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  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Gaelyn wrote:
    It's a solution effectively.
    But I cannot refrain from thinking that there is a problem of conception/design when a healer is obliged to dash the first one and doing the job of tanks (and the worst it's we can do it for a few seconds before anyone else take us the aggro).
    - Healer who can take the alpha. Limit OP in pve.
    Yes and no, if the Healer is using a passive that grants damage reduction that is not so surprizing.
    - Hybrid who can be a healer with more advantages than support.
    Support offers a better energy management and a subtential healing bonus
    - Tanks who are unkillables (remember the invul dodge tank just a few months ago)
    Actually it is even easier to make an invul/doge tank, or defiance/dodge... And LR tanks are almost invicible now... (but you can also make an AoRP dodge healer :p)
    - Dps who one shot an healer in pvp in less of 3 secs. Crap support in pvp, but crappy pfffffffff.
    Some healer are virtually impossible to kill.
    It's why, i think cryptic should review their powers seriously this time, that we don't have an another review in a few months, or the next one, because the hybrids will be too much op and support role almost dead.
    Because we all know that, when a build is more better than others, almost anyone take this build.
    We never had seen so much tank invul than the period of the tank invul dodge, as we never had seen so much infernal build than at this moment.
    Support is far from dead, I agree on the part that the self portion of support auras shouldn't be weaker in support than in hybrid. But believe me the ally bonus in support is going to be huge.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    1) Enrage bonus, and Focus, used to get silly when you specced the appropriate stats into the 500s.

    The only way to get stats into the 500s is extreme maximization with the sacrifice of all other stats and very special legacy gear from Opening Beta that can no longer be obtained. Maybe the new gear can be made with extreme expense due to the need for level 9 mods, but I am betting the game has been carefully controlled to not allow this. Very very few players have the legacy gear and often brag that they have it an no one else (na na).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Some thoughts on Power Armor:

    - I'm a little disappointed that the new Energy Builder is another energy-based weapon. I was hoping for something that shoots bullets, like the (I assume) old Wrist Bolter as seen in the Power Armor trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBJN8-e_kJ4&t=1m04s

    - Is there a chance to give Power Armor a maintained Hand power with access to Crippling Challenge? I was hoping Tactical Missiles was the same used by the Become Cyber Ninja device, where it shoots a continuous stream of rockets, since we already have a Blast power with CC (Power Gauntlet). Just adding CC to Concussor Beams would suffice, too. That way you can fire one CC power and two CS powers simultaneously, without having to tap or charge the Hand slot repeatedly.

    - 'Fire All Weapons', not enough missiles, but I'm guessing the final animation/FX isn't hooked up yet. I would like to see a Mini Gun on the one shoulder, and a Shoulder Launcher on the other, shooting a continuous stream of missiles. :D

    - Micro Munitions needs a damage buff, especially if it's gonna compete with Chest Beam.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    New Forms Fix: IF these new forms are implemented they need to scale with superstats, and not specific stats. For the same reasons passives were changed to ack this way, more freedom in customization. If I had my way Energy Unlocks would also scale with Superstats.

    I disagree with you on this.. Making every buff in the game scale with superstats is a very very bad idea. This more than anything is what got us in the AoPM/Quarry mess that we're in now.
    • Role Benefits - Neccesary. Is intrensic to having fairness in Stat choice.
    • Slotted Passives - Yes Please. Superstats are best choice so concepts are not restricted.
    • Toggle Forms - No. These forms do not buff your character, they buff a playstyle. Being able to buff healing by statting CON or DEX.. Being able to buff Melee attacks by stating INT or REC.. these possibilities cause more imbalance than they're worth.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Vylma wrote:
    I'm bringing back Aggressor on the table because I think this is huge issue that needs to be adressed. With the end of the Agressor / Enrage synergy this is the end of Enrage as a suitable power for melee DPS. STR/Enrage/Aggressor has always been second to DEX/Focus, but it was acceptable, the difference was reasonnable.

    The idea was:

    Slower attacks, less critical hits but higher base damage VS Faster attacks, high critical rate and lower base damage.

    By removing Aggressor now this is:

    Slower attacks, less critical hits and same base damage VS Faster attacks, high critical rate and same base damage.

