage (and perhaps all other damage by a smaller amount), buff amount should be based on Ego. Ranged TK is a good chunk of the set, it makes no sense to make them not benefit anymore from the in framework form.
I was literally about to post this exact thought, lol.
And I really hope they choose to do this. Because there is no reason to choose Focus for Mental Discipline. There wouldn't be a reason to choose it over FotT on ANY other set. And an Ego set doesn't need to be getting it's form bonuses from another stat.
Suggestions on the Telekinesis frameworks Current Powers
Ego Blade [TIER 0] Ego Blade creates a weapon from your mental energy, slicing away at your foes with it. Leeching Strikes [Adv, 1pt] +Ego Blade has a 15% (30% on the initial attack) to apply Ego Leech.
Kinetic Darts >> Telekinetic Darts [TIER 0] Telekinetic Darts fires projectiles crafted from your mental energy at your foes. Leeching Strikes [Adv, 1pt] +See Ego Blade.
Ego Weaponry >> Ego Blade Strikes [TIER 0] Ego Blade Strikes assaults your foes with a series of powerful attacks with a weapon crafted from your mental energy. -Stressing Out advantage removed. Hard Light [New Adv, 2pts] +Ego Blade Strikes has 10% chance to Knock Down targets. +Finishing the combo Knocks Down targets. Siphoning Strikes [Adv, 3pts] -Ego Blade Strikes’ Energy cost is increased by 50%. +Ego Blade Strikes becomes a Life Drain power. Scoring a Critical Hit with Ego Blade Strikes heals you for 10 Health Points per Ego Leech stack. Scales with your Critical Severity. Thought Sever [Adv, 2pts] +Ego Blade Strikes has a 10% chance to apply Stress, increased by 3% per Ego Leech stack. +Finishing the combo has a 50% chance to apply Stress, increased by 10% per Ego Leech stack.
Telekinetic Assault [TIER 0] Telekinetic Assault unleashes a sustained assault of projectiles crafted from your mental energy upon your foe. [FX Change] The user emits telekinetic darts at the target. At the very least, fix it so that its effects always appear when it’s being used. -Explosive Potential, Siphoning Strikes, and Stressing Out advantages removed. Heavy Impact [New Adv, 2pts] +Fully maintaining Telekinetic Assault Knocks Down and Snares your target. Irritating Assault [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Assault has a 10% chance to apply Stress. Perforating Darts [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Assault has a 2 foot Cylinder, hitting up to three targets.
Ego Blade Frenzy [TIER 1] Ego Blade Frenzy slashes away at any and all foes near you with a weapon crafted from your mental energy. -Instill Doubt and Mental Block advantages removed. Dream Eater [New Adv, 2pts] +Ego Blade Frenzy has a 10% chance to heal you for 80 Health Points and apply a stack of Dependency to targets. Spiteful Counter [New Adv, 2pts] +While maintaining Ego Blade Frenzy, foes within 25 feet of you that attack you are dealt 60 Ego Damage. Unnerving Rage [Adv, 2pts] +Ego Blade Frenzy has a 30% chance to Root targets. +Ego Blade Frenzy has a 15% chance to instill Fear in targets.
Telekinesis [TIER 1] Mental Strength [New Adv, 2pts] +Objects thrown by your Telekinesis deal 7% bonus damage per Ego Leech stack.
Telekinetic Burst [TIER 1] Telekinetic Burst focuses mental energy at your foes' location and unleashes it in a telekinetic explosion that rattles their minds. [FX Change] The swords produced by Telekinetic Burst are linked to the user's Telekinetic Sword weapon. +Changed description. +Power Damage: 171-487 Ego Damage >> 194-650 Ego Damage +Energy Cost: 42-84 Energy >> 30-74 Energy -Now has a 5 second recharge. +30%-100% chance to apply Ego Leech. Explosive Potential [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Burst deals 3% bonus base damage per Ego Leech stack. Shellshock [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Burst has a 30%-100% chance to Snare and Stagger targets.
Ego Blade Dash [TIER 1] Ego Blade Dash creates a weapon from your mental energy as you rush into melee range of your target.
Id Mastery [TIER 1] Your mental prowess empowers your weapon constructs and telekinetic force. Not only that, it strengthens your physical power as well as lessening the effects of attacks made against you. +Increases your Ego by 3/4/5 for each stack of Ego Leech you have, based on Rank.
Mental Discipline [TIER 1] You become more attune with your mental energy the more you strike at your foes’ minds, allowing your attacks to strike at their weak points more often. -No longer applies stacks of Focus. +Applies stacks of Mental Accuracy to you. Mental Accuracy grants 2% Damage Strength and 1% Critical Severity for 20 seconds. Scales with your Ego. Telekinetic Fury [New Adv, 2pts] +While slotted, Mental Discipline increases your Ego Damage Strength by 2% per Ego Leech stack.
Telekinetic Reverberation >> Mental Recovery [TIER 1] The mind is a terrible thing to waste, and you are capable of draining the energy from foes who fail to heed those words. +Grants Energy whenever you apply, refresh, or consume a Mental State.
Telekinetic Eruption [TIER 2] Telekinetic Eruption gathers a vast amount of your mental energy into a massive blast around you, sending nearby foes away from you. Whatever energy remains you focus inward, empowering yourself for a short time. +Knock Back scales with charge time; you don’t need to charge it for more than 1 second. -Fully charging Telekinetic Eruption applies Id Surge to yourself. -Fully charging Telekinetic Eruption imposes a 20 second cooldown on itself. Center of Madness [New Adv, 2pts] +Fully charging Telekinetic Eruption Knocks targets towards you and Snares them instead of Knocking them Back. Inner Peace >> Refocus [Adv, 2pts] +Fully charging Telekinetic Eruption applies Restoration.
Telekinetic Shards [TIER 2] Telekinetic Shards crafts shrapnel from your mental energy and slams it into your foe, damaging them and anyone else near you. +Power Damage: 139 Ego Damage >> 480 Ego Damage +Applies Stress to your target. -Impaled advantage removed. Bad Memories [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Shards Paralyzes your primary target instead of Knocking them Down. Brain Shredder [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Shards gains 3% Critical Chance and Critical Severity per Ego Leech stack.
Telekinetic Wave [TIER 2] -Energy Cost: 31-74 Energy >> 34-82 Energy -Power Recharge: 10 seconds >> 12 seconds +Telekinetic Wave deals 3%/4%/5% bonus base damage per Ego Leech stack, based on Rank. Mental Fortitude [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Wave applies Defiant to you for each target hit. Psychic Tides [Adv, 2pts] +Fully charging Telekinetic Wave depletes 20 Energy. +Fully charging Telekinetic Wave applies Mental Exhaustion to targets that have an Energy Bar. Mental Exhaustion lowers Energy Equilibrium to 1 and reduces Energy Generation by 15% for 10 seconds.
Ego Hold >> Ego Prison [TIER 2] Ego Prison wraps a foe in strands of mental energy, keeping them in place and from attacking. +Applies a stack of Ego Leech to you. Duress [New Adv, 2pts] +When the Paralyze applied by Ego Prison expires, it deals 300 Ego Damage to the target. The target is also Disoriented. Mass Effect [Adv, 2pts] +Ego Prison Roots and Snares foes within 10 feet of your target.
Ego Choke >> Telekinetic Choke [TIER 2] Telekinetic Choke focuses mental energy into a constricting grip around a foe's neck from afar, punishing them for having the gall to stand against you. Lack of Faith [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Choke ignores 5% of your target's Ego Damage Resistance and Hold Resistance per Ego Leech stack.
Ego Surge [TIER 2] You take a moment to focus your mental energy, harnessing it into a short burst of power that amplifies both your physical and mental capabilities. +Bonus Ego: 66/80/96 Ego, based on Rank >> 60/80/100 Ego, based on Rank Dual Wield [New Adv, N/A] +Your Ego Blade powers manifest two Id Blades instead of a single Id Blade. Nimble Mind [Adv, 2pts] +Ego Surge grants 5% Critical Chance and 15% Stealth Sight and Perception. Scales with your Level.
