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Gods and Demons - rant rant rant



  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Kittyotix wrote:

    The one thing that really creeps me out are the characters that have used super shrinkers to make themselves look like pets. All the girl characters then go all mushy and say things like 'squuueee...giggles...cuddles....'
    Yuk....now, dont get me wrong. I LOVE animals and have had pets all my life, but i dont do that in rl (well maybe if the pet in question is a big cuddly dog, but lets not get into that lol), and i dont know many people that do.
    Do the pet-character people get a thrill out of being in-game hugged by an obvious man being a girl?

    This is what I meant by the aforementioned 'Woobie' characters.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    taekinuru wrote:
    I find the wolf-people a bit... alarming. (must... resist... obvious... set-up... for... Beauty... And... The... Beast... Song... Time...). They're just... hanging out, acting normal, and nobody actually goes "My Flub, that's a wolf standing upright! By Jove, how most exceedingly strange!"

    I'm not sure that a world in which the cities are overrun with people wearing their underwear on the outside, carrying assault weapons, and the like is going to react in this fashion to a bipedal wolf.

    The reality is more likely to be...

    *bipedal wolf walks past a group of human citizens*]

    Citizen 1) "Achhooo !!!"

    Citizen 2) "you OK ?"

    Citizen 3) "aww don't worry, he's just allergic to dogs."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    This is false.

    I don't think I told you this to your face... I hope not. Otherwise...

    Well, I don't remember saying this so eloquently, either. Maybe if I was in your face you can tell me what I'd been drinking... gotta go find that stuff again, apparently. (Note: Last time it was Bactine and RC Cola poured over gravel in a jar.)

    I personally don't like demon characters. I think they're boring and, well, kinda lame. (Except for maybe like, three I've gotten to know). But let's be honest here, I'm allowed to not like certain types of characters, right? I try to avoid them. I don't go buy Spiderman comics, because I hate that guy.

    But demons aren't the only ones...

    -Catboys. It's just weird to me. Saw a picture of this oddball teenage boy someone posted with cat ears on, a tail, and furry arms... really skinny and strange looking kid. Freaked me out a little. I'm a little scared that people like this exist.

    -Anthro characters. Because I apparently can't use "The F word" to describe them. Don't make sense to me. A werewolf, animal spirit, manimal, something like that... okay. But a random talking wolf person named Dave... that's just an Anthro? Don't like 'em. Never have. Never will. Mind you I am stating a specific type of mythological character type and not a group of people. There's been some confusion.

    -Woobie characters. Look it up if you don't know what I mean. Seems like a cheap attempt at attention fishing if you ask me, and it gets old and annoying really, really fast.

    -Robots. I thought they were fun at first but now, they get on my nerves.

    -Power armor. Wraith is convinced they just give this crap away on the street.

    -Supermusclemen. MOTHER OF GOD. How do you dudes wipe your butts? Being obscenely huge as a super-strength character, I get... but just a nomal guy that is THAT huge? That's not normal. Hell, I don't think it's healthy. Go see a doctor or something.

    -Misguided Morally Uprights. This is where I have a character clash a lot, and it doesn't bother me... until it borders on harassment. Wraith kills. Deal with it. While you were doing nothing about a problem, he dealt with it his way (ask him why one day, you may like his answer). But don't sit there and think that there are absolutely no grounds whatsoever for deadly force. Any sentient being is authorized to use deadly force when it's appropriate (Defense of own life, defense of innocent life, etc.). Wraith wouldn't kill someone who surrendered. He always gives them a chance. But calling someone a murderer and threatening him... well, let's face it... the last six times this has happened the people randomly assumed he was just some merc for whatever reason.

    -HATEFUL lesbians. I won't even touch the succubus issue. For some odd reason, it's okay for a 'lesbian' to snap randomly at any male she encounters and say she hates them. Because... whatever, I don't care. A person of a different race tried to steal my bike once, I didn't join a hate group. Come on BOYS, I know what you're doing. Real lesbians don't act like that... I should know, I've trained a few.

