If not any of the suggestions like update/work on your IE, delete the launcher and force a check up from steam for an new one, run the launcher with admin rights... or if this launcher does not work for you, i guess the only thing left you can do is uninstall CO/STO and try it again with an fresh installation.
And the whole time, no usefull answer from cryptic... :mad:
Hey guys, I know this is frusturating, I spent two days trying to figure it out. Several people mentioned Security Settings on Internet Explorer, I simply put mine to the lowest possible, which was medium, and my worked wonderfully....Even though mine was on Medium High..lol. Have fun playing!
I was getting frustrated until I tried this and it worked like a charm. Thanks Johndon!
I was getting frustrated until I tried this and it worked like a charm. Thanks Johndon!
After crashing repeatedly on loading screen, the launcher problem has now fixed itself. it looks like data aggregation has to be retroactively applied and takes awhile for the servers to deal with the new data loads and re-integration. x10 since F2P.
I am now 100% positive (for me) it is not my computer, the launcher, nor is it IE security settings as I haven't touched a thing and - it now works. My only concern as a paying gold member is the unavoidable lost time due to this mandatory data accrual cycle on Cryptics side just after big patches.
Last time I lost two days. This time it was only one. That's three days total of service based down-time for this one specific issue. I only pay two months at a time so thats already 5% right off the top.
Anyone still working in the support for this game?
Doesn't look like it does it? I'm having exactly the same issue and when the thing updates itself after any of the 'workarounds' it promptly breaks again. This is one lifetime sub I regret. I've had enough. Certainly won't be bothering with any other Cryptic offerings.
Doesn't look like it does it? I'm having exactly the same issue and when the thing updates itself after any of the 'workarounds' it promptly breaks again. This is one lifetime sub I regret. I've had enough. Certainly won't be bothering with any other Cryptic offerings.
Honestly, shocked at Cryptics dismal customer service. :eek: How can they let paying customer walk off / leave the game unhappy, just to avoid answering the post?
If not any of the suggestions like:
- Update/work on your IE settings,
- Delete/rename the old launcher and force a check up from steam for an new one,
- Run the launcher with admin rights,
or if this launcher does not work for you, i guess the only thing left you can do is uninstall CO/STO and try it again with an fresh installation.
About other problems:
- Disable patching on demand.
- Disable Voice Chat ingame.
- Force a filecheck.
- Try a different proxy/no proxy.
i gothe a problem with a launche of game, is show me this : Unknown error decompressing data. Verifying Files in the launcher may fix this issue.: vivoxoal.dll:
111020 23:22:39 21 [1]: Read wrong number of bytes: vivoxoal.dll: 13
I don't even make it past the login part of the launcher. In the bottom left hand corner it doesn't even tell me which version the launcher is. If I click submit without entering data the launcher crashes, same with my info type in. I've tried everything posted here on the thread but nothing works. I even tried getting the non-steam version of the files and installing them, nothing. All I have are the .hogg files and the .exe files and ONE .dll file.
Judging by this thread, it seems that the Devs for this game are really lazy and don't care. I mean really? It's been over a month since this thread started and people are still having the issue. There's also other similar threads without a response.
Since my complete new installation CO is running relative good... but still keeping my fingers crossed.
But i would like to suggest something else, look for the programm "Ccleaner", it might help you... or at least i hope so.
I used it to clean my hd and registry, so... you might want to give it a shot.
Today I can't start the game.
I can log in at launcher but when i click "Play" at bottom right of launcher, nothing happen. No game screen appear.
I played this game normally for months. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
This has been an eye opener. Problem going on for a week and still no response from the devs?
I'm a gold subscriber. And yes, I spent the last three hours trying to find a work around. Reinstalled and now it's patching. Sucks, doesn't it? But I guess it's a lesson learned. Cryptic sure did the right thing going free to play. Anything more than that is just not worth it.
EDIT: Threads been up for more than a month?! Seriously? Now I have something to blog about!
At first a explanation would have been just fine, even some "... we don't know what it is, but we will look into it..." would have been great.
But now, after all this time?
You better come up with some serious apologies and solutions - a simple "sorry" won't cut it!
We have here more then enough other threads with responses from "DEV POST", but we are left alone with this issue... why?