Ego Blade Annihilation [TIER 3] Ego Blade Annihilation strikes your foe down with a weapon crafted from your mental energy, brutalizing their body as well as shattering their psyche. [FX Change] Upon consuming stacks of Ego Leech, a shatter effect surrounds the target. -Now has a 20 second recharge. -No longer applies Ego Annihilation. +Power Damage: 425-760 Ego Damage >> 448-998 Ego Damage -Energy Cost: 57-73 Energy >> 46-100 Energy -No longer applies Ego Annihilation to your target. -No longer innately applies 5 stacks of Ego Leech over 10 seconds. +Fully charging Ego Blade Annihilation consumes your stacks of Ego Leech to deal 250 additional Ego Damage per Ego Leech stack. That target is also Feared and Stunned. Mental Acuity [Adv, 2pts] [FX Change] The shatter effect's size is increased to encompass the radius. +Increases the damage your Ego Blade Annihilation deals upon consuming stacks of Ego Leech by 30%. That damage your Ego Blade Annihilation deals upon consuming stacks of Ego Leech affects foes in a 10 foot Sphere. Mental Dominion [New Adv, 2pts] +Fully charging Ego Blade Annihilation applies Mental Focus to you. Mental Focus applies a stack of Ego Leech every 2 seconds over 10 seconds. Mind Splitter [New Adv, 2pts] +Ego Blade Annihilation has a 25%-100% to apply Stress.
Ego Blade Breach [TIER 3] Ego Blade Breach drives a weapon crafted from your mental energy into your foe, leaving their body and mind vulnerable to your mental assaults. +Power Damage: 126-270 Ego Damage >> 368-840 Ego Damage -Energy Cost: 27-43 Energy >> 38-88 Energy -Now has a 15 second recharge. -No longer Stuns your targets. -No longer innately refreshes stacks of Ego Leech to you. +Fully charging Ego Blade Breach Snares your target and applies Breached Mind to your target per Ego Leech stack. Breached Mind lowers Ego Damage Resistance by 6% and Dodge Chance by 2% for 6 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Domineering Will [Adv, 2pts] +Ego Blade Breach has a 25%-100% chance to apply Dependency. Malicious Intent [New Adv, 2pts] +Ego Blade Breach deals 30% bonus base damage to targets with less than 25% Health. Refreshed Memories [New Adv, 2pts] +Ego Blade Breach refreshes the duration of stacks of Ego Leech.
Telekinetic Maelstrom [TIER 3] Telekinetic Maelstrom crafts boulders from your mental energy and readies them before flinging them in all directions, battering foes struck and leaving them dazed. -Now has a 15 second recharge. +Applies Dependency and Stress to targets. -Inner Peace advantage removed. Geokinesis [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Maelstrom deals 50% of its base damage as Crushing Damage. Also Snares and Staggers targets. Rejuvenated Mind [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Maelstrom heals you for 100 Health Points for each target hit.
Telekinetic Lance [TIER 3] Telekinetic Lance constructs a lance from your mental energy and drives it through your foes that, should their minds be in pieces, bypasses their natural defenses. +Power Damage: 303-724 Ego Damage >> 428-978 Ego Damage -Energy Cost: 40-96 Energy >> 46-106 Energy -Now has a 20 second recharge. -No longer applies Ego Infusion to you. +Fully charging Telekinetic Lance consumes your stacks of Ego Leech to deal 250 additional Ego Damage per Ego Leech stack in a 10 foot Sphere that applies Stress. -Egomaniacal advantage removed. Assurance [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Lance has a 50% chance to not consume your stacks of Ego Leech. Id Infusion [Adv, 2pts] +Fully charging Telekinetic Lance applies Id Infusion to you. Id Infusion grants 5% Telekinesis Offense for 10 seconds. Kinetic Force [New Adv, 2pts] +Fully charging Telekinetic Lance Knocks Down and Disorients your target.
Telekinetic Barrage [TIER 3] Telekinetic Barrage focuses your wrath into a barrage of projectiles crafted from your mental energy that batters your foes, leaving them wracked with pain. [Icon Change] The icon should be distinguishable from Telekinetic Assault. +Telekinetic Barrage gains 5% Critical Chance and Critical Severity per Ego Leech stack. Cruel Intentions [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Barrage’s base damage increases while you maintain it. -Telekinetic Barrage’s Energy cost increases while you maintain it. Dazzle >> Dazzling Rush [Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Barrage has a 10% chance to Stun targets, increased by 2% per Ego Leech stack. +Fully maintaining Telekinetic Barrage Disorients and Stuns targets. Heavy Objects [New Adv, 2pts] +Telekinetic Barrage has a 10% chance to Knock Down targets, increased by 2% per Ego Leech stack.
Lance Rain [TIER 3] Lance Rain constructs numerous lances from your mental energy above your foes' heads, slamming them and bypasses their natural defenses should their minds be in pieces. -No longer applies Ego Infusion. -Power Recharge: 15 seconds >> 20 seconds +Fully charging Lance Rain consumes your stacks of Ego Leech to deal 250 additional Ego Damage per Ego Leech stack consumed that ignores your targets' Dodge Chance and 30% of their Ego Damage Resistance. Drop of Terror [New Adv, 2pts] +Lance Rain applies Dependency and instills Fear in targets. Encroaching Doom [New Adv, 2pts] +Lance Rain deals 30% bonus base damage to Held targets. Sudden Death [New Adv, 2pts] +Lance Rain deals its additional Ego Damage as Penetrating Damage.
Mental Impact [ULTIMATE] Mental Impact channels your mental energy into a massive mental construct in the form of a hand, flattening your foes to dust and absorbing what remains of their minds. +Roots targets. +Instills Fear in targets. +Applies Mental Focus to you. Mental Focus applies a stack of Ego Leech every 2 seconds over 10 seconds. +Applies Mental Weakness to targets. Mental Weakness lowers Damage Resistance and Ego Damage Resistance by 15% for 12 seconds. When Mental Weakness expires, it Disorients and Snares that target. Leave a Mark [Adv, 2pts] +Mental Impact applies Mental Imprint to your target. Mental Imprint deals 50 Ego Damage and generates 400 Threat every second for 10 seconds.
Ego Blade Lapse [TIER 1] Ego Blade Lapse quickly strikes your foe with a weapon crafted from your mental energy, leaving them dazed. [Animation] Swift Strike with an Ego Blade weapon. Melee Damage – Stun +10 feet +Click -18 Energy -15 second recharge +Deals 146 Ego Damage to your target. +Stuns your target. Lost Thoughts [Adv, 2pts] +Ego Blade Lapse applies or refreshes the duration of stacks of Ego Leech you have. Also depletes 10 Energy from your target per Ego Leech stack. Shattered Psyche [Adv, 2pts] +Ego Blade Lapse applies Trauma.
Telekinetic Shroud [TIER 2] Through intense concentration and force of will, you create a barrier of mental energy that lowers the effectiveness of attacks made against you. [Animation] An effect similar to Medusa’s self shield effect occurs. Self Buff – Self Damage Debuff -Click -80 Energy -90 second recharge +Applies Telekinetic Shroud to you. Telekinetic Shroud grants 3% Damage Resistance and 10% Knock and Repel Resistance for each stack of Ego Leech you have for 15 seconds. -Your Telekinetic Shroud reduces your Damage Strength by 25%. Battle of Wills [Adv, 2pts] +Your Telekinetic Shroud grants 10% Hold Resistance per Ego Leech stack. Deny Advantage [Adv, 2pts] +Your Telekinetic Shroud grants 25% resistance to Critical Hits. Reflective Barrier [Adv, 2pts] +Your Telekinetic Shroud deals 80 Ego Damage to attackers. This can't Critically Hit and can only occur once every 1 second. Safe Haven [Adv, 2pts] +Your Telekinetic Shroud heals you for 100 Health Points every 3 seconds.