    I couldn't agree with you MORE. We need Aggressor as a buff (maybe not a toggle?) specifically for Brick tree's playstyle. Something that will be able to boost the way Brick powers work.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The only way to get stats into the 500s is extreme maximization with the sacrifice of all other stats and very special legacy gear from Opening Beta that can no longer be obtained. Maybe the new gear can be made with extreme expense due to the need for level 9 mods, but I am betting the game has been carefully controlled to not allow this. Very very few players have the legacy gear and often brag that they have it an no one else (na na).

    Oh, I thought that's how the Rage of Majesty Exploit used to work. My bad. I never tried it. Sorry.
    Vilma wrote:
    Nope IDF is a form you can't use it at the same time. And don't expect a noticable gain from an AO, ever tested Intensity? This is barely noticable.

    So, that means Heavy Weapon no longer can get 8 stacks of Enrage on it's own? D:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Jaybezz wrote:
    I couldn't agree with you MORE. We need Aggressor as a buff (maybe not a toggle?) specifically for Brick tree's playstyle. Something that will be able to boost the way Brick powers work.

    Yes but it needs to be build in otherwise you'd just be recreating enraged again.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Macey wrote:
    Yes but it needs to be build in otherwise you'd just be recreating enraged again.


    Can their system make a buff work only with Brick powers and not other frameworks?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Why not make Aggressor the toggle (instead of Enrage), keep a weaker version of Enrage as a stacking buff only applied/refreshed by Brick/Bestial powers, and give the new Active Offense a new name?

    Alternatively, just bump up the base damage of some of the underperforming Might powers. And Cleave is not one of those.

    Saying "MA gets more crits!" isn't really a valid argument with the existence of crit-buffing specs and crit strike gear.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Dr.Sage wrote:
    Saying "MA gets more crits!" isn't really a valid argument with the existence of crit-buffing specs and crit strike gear.

    This is based on activation time vs. damage done. MA has fast activation times (and now high damage.. where it used to be much lower).

    Might gets WAY big base numbers (or it used to) but you needed to get more of a charge on them to activate that damage.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    A suggestion for Enrage. It may have been mentioned, hinted at, whatever already. I'm not going through that many pages.

    Make it apply full bonus to the ranged powers from the Brick powersets. Seriously. Earth needs the love, and random powers such as Earthsplitter from HW don't need to be made a nonfactor (Aside from thematics).

    That is all. *smokebomb*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Can anyone actually log on to the PTS? I'm still getting "on maintenance"....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    No, someone forgot to turn the shard back on when they left for the weekend. :(

    I agree though, Earth needs to get full benefit from Enrage. Enrage is for bricks, yeah Concentration will still work if you want it, but Brick's thing is enraged synergy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    All this looks fine and dandy, but I hope Brick builds are compensated for the Enrage/Aggressor change. There are ATs that depend on both, you know? Changing Enrage was fine, but stripping Brick of it's extra layer of damage (Aggressor) was a bit too much. Baseline damage for those frameworks needs to be bumped up. Hopefully you'll address it soon before too many people catch on that Brick powers are going to be weak.

    Oh, and the new PA powers look great. What would have really topped it off (and I've seen it suggested numerous times) is PA getting an alternative energy builder that is melee and uses the Laser Sword visual. It would be a good time to implement that with the new AT and all.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    It's another giant thread, and I really didn't have time and patience to read every post this time, so can't say if this has been mentioned yet. :rolleyes: But..

    On AoAC the healing bonus is a good addition, however I'd suggest the bonus in hybrid to be a bonus to 'incoming healing' instead of 'healing others do'. The reason is, you'd mostly want to use hybrid when solo, and support when.. well, supporting. Any bonus you give to others is useless when you solo, but with bonus to incoming healing you'd still have something that might benefit you, while if you use it in team in hybrid mode, it would give bonus (indirectly) to heals that everyone does (which I believe is the intention).
    Sinistro78 wrote:
    Oh, and the new PA powers look great. What would have really topped it off (and I've seen it suggested numerous times) is PA getting an alternative energy builder that is melee and uses the Laser Sword visual. It would be a good time to implement that with the new AT and all.

    PA doesn't have enough melee powers to warrant a dedicated EB for melee. It would leave you pointing your metal finger at opponents most of the time, which wouldn't be very cool. Perhaps a 1-point advantage that would allow the EB to change into laser sword mode when in melee range, with a slightly higher damage output.. or alternately a 2-point advantage that would do the same with some extra bonus effect.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Yukitsuki wrote:
    It's another giant thread, and I really didn't have time and patience to read every post this time, so can't say if this has been mentioned yet. :rolleyes: But..