    -Idiots with guns. And Wraith uses guns. Apparently, some folks think you can shove a gun to someone's nose to solve an argument. In public. These are the sort of characters who don't need anything more dangerous that a tube sock with a boiled egg in it, much less a firearm. It's idiotic, and as a gun owner there is nothing more stupid and wretched than someone who flashes around a gun to make a point. You're resorting to a tool to make your point because you're obviously too stupid to make yours without acting like a savage.

    Never ever click the My toons link at the bottom of my posts it may well cause you to have a episode.
    I also hate wings. DEAL WITH IT :P

    What like spicy chicken wings?

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    MESS wrote:
    Never ever click the My toons link at the bottom of my posts it may well cause you to have a episode.

    Oh my god !!! I looked !!! I looked !!!

    Nothing but hateful, winged, succubi, lesbian, mega muscled, woobie characters as far as the eye can see !!!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    My eyes! They bleed!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    ...Oh screw you guys, you know I'm going to have to look now. :|

    EDIT: That wasn't that bad... wait, why is my nose bleeding la;wkehahakjhgjkhjghagagjl
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I hate to conform to the stereotype of Germans having no sense of humor, but I'm really not getting the punchline right now... :confused:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Melodramatic sarcasm. Or at least that's what I was going for. >_>
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I also hate wings.

    I have FOUR wings :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Sorwen wrote:
    While I've just come back I'll say before I left again I still didn't find it fun to have more than a equal chance of being beat up by 4 thugs and an Otis. That doesn't even rate Aquaman level of superheroness.

    You know, Aquaman is actually a fairly strong and competent hero. You might want to stop believing the old Superfriends cartoon is actually what Aquaman is like :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Silverspar wrote:
    You know, Aquaman is actually a fairly strong and competent hero. You might want to stop believing the old Superfriends cartoon is actually what Aquaman is like :p

    What she said ^^^.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Kittyotix wrote:
    Hi everyone,
    I love a bit of RP. I like to RP my characters from lvl 1 to 40. BUT I have a question or two that niggle me.....
    1/ Why are there so many gods and super uber omnipotent deities....and why would such an omnipotent being stand around in Caprice talking to lonely mortals like my characters.

    2/Why are there so many demons that are so very very bad that even satan vomited before throwing them out of hell for out-sataning satan....and again, if they were this bad, why are they in caprice at lvl 6 ? Does this mean that satan is only lvl 4 haha?

    3/What is it with all the succubi? And they are always lesbians....succubus (plural succubi) is a female demon who takes the form of a hot human woman in order to seduce and sleep with men A male one is called an incubus. A succubus collects semen from the men she sleeps with. The incubi then use this to impregnate human females. Now...my beef with lesbian succubi is that they dont seem to want to have sex with men (as they are in fact lesbian). Does that not make them just a demon?

    4/What is it with all the RPers that go to caprice and say something like 'Hey Joe...give me your best, strongest and most expensive alcohol'...only to down the bottle and get another one. Are all superheroes boozaholics these days?

    Saturday Rant over (brought on by godmodding demons in caprice last night lol)

    I don't expect anybody to agree with me. In fact, I expect that what I am about to say is going to make a lot of people very very angry, irrespective of the fact that it is not my intention to anger anyone. Please understand that I am not launching an attack on anyone in particular, nor am I launching an attack. This is more my impressions of the community. If what I say here does not fit you, then you have no reason to be angered by what I'm saying because it's not directed at you.

    If however what I say here does fit your patterns, and it makes you angry that I've voiced it in a negative light, then I encourage you to evaluate why it makes you angry and perhaps try to think of ways to break out of the pattern and expand your horizons. At any rate, if you feel angered by what I have to say, I'm going to quote Epictetus who said "people are not angered by things but rather by the attitude to which they take toward things." What that means is that it's not what I'm saying that's making you angry, it's the attitude you take toward it.

