So...having just reached level 25, nemesis creation is on my mind. For those of us who were going to make rogue-Brigade nemeses, did we ever decide on what types of minions he should have?
Ideally (for me, at least) the last three choices are the best, since they're also tights-wearing dudes. But, I think anyone can pick what they want. Robots would work well too.
This is a test. This is only a test. Had this been an actual emergency I wouldn't be stupid enough to be sitting here making these announcements and you would all be on fire.
(Also known as: We're having trouble loading costumes on the tailor and I'm uploading an older version of the costume file)
Edit: Also, a couple of screenshots from the nemesis mission we did earlier tonight
Here's a few more pics of the nemesis mission HellerHighwater, O_Farmer, and I just ran through, starting with a pic of the rogue Brigade and his nefarious minions busting into the museum and ending (as Brigade outings invariably do) with a big dance party.
I think it would be great to show up to a Costume Contest and find 20 Brigade's lined up on one side. I'd pick him as winner just to watch them all fight over who gets the prize.
So...apparently there's a FailClone-themed costume contest at 1:00 server time tomorrow (Mar 5). I'm thinking we should attend with our alternate Brigade costumes -- as many of us as possible.
Fail Clone was/is clone of something/one that failed...I guess. It was abit confusing. I think fell asleep during the judging...There was a fat spiderman clone...
The large female distracted me, so i kinda missed the special mention... Someone else took the pricemoney for that, so i guess they know
Maybe we should get the Supersizer device for the large ladies.. 20 giant Brigades dancing
The Fail Clone theme was, as Flying Finn said, a clone that didn't quite turn out correctly. Consequently, the three of us that showed up each used one of our alternate Brigade costumes: Flying Finn used the Kid Brigade, I had a clown nose, and RandomChance had a costume that should never be spoken of -- or worse, posted as a screenshot -- lest we go blind.
The special mention prize was for us being the only clones of non-copywritten characters. I guess originality in copying counts for something. And I'm liking the idea of giant dancing Brigades; dancing seems to be an essential part of any Brigade outing.
That particular costume was initally designed by sleep deprivation combined with an announcement for a sexy costume contest and one player's wager that there would be no men competing in that contest. It's essentially meant to be:
"Hello, ladies. Look at me. Now look at your man. Now back to me. Now the other me across the street. I'm the Multi-man your man could smell like if he used Brigade Spice! The other me is now diamonds! And the other other me is on a horse!"
I can hunt down and put up some screenshots later tonight and... *gets tackled by HellerHighwater, who's currently screaming "NEVER AGAIN! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!"*
Some of us were messing around in ZA with a few Brigades and thought what would happen if a Brigade clone was bit by a zombie, so I created another Brigade villain. I present to you Horde and a rough back story.
Horde is a Brigade clone bitten by a Zombie. Also known as 'The Horde Prime' due to him being the original and source of what is know as the Horde virus, while many clones have been bitten before Horde is the only one to not disappear.
Horde was once a Brigade Clone but due to a freak set of events and a bite from a super powered zombie he became something more. Able to create clones of himself through biting a victim. If a hero or villain is bitten the victim changes into Horde in both appearance and mind though his/her powers remain the same, if a normal person is bitten then they become super powered developing a random set of powers.
While a Horde clone can turn people/superheroes into regular zombies with a bite it is only a bite from the Horde Prime that can turn a person into a Horde clone since it is only he that carries the Horde Virus and not his clones, it started with the Horde Prime and it will only end with him.
A Horde clone does not disappear like a brigade clone, while tougher and stronger than an ordinary super zombie a clone does not have a long lifespan. However none are sure which the Horde Prime really is, some have claimed to have slain him only for a 'horde' of new zombie clones to reappear soon after.
Hey that's pretty cool, I like the idea. Horde was one of the names I ran across when trying to come up with a name for Brigade. Sounded too evil, though. Works perfect on yours.
Smackwell - If for any reason you would rather not have the Brigade image used in another thread, just post so and I'll remove the content from TCE. Or if you would simple prefer I can always just post the costumes here rather than there.
Some of us were messing around in ZA with a few Brigades and thought what would happen if a Brigade clone was bit by a zombie, so I created another Brigade villain. I present to you Horde and a rough back story.