    On AoAC the healing bonus is a good addition, however I'd suggest the bonus in hybrid to be a bonus to 'incoming healing' instead of 'healing others do'. The reason is, you'd mostly want to use hybrid when solo, and support when.. well, supporting. Any bonus you give to others is useless when you solo, but with bonus to incoming healing you'd still have something that might benefit you, while if you use it in team in hybrid mode, it would give bonus (indirectly) to heals that everyone does (which I believe is the intention).

    PA doesn't have enough melee powers to warrant a dedicated EB for melee. It would leave you pointing your metal finger at opponents most of the time, which wouldn't be very cool. Perhaps a 1-point advantage that would allow the EB to change into laser sword mode when in melee range, with a slightly higher damage output.. or alternately a 2-point advantage that would do the same with some extra bonus effect.

    If you look at ego blades, single/dual blades, and laser sword, you'll notice that they use a lot of the same animations. It would not be too difficult to add a bunch of new laser sword attacks. Take the 'particle acceleration' advantage from the power and turn it into a mechanic similar to ego leech or focus.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    biostem wrote:
    If you look at ego blades, single/dual blades, and laser sword, you'll notice that they use a lot of the same animations. It would not be too difficult to add a bunch of new laser sword attacks. Take the 'particle acceleration' advantage from the power and turn it into a mechanic similar to ego leech or focus.

    And this would make all the jedi knights out there very happy I'm sure. If this was done then yes, it might warrant a separate melee EB, but that woud then be a part of bigger change (making the power armor a real hybrid powerset).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Yukitsuki wrote:
    And this would make all the jedi knights out there very happy I'm sure. If this was done then yes, it might warrant a separate melee EB, but that woud then be a part of bigger change (making the power armor a real hybrid powerset).

    Star Wars was not the first media/genre/setting to include an energy sword, and the fact that the devs have already added lightsaber weapon models for dual and single blade means that this is already available, yet I haven't seen a flood of Jedis since the free Unleashed AT was introduced.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    biostem wrote:
    Star Wars was not the first media/genre/setting to include an energy sword, and the fact that the devs have already added lightsaber weapon models for dual and single blade means that this is already available, yet I haven't seen a flood of Jedis since the free Unleashed AT was introduced.

    Yes, I've watched literally hundreds of anime series. And I'm not strictly against adding more options to PA set either. However aside from doing a lot of copy/paste into PA set, another option might be to explore viable options of mixing powers from PA and single/dual blade, TK blades or heavy weapon - because another concept might prefer a giant, physical weapon mixed with the power armor instead of laser sword. Isn't that the general idea behind the freeform system?

    This is kind of what I was hoping those previous power mod items would evolve into - something you could use to, for example, alter the damage type of your dual blade attacks into particle, so it would synergize with PA set (although currently that would require you to take electric form as passive to see the benefits). But in broader sense you could have a special item slot where you could put something to change a set of powers to fit into a particular concept (e.g. fire-based character that uses ranged attacks from fire set, but alternately uses melee weapons that are enhanced by the flame powers (dual-blade powers modded to use fire damage type so they work with fire form).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    What you're talking about is what power replacers were intended to be. A set of laser sword powers that deal particle damage and perhaps have their own mechanic is not the same as choosing to throw in a few heavy weapon or single/dual blade attacks that use some high-tech weapon skin. They also wouldn't count toward your power armor count for things like prerequisites if you wanted to get chest beam or some other higher tier attack sooner.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    biostem wrote:
    What you're talking about is what power replacers were intended to be. A set of laser sword powers that deal particle damage and perhaps have their own mechanic is not the same as choosing to throw in a few heavy weapon or single/dual blade attacks that use some high-tech weapon skin. They also wouldn't count toward your power armor count for things like prerequisites if you wanted to get chest beam or some other higher tier attack sooner.

    Yes, power replacers were what I meant - the way they were done made them pretty useless, I never actually used them and had even forgotten what exactly they were called by now. I was hoping they could be taken to the new system with a more useful functionality.

    The prequisites, after the change to 3/4 and 5/6 aren't really much of an issue anymore. The synergies are another issue, but they could work from damage type instead of specific powers at least for the most part.