Ego Blade Whirlwind [TIER 3] Ego Blade Whirlwind manifests a pair of weapons crafted from your mental energy while you whirl around, striking everything near you. [Animation] Sword Cyclone stance. The user always manifests two Ego Blades for this. When the user stops maintaining it, a Telekinetic Burst occurs with Ego Blade erupting from the user Melee AoE Damage – Stun +10 foot Sphere +Maintain -30 Energy initial cost; 20 Energy each pulse -20 second recharge +Deals 120 Ego Damage to targets around you. +Refreshes the duration of stacks of Ego Leech you have. +Gains 8% Damage Strength and 6% Critical Chance per Ego Leech stack. +When you stop maintaining Ego Blade Whirlwind, it consumes stacks of Ego Leech you have to deal 250 Ego Damage in a 10 foot Sphere for each stack consumed. Those targets are Stunned. Seeing Red [Adv, 2pts] -Ego Blade Whirlwind’s bonus Damage Strength is reduced to 6%. +Ego Blade Whirlwind gains 6% Critical Severity per Ego Leech stack. Wall of Swords [Adv, 2pts] +While maintaining Ego Blade Whirlwind, you gain 8% Damage Resistance per Ego Leech stack.
Mental Clones [TIER 3] You create two mental constructs in your image that have a fraction of your power. These constructs fight alongside you using attacks with weapons formed from mental energy. [Animation] The animation used by Medusa when she summons mental constructs in her image. The constructs have the same appearance as the user at the time of activation and have the same Ego Blade costume as the user. Summon – Damage +Charge -80 Energy -90 second recharge -Must be fully charged. +Summons two Mental Clones that fight alongside you for 15 seconds. Their damage scales with your Ego. +Each Mental Clone utilize attacks similar to Ego Blade Dash, Ego Blade Strikes, and Ego Blade Frenzy. Egomaniacal Crowd [Adv, 2pts] +Your Mental Clones gain 5% Critical Chance per Ego Leech stack. Sharing is Caring [Adv, 2pts] +Whenever you are healed, your Mental Clones are healed for 50% of that amount. -This can only occur once every 3 seconds. Violent End [Adv, 2pts] [FX Change] Whenever a Mental Cone expires, a Telekinetic Burst occurs +When your Mental Clones expire, they explode into mental energy which deals 200 Ego Damage in a 10 foot Sphere.
Another option on Mental Discipline would be to change it to provide stacks of +% Paranormal damage (similar to slotted passives - call it Mental ) rather than melee or ranged damage, so that it would work for both design types (keeping it in line with current Focus/Concentration %s, rather than a lesser amount due to the Power Set limitation). That would also make it attractive to non-CC Telepathy and Magic-based builds (I'd personally like to see a melee-Sorcery design at some point in the future, but you currently have to dip into non-Sorcery trees to do that).
Currently, given the stacking crit chances from most other abilities, a FF TK melee build would likely be better served by taking Form of the Tempest to build Focus stacks instead of Mental Discipline just for the ease of applying stacks.
Like others, I also believe Ego Blade Breach needs to have the resistance debuff, even if as a cost advantage. Otherwise, there is essentially no reason to ever use it over other abilities. Allowing the resistance debuff would make it a viable option to fold into a damage cycle rotation.
For thekrazzee: If Siphoning Strikes was reduced to healing 10 Health per stack of Ego Leech upon a critical strike, no one would ever take it for 3 advantage points.
Woo! Free respec for the one toon I have that actually uses Ego Surge. Or at least there should be.
Why not have EBB have the ego / paranormal debuff on tap like several Munitions powers do? And several other random utility advantages can be shoved in. The combo can simply be for doing lots of damage or self healing.
Do any of those "refreshes debuff" advantage apply the debuff if it's not there as well?
If the answer is no: why the F not? You need to apply a debuff with another power, have a main attack, then use some 3rd power that probably doesn't do anything even remotely looking like spike damage to refresh that debuff? Yeah, no.
If the answer is yes: put it in the tool tip so people don't have to beta test your stuff on live when they want to make a build.
Does Ego Choke still crap itself when the target is immune to the crowd control part? This and Heat Wave look like fun powers, but were always basically useless since the damn things stopped working before the full maintain. These would be cool looking single target main attacks.
New Ego Rev: Boo!
If Mental Discipline doesn't scale with ego: Boo!
Pooping on existing builds not the best idea. Respec is one thing, forcing people to re-do all of their mods is another. It's how you piss people off to not play the game any more. Are you going to give existing TK builds a bunch of Questionite to rip out mods? No? Then stop effing with stats on powers. Especially considering it's possible someone spent money on expensive-**** catalysts to rank up mods and now you're potentially telling them to spend more money to fix what you broke on their build.
Ulitmates should be fun and exciting to use, the change to master of the minds does the opposite. Being an over-glorified AO that puts other, more useful AOs, on CD does nothing but gimp the characters who take it.
Ego should be the primary stat for the powerset, after most of the powers are ego based powers.
For thekrazzee: If Siphoning Strikes was reduced to healing 10 Health per stack of Ego Leech upon a critical strike, no one would ever take it for 3 advantage points.
It's not a flat 10 Health on a critical. That increases with your Critical Severity and with each of Ego Leech you have, on top of bonus healing and level. It starts out small, but can build up to much greater healing. Nonetheless, that's a number I felt would be a good starting point as it increased as you fought. These changes is something that'd let the advantage heal you without sacrificing the combo's damage.
Ego Blade Breach is weaker now? Really? One of the weaker melee sets, get's a nerf? What is the point of that... please explain the benefit to this change!
Already, ruined LR. Now making the only "real" hard hitter (If that) in this set weaker? Not happy.
Agree with making EGO the stat the Form should scale on (at least one of 2 stats, even). It's quite annoying to take Ego as a Primary Superstat or Secondary SuperStat but never try to maximize it because a different stat is significantly better (Dex). Damage is supposed to be scaling on Ego. It should be synergized that way. Similar to the way Str is for Might and Dex for MA (can mix and match a bit between those, too)
EBB getting nerfed several ways is also annoying. Heck, maybe my CCer will like it because it hits with medium damage and applies a stun. Maybe not, though. Otherwise, the guaranteed stun for a full charge is not going to be useful at much of the high end content for previously discussed reasons.
So far, it seems that we're being funneled into EBA as a "must have" for the melee character and TK Lance as a "must have" for ranged IF you want high dps. As with others, I like OPTIONS. Having EBB as a hard hitter was fine. If it needs an "apply X" from a second power to maximize it, that's fine. I don't mind rotating with some powers. What I don't like is having multiple characters that use a powerset all of a sudden needing to use the same powers to be effective. And high dps is needed at all cosmics and much of the other high end content.
tl;dr EGO is the stat that should be in the FORM. EBB doesn't need to be nerfed into non-use.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=- "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
- I feel like the Stress advantage on Ego Weaponry is unnecessary, should probably be put on Ego Blade Breach as an innate debuff. Move the stun back out of Ego Blade Breach and onto an advantage called "Stunning Blow" or something to that effect. - A few of the bugs I mentioned earlier are still present, most importantly, the Ego Weaponry ones (Rank 2 + Siphoning Strikes is not behaving itself). - Please consider adding an innate repel to Telekinetic Barrage which works up to 50ft range but not beyond. - Time permitting...please add some interesting geo for Telekinetic Barrage too.
Hrm...there's nothing aside from perhaps character limitations to stop TK characters from creating telekinetic constructs and flinging that at enemies...?
Having said that...there could be a 0 point advantage called: "Move The Earth" which allows for the original FX to be applied? Doubt it would happen though.
Hrm...there's nothing aside from perhaps character limitations to stop TK characters from creating telekinetic constructs and flinging that at enemies...?
Look over in telepathy for that. Either summon nightmares or collective will.
Having said that...there could be a 0 point advantage called: "Move The Earth" which allows for the original FX to be applied? Doubt it would happen though.
Highly unlikely since they don't like 0 point advantages.
Stick a pin in that for when Earth's revamp comes around. An earthy clone of it would fit there nicely.
(Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
Hrm...there's nothing aside from perhaps character limitations to stop TK characters from creating telekinetic constructs and flinging that at enemies...?
Look over in telepathy for that. Either summon nightmares or collective will.
Firstly, no.
Secondly, wat?
We have stuff like TK Lance and somewhat fancy swords made out of telekinetic energy constructs...there's no reason why rock-like shapes can't also be a thing to throw at enemies.
Don't get me wrong. I prefer the old rocks but honestly...both work.
It's not as if it's been changed from rocks to...unicorn horns ( )
Ego Blade Breach Debuff, was the last debuff left which was perfect debuff for 3 different damage types (magic, celestial, ego)
RIP crosspowerframe synergy
Telekinetic Maelstrom
Corrected the cost on this power as it was using an outdated formula. Cost has gone up a bit. Now deals Ego Damage instead of crushing. Adjusted the rock FX to have psionic material to fit the ego damage type.
You need to make an EARTH version of this power now, because my Earth mage had been using Telekinetic Maelstorm for both theme, damage and utility
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
I already quoted someone else saying this, But I really do hope you reconsider Mental Discipline having Focus, and Instead give it a new buff that increases all Ego damage by a set amount, and scales with EGO.
re: Telekinetic Maelstrom The point here is that, there are few powers within Telekinesis related to actually moving stuff with your mind (as opposed to constructs), so there’s a feeling from players who enjoy them of something maybe being lost or taken away, and for what reason? Why not create a new power instead? It’s killing (endangered) theme/flavor and if I’m being honest, the new VFX just… isn’t good, at all, I’m sorry. A poor change all around, IMO.
To help make a case against the VFX adjustment:
...TK-charged rocks could hit with Ego damage just fine.
I already quoted someone else saying this, But I really do hope you reconsider Mental Discipline having Focus, and Instead give it a new buff that increases all Ego damage by a set amount, and scales with EGO.
Paranormal damage might be a better choice, since it at least gives it partial cross-framework potential. It really should scale with Ego though. Scaling with Dex is stupid because I can just use Form of the Tempest otherwise. Depending how annoying MD's trigger conditions turn out to be, using FotT might even be preferred.
(Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
re: Telekinetic Maelstrom The point here is that, there are few powers within Telekinesis related to actually moving stuff with your mind (as opposed to constructs), so there’s a feeling from players who enjoy them of something maybe being lost or taken away, and for what reason? Why not create a new power instead? It’s killing (endangered) theme/flavor and if I’m being honest, the new VFX just… isn’t good, at all, I’m sorry. A poor change all around, IMO.
To help make a case against the VFX adjustment:
...TK-charged rocks could hit with Ego damage just fine.
Yeah, like you said, the LIVE version just has the TK aura around it to "explain" the ego damage. I feel like this change was done to purely keep TK ego damage and nothing else, which is a shame. I think at this stage a copy of current TK Maelstrom put within Earth might be what happens at best.
I hope we see an update soon and this doesnt just all go LIVE....
Ego Weaponry
Made some timing adjustments to ego weaponry's double hit on the third attack so it hits when you visually hit the target. Ego Leech's chance to apply is now guaranteed while affected by Ego Infusion. Lowered the initial chances of applying Ego Leech.
Increased the activation time on this power's last hit to 0.83 (from 0.75). Damage has been adjusted for the activation change.
Good news, we don't have to rely on forms for 100% chance for EGO LEECH, i like it requires Inset power buff
Bad News, you need Ego leech stacks to rapture to get the Ego Infusion in the first place...
Telekinetic Assault
Moved to Tier3.
Base damage increased. Cost increased. No longer applies Ego Leech.
No longer inherently gains crit chance based on Ego Leech stacks.
Gains bonus damage based on stacks of Ego Leech on you. Removed Siphoning Strikes and Stressed Out advantages.
Either this will kill the synergy with TK Lance, or make them equal in rotation or complety breaks the rotation
also, when Siphoning Strikes was given to TK Assault? I sure hope it wont get removed from the Melee TK combo...
New Power: Telekinetic Strikes
Tier 0 combo ranged power.
Has a chance to apply Ego Leech each hit. This chance becomes guaranteed if affected by Ego Infusion.
Advantage: Siphoning Strikes Advantage: Stress Out
FX are placeholder.
Meh, way too many utility powers and ADVs now to archieve the same theme build
New Power: Telekinetic Lariat
Knocks target to you and applies a stack of Ego Leech.
Unlike other Lariat powers this power has no charge time.
Advantage: Inner Peace
Advantage: Nailed to the Ground
Oh great... more Chain reskins... URG those cheap cookie cutter reskin powers are so TASTELESS
Can't say I wasn't expecting on for melee TK, if anything those chains should be called melee homogenization
Dark Tether
Updated fx.
Oh does it use the Roine'sh tentacles FX now? I hope it does
Ego Blade Breach Moved to Tier 2.
Slightly increased damage.
Removed Stun.
New Advantage: Snares targets. Knocks down when fully charged.
R.I.P Lego Blade Bleach
You have many people stated in the thread that they want EBB to be on the same damage tier with EBA, why can't you gives us more OPTIONS?
and another power useless for PvE, can't those stun-trauma powers get more useful advs for PvE?
Mind Break
Will no longer rupture other user's stacks of Stress, Dependency or Regret.
Adjusted effects for new stack caps.
This is great update, it's a same the power is barely popular in the first place
Power Changes
Fixed a bug where Ego Blades was using an outdated formula for how the Ego stat scaled its melee damage bonus. Whoops.
but what if I want to remain DEX melee TK DPS and not invest on EGO?
Post edited by avianos on
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
So my next question is why does Telekinesis need a lariat animation to yank people over to the player? It's Telekinesis! Swipe the animation from the choke power, and be done with it. I'm trying to play Jean Grey/ Magneto/ Tatsumaki here, not Scorpion.
Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.
TK Barrage: Dazzle This just seems like a great way to make your targets hold immune really fast. Might be better with Manipulator... unless stuns overlap ( Raven do they overlap? ) Could maybe use a "this can only happen once every 2 seconds" stipulation?
TK Assault I love siphoning strikes on this. Also, finally an ego debuff for my ranged ego dps \o/
TK Shards not really impressed with this power. I see the point but it seems like it could use something else. Would be neat to take the Dazzle effect from TK Barrage and put it on this instead. Then replace the Dazzle effect on barrage with some sort of knock back or something.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
> Well, that was money well wasted on upgrading that TK mod for Sanguine. Ah well, I knew this was coming and did it anyways. Though I was hoping deep down maybe the possibility existed that TK blades would finally get something that wasn't a nerf for once in 7 years.
> So when are the MA nerfs coming?
> At least frenzy is a pbaoe now.
Amen, brother. This feels more like a nerf to what was already perhaps the weakest CO melee set. I spent money upgrading my TK mod as well.
I hope Cryptic reconsiders and does this right. TK blades needed beefing up, not nerfing.
Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.
Supporter of the Titan Project.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Like Bestial/Single Blade Bleed which needs Enraged and Focus to have 100% Bleed chance and Laser Sword who need Particle Accelerator to have 100% Plasma
I personally HATE IT, i don't want to count of my Toggle Form, i got Single Blade builds with enraged ruined because of this
Perhaps steadfast will change when MA get revamped, who knows
personally Im ok with REC scaling EUs
For toggles and AD / AO , Please have them work with EGO and both Mentalist Ranged and Melee powers.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
If I'm already taking, say, Lightspeed Strike and nothing else from the Laser Sword tree, I'm already shortchanging myself as it is, since it's meant to work alongside other, stronger powers. Having a reduced chance to apply Plasma Burn because I didn't take the right form is really just a double-whammy. One that further limits creativity in character builds. It's fine because it's an optional advantage that you won't take if you want the power for raw damage. Where it shines is if you're using Sentinel Mastery, but find that Venomous Breath + Paralytic Bile, Flamethrow + Panic, etc don't fit your theme.