Horde is a Brigade clone bitten by a Zombie. Also known as 'The Horde Prime' due to him being the original and source of what is know as the Horde virus, while many clones have been bitten before Horde is the only one to not disappear.
Horde was once a Brigade Clone but due to a freak set of events and a bite from a super powered zombie he became something more. Able to create clones of himself through biting a victim. If a hero or villain is bitten the victim changes into Horde in both appearance and mind though his/her powers remain the same, if a normal person is bitten then they become super powered developing a random set of powers.
While a Horde clone can turn people/superheroes into regular zombies with a bite it is only a bite from the Horde Prime that can turn a person into a Horde clone since it is only he that carries the Horde Virus and not his clones, it started with the Horde Prime and it will only end with him.
A Horde clone does not disappear like a brigade clone, while tougher and stronger than an ordinary super zombie a clone does not have a long lifespan. However none are sure which the Horde Prime really is, some have claimed to have slain him only for a 'horde' of new zombie clones to reappear soon after.
Screenshots to follow
I've been working on a brigade zombie costume for a bit when I get to play. I've been too busy lately to really log in much.
Just hit 25 with my Brigade a little bit ago, and we all know what that means! I'm going to be making my nemesis in the next day or so, and remembering what a blast it was to run the museum mission with HellerHighwater and O_Farmer last time... anyone feel like beating up on a rogue Brigade this weekend?
Depending on when you do it, count me in! The only catch for me is that I'll be unavailable from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon, most likely. If I can't make it, somebody punch or blast a rogue Brigade for me!
Hey, everybody. It looks like I may actually be doing stuff with the family most of the day tomorrow... I'm running on Pacific time and I think I'm probably not going to be able to log on tomorrow until around 7 pm pacific/server time. I'm not sure where everybody else is time zone-wise, but if that's no good for folks we could run it next weekend, instead.
Smackwell, HellerHighwater, and I ran through the mission last night, and beat up on a rogue Brigade and some proper tights-wearing minions. I still haven't had a chance to go through my screenshots folder, but I'll hopefully be posting some good pics later on.
I'm definitely gonna try and keep on the lookout for more opportunities to get some more Brigade get-togethers going as well.
Edited to Add:
Ok, rummaged through my screenshot folder and uploaded a bunch of pics to photobucket. Here's a link to the Brigade gallery I set up there.
Well I just saw the thread for the first time, I just had to join in on all the fun. So I decided to make a mystical version: Attachment not found. I'll be looking for someone next time I log on to join up. Can't wait to see you... me.. us!
I know it's super-short notice, but any Brigades wanna try for running the Open Mission events with GM Tiyshen tomorrow? I'll be trying for the 11am-12pm PST run.
heh, this sounds like fun... I'll pm one of you guys soon, I'll build up a gadgeteering Brigade...
How many people you got so far? If you can get 20 of us in the same place at the same time, imagine the looks on a new person's face as an open mission gets done by a horde of identical people!
Well, not that we'd see it, it's not like our character's faces change according to our real world faces but IMAGINE!
I know it's super-short notice, but any Brigades wanna try for running the Open Mission events with GM Tiyshen tomorrow? I'll be trying for the 11am-12pm PST run.
Ideally (for me, at least) the last three choices are the best, since they're also tights-wearing dudes. But, I think anyone can pick what they want. Robots would work well too.
(Also known as: We're having trouble loading costumes on the tailor and I'm uploading an older version of the costume file)
Edit: Also, a couple of screenshots from the nemesis mission we did earlier tonight
Here's a few more pics of the nemesis mission HellerHighwater, O_Farmer, and I just ran through, starting with a pic of the rogue Brigade and his nefarious minions busting into the museum and ending (as Brigade outings invariably do) with a big dance party.
Especially all the photoshoots and autograph signing sessions with the OBFC, the Official Brigade(TM) FanClub
My 'I need 10 more costumes' issue...
The rogue clone making an entrance.
Ready for battle.
Teaming up against a minion.
Posing after the victory.
The obligatory dance party.
AHAHA im the regular brigade of this screenshots! xD
Proud of take part of this great idea!
