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PTS Update FC.28.20120511.0



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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Chest beam has long since needed to go to 100ft, just to give an option over Force Cascade, Giga, Ebon Ruin, Defile. This would seem the right time to adjust it out.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Sekimen wrote:
    I am the 40%.

    Go you. I'm the 60%.

    Some of this the game needed. Some of this the game really didn't. None of it is being done as well as it could. All if it screws over various types of hybrids.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Gaelyn wrote:
    Invul applies it's damage resistance, and then applies it's flat mitigation, making it the premier defensive power for dealing with many, many small mobs.

    This has always been the stated intent of this passive, since beta. It does exactly what it says it does. It has never been the best passive against spike damage, bosses, cosmics etc.

    Working. As. Intended.

    Exactly Tom.

    That +Flat damage reduction does a LOT more than you think it does as it's at the very absolute end of the damage number.

    Plus you're forgetting in normal Defense value via items, Dodging, or any of the other defense numbers.

    Go get somebody to smack you hard. Heck - go get shot at by the laser. You'll take less damage with Invul every single time.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Who cares.

    I get to finally have SPLODE BEEEEEEEEEEAM on Project SPLODE.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Bug: Head and Chest emanation points for Power Bolts do not work.
    Tested on boxes in the Powerhouse training area, not outside or on mobs. When fired from the Chest or Head, the character performs the animation, but there is no beam and no sound effect.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    From a freeform perspective, I'm not concerned about these changes as they are currently presented (the initial presentation frightened me, these adjustments make me smile). Unless something is drastically wrong with the math (or something drastically changes with how layers and DR work) these changes as presented are not game breaking and aren't the doom and gloom some people are trying to portray them as being. All the woe is me about these changes? If that breaks your character completely I'd like to see your build and see what I can come up with because I suspect something else is going on...

    Now for my friends and family rocking some of the ATs? I'm concerned. Unless the AT power selections are altered some of the ATs are going to be hit HARD on these changes (Enrage in particular) and the ones that aren't hit hard are going to fall further behind in the effectiveness/usefulness list due to lack of the new options.

    Question: Will the advantage on Unbreakable continue to be an option for stacking enrage? This option was very useful and versatile for a number of builds, concepts and tactics. I'd hate to see it go.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    ...Power Armor "Slot" functionality updated.
    No longer puts powers on cooldown...
    I'm sorry, i couldn't hear you over the awsomeness that is... :eek:
    • Eye Beam: Energy cost increased to ~15 (~10 per tick).
    • Eye Beam: Damage increased by ~78%.
    • Eye Beam: Now ticks every 0.5 seconds instead of every 1 second.
    ...Wait? An "AO" for the Brick tab? :D
    Ok, NOW i can hear you just fine :p
    This power now grants all damage strength, as well as increasing your Strength and Constitution for a short time.
    This power also grants stacks of Enraged! based on its rank (this can trigger Endorphin Rush).
    This power now counts as an active offense.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    XaoGarrent wrote:
    I could really ask you the same thing.

    And i could really ask you the same thing thing.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I'm sorry, i couldn't hear you over the awsomeness that is... :eek:

    ...Wait? An "AO" for the Brick tab? :D
    Ok, NOW i can hear you just fine :p

    Caine, 0 + 78% of 0... how much does that make? :-p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012

    Caine, 0 + 78% of 0... how much does that make? :-p
    If you jinx this, i will hunt you down ala "Jay and Silent Bob" style and remove both 'Comic Sans MS' and 'Pink' from your computer :p

    DISCLAIMER: The preceeding was a JOKE, and no way intended as a RL "Threat"...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012

    Caine, 0 + 78% of 0... how much does that make? :-p

    Actually the buff comes from it being a 0.5s tick instead of 1s tick.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Cryptic, I'm real happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but a toggle for pet controllers is the best idea of all time. Of all time!!

    In all seriousness, with these new and potentially awesome changes crowd controllers have a toggle, healers have a toggle and direct damage dealers have toggles for melee, ranged, ego, slashing, toxic, etc. Pet controllers (particularly the ones that have pets doing damage and have nothing else going for them) are another of the major playstyles in the game that don't have a toggle to help them (other than Possibly IDF).