    In practice I imagine this is probably a moot point though, because from what I understand the game engine is unflexible what comes to powers - so probably the powers you get through power replacer are treated internally as separate powers (same as zero-point advantages, or different ranks of same power), so I guess it doesn't make much difference to just copy/paste them. In the end I may be simply having a pipedream about a different kind of system.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Cryptic. Power Beam could be my new favorite power of all time. Just two little things about it need to change.

    1) Give it emanation point choices.
    2) Make it thicker visually. The damage cone is fine.

    Do this, and there will be much rejoicing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Just going to repeat.

    No healing on AoAC. Think harder and smarter about how to improve the power. Heals are redundant
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Jaybezz wrote:
    Just going to repeat.

    No healing on AoAC. Think harder and smarter about how to improve the power. Heals are redundant
    + Dodge & Avoidance? :D

    Just kidding, there's more than enough dodge for everyone since On Alert.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Vylma wrote:
    + Dodge & Avoidance? :D

    Just kidding, there's more than enough dodge for everyone since On Alert.

    I wouldn't mind if it was +dodge, +crits, +sight.. ANYTHING but heals
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Jaybezz wrote:
    Just going to repeat.

    No healing on AoAC. Think harder and smarter about how to improve the power. Heals are redundant
    Jaybezz wrote:
    I wouldn't mind if it was +dodge, +crits, +sight.. ANYTHING but heals

    Well make a suggestion instead of telling them to think harder and leaving it hanging like that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Jaybezz wrote:
    I wouldn't mind if it was +dodge, +crits, +sight.. ANYTHING but heals
    Sight is almost useless in pve. Flat damage absorption like invul? Hmmm... no. KB and Control resistance maybe, shouldn't be a too small bonus though, it must be noticable.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Silverspar wrote:
    Well make a suggestion instead of telling them to think harder and leaving it hanging like that.

    No. I don't like making specific suggestions to the devs, anymore. It's their game. They can do with it as they see fit.

    But if they make a step in the wrong direction on something I know about (holds and aura of clarity being top of that list), then I will simply try to explain to them why this is a misstep and hope they find a solution.

    - -

    I don't want to be disappointed if/when they don't use a specific suggestion.. that's what happened when Willow spent a whole lot of time trying to bring all Crowd Control into a balanced state and I thought what he wrote was brilliant.

    Instead their system does not respect hold strength at all and they decided to have it respect different things.. something I still disagree with.. but instead of telling them what to do I'd rather just show them and see what they got.

    Frankly we're not getting paid, they are. Any suggestion I do give will only be as example not as a specific request. See Bezzy Balance threads
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Vylma wrote:
    Sight is almost useless in pve. Flat damage absorption like invul? Hmmm... no. KB and Control resistance maybe, shouldn't be a too small bonus though, it must be noticable.

    I'll still vote Charge Reduction ....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Hey devs..

    As a player who has.. cut back playtime (is there a nice way to say you quit?), I am still interested in what you see for the future of your game. It's been two weeks since your last promise of an official announcement and I don't think you are doing the player base at large any favors by giving us on PTS a preview without letting the players know.

    My specific questions are:
    • Is there new open world content (aka NOT Alerts, Adventure Packs or Comic Series) actively in development?
    • What mechanics are you revisiting as apart of your balance pass?
      I see you are already working on Toggled Forms. Do you plan on working on ALL the buff system (Passives, Toggles, Active Offense, Active Defense, ONH, Block Enhancers. and Standalone Buffs like evasive maneuvers and Enrage)
    • Are there any changes coming to current Archetypes?
    • Are there any new Archetypes (free or paid)?
    • Are you looking at the Hold and Stealth systems (asked for PvP purposes)?
    • Is there a plan to increase PvP development (maps, scenarios, etc) or have you decided to focus on PvE?

    I know there's alot going on right now but I wanted to get these out there.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Jaybezz wrote:
    No. I don't like making specific suggestions to the devs, anymore. It's their game. They can do with it as they see fit.

    But if they make a step in the wrong direction on something I know about (holds and aura of clarity being top of that list), then I will simply try to explain to them why this is a misstep and hope they find a solution.

    - -

    I don't want to be disappointed if/when they don't use a specific suggestion.. that's what happened when Willow spent a whole lot of time trying to bring all Crowd Control into a balanced state and I thought what he wrote was brilliant.

    Instead their system does not respect hold strength at all and they decided to have it respect different things.. something I still disagree with.. but instead of telling them what to do I'd rather just show them and see what they got.