I also have not been able to log into game either...I usually use steam to load launcher but that doesn't work, the official Cryptic Launcher site does not work, I would not be that upset by this if I was a free player, but I am a gold subscriber...all I wanna do is be a Champion...Online....fix this please,
Any feedback, report or error message why the launcher from steam does not work for you?
Launcher Checklist:
If not any of the suggestions like
- Update/work on your IE settings,
- Delete/rename the old launcher and force a check up from steam for an new one,
- Run the launcher with admin rights,
or if this launcher does not work for you, i guess the only thing left you can do is uninstall CO/STO and try it again with an fresh installation.
About other problems:
- Disable patching on demand.
- Disable Voice Chat ingame.
- Force a filecheck.
- Try a different proxy/no proxy.
[ ] try your old launcher again, and again, and again... at some point i might work again.
[ ] try http://www.mediafire.com/?jas1u11kctd491i
[ ] reinstall CO completly
if you get your launcher running again, first thing, deactivate "patching on demand".
you may need to restart the launcher.
after the whole patching, force a filecheck.
Had this issue in September after a client patch. From what I can read it's possible there's some change to the SSL config of the patch server (potentially the root Certificate Authority).
I tracert to the patch server and got all the way through with a ~260ms route and a Ping show the same with no lost packets, which isn't bad considering I'm in the 3rd World. However, that's only testing ICMP.
Then I downloaded nettest.exe from CO site and mostly getting a response from all ports, and sometimes one times out (results below). Autoupdater is consistantly failing though. Nettest.exe seems to be fine on port 443 though but maybe it's using a different SSL cert from the live patch server.
Previously installed CO at a different site <cough my work> using a different ISP as I suspected my ISP was blocking/proxying some ports which may have caused enough latency for the updater to time out. Anyhow, installed and fully patched at other site (which also has a lot more bandwidth), re-named my old folder, copied the new files to my PC and it worked! However, looks like everytime the login client is patched (as opposed the the game), I have the same issue. Thus far the same work around seems to fix it (not tried this time yet).
Tonight I've tried using a previous full CO folder that worked...and now it's not. So that would seem to exlude "corrupted software" as a cause, since the same folder was previously working. Again, it looks like the auto updater is trying to patch the game client and it's timing out.
All this (and the devs lack of response) suggests to me that the devs probably can't duplicate the issue since it would seem it's being caused by some network latency/timeout (at least for me) to something other than what's tested using nettest. The devs are probably as "close" to the patch server as you can get, so they aren't going to have any latency issues.
I know proper commercial CA SSL certs aren't free, but maybe Cryptic could use the same one on the nettest server to make it a more valid test (I'm assuming of course, the cert is the issue but it would seem the SSL protocol and general datacomms isn't).
I've also seen some comments about changing the CO proxy from "none" to US or some such. Given we can't actually get to the logon window to change this setting, I'm wondering if anyone knows if theirs a config file or regkey that stores this that easily editable?
<edit> found the key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\Champions Online\Proxy" which seems to take the values none, EU or US. Mine was set to "none", so I tried US and EU with no luck (I didn't reboot between tries but figured the key would be checked with each running). I also experimented with changing the values of a few other keys without luck.
this launcher is working for me, i deleted the old one, copied this one into the CO folder, after a short waiting time, the launcher makes a restart and it is connecting again.
I read some older posts about a similar issue where the fix seemed to be updating the C++ libraries. Downloading cost about USD$100/gb here, so I don't normally update but I've just updated, re-booted and re-updated anything using Windows Update to do with C++ but still no joy...
OK, I was able to do the update at another site using a different PC an different ISP. Comms is patchy here in Papua New Guinea with lots of QoS issues as well as it being very expensive.
Looking at the forums, others have had problems with the SSL cert for the autoupdate client in the past http://forums.champions-online.com/showthread.php?t=139670 and that seems to, at least in part, fit the symptoms folks are having.
I'm fairly sure, for at least me, the issue is data comms QoS effecting the SSL certificate lookup for the autoupdater, potentially due to certificate revokation lists needing to be checked and that process timing out or failing. I'm thinking the revokation list /might/ be on a different server which /maybe/ on the "Cryptic side" of their firewall (as opposed to a publically accessable update server which is probably in a DMZ). The my comms low QoS and the firewalls additional checking and added latency is enough for the the cert checking to fail. This cert only seems to be checked if there's an actual update (no matter how small) to the "Launcher".