    I propose a toggle that does the following:
    • Buffs pet damage
    • Buffs pet defense or health
    • DRASTICALLY reduces the pet controllers own damage, perhaps cutting it in half. (this is put in there to prevent someone from running a build similar to one of mine or Judgbot's essentially destroying everything by way of decent damage from the pet master on top of buffed damage from the pets.

    Essentially the idea is that the pet master is putting their everything into directing their army and so can't devote too much effort or concentration to their own direct abilities. Just a thought since all of the other playstyles are getting some love with these changes but a true pet master won't see a benefit from any of the currently proposed toggle changes.

    Caine, 0 + 78% of 0... how much does that make? :-p
    If you jinx this, i will hunt you down ala "Jay and Silent Bob" style and remove both 'Comic Sans MS' and 'Pink' from your computer :p

    DISCLAIMER: The preceeding was a JOKE, and no way intended as a RL "Threat"...

    LOL, hey Caine...


    With that kind of setup I had to mess with you buddy. :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    If you jinx this, i will hunt you down ala "Jay and Silent Bob" style and remove both 'Comic Sans MS' and 'Pink' from your computer :p

    DISCLAIMER: The preceeding was a JOKE, and no way intended as a RL "Threat"...

    You think they would have taken it seriously?
    Wow, maybe I should refrain from joking, if it went that far in severity...

    Nightrod wrote:
    Actually the buff comes from it being a 0.5s tick instead of 1s tick.
    Well, as often with me, behind the stupid joke, was a real question.
    What's the base we're supposed to use to estimate what a 78% increase would do?
    Because, for powers that weren't in the state of Eyebeams, I get a vague idea of what 25% means, in both ways.
    But on this one, with its low damage, and the fact it ticks...
    Use it in westside, let's say 100 HP a tick, goes to 178HP per tick, great.
    Against Viper X and his invul, let's say 1HP per tick... still does 1HP (unless they be nice and round it up?)
    OMG, it does double damage on Legendaries with Invul!!!!!!!
    So OP!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    and since when do 3 ppl represent the community?
    im not the 60% or 40%, but im sure that atleast one of you had enrage+ something else on one of his toons....

    and AoPM? all im gonna say is that from 87 to 58.... is alittle too much.

    i wasn't whinning on the forums about nerf this and nerf that like you, guess what, you got your wish. but it wasn't mine... and im sure im not the only one who feels the same way. think about it...
    on alert came out: time to regear/respec (enrage was still viable)
    now this update: time to do it again...
    how much time passed between those two? not even a month.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    My only concern right now is what power is Endorphin Rush going to be attached to? Enrage toggle or Aggressor Offensive click power?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Amosov wrote:
    My only concern right now is what power is Endorphin Rush going to be attached to? Enrage toggle or Aggressor Offensive click power?

    G Crush said it's still on Enrage.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Vylma wrote:
    On Live:
    Haymaker + Aggressor R3 with 5 stacks: 5.1K
    Haymaker + Enrage with 8 stacks: 5.3K
    Haymaker + Aggressor R3 with 5 stacks + Enrage with 8 stacks: 7.2K

    But that still confirms my statements. While nerfing Focus and Enrage is almost painless, removing Aggressor is a huge nerf for every Brick builds using it. I may even reconsider my suggestion of getting rid of the nerf on Enrage: this is simply far from enough! We need to find something else, replacing Aggressor with an active offense is nothing near to the tremendous damage decrease implied by the end of the Aggressor/Enrage synergy. The 30% nerf changes almost nothing for Focus builds as it changes almost nothing for Enrage alone, but the disappearance of Aggressor changes everything for Bricks.

    First off - you do see Haymaker doing 7.2K damage on Live, right? Doesn't that seem just a slight bit...over the top? UR does high damage because it has a long cooldown. Force Cascade does high damage because it puts your Energy Form offline. Gigabolt does high damage because it can't be charged again for 8 seconds. Sniper Rifle requires a multi-second charge time where you can't be touched.

    Haymaker...just push it again. Oh, and it ALSO causes Knock! Which means even MORE damage!

    When Might got the Enrage and Aggressor change back in the melee pass...it didn't need both. It was absolute overkill. As listed in your numbers above.