    Frankly we're not getting paid, they are. Any suggestion I do give will only be as example not as a specific request. See Bezzy Balance threads

    Unfortunately, the end result of your position will be AoAC getting a heal bonus, because you're practically the only one complaining about it and won't provide any specific suggestions what to do with it other than adding a heal bonus. Though...
    Vylma wrote:
    + Dodge & Avoidance? :D

    Just kidding, there's more than enough dodge for everyone since On Alert.

    ...this^ one sounds like a good idea, since it could be explained as Aura of Clarity giving you precognitive insights that could help avoid getting hit in a fight. I wonder if increased energy reduction + cooldown reduction + dodge/avoid together would be too much, though. Maybe if they drop the proposed increases to the aura's energy and cooldown reduction, and simply give it the dodge/avoid instead.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Unfortunately, the end result of your position will be AoAC getting a heal bonus, because you're practically the only one complaining about it and won't provide any specific suggestions what to do with it other than adding a heal bonus. Though...

    ...this^ one sounds like a good idea, since it could be explained as Aura of Clarity giving you precognitive insights that could help avoid getting hit in a fight. I wonder if increased energy reduction + cooldown reduction + dodge/avoid together would be too much, though. Maybe if they drop the proposed increases to the aura's energy and cooldown reduction, and simply give it the dodge/avoid instead.

    Since there is nothing provides +Charge Reduction (besides the command tree, but it's pet powers only)

    Providing AoAC a really unique is the only way to save it. All other components can be easily replaced.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Unfortunately, the end result of your position will be AoAC getting a heal bonus, because you're practically the only one complaining about it and won't provide any specific suggestions what to do with it other than adding a heal bonus. Though...

    I know.

    Wouldn't be the first time they ignored good ideas. But to be frank, this game has lost so much in trust and good faith. If I (the only person who ever really used AoAC that i've ever seen in the game) can't have a voice of opposition to their bad judgement. Then It's just more of devs proving they don't listen when it matters most.
    • I LOVE the -ChargeTime idea Terlisha.
    • I also like +Dodge (tho not avoidance.. having foresight doesn't mean you have the physical ability to get out of the way)
    • I LOVE +HoldStrength/HoldResist.. mostly because that's my personal concept, lol
    • I Like +Sight for PvP purposes and because you can't get it from any other passive (aka not gear)
    • I Hate (repeat.. HATE) Heals.

    I just thought of Aura of Radiant Protection.

    This seems like the best place to put +KnockbackResist in passive form (outside of unstoppable..) thoughts?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Wonderful, just frikkin wonderful. You guys make Enrage into a toggle and now force me to either drop Inertial Dampening Field or Enrage since I can't run both powers.

    My brick concept character is an Earth Elemental that does low damage, but was hard to kill, and grew larger as he fought. Now in order to keep that concept I have to either lose some of his survivability by dumping IDF or eliminate his very concept by dumping Enrage Growth.

    Thanks a frikkin lot Cryptic.

    Color me not happy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Ashlocke wrote:
    Wonderful, just frikkin wonderful. You guys make Enrage into a toggle and now force me to either drop Inertial Dampening Field or Enrage since I can't run both powers.

    My brick concept character is an Earth Elemental that does low damage, but was hard to kill, and grew larger as he fought. Now in order to keep that concept I have to either lose some of his survivability by dumping IDF or eliminate his very concept by dumping Enrage Growth.

    Thanks a frikkin lot Cryptic.

    Color me not happy.

    Take invulnerability.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    FYI, I already have it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Still on Maintanence???
    It's monday allready, come on.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I really like the charge reduction idea.. giving AoAC a haste component would give it the niche it sorely needs. Energy return alone won't cut it. Energy return and healing buff will make it a weaker seraphim and barely different.

    Charge reduction/Maintain tick reduction would be somewhat difficult to implement though, but probably the best idea. AoACers would take the Force Cascade mantle from AoPM users, but not have the omgdamagebuff side of AoPM added in. Increasing ticks per second will also obviously help out ramp up maintains and potentially make some neglected heals suddenly very viable for an AoAC user.

    Seems like a solid fit and I endorse the idea, but understand the difficulty. It may not make it into the patch. Consider.. they might not even have 'charge time' stored as a per power variable that can be manipulated, which would mean a minor engine revamp for implementation, which might also break other stuff. But it would also likely be the most competitive fix to the passive, and not just some Seraphim lite shenanigans.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    A charge time/maintain tick latency reduction would be both awesome and unique.