I'm out of PNG after next week and going back to the 1st World. I have a viable work around that works for me but I hope whatever IT support Cryptic has in place gets some value from my experiments. Best of luck!
I just want to let you guys know that Cryptic is aware this Launcher autoupdate issue is affecting some players and actively working on a fix. I can't promise a date, but finding a resolution to this is my top priority right now.
Please accept my apologies for the difficulties this is causing, and I appreciate those of you who have provided detailed reports of the problem and workarounds.
We're still trying to track down exactly why this happens for some users.
As a temporary measure for users who are experiencing problems with the Launcher, we've made the Launcher available as a download from the following URL:
If the Launcher auto-update feature fails for you, you can use the above file to manually update your Launcher. You should place that file, Champions Online.exe, into your Cryptic Launcher folder, overwriting the existing file of the same name that is also in there. This will be the same folder that also has CrypticError.exe. Usually, it is something like C:\Program Files\Cryptic Studios.
We're still trying to track down exactly why this happens for some users.
As a temporary measure for users who are experiencing problems with the Launcher, we've made the Launcher available as a download from the following URL:
If the Launcher auto-update feature fails for you, you can use the above file to manually update your Launcher. You should place that file, Champions Online.exe, into your Cryptic Launcher folder, overwriting the existing file of the same name that is also in there. This will be the same folder that also has CrypticError.exe. Usually, it is something like C:\Program Files\Cryptic Studios.
Just to add, I'm on steam and having the same problem.
My champions online.exe is situated at: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\champions online"
Just so any other steam user that bumps here knows what to replace and where.
Well, looks like I got his by this. It's pretty odd because I played briefly this morning and had no problems what-so-ever. But I tried it for the past few bits and nothing is going on.
It's the classic symptomes: it says the autopatcher is trying to run, after 3 attempts it shoots me an error message. If I try again it loads the launcher's window but it stays blank, and then puts an IE error message in my face, claiming I got either internet connectivity issues or there's a mistake in the website url or something.
So I went to this site, to try things out. I saw that a dev had an alternate launcher to download - I downloaded it, clicked it, same thing happens. An IE error message, almost instantly.
I've heard that a way to fix this was to reinstall the game, so I went to the main page, to champions-online.com, logged in, and then it was supposed to re-download the game... And I got the generic firefox error message. So I can't download the game from there, I guess, for some reason?
Is this the same problem that is generally talked about in this thread, or is this something else completely?
I'm getting a message that says This program cannot display the webpage. There is no username or password box or anything showing up.
This was a seperate issue that was caused today, when SOMEBODY forgot to renew the champions-online.com domain name. I'm not sure if there's a thread about it yet, but I'm sure its around here somewhere. The domain name expired yesterday and therefore anyone who's dns information had updated since then wasn't able to log in at all. A friend of mine found a workaround for herself and others, I didn't have any problems because my dns information hadn't updated yet, but there were a LOT of people unable to play. Somebody really dropped the ball, when they forgot to renew the web address! But it looks like it's all fixed up now.
I'm getting a message that says This program cannot display the webpage. There is no username or password box or anything showing up.
if you still having this problem
1. clear your dns cache
in command prompt type ipconfig /flushdns
2. make sure your IE browser is not set to work offline
Same problem and message here, I haven't been able to play for the last couple of weeks.:mad:
STO: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?orgy77irommds55
If not any of the suggestions like update/work on your IE, delete the launcher and force a check up from steam for an new one, run the launcher with admin rights... or if this launcher does not work for you, i guess the only thing left you can do is uninstall CO/STO and try it again with an fresh installation.
And the whole time, no usefull answer from cryptic... :mad:
STO: 33 Downloads
... and up again with it.
I was getting frustrated until I tried this and it worked like a charm. Thanks Johndon!
After crashing repeatedly on loading screen, the launcher problem has now fixed itself. it looks like data aggregation has to be retroactively applied and takes awhile for the servers to deal with the new data loads and re-integration. x10 since F2P.