    I intend no hostility when I say what I am about to say here, so if you are unable to control your reaction, please accept my sincerest apology, it is not my intention to anger anyone. My intention here is to expose what I see as the biggest problems in the roleplay community. The problems which keep me from interacting with the roleplay community here on Champions Online.

    I'm an actual published video game developer. Some of you may have played games that I helped develop. My work tends to be primarily in gameplay development, preproduction, and writing. So some of you may actually be familiar with and may have come to love or hate characters I've created. I won't say which games or which characters, because I'm not here to self promote or to sell my work. I also prefer to separate my leisure life (playing video games) from my work life (making them). So maybe you can understand why I'm rather harsh in my judgements regarding the characters of amateurs.

    I use that word, amateur, in the truest sense of the word as a statement of motivation, not in the way it is rather commonly misused as a judgement of quality. No, the sense I use "amateur" is in the sense that you do what you do for the love of it, rather than for money. That's the only difference between between an amateur and a professional: whether or not you get paid to do it. For this reason I am not naming any names, nor am I naming any specific scenarios or giving enough details to call any one person out on something I perceive as being bad. I understand that they do it for the love of doing it, and I don't want to ruin that, no matter how much I detest the manner in which they are doing it.

    I understand that many of you work very hard on your characters and you love to do what you do.

    First to address the OP's delineated list of complaints.

    Underscore text is a link, it's underscored because some of it didn't stand out against the non-link text. I am not using underscore to emphasize or yell.

    1: Omnipotent characters tend to come from a variety of types of roleplayers. The vast majority of them fall under a category called "Mary Sue". The linked webpage goes over the various Mary Sue types, including but not limited to the Mary Tzu, Purity Sue, God Mode Sue, etc. Typically Mary Sue characters are traditionally only found in non-interactive narratives (read fanfic, conventional books or media such as tv and movies). However, they can also be found in roleplay. The only non-Mary Sue variety of roleplayer that does this nonsense is doing the Author Avatar.

    The sad part is that in nearly all cases in roleplay, there's no actual narrative to follow, so it ends up coming off looking like either the player is just being a major jerk, arrogant, or otherwise trying to avoid having to deal with situations where their character can be acted upon by anyone but themselves. Probably some combination thereof.

    2: See Villain Sue from aforelinked webpage.

    3: Too much Dark Stalkers and yuri influence. Barring that, they're guys who claim that by playing a male character they feel gay because they end up having to have a male front and center all the time on the screen. So they play female characters. However, when guys hit on them, they feel gay again, so they resort to "I'm lesbian" so they don't have to feel gay. In other words, they pretend to be gay so they can avoid feeling gay.

    4: Again bad roleplay. Much like how many (not all) alcoholics are the way they are because they don't know how to or can't deal with their life's problems, these people roleplay alcoholics because they don't know how to or can't roleplay well. There are however genuine exceptions where the person is genuinely roleplaying an alcoholic because they want to, and most (if not all) of their other characters are not alcoholics.

    The entire problem is that you're in Caprice. Caprice is not a place for good superhero roleplay. It's a good place for supernatural nightclub roleplay. I might go so far as to say it's not good roleplay in general, but then I was a fan of Cheers when the show was still on, and that took place almost entirely within a bar. So it just leads to a type of roleplay that I don't care for. I won't say that Caprice is itself only bad roleplay, but it attracts people who are very bad at roleplay.

    The crux of the issue is that Caprice is a night club. People who only roleplay in Caprice aren't roleplaying superheroes. Yes, I know, superheroes need downtime. However, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the majority of Caprice roleplayers only log in to go to Caprice. They're not roleplaying superheroes and supervillains that just happen to be on their down time, instead they're roleplaying nightclub goers who happen to be (and this is purely incidental and in no way is actually roleplayed at any time) superheroes or supervillains.