Included lots of dancing and huge woman. (Seems we have a pattern here)
Some G's to SG Bank.
Questions: What's a Fail Clone?
And what was the special mention?
And yes, the large women dancing is getting to be a bit of a ritual.
The large female distracted me, so i kinda missed the special mention... Someone else took the pricemoney for that, so i guess they know
Maybe we should get the Supersizer device for the large ladies.. 20 giant Brigades dancing
The special mention prize was for us being the only clones of non-copywritten characters. I guess originality in copying counts for something. And I'm liking the idea of giant dancing Brigades; dancing seems to be an essential part of any Brigade outing.
Oh, and I'll get the magnifier for mine.
That particular costume was initally designed by sleep deprivation combined with an announcement for a sexy costume contest and one player's wager that there would be no men competing in that contest. It's essentially meant to be:
"Hello, ladies. Look at me. Now look at your man. Now back to me. Now the other me across the street. I'm the Multi-man your man could smell like if he used Brigade Spice! The other me is now diamonds! And the other other me is on a horse!"
I can hunt down and put up some screenshots later tonight and... *gets tackled by HellerHighwater, who's currently screaming "NEVER AGAIN! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!"*
Horde is a Brigade clone bitten by a Zombie. Also known as 'The Horde Prime' due to him being the original and source of what is know as the Horde virus, while many clones have been bitten before Horde is the only one to not disappear.
Horde was once a Brigade Clone but due to a freak set of events and a bite from a super powered zombie he became something more. Able to create clones of himself through biting a victim. If a hero or villain is bitten the victim changes into Horde in both appearance and mind though his/her powers remain the same, if a normal person is bitten then they become super powered developing a random set of powers.
While a Horde clone can turn people/superheroes into regular zombies with a bite it is only a bite from the Horde Prime that can turn a person into a Horde clone since it is only he that carries the Horde Virus and not his clones, it started with the Horde Prime and it will only end with him.
A Horde clone does not disappear like a brigade clone, while tougher and stronger than an ordinary super zombie a clone does not have a long lifespan. However none are sure which the Horde Prime really is, some have claimed to have slain him only for a 'horde' of new zombie clones to reappear soon after.
Screenshots to follow
See post # 44
Smackwell - If for any reason you would rather not have the Brigade image used in another thread, just post so and I'll remove the content from TCE. Or if you would simple prefer I can always just post the costumes here rather than there.
I've been working on a brigade zombie costume for a bit when I get to play. I've been too busy lately to really log in much.
Just hit 25 with my Brigade a little bit ago, and we all know what that means! I'm going to be making my nemesis in the next day or so, and remembering what a blast it was to run the museum mission with HellerHighwater and O_Farmer last time... anyone feel like beating up on a rogue Brigade this weekend?
... OW! Hey! I said a ROGUE Brigade. Sheesh!
EDIT: oh wait, was it last night?
There was three of us, and we had a giant dance party with the devil.
Smackwell, HellerHighwater, and I ran through the mission last night, and beat up on a rogue Brigade and some proper tights-wearing minions. I still haven't had a chance to go through my screenshots folder, but I'll hopefully be posting some good pics later on.
I'm definitely gonna try and keep on the lookout for more opportunities to get some more Brigade get-togethers going as well.
Edited to Add:
Ok, rummaged through my screenshot folder and uploaded a bunch of pics to photobucket. Here's a link to the Brigade gallery I set up there.
Picture 7: Four Brigades - one of them is a nemesis!
And yes, i'm JOKING. <-- See
imagine if you can make a Villain Brigade Group like the custom groups on CoX AE missions
Just download the costume file and make a character called Brigade. You can then join the chat channel and any one of us can invite you to the SG.
Ladies and gentlemen... In this corner, El Brigade Magnifico!
Attachment not found.
(costume requires either PvP acclaim-purchased costume unlocks or the Luchador C-Store set)
Attachment not found. I'll be looking for someone next time I log on to join up. Can't wait to see you... me.. us!
How many people you got so far? If you can get 20 of us in the same place at the same time, imagine the looks on a new person's face as an open mission gets done by a horde of identical people!
Well, not that we'd see it, it's not like our character's faces change according to our real world faces but IMAGINE!
I'll try to be there.