    /Signed for great justice!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Ashlocke wrote:
    Wonderful, just frikkin wonderful. You guys make Enrage into a toggle and now force me to either drop Inertial Dampening Field or Enrage since I can't run both powers.

    My brick concept character is an Earth Elemental that does low damage, but was hard to kill, and grew larger as he fought. Now in order to keep that concept I have to either lose some of his survivability by dumping IDF or eliminate his very concept by dumping Enrage Growth.

    Thanks a frikkin lot Cryptic.

    Color me not happy.

    If you weren't using pets or helping someone else that needed a bit of extra defense you were pretty much wasting IDF with the new changes anyway TBH. The increase in available +Defense greatly increases the efficiency of the absorb on Invulnerability to the point were the extra few points from IDF aren't adding anything the vast majority of the time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Yeah, IDF on Invuln is about as wasted as more resistance on a defiance toon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Yeah, IDF on Invuln is about as wasted as more resistance on a defiance toon.
    is that why energy shield+laser knight+drones was working so well? :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Jaybezz wrote:
    Hey devs..

    As a player who has.. cut back playtime (is there a nice way to say you quit?), I am still interested in what you see for the future of your game. It's been two weeks since your last promise of an official announcement and I don't think you are doing the player base at large any favors by giving us on PTS a preview without letting the players know.

    My specific questions are:
    • Is there new open world content (aka NOT Alerts, Adventure Packs or Comic Series) actively in development?
    • What mechanics are you revisiting as apart of your balance pass?
      I see you are already working on Toggled Forms. Do you plan on working on ALL the buff system (Passives, Toggles, Active Offense, Active Defense, ONH, Block Enhancers. and Standalone Buffs like evasive maneuvers and Enrage)
    • Are there any changes coming to current Archetypes?
    • Are there any new Archetypes (free or paid)?

    I'd like to know the answers to these questions as well lol, especially improvements and additions/deletions to powers in current AT's. For Example, this might just be me but I think Ego Hold is absolutely useless on Mind AT...ever since going gold I have realised the requirements for certain powers and I think that apart from AoRP and Ego Hold it was a good job for the Mind to be built and stuck to telepathy. I think that Collective Will would be a better lvl 27 power as it is viable as you need 5 non energy building powers from that powerset to get it and by lvl 27 The Mind AT has 5 non energy building powers so Collective Will could be implemented IMO, ever since hold mechanics were changed, it has become clear that Ego Storm is not very viable for PvP and in some instances PvE, I read somewhere that there was still hold revision going on, can we get some information as to whether holds will be reverted back (WIN!) or will be kept as Incapcitates (BOO!) .

    For the Behemoth I was wondering what is going to happen to it as I seem to have heard that Aggressor is being removed as a toggle power or something is happening to it? I also wondered if the Behemoth would still be able to procure Enraged Stacks from knocking things with a half-full charge KB attack e.g Roomsweeper.

    Some of my silver friends have some questions aswell....I can't remember them right now but I will be sure to post once I go in game later today
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    >.> Since the Enrage toggle stacks on knocks, throwing people across the room should make your character just as angry as anyone who now needs to chase down whoever you just knocked.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Lol true, maybe make every knock add a stack of enrage to all party members, cause you know they will be ****ed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    >.> Since the Enrage toggle stacks on knocks, throwing people across the room should make your character just as angry as anyone who now needs to chase down whoever you just knocked.

    That's what knock ups are for right?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Yes, yes it is. But he was specifically speaking of Roomsweeper.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Yes, yes it is. But he was specifically speaking of Roomsweeper.

    Root them first. Roomsweeper becomes knock up.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Nice. Any good roots that you could fit on a brick?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Nice. Any good roots that you could fit on a brick?

    It's "any control effect," but here's a list that does not necessarily include all.

    Unleashed rage.

    Cry Havoc advantage on havoc stop (fear)


    Bull Rush on Mighty Leap. Mighty leap itself. (this allows it to replace uppercut in a leap>uppercut>haymaker combo, and allows you to replace haymaker, too, since your second roomsweeper will knockback from snare expiration.)


    Stone shot, stagger advantage for more targets.

    Your ultimate has fewer requirements, you can take one control effect outside of brick if you wish.
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