    Where would I recommend good superhero roleplay? I wouldn't. The few roleplay supergroups out there that roleplay places other than Caprice tend to be filled with similarly bad roleplayers. A good number of them that have active story lines going that tend to have GMs (rp type GM, not Cryptic GMs) who announce these roleplay events and they basically are just doing something, the nature of which cannot actually involve strangers or anybody outside their intended scene, and all you get to do is spectate. The point of a roleplay supergroup is to roleplay, not to sit back and watch others roleplay.

    What it comes down to is roleplayers in this game tend to be self centered. It's not that they roleplay Black Hole Sue characters, but rather they just genuinely think other people give a crap enough about their characters to grab popcorn and spectate. If they were really that good, they'd be making their own video games, comics, movies, tv shows, etc... even if it's just on YouTube for non-interactive narrative scripts and whatnot.

    I'm going to finish off with a link to a webpage that very clearly and concisely lays out the red flags of bad roleplayers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Other than the claim to know what roleplayers in CO, as a group, think you have some very interesting points there Metallurgist.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Ashen_X wrote:
    Other than the claim to know what roleplayers in CO, as a group, think you have some very interesting points there Metallurgist.

    I'm not really trying to claim to know what roleplayers in CO, as a group, think. I'm only talking about my perceptions of roleplayers in CO, as a group. I understand that my perceptions may be wrong. I do not doubt, however, that many fall into my diagnosis in some way or other.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I'm not really trying to claim to know what roleplayers in CO, as a group, think. I'm only talking about my perceptions of roleplayers in CO, as a group. I understand that my perceptions may be wrong. I do not doubt, however, that many fall into my diagnosis in some way or other.

    My apologies. I read that last paragraph without taking your initial disclaimers into consideration. You meant it as an expression of your opinion and not a statement of fact. To be honest I would be very surprised if your view was not accurate.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Apart from the HUGE text wall, Metalugist, i think you raise good points too. CC is a crappy place to RP if truth be told, but sometimes is the only place if none of your SG or friends are online (damn being in the UK....all my RP friends are in the States :) )
    I do think the word Woobie is funny tho....sounds like Boobie lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    That's a lot of disclaimers, but a solid, general analysis. Obviously individual mileage may vary, but that's an assumed quantity in anything talking about stuff beyond an individual scale.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    That's a lot of disclaimers, but a solid, general analysis. Obviously individual mileage may vary, but that's an assumed quantity in anything talking about stuff beyond an individual scale.

    People tend to take what I say extremely harshly, especially when I espouse my views on the RP community here. I felt the large disclaimer necessary to make it absolutely clear that I'm not trying to make people angry or attack anyone. I was also rather sleepy at the time, and I tend to ramble when I'm sleepy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Solid work indeed, Metallurgist. Next time spare us the half-page of disclaimers first - anyone worth your time will know you're just laying out points as you see them, and anyone who's gonna be offended will be offended no matter how nicely you ask them not to be :p A general "WARNING: Personal Opinion Incoming" should suffice, otherwise you start to look less like you're trying to be polite and more like you're trying too hard to convince everyone ye're not trying to be harsh.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Indeed I was only offended by the long disclaimer XD
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I'm offended because Kittyotix isn't meeting me an loving embrace at a monster truck/biker rally.

    But guy had some fantastic points.

    Nice work defining 'amatuer'. Now, if we could only do the same with a word like 'ignorant'...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Solid work indeed, Metallurgist. Next time spare us the half-page of disclaimers first - anyone worth your time will know you're just laying out points as you see them, and anyone who's gonna be offended will be offended no matter how nicely you ask them not to be :p A general "WARNING: Personal Opinion Incoming" should suffice, otherwise you start to look less like you're trying to be polite and more like you're trying too hard to convince everyone ye're not trying to be harsh.

    duely noted
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Despite everything said, if one was to combine every bad idea in here into one character, it would probably be so awesome that THE NPCS WILL GENERATE WATER-DROPLET-SHAPED-BITS ON THEIR MODELS SIMPLY TO CRY AT ITS MAJESTY!