Look at that, we might actually agree on something for once! While it certainly looks cool, it feels too much like a maintenance-y button, and not even a very good one. Some other approaches to this power
- Sniper Rifle for TK (high damage, long charge, interrupted upon damage, long range)
- Force Detonation for TK. Puts the "throw objects around with your mind" back into "telekinesis." Could retain the debuff refresh baseline effect and advantage for the primary target, even be reduced to single target only due to its increased utility and faster activation.
- Additional utility advantages, like "apply a stack of bleeding or open wounds" or "roots the target" (you're pinning them down with the shards) etc.
As things stand now, I see both this and its melee counterpart (Ego Blade Breach) being something people are going to want to skip if possible. And no, heavyhanding the mechanics in some way to make the debuff refreshes feel mandatory is the wrong approach.That said, the snap animation feels too force-like. It'd be more appropriate if the animation involved putting the user's hand to their head, kind of like with Mind Drain.
Periodically when you go to use Telekinetic Assault
Telekinetic Assault's effects do not appear while maintaining the power
Ego Surge
Nimble Mind: Ego Surge grants Critical Chance, Stealth Sight, and Perception. Scales with your Level.
Mental Impact
Mental Impact channels your mental energy into a massive mental construct in the form of a hand, flattening your foes to dust and absorbing what remains of their minds.
+Changed description.
+Roots targets.
+Instills Fear in targets.
+Applies Mental Focus to you. Mental Focus applies a stack of Ego Leech every 2 seconds over 10 seconds.
+Applies Mental Weakness to targets. Mental Weakness lowers Damage Resistance and Ego Damage
Resistance by 15% for 12 seconds. When Mental Weakness expires, targets are Disoriented and Snared.
+Leave a Mark: Mental Impact applies Mental Imprint to your target. Mental Imprint deals Ego Damage every second for 10 seconds. This damage generates high Threat.
(New Power) Telekinetic Shroud
Through intense concentration and force of will, you create a barrier of mental energy that lowers the effectiveness of attacks made against you.
-90 second recharge
+Self Buff that grants Damage Resistance, Knock Resistance, and Repel Resistance for each stack of Ego Leech you have for 15 seconds.
+Battle of Wills (Adv, 2pts): Telekinetic Shroud grants 30% Hold Resistance.
+Deny Advantage (Adv, 2pts): Telekinetic Shroud reduces the damage you take from Critical Strikes by 25%.
+Reflective Barrier (Adv, 2pts): Telekinetic Shroud deals 80 Ego Damage to attackers. This damage cannot Critically Hit.
+Safe Haven (Adv, 2pts): Telekinetic Shroud heals you every 3 seconds.
Basically following the crowd here with comments, move of debuff to Ego Weaponry-tap and 'recharge/refresh' stacks EBB plus changing Mental form to focus stacks just makes it play like every other blade. (Refresh debuff is slightly new). Added to that move seems to have made one of the nice "large" 4 power sets down into one with EW weighted to high in usefulness (important advantages/uses), and EBB a hanger on
TK Eruption: The time increase advantages was really useful here
(Classic) Mental Discipline: It's nice to have some forms that don't build stacks. It's a) different b) prevents "one build to rule them all" where we all just play +Con// all day long
EBB keeps debuff and charge decrease stays (so needed!), (Classic) Mental Discipline and (New) Mental Discipline both go in game. (Classic) Mental Discipline gets a pass to see if it needs buffing, or some secondary scaling with SS as well as the Ego Leech stacks. Thinking some hybrid of Targeting Computer (passive) and a form. Pseudo-Passives with light scaling
Honestly I'd like to see more forms like (Classic MD)
Lance Rain (the OV power): Always does full charge (or uses all energy) on tap, but it sounds more like a standard tap or charge power in description. [Charge description should be tap, specify all energy used and if fully charged does blah blah blah]
I had been using both Melee and Range TK blade characters for 5 years, and this is worrying me
Range TK had good DPS but Melee TK was really underwelming
i already dislike the NERF on Ego Blade Breach and the fact you need a Form to have 100% chance to have Ego Leech via the combo
also people not being impressed with Telekinetic Barrage and Telekinetic Shards, we want new powers, but whats the point if they are not impressive?
Tier III. It seems to be where powers go to die.
Cheers for the fix to TK Lance - that was a big problem - but please reconsider the changes to the EU. The set has never been OP enough (and certainly isn't now, with the Ego Surge nerf) for the EU stat scaling choices to be a problem. Consistency is nice, but TK is a technical set at the best of times and adding additional stat requirements to it is unwelcome.
And it seems the only way sets are going to be balanced is by making them all the same, and that is taking away a lot of what makes CO interesting and the sets have their own unique feel. Please stop that, I am starting to hope for less revamps at this rate.
Please keep a form that uses Ego for scaling and has its own stacks.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
But about Mental Discipline... it should be the signature form of the powerset and not become a reskined martial arts form. So what about something like this...
Mental Discipline
+Grants stacks of Mental Acuity/Psionic Power/etc (I'm not good with creative buff names)
+Each stack of this form increases your Melee and Ranged damage by XX%. Stacks up to 5 times
+You receive a stack of this form each time you apply a Mental State (Stress, Regret, Dependency, Fear or Disorient) to a foe once every 3 seconds. (If this form grants less stacks than the regular ones, remove one second for stack obtention please)
+You receive a burst of energy each time you gain a stack. You can gain energy this way once every 4 seconds.
+This form scales with your Ego OR your Dexterity, whichever is higher.
I like this, OPTIONS
and we haven't got a NEW form that scales with 2 SS since Chilled Form
everything else is only 1 Stat
look forward toeagerly anticipate testing those Telepathy changes next week...My Characters on PRIMUS
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I am @RavenForce in game
And now Ego doesn't seem to fit into the Ego damage framework. Weird.
I don't agree with what has happened to this power testing prior to this change, the debuff it had did cause complications as both versions of the same power had access to different versions of the same debuff which meant they stacked.
Obviously making, them just the same would have been easier IMO, but I'm not a Developer.
I will definitely miss this power as the "Ego Dragon's Wrath" style animation it's been severely relegated and I'd like to see that reverted and something else done instead.
Also forcing the previous Domineering Will advantage to be innate to the power is kind of horrible.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
But again, I doubt DEVs will take in account those feedbacks
Can't we make EBB and EBA on the same DPS lvl potential like Annihilate and Skewer from HW?
Downgrading EBB into utility kills the variety on the framework, there are people who are using it as main attack instead of EBA
The Utility given to it is horrible Ego Blade Annihilation damage is STILL incredible underwelming, so Ego Blade Breach got sacrificed for nothing
Aqa did some DPS testing, and compared to a Bestial DPS build, the DPS of EBA is not even Half of Massacre
Why Focus stacks? The set has a lot of critical chance, I can just run Form of the Tempest if I want focus. Or Form of the Tiger by grabbing anything that can be charged.
Why is the Mentalist tree, which is all about the MIND focused on DEXTERITY, RECOVERY and ENDURANCE?
The Melee TK needs more powers. There's little option for what powers to pick right now. There's also not really much to do just for damage while you wait your 5 ego stacks to come back from an Annihilation.
If you want to force Melee TK to be squishy, thats fine (not really), but it should be rewarded for so, rather than doing same or less damage than the other trees.
Personally ranged TK feels good- but only barely a little more than it used to be. Not sure I like the changes to Lance rain, though you did mention its incomplete, so I won't judge it yet fully, only: The energy cost is immensely high, which is an issue since it isn't being lowered by "Mentalist cost discount" buffs.
Hope you guys do this right, the Mentalist trees are my second most favorite concept-wise.
Suggestion: Mental Discipline should have a new buff than Focus. Call it maybe "Superego" and have it increase Ego Damage (and perhaps all other damage by a smaller amount), buff amount should be based on Ego. Ranged TK is a good chunk of the set, it makes no sense to make them not benefit anymore from the in framework form.
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[b]Edit;[b/] WOW Kallethen Had the exact same thought before I did. lol
And I really hope they choose to do this. Because there is no reason to choose Focus for Mental Discipline. There wouldn't be a reason to choose it over FotT on ANY other set. And an Ego set doesn't need to be getting it's form bonuses from another stat.