    All these changes are doing is putting Might back where it should be in the damage numbers via removing the Aggressor/Enrage combos. Period.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Well, as often with me, behind the stupid joke, was a real question.
    What's the base we're supposed to use to estimate what a 78% increase would do?
    Because, for powers that weren't in the state of Eyebeams, I get a vague idea of what 25% means, in both ways.
    But on this one, with its low damage, and the fact it ticks...
    Use it in westside, let's say 100 HP a tick, goes to 178HP per tick, great.
    Against Viper X and his invul, let's say 1HP per tick... still does 1HP (unless they be nice and round it up?)
    OMG, it does double damage on Legendaries with Invul!!!!!!!
    So OP!

    Assuming there aren't weird maths at work here, the increase they have listed there both in terms of actual damage and frequency makes it almost identical in damage to Two Gun Mojo.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Hexia Decimal's Inflatable Army greatly approves of Kenpo's Pet Form toggle idea:

    *New Power* Path of the Summoner: Toggle - Form
    • Path of the Summoner grants your pets substantial bonus damage and a lesser amount of bonus healing. It also reduces the energy penalty for having pets summoned. Finally, it gives a resistance bonus to pets. This bonus scales with your Presence or Recovery, whichever is higher. However, this power comes at a cost as your damage is reduced by 20%. (Higher ranks of this power reduces this penalty to 15% at Rank 2 and 10% at Rank 3.)
    • Path of the Summoner grants you bonus energy when you gain a stack of it. This bonus energy scales with your Presence or Recovery, whichever is higher.
    • You gain a stack of Summoning whenever your pet attacks or heals another target. This effect cannot occur more than once every 2 seconds.
    • This buff lasts 20 seconds.
    • This power can be found in the "Mystic" Tree (with Sorcery and Supernatural).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    When Might got the Enrage and Aggressor change back in the melee pass...it didn't need both. It was absolute overkill. As listed in your numbers above.

    All these changes are doing is putting Might back where it should be in the damage numbers via removing the Aggressor/Enrage combos. Period.

    You also have to keep in mind that all Might powers lost about 20% of their damage as well, which Aggressor was used to compensate. Now we are removing aggressor, but I don't see hints of base damage to Might powers returning, so there's that as well. The actual overkill via Aggressor came from the -temporary stacks- in addition to everything.

    I think nerfing Might powers themselves is unnecessary, because defenses outperform attacks anyway as it is. Plus, the real issue wasn't "Might", it was Enrage outperforming. Blaming a particular set of being overpowered is kinda pointless in a freeform system.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Bug: Circle of Arcane Power keeps the stacks given by the Compassion form at 8 all the time.

    Bug: Aura of Arcane Clarity doesn't have the +Healing Bonus in and I don't think the passive's been buffed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012

    Well, as often with me, behind the stupid joke, was a real question.
    What's the base we're supposed to use to estimate what a 78% increase would do?
    Because, for powers that weren't in the state of Eyebeams, I get a vague idea of what 25% means, in both ways.
    But on this one, with its low damage, and the fact it ticks...
    Use it in westside, let's say 100 HP a tick, goes to 178HP per tick, great.
    Against Viper X and his invul, let's say 1HP per tick... still does 1HP (unless they be nice and round it up?)
    OMG, it does double damage on Legendaries with Invul!!!!!!!
    So OP!

    Well it's more like 100 base * 1.78 * 2 = 178*2= 356 dps( now) instead of 100dps (before).

    Against INVU well it has the same problems as all powers that rely on tick dmg.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Sekimen wrote:
    You also have to keep in mind that all Might powers lost about 20% of their damage as well, which Aggressor was used to compensate. Now we are removing aggressor, but I don't see hints of base damage to Might powers returning, so there's that as well. The actual overkill via Aggressor came from the -temporary stacks- in addition to everything.

    I think nerfing Might powers themselves is unnecessary, because defenses outperform attacks anyway as it is. Plus, the real issue wasn't "Might", it was Enrage outperforming. Blaming a particular set of being overpowered is kinda pointless in a freeform system.

    Maybe. But Might also has the most access to the best ways of cutting through defenses - fall damage. Of course, I'm not considering PvP at all in my comments either. So against mobs, this combo needed adjusting.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Silviu4MC wrote:
    Bug: Circle of Arcane Power keeps the stacks given by the Compassion form at 8 all the time.