    So, we've got a lycanthropic ninjutsu-trained succubot who is a textbook example of that trope with the standard homosexual stereotype that I forget the tropename for. Also, cannot be hurt by any mortal weapon or ability. Just because, no reason why in backstory, just is, for the sake of the current storyline.
    Oh, and it will wear a furry bikini. Because eh, why not.
    Also, dinosaur tail on a wolfish body. Because... why not. And sunglasses, even though that's impossible with all the prior choices here.

    ... Actually, that's not as awesome as I expected. Maybe the principle of 'adding two overplayed things together to create a temporary awesome' only works in twos, and not in any number larger. Everyone knows cyborg ninjas are cool, so why not that atrocity above?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    taekinuru wrote:
    ... Actually, that's not as awesome as I expected. Maybe the principle of 'adding two overplayed things together to create a temporary awesome' only works in twos, and not in any number larger. Everyone knows cyborg ninjas are cool, so why not that atrocity above?

    I forget what the modern internet culture calls this, but I used to always say this:

    Ice cream is awesome. McNuggets are awesome. Chili is awesome. Chocolate is awesome.

    If you put it all together, you're going to get diarrhea and gas, everyone will avoid you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    taekinuru wrote:
    ... Actually, that's not as awesome as I expected. Maybe the principle of 'adding two overplayed things together to create a temporary awesome' only works in twos, and not in any number larger. Everyone knows cyborg ninjas are cool, so why not that atrocity above?

    Megas XLR adds together all the overplayed giant robot tropes and produces something of such phenomenal awesomeness that Cartoon Network canceled the show for having too high of ratings... in the wrong age bracket... The ratings were super low in the target demographic but astoundingly high (highest ratings EVAR on CN) in the adult demographics. That's how awesome it is, it's so awesome it got canceled for having too high of ratings!

    Sadly, very few things work well when added together in abundance like that. Especially in roleplay...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Megas XLR adds together all the overplayed giant robot tropes and produces something of such phenomenal awesomeness that Cartoon Network canceled the show for having too high of ratings... in the wrong age bracket... The ratings were super low in the target demographic but astoundingly high (highest ratings EVAR on CN) in the adult demographics. That's how awesome it is, it's so awesome it got canceled for having too high of ratings!

    Sadly, very few things work well when added together in abundance like that. Especially in roleplay...

    It also had one epic soundtrack.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    It also had one epic soundtrack.

    -casually wanders off to procure the series-
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    -casually wanders off to procure the series-

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8cCyNp9fNo This says it all about the series.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8cCyNp9fNo This says it all about the series.

    Oh I've seen the series, but I haven't watched them in years and I wanna watch them all again. Especially the gladiator arena episode.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I'm offended because Kittyotix isn't meeting me an loving embrace at a monster truck/biker rally.


    You make me blush, Jesse :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    *sings* Kitty and Jesse sitting in a tree... Sing with me people!


    This thread has reached the lower end of the spectrum.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    It had a high end?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    All this talk really makes me wanna make a demon/werewolf/cyborg/ninja with a troubled past, then I am going to go to the club and brood loudly.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    All this talk really makes me wanna make a demon/werewolf/cyborg/ninja with a troubled past, then I am going to go to the club and brood loudly.

    Wouldn't you be better served just reading Twilight if you want something like that?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Silverspar wrote:
    Wouldn't you be better served just reading Twilight if you want something like that?

    I didn't say I wanted to kill myself.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I didn't say I wanted to kill myself.

    Sounds that way with the character you wanted to create :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Silverspar wrote:
    Wouldn't you be better served just reading Twilight if you want something like that?

    Twilight has cyborg ninjas ?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Ashen_X wrote:
    Twilight has cyborg ninjas ?

