Please, please, please, please, please, -PLEASE- do something about the Burst alerts. Make a new Burst to stick in the rotation or edit the lottery that determines what specific alert comes up next. Because I'm -SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- sick of the bursts usually going 8 minutes of Rad Rumble, 52 minutes of Pyramid Power within an hour. And that's when the lottery is being kind.
Hardly anybody even queues for Pyramid Power anyways. I mean, there's only those two alerts for Bursts anyways too. All the other ones have AT LEAST three. So please, do something about Pyramid Power.
Everyone that has an opinion about Pyramid Power, please post here so people know that this isn't just another whiner thread.
It's incredible time consuming for the amount of the same rewards you get
and fighting bosses with Lighting Reflexes (Dead man walking and Mr.Gemini) is a nightmare
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
- Rad Rumble exists and is really really easy and fast, so PP suffers by comparison.
- The rewards from Bursts are so crappy that even Rad Rumble isn't worth doing.
Easiest solution: delete the entire category of Bursts. Change Pyramid Power into a Grab, change Rad Rumble into a Smash (though keep the power-ups, or some variant on them).Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Not like Nemcon. sure, armies of mooks is fine, but the actual Nemesis minions, not those alien gladiator mooks. Also, I want to fight all of them at the same time. the most boring part of Nemcon is that you have 5 heroes fighting ONE Nemesis.... that's hardly what a master villain would do.
so what if it's hard? It's a boss fight, not a walk in the park.
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if anything, it's counterproductive (except if you want to follow the old devs, before Cryptic North, logic :^)
Pyramid of Power needs to be tuned down and make it take less time, again currently its a time waster, again have you fought Mr.Gemini and/or Dead Man Walking with an underleveled PUG team?
1) Delete Smash alerts. Poor quality/lazy content.
2) Add Pyramid Power to the Grab alert list.
3) Delete Radiation Rumble and the Burst alert category.
4) With Grabs being the only 5-man queue category left, add the Burst and Smash rewards to the Grab alert reward circle.
5) Adjust the currency rewards so that the current time-invested-vs-payout remains relatively unchanged.
6) Bump the Burst reward to be 1, maybe 2 Rank 5 mods at level 40.
7) Increase the frequency with which a player's Nemesis shows up. We spend time making them, so let's give them more game time.
8) Remove the cutscenes. They really don't add anything of value to the experience, especially if you're farm-running them.
9) Add new 5-man Alert maps from time to time. The same 5 or so are getting pretty stale at this point. Usually no, but sometimes, for the sake of making the game look more professional, it's okay to remove low quality content. STO removed its randomized exploration missions awhile ago, and it really has been for the best.
But this
I actually agree that all the content is pretty stale these days. I haven't leveled a new one in many months. I just fiddle with my 40s.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
You could add in fun aspects to it. Make one where you're fighting on a platform and if you get pushed off, you get eaten by lava alligators. Make another one "capture the flag: style. I mean, you could really come up with a few fun variations. This would be great.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
When they add new actual story content on a regular basis perhaps people will stop doing Alerts ad naseum.
Until then Alerts are here to stay, deal with it.
The devs have already shown they can duplicate an existing zone to create a new one (q-warzone) so the question remains--how realistic is it, with whatever development tools they have, to apply the same technique to a new alert every few months or so? Especially if you consider that an alert map (or set of linked maps) is going to be much smaller than the entirety of the q-warzone.
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Until they can get into that rhythm I would be opposed to them getting rid of any existing content. We need more not less content.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
\o/ The bad guys win!
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Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I also like trainstopping. Personally I think combining the rewards is a terrible idea for exactly the reason you stated - it sends the level 40s right back into the grab alerts full time making it a complete bore for everyone else. All it already takes is one lvl 40 in a grab to basically bulldoze it while everyone else tries to keep up. I know I'd be in there ruining it as hard as I could for anyone who wants to feel like they contributed! :'D
Instead, how about we get rid of the obviously lame maps ( i.e. everything from Smash other than trainstopping ), make rad rumble a bit more robust, and then take all the maps we have left from all three alerts and combine them all into one big pool of maps. Then we make 2 queues - Grab and Smash. Both queues have access to ALL THE MAPS! \o/ However, the Smash versions will be buffed versions meant to challenge level 40s, while the Grab versions will be the same as they are now. Grab will continue to be an XP alert, Smash will continue to be a Resource alert, with rewards adjusted as needed to fit the new difficulty.
The third left over que slot can be made to randomly cycle between Nemcon and the various crisis missions, since they have queues now. That can be the Daily Q Que o3o
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I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Anyway, another reason I'd prefer to see all the lame maps discarded, then all the good maps consolidated into a single queue that gives rewards from Smashes, Grabs, and Bursts in one is because if everyone is queuing for the same thing, it makes those late-night queues happen a lot faster. That's good for the game.
Also, making Smashes "buffed versions meant to challenge 40s" is an utterly terrible (but not at all surprising, given the source) idea. Believe it or not, new players need money as well, especially as they bungle their way through learning the dos and don'ts of their newly-acquired Freeform character slot.
What I'm really tired of is putting my daily alerts on hold because no one queues for Pyramid Power, and then that alert comes into rotation like 32 times in a row.
If there's only going to be two Burst Alerts, then they should just alternate in turn. Or another alert should be added to mix up the random drawing of what alert comes into rotation.
The people that don't queue for this are just like the people that bail on alerts because they dived in before the rest of the group, got their asses kicked, lost a star, and considers the entire alert a fail.
It's also borderline-impossible to have decent storytelling (arguably a big selling point for STO content) when you're essentially presenting the player with mad libs, "Hello Admiral, my name is [__alien leader name__] and I am from the planet [__alien leader's planet__]. My people, the {__alien's race__], have been [__under siege || attacked || enslaved || blackmailed || bullied in the lunchline__] by a hostile race known as the [__enemy alien race__] for [__days || weeks || months || years__] now. We don't know how much longer we can last, but maybe if you help us by [__destroying their ships || sabotaging their bases || collecting some supplies || beaming down to discuss negotations || letting my hatchlings feast upon your innards__], we might have a chance."
They sucked and had to go.
But yeah, they were so one-dimensional. You meet some randomized alien race, get assigned some objective from a set list, then never see nor hear from them again. No depth at all.
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Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
I know that you dislike content that is balanced for your level, but some other people around here actually like it. Not all of us prefer to steamroll everything, and it's not at all inappropriate to have level appropriate content in a level-based game. Just look at other level-based games.
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The rewards need to fit the level of the toon though, if I'm level 40 I'm not looking for rank 3 mods, heck anything below rank 5 is pretty useless as far as vehicle mods go, I'm not even thinking about using then until they're rank 6, and nobody wants to collect 25 rank 4 mods or 125 rank 3 mods.
Honestly the burst alert is more of a statement as to the current usefulness of the crafting system then anything else.
Except alerts, including smashes, aren't level-based. They're meant to be levelless, scaling content for everyone. That's why everyone's level is adjusted to 30. To tune them for geared 40s is to shoot the bird to anyone who isn't 40 yet. By shutting everyone below 40 out of the "money alerts," how are they supposed to pay for even basic things, like respecs?
And this is a thread talking about changing alerts, so it doesn't really matter what they are right now.
So add a small money reward to the leveling alert. Problem solved. Why couldn't you think of that?
Also, there's ways to get resources other than Smash alerts. Take a look around in the game world, you might find them ( hint: they're literally everywhere in every zone ).
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