    Bug: Aura of Arcane Clarity doesn't have the +Healing Bonus in and I don't think the passive's been buffed.

    The first is a bug the second we were forwarned about: Those changes have not made it to test yet.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Bug: Force Beam interacts very poorly with flight, almost guaranteeing a miss
    What happens: Force beam always fires level with the floor, regardless of targeting the height and orientation of the character. That means a character in flight will fire the force beam right above the heads of

    I'm not sure if there's a resonable way to make Force Beam work untargeted when in flight, but at least the targeted version should probably aim directly at the player's target rather than shoot ten feet above their heads...

    This may also become a problem with Giant Growth or other powers that increase the character's size (which I haven't yet tested).

    Incidentally, because it needs to be said: Force Beam is otherwise Made of Win(tm).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The first is a bug the second we were forwarned about: Those changes have not made it to test yet.
    I see.

    Thanks for the info.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    XaoGarrent wrote:
    Assuming there aren't weird maths at work here, the increase they have listed there both in terms of actual damage and frequency makes it almost identical in damage to Two Gun Mojo.
    Nightrod wrote:
    Well it's more like 100 base * 1.78 * 2 = 178*2= 356 dps( now) instead of 100dps (before).
    Against INVU well it has the same problems as all powers that rely on tick dmg.
    Thanks both (For the math, and the example).
    Quickly, working hours, be gone, so I can hop on PTS...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Maybe. But Might also has the most access to the best ways of cutting through defenses - fall damage. Of course, I'm not considering PvP at all in my comments either. So against mobs, this combo needed adjusting.

    As much of a fan of Might as I am, a possible issue is that for the targets we need more damage on fall damage is not possible (MV's can be knocked but take no fall damage and anything higher can't be knocked) so it can't reliably be factored in. Also, the bonus damage to knock immune targets doesn't equal the fall damage many of the might powers were seemingly balanced around.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Maybe. But Might also has the most access to the best ways of cutting through defenses - fall damage. Of course, I'm not considering PvP at all in my comments either. So against mobs, this combo needed adjusting.

    Fall damage is quite... underwhelming in PvE right now. It got a general nerf and it's not that good of a boost anymore against mobs. Plus, keep in mind that the bonus damage from KB-immune targets will never make-up for a 20% slash in base damage. I am okay with a 30% decrease in performance with Enrage, but coupled with another 20% in base damage and how much more durable everything is now, you're better off picking MA Unarmed Dragon moves. :/
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I'm excited about the new Power Armor stuff and will probably finally make an unfrustrating PA character :)

    Kenpo and Zandar, I love the pet controller toggle idea. I was thinking about something as a replacement for AoAC, but this is better.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Felivia wrote:
    As someone who has legit concerns about AoRP muscling in on Defiance's turf with these changes, you have no idea what you're talking about. You're forgetting Invuln's Raison d'Etre in the damage absorb effect that applies after resistance and generally results in superior mitigation for almost all purposes except super schtick attacks that are better handled by blocking.

    If you take 1000 damage, and put it through the number cruncher of Invuln, you'll come out better than AoRP, even with these changes. It's like you're only reading half of Invulnerability and ignoring the part that makes it different than other defensive passives.

    When i fight therakiel or in pvp, the flat reduction damage is nothing with 4k-16k damage.
    C'est peut
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Sekimen wrote:
    Fall damage is quite... underwhelming in PvE right now. It got a general nerf and it's not that good of a boost anymore against mobs.

    It was a joke change. Players AND mobs were given a reduction in fall damage. Since mobs ALWAYS took less damage from from fall damage, it was a dumb change. It made knockback attacks less useful and since knock resistance is still broken, didn't really do much for the players.

    After two years, I'm still not sure why super villains and up are immune to gravity.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Beldin2 wrote:
    Aspect of the Infernal is totally fine, leave it alone. Especially since Infernal is a Hybrid set with rangend
    and melee and Aspect pushed both equally.