    I doubt cyborg ninjas vs zombie pirates riding velociraptors coulda made that book any better
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I doubt cyborg ninjas vs zombie pirates riding velociraptors coulda made that book any better

    I dont know, cyborg ninjas and zombie pirate dinosaur riders is pretty epic....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    All this talk really makes me wanna make a demon/werewolf/cyborg/ninja with a troubled past, then I am going to go to the club and brood loudly.

    If it makes you feel better, I'm tempted to recast Heatsink (a biogenetic android - I swear it has a logical reasoning) as Wonderella personality-wise just to go to bars and be... Wonderella.

    Like, say, Caprice. Deheheheh.

    ...It'll take me a bit to find context I can link.

    EDIT: Not a bar scene, but what the heck, it's kid-safe and I'm not made of time. Boop!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I've recently been tossing my vampire ninja bunny around in Caprice (it makes sense, I swear, she was an experiment in the Bludhound project where SOMEONE thought it'd be useful to do their thing with bunnies 'n vampires and she was the result) and it's pretty hilarious how many demons you can tease.

    'Let me show you my demon form.' 'I'll show you mine too!'
    She chimes in, "What is this, Hell's guy's locker room?"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Silverspar wrote:
    Wouldn't you be better served just reading Twilight if you want something like that?

    Twilight makes my heart sad and my brain angry :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    All joking aside, as someone who has actually read all of the twilight books, people should stop bashing it since:

    A. They probably can't write anything nearly as successful. Doesn't matter about the crowd its aimed at, it sold well.

    B. 90% of people bashing it haven't read the first page.

    You wouldn't bash a piece of art that you didn't like, since everyone prefers unique styles. Sure the book may look like trash to you, but just maybe, the hundreds of people who brought it actually liked it....

    As for the films I personally didn't like those, but I don't bash them cause someone else may have actually liked it, and evidently by how successful they are, thats a correct judgement.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    All joking aside, as someone who has actually read all of the twilight books, people should stop bashing it since:

    A. They probably can't write anything nearly as successful. Doesn't matter about the crowd its aimed at, it sold well.

    B. 90% of people bashing it haven't read the first page.

    You wouldn't bash a piece of art that you didn't like, since everyone prefers unique styles. Sure the book may look like trash to you, but just maybe, the hundreds of people who brought it actually liked it....

    As for the films I personally didn't like those, but I don't bash them cause someone else may have actually liked it, and evidently by how successful they are, thats a correct judgement.

    I, and everyone else, am fully entitled to express our extreme distaste for the series just as you are entitled to like the series. That's the great thing, everyone has the right to express opinions.

    also, this Cracked.com article nicely sums up my feelings.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I, and everyone else, am fully entitled to express our extreme distaste for the series just as you are entitled to like the series. That's the great thing, everyone has the right to express opinions.

    also, this Cracked.com article nicely sums up my feelings.

    I will one up you and give you the entire Twilight novel series Stonified. This person pretty much encapsulates why this series sucks. Oh, and when Stephen King, a man who says even he is a hack, says your series sucks, you know your series sucks.

    Edit: I do love how people come out of the woodwork to defend this stuff, when event eh actors, the ones who have to read this stuff, have publicly stated they wish they could get out of their contracts because it was so horrible and bad. I mean how much more do you need?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    All joking aside, as someone who has actually read all of the twilight books, people should stop bashing it since:

    A. They probably can't write anything nearly as successful. Doesn't matter about the crowd its aimed at, it sold well.

    B. 90% of people bashing it haven't read the first page.

    You wouldn't bash a piece of art that you didn't like, since everyone prefers unique styles. Sure the book may look like trash to you, but just maybe, the hundreds of people who brought it actually liked it....

    As for the films I personally didn't like those, but I don't bash them cause someone else may have actually liked it, and evidently by how successful they are, thats a correct judgement.