Current Powers
Ego Blade [TIER 0]
Ego Blade creates a weapon from your mental energy, slicing away at your foes with it.
Leeching Strikes [Adv, 1pt]
+Ego Blade has a 15% (30% on the initial attack) to apply Ego Leech.
Kinetic Darts>> Telekinetic Darts [TIER 0]Telekinetic Darts fires projectiles crafted from your mental energy at your foes.
Leeching Strikes [Adv, 1pt]
+See Ego Blade.
Ego Weaponry>> Ego Blade Strikes [TIER 0]Ego Blade Strikes assaults your foes with a series of powerful attacks with a weapon crafted from your mental energy.
-Stressing Out advantage removed.
Hard Light [New Adv, 2pts]
+Ego Blade Strikes has 10% chance to Knock Down targets.
+Finishing the combo Knocks Down targets.
Siphoning Strikes [Adv, 3pts]
-Ego Blade Strikes’ Energy cost is increased by 50%.
+Ego Blade Strikes becomes a Life Drain power. Scoring a Critical Hit with Ego Blade Strikes heals you for 10 Health Points per Ego Leech stack. Scales with your Critical Severity.
Thought Sever [Adv, 2pts]
+Ego Blade Strikes has a 10% chance to apply Stress, increased by 3% per Ego Leech stack.
+Finishing the combo has a 50% chance to apply Stress, increased by 10% per Ego Leech stack.
Telekinetic Assault [TIER 0]
Telekinetic Assault unleashes a sustained assault of projectiles crafted from your mental energy upon your foe.
[FX Change] The user emits telekinetic darts at the target. At the very least, fix it so that its effects always appear when it’s being used.
-Explosive Potential, Siphoning Strikes, and Stressing Out advantages removed.
Heavy Impact [New Adv, 2pts]
+Fully maintaining Telekinetic Assault Knocks Down and Snares your target.
Irritating Assault [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Assault has a 10% chance to apply Stress.
Perforating Darts [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Assault has a 2 foot Cylinder, hitting up to three targets.
Ego Blade Frenzy [TIER 1]
Ego Blade Frenzy slashes away at any and all foes near you with a weapon crafted from your mental energy.
-Instill Doubt and Mental Block advantages removed.
Dream Eater [New Adv, 2pts]
+Ego Blade Frenzy has a 10% chance to heal you for 80 Health Points and apply a stack of Dependency to targets.
Spiteful Counter [New Adv, 2pts]
+While maintaining Ego Blade Frenzy, foes within 25 feet of you that attack you are dealt 60 Ego Damage.
Unnerving Rage [Adv, 2pts]
+Ego Blade Frenzy has a 30% chance to Root targets.
+Ego Blade Frenzy has a 15% chance to instill Fear in targets.
Telekinesis [TIER 1]
Mental Strength [New Adv, 2pts]
+Objects thrown by your Telekinesis deal 7% bonus damage per Ego Leech stack.
Telekinetic Burst [TIER 1]
Telekinetic Burst focuses mental energy at your foes' location and unleashes it in a telekinetic explosion that rattles their minds.
[FX Change] The swords produced by Telekinetic Burst are linked to the user's Telekinetic Sword weapon.
+Changed description.
+Power Damage: 171-487 Ego Damage >> 194-650 Ego Damage
+Energy Cost: 42-84 Energy >> 30-74 Energy
-Now has a 5 second recharge.
+30%-100% chance to apply Ego Leech.
Explosive Potential [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Burst deals 3% bonus base damage per Ego Leech stack.
Shellshock [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Burst has a 30%-100% chance to Snare and Stagger targets.
Ego Blade Dash [TIER 1]
Ego Blade Dash creates a weapon from your mental energy as you rush into melee range of your target.
Id Mastery [TIER 1]
Your mental prowess empowers your weapon constructs and telekinetic force. Not only that, it strengthens your physical power as well as lessening the effects of attacks made against you.
+Increases your Ego by 3/4/5 for each stack of Ego Leech you have, based on Rank.
Mental Discipline [TIER 1]
You become more attune with your mental energy the more you strike at your foes’ minds, allowing your attacks to strike at their weak points more often.
-No longer applies stacks of Focus.
+Applies stacks of Mental Accuracy to you. Mental Accuracy grants 2% Damage Strength and 1% Critical Severity for 20 seconds. Scales with your Ego.
Telekinetic Fury [New Adv, 2pts]
+While slotted, Mental Discipline increases your Ego Damage Strength by 2% per Ego Leech stack.
Telekinetic Reverberation>> Mental Recovery [TIER 1]The mind is a terrible thing to waste, and you are capable of draining the energy from foes who fail to heed those words.
+Grants Energy whenever you apply, refresh, or consume a Mental State.
Telekinetic Eruption [TIER 2]
Telekinetic Eruption gathers a vast amount of your mental energy into a massive blast around you, sending nearby foes away from you. Whatever energy remains you focus inward, empowering yourself for a short time.
+Knock Back scales with charge time; you don’t need to charge it for more than 1 second.
-Fully charging Telekinetic Eruption applies Id Surge to yourself.
-Fully charging Telekinetic Eruption imposes a 20 second cooldown on itself.
Center of Madness [New Adv, 2pts]
+Fully charging Telekinetic Eruption Knocks targets towards you and Snares them instead of Knocking them Back.
Inner Peace>> Refocus [Adv, 2pts]+Fully charging Telekinetic Eruption applies Restoration.
Telekinetic Shards [TIER 2]
Telekinetic Shards crafts shrapnel from your mental energy and slams it into your foe, damaging them and anyone else near you.
+Power Damage: 139 Ego Damage >> 480 Ego Damage
+Applies Stress to your target.
-Impaled advantage removed.
Bad Memories [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Shards Paralyzes your primary target instead of Knocking them Down.
Brain Shredder [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Shards gains 3% Critical Chance and Critical Severity per Ego Leech stack.
Telekinetic Wave [TIER 2]
-Energy Cost: 31-74 Energy >> 34-82 Energy
-Power Recharge: 10 seconds >> 12 seconds
+Telekinetic Wave deals 3%/4%/5% bonus base damage per Ego Leech stack, based on Rank.
Mental Fortitude [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Wave applies Defiant to you for each target hit.
Psychic Tides [Adv, 2pts]
+Fully charging Telekinetic Wave depletes 20 Energy.
+Fully charging Telekinetic Wave applies Mental Exhaustion to targets that have an Energy Bar. Mental Exhaustion lowers Energy Equilibrium to 1 and reduces Energy Generation by 15% for 10 seconds.
Ego Hold>> Ego Prison [TIER 2]Ego Prison wraps a foe in strands of mental energy, keeping them in place and from attacking.
+Applies a stack of Ego Leech to you.
Duress [New Adv, 2pts]
+When the Paralyze applied by Ego Prison expires, it deals 300 Ego Damage to the target. The target is also Disoriented.
Mass Effect [Adv, 2pts]
+Ego Prison Roots and Snares foes within 10 feet of your target.
Ego Choke>> Telekinetic Choke [TIER 2]Telekinetic Choke focuses mental energy into a constricting grip around a foe's neck from afar, punishing them for having the gall to stand against you.
Lack of Faith [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Choke ignores 5% of your target's Ego Damage Resistance and Hold Resistance per Ego Leech stack.
Ego Surge [TIER 2]
You take a moment to focus your mental energy, harnessing it into a short burst of power that amplifies both your physical and mental capabilities.
+Bonus Ego: 66/80/96 Ego, based on Rank >> 60/80/100 Ego, based on Rank
Dual Wield [New Adv, N/A]
+Your Ego Blade powers manifest two Id Blades instead of a single Id Blade.
Nimble Mind [Adv, 2pts]
+Ego Surge grants 5% Critical Chance and 15% Stealth Sight and Perception. Scales with your Level.
Ego Blade Annihilation [TIER 3]
Ego Blade Annihilation strikes your foe down with a weapon crafted from your mental energy, brutalizing their body as well as shattering their psyche.