    You could also ask then to remove Mental Disciple .. oh and remove all Bestial Powers, since they are
    in the end not much different to Might :rolleyes:

    Really, stop trying Beldin. Aspects and Mental Discipline are going away. And having one melee power in the entire set doesn't make it a hybrid set. :rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Silverspar wrote:
    Aspects and Mental Discipline are going away.

    Where is this posted? I missed it and I have several objections, particularly for Mental Discipline since it has several unique interactions that justify its existence.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Just tested an extreme case of pre and certain spec tree buffs to see how AOPR faired against Invul in the laser training in the hybird role

    1500 Fire Damage Laser

    AoPR w/ IDF 517
    AoPR w/ IDF & Dodge 166
    AoPR w/o IDF 600
    AoPR w/ Dodge w/o IDF 248

    Invul w/ IDF 407
    Invul w/ IDF & Dodge 24
    Invul w/o IDF 490
    Invul w/ Dodge w/o IDF 106

    As you can see (by doing the math) My IDF is 83
    My Invul is 75 165
    My AoPR is 97
    My Pre is 661
    My Avoidance is 58.7
    I have 237 Defense (56%) and at the max I have 313 Defense (w/ Locus it gives me 74%)

    Anyway, I am too lazy to find some poor test subject to stand in front of a laser as I poke my aura into their body to test my 136% in support role...but yea enjoy the numbers!

    P.s. Defiance with 661 'con' would be either 20 or 21% with around 15-19k hp...I don't really care to figure it out at this time

    Edit: One Moar Thing....From the information that I have provided you can conclude that the damage reduction comes last...right after Invul's % Gear defense and Dodge
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Where is this posted? I missed it and I have several objections, particularly for Mental Discipline since it has several unique interactions that justify its existence.

    They already said they are still trying to decide what to do with the Aspects in the other thread where they stated that they were still deciding what to do.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Can you please make Manipulator toggle proc and affect stuns too? :3 Not everyone likes to use all those maintained holds.

    Also can you PLEASE rename Chest Beam to something else and add more emenation points for it? The only reason some people (me included) were avoiding using that power and a whole set with it, was that emanation point >.>

    Also wonder what will happen to tk and infernal toggles now...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012

    Shameless repost just because I think it's relevant :D + made some modifications.
    Nightrod wrote:
    SOOO I have a couple of questions/concerns considering the changes so let's start:

    1. Can we get some fix for Concussor Beam (firing while target is out of range) as well as making it 100ft to match the other powers in the set like MiniGun, Micro Munitions, Shoulder Launcher, Power Gauntlet.

    2. How about making single target beam powers have a cone effect (like CB). IE give concussor beam a small cone effect.

    2. Can we get Chest Beam to be 100ft and be a bit more Ultimate or alternatively give PA a T4 that is an upgraded form of Chest Beam with a cooldown (would be nice and would fit the CB being an ultimate atk more than it's current implementation; just some food for thought :cool:)

    3. Can you make Targeting Computer a Toggle (the Lock-On animation is awesome and would fit perfectly with PA, alternatively give this animation to the PA energy unlock as well to allow for more versatility in the choice of the Form. Basically you can chose whatever Form you want and you can still get the nice Lock-On animation without having to take the PA Form; could also be an adv for the energy unlock.

    4. Again just because :P please look into CB's range (50ft is quite short for a ranged spike power in a ranged set :p) and give it more umph (in terms of animation) or as I mentioned make a new T4 Chest Beam like power that has more umph in both dmg and animation (would be really sweet if it would not need to be targeted)

    5. How about some Shoulder based Laser/Beam powers, you know Predator style?

    6. How about Dual Miniguns/Shoulder Launchers ? (have one on both shoulder just for the awesomeness) ?

    7. Weird question but due to the changes to Enrage how exactly am I supposed to be able to simulate Super Strength now with PA since STR is now effectively Melee domain? :confused: I could take Str but none of the PA forms nor powers scale of it so I'd be gimping myself A LOT. This is one of the things I'm NOT COOL with since it breaks my concept. I'm fine with power adjustments but now i'm kinda stuck on how to simulate Super Strength without effectively taking STR just for the hell of it. The only alternative would be to take STR with Enrage but since it stacks on knocks that's.... I still need to test this and see if I can find a workaround but for now I don't see a viable alternative.