    A: You don't have to be a world class chef to know that meals made for coprophages are disgusting, as are copraphages. In addition, even a world class chef has to tend with the fact that most people would be just as happy eating copros as eating whatever the world class chef cooks.

    B: Again, you don't have to have eaten a full meal of copros, let alone have tasted it to know that it's disgusting. That said, I have read a number of Twilight books back to front just to test my endurance on reading copros. I found that Edward was extremely bland. He has no personality. The only thing Bella has going for her is magic, big woopdy doo, her personality is quite simply depressing. Jacob is the only remotely interesting character and even then he's only remotely interesting. Ultimately, I think Edward isn't really a vampire. Vampires don't sparkle in the sun, elves do and they're just as long lived. So here's my thought. Edward, being as old as he is, trying to get it on with Bella is essentially a pedo elf pretending to be the lesser of two evils.

    In fewer words, there's no accounting for taste.

    I doubt cyborg ninjas vs zombie pirates riding velociraptors coulda made that book any better

    That's because the velociraptors aren't on hoverboards.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Edward chewed their baby out of her uterus. This is a fact, not a joke.

    Really, that's just messed up. Not to mention the pedo werewolves.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    All joking aside, as someone who has actually read all of the twilight books, people should stop bashing it since:

    A. They probably can't write anything nearly as successful. Doesn't matter about the crowd its aimed at, it sold well.

    B. 90% of people bashing it haven't read the first page.

    You wouldn't bash a piece of art that you didn't like, since everyone prefers unique styles. Sure the book may look like trash to you, but just maybe, the hundreds of people who brought it actually liked it....

    As for the films I personally didn't like those, but I don't bash them cause someone else may have actually liked it, and evidently by how successful they are, thats a correct judgement.

    And 78% of all statistics on the internet are invented on the spot :D

    I think that people should feel free to express their opinion on the Twilight books to their hearts content.

    On the other hand, novels are a form of art and all art is subjective. The goal of art is to reach and touch an audience. The twilight books apparently did just that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    TylerF wrote:
    Edward chewed their baby out of her uterus. This is a fact, not a joke.

    Really, that's just messed up. Not to mention the pedo werewolves.

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think that was actually Jacob that did the whole chewing and baby raping thing... I didn't read that part... I basically fired the books in a kiln after I got too sick of it. They were given to me by my aunt because "all young girls in their teens and 20s like Twilight, and you like to read." Never mind the fact that that at the time I was in my late 20s and have a very refined literary pallet.
    Ashen_X wrote:
    And 78% of all statistics on the internet are invented on the spot :D

    I think that people should feel free to express their opinion on the Twilight books to their hearts content.

    On the other hand, novels are a form of art and all art is subjective. The goal of art is to reach and touch an audience. The twilight books apparently did just that.

    I was already touched before I read any of the books. But touched is the operative word here... in the head...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Value and quality are highly subjective. As long as both the maker and the recipient are happy with the work, then that's all that should really matter. If you don't like it, but someone else does, you're free to disagree as long as you can be constructive and respectful about it.

    If you can't, well... [expletive] you, too. Can't complain about other people taking stuff badly if you're starting the poo-slinging, after all.

    I personally find Twilight somewhat weak, while presenting some pretty bad behaviors as somehow 'ideal' or even 'acceptable'. Then again, if I remember right, wasn't Meyer pretty much a new-ish writer when this stuff first started coming out? I can't really be too harsh objectively with that information in-hand, other then hoping she improves.

    As long as her fans are happy with the quality of what she's doing, though, whatever. I'm not particularly fond of sports, but other people are fond of them and it makes them happy. Such diversity makes for a better world.

    Blah blah blah, ramble ramble, same message I've been stating for the most part throughout this thread (IE: People have the right to be as terrible as they want as long as no laws or rules are broken, and nobody gets hurt or inconvenienced without consent). Something something, huggy-feelgood-blah.

    That about covers it, I think.
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