[FX Change] Upon consuming stacks of Ego Leech, a shatter effect surrounds the target.
-Now has a 20 second recharge.
-No longer applies Ego Annihilation.
+Power Damage: 425-760 Ego Damage >> 448-998 Ego Damage
-Energy Cost: 57-73 Energy >> 46-100 Energy
-No longer applies Ego Annihilation to your target.
-No longer innately applies 5 stacks of Ego Leech over 10 seconds.
+Fully charging Ego Blade Annihilation consumes your stacks of Ego Leech to deal 250 additional Ego Damage per Ego Leech stack. That target is also Feared and Stunned.
Mental Acuity [Adv, 2pts]
[FX Change] The shatter effect's size is increased to encompass the radius.
+Increases the damage your Ego Blade Annihilation deals upon consuming stacks of Ego Leech by 30%. That damage your Ego Blade Annihilation deals upon consuming stacks of Ego Leech affects foes in a 10 foot Sphere.
Mental Dominion [New Adv, 2pts]
+Fully charging Ego Blade Annihilation applies Mental Focus to you. Mental Focus applies a stack of
Ego Leech every 2 seconds over 10 seconds.
Mind Splitter [New Adv, 2pts]
+Ego Blade Annihilation has a 25%-100% to apply Stress.
Ego Blade Breach [TIER 3]
Ego Blade Breach drives a weapon crafted from your mental energy into your foe, leaving their body and mind vulnerable to your mental assaults.
+Power Damage: 126-270 Ego Damage >> 368-840 Ego Damage
-Energy Cost: 27-43 Energy >> 38-88 Energy
-Now has a 15 second recharge.
-No longer Stuns your targets.
-No longer innately refreshes stacks of Ego Leech to you.
+Fully charging Ego Blade Breach Snares your target and applies Breached Mind to your target per Ego Leech stack. Breached Mind lowers Ego Damage Resistance by 6% and Dodge Chance by 2% for 6 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
Domineering Will [Adv, 2pts]
+Ego Blade Breach has a 25%-100% chance to apply Dependency.
Malicious Intent [New Adv, 2pts]
+Ego Blade Breach deals 30% bonus base damage to targets with less than 25% Health.
Refreshed Memories [New Adv, 2pts]
+Ego Blade Breach refreshes the duration of stacks of Ego Leech.
Telekinetic Maelstrom [TIER 3]
Telekinetic Maelstrom crafts boulders from your mental energy and readies them before flinging them in all directions, battering foes struck and leaving them dazed.
-Now has a 15 second recharge.
+Applies Dependency and Stress to targets.
-Inner Peace advantage removed.
Geokinesis [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Maelstrom deals 50% of its base damage as Crushing Damage. Also Snares and Staggers targets.
Rejuvenated Mind [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Maelstrom heals you for 100 Health Points for each target hit.
Telekinetic Lance [TIER 3]
Telekinetic Lance constructs a lance from your mental energy and drives it through your foes that, should their minds be in pieces, bypasses their natural defenses.
+Power Damage: 303-724 Ego Damage >> 428-978 Ego Damage
-Energy Cost: 40-96 Energy >> 46-106 Energy
-Now has a 20 second recharge.
-No longer applies Ego Infusion to you.
+Fully charging Telekinetic Lance consumes your stacks of Ego Leech to deal 250 additional Ego Damage per Ego Leech stack in a 10 foot Sphere that applies Stress.
-Egomaniacal advantage removed.
Assurance [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Lance has a 50% chance to not consume your stacks of Ego Leech.
Id Infusion [Adv, 2pts]
+Fully charging Telekinetic Lance applies Id Infusion to you. Id Infusion grants 5% Telekinesis Offense for 10 seconds.
Kinetic Force [New Adv, 2pts]
+Fully charging Telekinetic Lance Knocks Down and Disorients your target.
Telekinetic Barrage [TIER 3]
Telekinetic Barrage focuses your wrath into a barrage of projectiles crafted from your mental energy that batters your foes, leaving them wracked with pain.
[Icon Change] The icon should be distinguishable from Telekinetic Assault.
+Telekinetic Barrage gains 5% Critical Chance and Critical Severity per Ego Leech stack.
Cruel Intentions [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Barrage’s base damage increases while you maintain it.
-Telekinetic Barrage’s Energy cost increases while you maintain it.
Dazzle>> Dazzling Rush [Adv, 2pts]+Telekinetic Barrage has a 10% chance to Stun targets, increased by 2% per Ego Leech stack.
+Fully maintaining Telekinetic Barrage Disorients and Stuns targets.
Heavy Objects [New Adv, 2pts]
+Telekinetic Barrage has a 10% chance to Knock Down targets, increased by 2% per Ego Leech stack.
Lance Rain [TIER 3]
Lance Rain constructs numerous lances from your mental energy above your foes' heads, slamming them and bypasses their natural defenses should their minds be in pieces.
-No longer applies Ego Infusion.
-Power Recharge: 15 seconds >> 20 seconds
+Fully charging Lance Rain consumes your stacks of Ego Leech to deal 250 additional Ego Damage per Ego Leech stack consumed that ignores your targets' Dodge Chance and 30% of their Ego Damage Resistance.
Drop of Terror [New Adv, 2pts]
+Lance Rain applies Dependency and instills Fear in targets.
Encroaching Doom [New Adv, 2pts]
+Lance Rain deals 30% bonus base damage to Held targets.
Sudden Death [New Adv, 2pts]
+Lance Rain deals its additional Ego Damage as Penetrating Damage.
Mental Impact [ULTIMATE]
Mental Impact channels your mental energy into a massive mental construct in the form of a hand, flattening your foes to dust and absorbing what remains of their minds.
+Roots targets.
+Instills Fear in targets.
+Applies Mental Focus to you. Mental Focus applies a stack of Ego Leech every 2 seconds over 10 seconds.
+Applies Mental Weakness to targets. Mental Weakness lowers Damage Resistance and Ego Damage Resistance by 15% for 12 seconds. When Mental Weakness expires, it Disorients and Snares that target.
Leave a Mark [Adv, 2pts]
+Mental Impact applies Mental Imprint to your target. Mental Imprint deals 50 Ego Damage and generates 400 Threat every second for 10 seconds.
Ego Blade Lapse [TIER 1]
Ego Blade Lapse quickly strikes your foe with a weapon crafted from your mental energy, leaving them dazed.
[Animation] Swift Strike with an Ego Blade weapon.
Melee Damage – Stun
+10 feet
-18 Energy
-15 second recharge
+Deals 146 Ego Damage to your target.
+Stuns your target.
Lost Thoughts [Adv, 2pts]
+Ego Blade Lapse applies or refreshes the duration of stacks of Ego Leech you have. Also depletes 10 Energy from your target per Ego Leech stack.
Shattered Psyche [Adv, 2pts]
+Ego Blade Lapse applies Trauma.
Telekinetic Shroud [TIER 2]
Through intense concentration and force of will, you create a barrier of mental energy that lowers the effectiveness of attacks made against you.
[Animation] An effect similar to Medusa’s self shield effect occurs.
Self Buff – Self Damage Debuff
-80 Energy
-90 second recharge
+Applies Telekinetic Shroud to you. Telekinetic Shroud grants 3% Damage Resistance and 10% Knock and Repel Resistance for each stack of Ego Leech you have for 15 seconds.
-Your Telekinetic Shroud reduces your Damage Strength by 25%.
Battle of Wills [Adv, 2pts]
+Your Telekinetic Shroud grants 10% Hold Resistance per Ego Leech stack.
Deny Advantage [Adv, 2pts]
+Your Telekinetic Shroud grants 25% resistance to Critical Hits.
Reflective Barrier [Adv, 2pts]
+Your Telekinetic Shroud deals 80 Ego Damage to attackers. This can't Critically Hit and can only occur once every 1 second.
Safe Haven [Adv, 2pts]
+Your Telekinetic Shroud heals you for 100 Health Points every 3 seconds.