    8. Why does Fire All Weapons use the same/similar animation as Micro Munitions yet it's tagged as Particle damage O_o?

    9. Why do all the new powers introduced have a 50ft range? (PA is a ranged set AFAIK)

    10. We NEEN more AoE/PBAoE/Cone/Cylinder Powers. Single target powers are ok but that does not help much unless you fight a boss which is a small part of the content.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    All I hear is "Waaaaaah, Invul works exactly as advertised and has exactly the strengths and weaknesses everyone tells me it has."
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Where is this posted? I missed it and I have several objections, particularly for Mental Discipline since it has several unique interactions that justify its existence.

    Not posted anywhere.

    Unlikely to happen.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    A slightly frivolous request on Tactical Missiles: is it possible to have the option to toggle the "pop-up" wrist bolter-like weapon off from the animation? I think the power would look great just emanating from the wrist/fist, and the wrist bolter popup weapon really doesn't fit some concepts/costumes.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Maybe. But Might also has the most access to the best ways of cutting through defenses - fall damage. Of course, I'm not considering PvP at all in my comments either. So against mobs, this combo needed adjusting.

    Not quite.

    In team, knock bad-single target good. Most might types begin to use single target non-knock attacks to keep the mob in one location for the AoEs. If might doesnt knock, Aggressor stacks go away and enrage stacks may also unless the player is on the button. That means no fall damage, no aggressor stacks, maybe less enrage stacks, less damage yet again, in addition to an unreasonable nerf. And more and more upper level mobs (supervillain ranks?) are knock resistant (bloodgorgers) or fly, preventing knock and fall damage. Bosses cant be knocked, so take a fraction more damage to their hundreds of thousands of health and resistance.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Yeah I'm not sure where this idea is coming from that people use falling damage in PvE to "cut through defenses".

    It's extra damage against henchmen and villains only. Mastervillain and up do not suffer falling damage, even if you can knock them.

    Last I checked, no one was complaining about any henchmen or villain type mobs having impenetrable defenses.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I finally could test the new beams.
    The new endurance builder is absolutely awesome, GFX and sound are just perfect (I would have made the laser a bit bigger)

    Power beam, look awesome I like it.

    Couldn't really compare with live without energy unlock it's difficult.

    While in the training room we tried crossing the beam with power beam and nothing happened.
    I report as a Bug becasue I think i heard we should never cross the beams.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    On Eye Beams, I noticed it still says it burns through after 5 seconds, but since it's now a 5 second attack, that doesn't make sense. I forgot to test it when I was on last night, but either the tooltip needs updating (i.e., if internally it was counting ticks and now burns through after 2.5 seconds) or the power itself needs updating!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    My defiance/rage toon uses bestial, so I'm not even sure if there are any in set knocks, but the whole character concept revolves around Enrage with the growth advantage. Taking damage just makes more sense thematically anyway. Knocking people away only makes people angry due to the way it works in game, but everyone gets ****ed when you hurt them. On the other hand, I was using Unbreakable with the advantage anyway...

    Also, while I love the boost AoPM is getting while in Support role, it does not need any form of nerf now that you've removed the abusive combos. Without those combos AoPM characters trade raw power and defense for versatility, but this nerf gets rid of that. There is now almost no reason to take AoPM instead of any other passive. And Int tree is now required to make use of it instead of simply being a nice synergy. Please, at least wait and see if the changes to Enrage fix the problem before you mess with AoPM, because AoPM was not the problem. Enrage was the problem and you just fixed it.

    PS. Thank you for giving Focus a ranged buff. My Darkness/Unarmed toon thanks you immensely.
    PPS. Wait, is that a new energy builder for PA? AWESOME!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I'm not sure if this has been covered in here already as I kinda briefly skimmed through the 20 pages. There are a handful of powers that aren't listed as Crowd Control that give Stun and Paralyze effects, either through Advantages or some other requirement. Will these powers add stacks to the Manipulator Form?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    OH I just REMEMBERED where is the PA HEAL:confused:? You know the one on the Mega-D :cool: It can't be that hard to make it since you allready have the code for it :rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    My defiance/rage toon uses bestial, so I'm not even sure if there are any in set knocks,

    There are knock downs.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    There are knock downs.

    The only bestial power that has knocks on it is Massacre AFAIK.
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