Ego Blade Whirlwind [TIER 3]
Ego Blade Whirlwind manifests a pair of weapons crafted from your mental energy while you whirl around, striking everything near you.
[Animation] Sword Cyclone stance. The user always manifests two Ego Blades for this. When the user stops maintaining it, a Telekinetic Burst occurs with Ego Blade erupting from the user
Melee AoE Damage – Stun
+10 foot Sphere
-30 Energy initial cost; 20 Energy each pulse
-20 second recharge
+Deals 120 Ego Damage to targets around you.
+Refreshes the duration of stacks of Ego Leech you have.
+Gains 8% Damage Strength and 6% Critical Chance per Ego Leech stack.
+When you stop maintaining Ego Blade Whirlwind, it consumes stacks of Ego Leech you have to deal 250 Ego Damage in a 10 foot Sphere for each stack consumed. Those targets are Stunned.
Seeing Red [Adv, 2pts]
-Ego Blade Whirlwind’s bonus Damage Strength is reduced to 6%.
+Ego Blade Whirlwind gains 6% Critical Severity per Ego Leech stack.
Wall of Swords [Adv, 2pts]
+While maintaining Ego Blade Whirlwind, you gain 8% Damage Resistance per Ego Leech stack.
Mental Clones [TIER 3]
You create two mental constructs in your image that have a fraction of your power. These constructs fight alongside you using attacks with weapons formed from mental energy.
[Animation] The animation used by Medusa when she summons mental constructs in her image. The constructs have the same appearance as the user at the time of activation and have the same Ego Blade costume as the user.
Summon – Damage
-80 Energy
-90 second recharge
-Must be fully charged.
+Summons two Mental Clones that fight alongside you for 15 seconds. Their damage scales with your Ego.
+Each Mental Clone utilize attacks similar to Ego Blade Dash, Ego Blade Strikes, and Ego Blade Frenzy.
Egomaniacal Crowd [Adv, 2pts]
+Your Mental Clones gain 5% Critical Chance per Ego Leech stack.
Sharing is Caring [Adv, 2pts]
+Whenever you are healed, your Mental Clones are healed for 50% of that amount.
-This can only occur once every 3 seconds.
Violent End [Adv, 2pts]
[FX Change] Whenever a Mental Cone expires, a Telekinetic Burst occurs
+When your Mental Clones expire, they explode into mental energy which deals 200 Ego Damage in a 10 foot Sphere.
Currently, given the stacking crit chances from most other abilities, a FF TK melee build would likely be better served by taking Form of the Tempest to build Focus stacks instead of Mental Discipline just for the ease of applying stacks.
Like others, I also believe Ego Blade Breach needs to have the resistance debuff, even if as a cost advantage. Otherwise, there is essentially no reason to ever use it over other abilities. Allowing the resistance debuff would make it a viable option to fold into a damage cycle rotation.
For thekrazzee: If Siphoning Strikes was reduced to healing 10 Health per stack of Ego Leech upon a critical strike, no one would ever take it for 3 advantage points.
Why not have EBB have the ego / paranormal debuff on tap like several Munitions powers do? And several other random utility advantages can be shoved in. The combo can simply be for doing lots of damage or self healing.
Do any of those "refreshes debuff" advantage apply the debuff if it's not there as well?
If the answer is no: why the F not? You need to apply a debuff with another power, have a main attack, then use some 3rd power that probably doesn't do anything even remotely looking like spike damage to refresh that debuff? Yeah, no.
If the answer is yes: put it in the tool tip so people don't have to beta test your stuff on live when they want to make a build.
Does Ego Choke still crap itself when the target is immune to the crowd control part? This and Heat Wave look like fun powers, but were always basically useless since the damn things stopped working before the full maintain. These would be cool looking single target main attacks.
New Ego Rev: Boo!
If Mental Discipline doesn't scale with ego: Boo!
Pooping on existing builds not the best idea. Respec is one thing, forcing people to re-do all of their mods is another. It's how you piss people off to not play the game any more. Are you going to give existing TK builds a bunch of Questionite to rip out mods? No? Then stop effing with stats on powers. Especially considering it's possible someone spent money on expensive-**** catalysts to rank up mods and now you're potentially telling them to spend more money to fix what you broke on their build.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
Ego should be the primary stat for the powerset, after most of the powers are ego based powers.
Ego Blade Breach is weaker now? Really? One of the weaker melee sets, get's a nerf?
What is the point of that... please explain the benefit to this change!
Already, ruined LR. Now making the only "real" hard hitter (If that) in this set weaker?
Not happy.
EBB getting nerfed several ways is also annoying. Heck, maybe my CCer will like it because it hits with medium damage and applies a stun. Maybe not, though. Otherwise, the guaranteed stun for a full charge is not going to be useful at much of the high end content for previously discussed reasons.
So far, it seems that we're being funneled into EBA as a "must have" for the melee character and TK Lance as a "must have" for ranged IF you want high dps. As with others, I like OPTIONS. Having EBB as a hard hitter was fine. If it needs an "apply X" from a second power to maximize it, that's fine. I don't mind rotating with some powers. What I don't like is having multiple characters that use a powerset all of a sudden needing to use the same powers to be effective. And high dps is needed at all cosmics and much of the other high end content.
tl;dr EGO is the stat that should be in the FORM. EBB doesn't need to be nerfed into non-use.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
- I feel like the Stress advantage on Ego Weaponry is unnecessary, should probably be put on Ego Blade Breach as an innate debuff. Move the stun back out of Ego Blade Breach and onto an advantage called "Stunning Blow" or something to that effect.
- A few of the bugs I mentioned earlier are still present, most importantly, the Ego Weaponry ones (Rank 2 + Siphoning Strikes is not behaving itself).
- Please consider adding an innate repel to Telekinetic Barrage which works up to 50ft range but not beyond.
- Time permitting...please add some interesting geo for Telekinetic Barrage too.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Having said that...there could be a 0 point advantage called: "Move The Earth" which allows for the original FX to be applied? Doubt it would happen though.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Stick a pin in that for when Earth's revamp comes around. An earthy clone of it would fit there nicely.
Secondly, wat?
We have stuff like TK Lance and somewhat fancy swords made out of telekinetic energy constructs...there's no reason why rock-like shapes can't also be a thing to throw at enemies.
Don't get me wrong. I prefer the old rocks but honestly...both work.
It's not as if it's been changed from rocks to...unicorn horns (
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
RIP crosspowerframe synergy
You need to make an EARTH version of this power now, because my Earth mage had been using Telekinetic Maelstorm for both theme, damage and utility
The point here is that, there are few powers within Telekinesis related to actually moving stuff with your mind (as opposed to constructs), so there’s a feeling from players who enjoy them of something maybe being lost or taken away, and for what reason? Why not create a new power instead? It’s killing (endangered) theme/flavor and if I’m being honest, the new VFX just… isn’t good, at all, I’m sorry. A poor change all around, IMO.
To help make a case against the VFX adjustment:
...TK-charged rocks could hit with Ego damage just fine.
I hope we see an update soon and this doesnt just all go LIVE....
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Bad News, you need Ego leech stacks to rapture to get the Ego Infusion in the first place... Either this will kill the synergy with TK Lance, or make them equal in rotation or complety breaks the rotation
also, when Siphoning Strikes was given to TK Assault? I sure hope it wont get removed from the Melee TK combo... Meh, way too many utility powers and ADVs now to archieve the same theme build Oh great... more Chain reskins... URG those cheap cookie cutter reskin powers are so TASTELESS
Can't say I wasn't expecting on for melee TK, if anything those chains should be called melee homogenization Oh does it use the Roine'sh tentacles FX now? I hope it does why...
R.I.P Lego Blade Bleach
You have many people stated in the thread that they want EBB to be on the same damage tier with EBA, why can't you gives us more OPTIONS? and another power useless for PvE, can't those stun-trauma powers get more useful advs for PvE? This is great update, it's a same the power is barely popular in the first place but what if I want to remain DEX melee TK DPS and not invest on EGO?
Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.
Supporter of the Titan Project.