I am now 100% positive (for me) it is not my computer, the launcher, nor is it IE security settings as I haven't touched a thing and - it now works. My only concern as a paying gold member is the unavoidable lost time due to this mandatory data accrual cycle on Cryptics side just after big patches.
Last time I lost two days. This time it was only one. That's three days total of service based down-time for this one specific issue. I only pay two months at a time so thats already 5% right off the top.
W T F ?!
Anyone still working in the support for this game?
Doesn't look like it does it? I'm having exactly the same issue and when the thing updates itself after any of the 'workarounds' it promptly breaks again. This is one lifetime sub I regret. I've had enough. Certainly won't be bothering with any other Cryptic offerings.
Honestly, shocked at Cryptics dismal customer service. :eek: How can they let paying customer walk off / leave the game unhappy, just to avoid answering the post?
STO: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?orgy77irommds55
If not any of the suggestions like:
- Update/work on your IE settings,
- Delete/rename the old launcher and force a check up from steam for an new one,
- Run the launcher with admin rights,
or if this launcher does not work for you, i guess the only thing left you can do is uninstall CO/STO and try it again with an fresh installation.
About other problems:
- Disable patching on demand.
- Disable Voice Chat ingame.
- Force a filecheck.
- Try a different proxy/no proxy.
111020 23:22:39 21 [1]: Read wrong number of bytes: vivoxoal.dll: 13
Please help me
Judging by this thread, it seems that the Devs for this game are really lazy and don't care. I mean really? It's been over a month since this thread started and people are still having the issue. There's also other similar threads without a response.
But i would like to suggest something else, look for the programm "Ccleaner", it might help you... or at least i hope so.
I used it to clean my hd and registry, so... you might want to give it a shot.
If you just tried to login in the last 20 or so minutes then you will get an error; maintenance is going on.
I can log in at launcher but when i click "Play" at bottom right of launcher, nothing happen. No game screen appear.
I played this game normally for months. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
It was happen many hours before server shutdown.
But now after new patching it's work again.
It took you only 2 or 3 patches, to wreck the launcher... again!
Great job, really!
This launcher is working for me, may be for others too...
Thank you Pixie.
I'm a gold subscriber. And yes, I spent the last three hours trying to find a work around. Reinstalled and now it's patching. Sucks, doesn't it? But I guess it's a lesson learned. Cryptic sure did the right thing going free to play. Anything more than that is just not worth it.
EDIT: Threads been up for more than a month?! Seriously? Now I have something to blog about!
At first a explanation would have been just fine, even some "... we don't know what it is, but we will look into it..." would have been great.
But now, after all this time?
You better come up with some serious apologies and solutions - a simple "sorry" won't cut it!
We have here more then enough other threads with responses from "DEV POST", but we are left alone with this issue... why?
W H Y?! :mad:
Launcher Checklist:
If not any of the suggestions like
- Update/work on your IE settings,
- Delete/rename the old launcher and force a check up from steam for an new one,
- Run the launcher with admin rights,
or if this launcher does not work for you, i guess the only thing left you can do is uninstall CO/STO and try it again with an fresh installation.
About other problems:
- Disable patching on demand.
- Disable Voice Chat ingame.
- Force a filecheck.
- Try a different proxy/no proxy.
Thanks for posting on the main form, at least now they're aware of the problem.
'The patchclient got a message while it was in a state with no response function.'
[ ] try your old launcher again, and again, and again... at some point i might work again.
[ ] try http://www.mediafire.com/?jas1u11kctd491i
[ ] reinstall CO completly
if you get your launcher running again, first thing, deactivate "patching on demand".
you may need to restart the launcher.
after the whole patching, force a filecheck.
I tracert to the patch server and got all the way through with a ~260ms route and a Ping show the same with no lost packets, which isn't bad considering I'm in the 3rd World. However, that's only testing ICMP.
Then I downloaded nettest.exe from CO site and mostly getting a response from all ports, and sometimes one times out (results below). Autoupdater is consistantly failing though. Nettest.exe seems to be fine on port 443 though but maybe it's using a different SSL cert from the live patch server.
Previously installed CO at a different site <cough my work> using a different ISP as I suspected my ISP was blocking/proxying some ports which may have caused enough latency for the updater to time out. Anyhow, installed and fully patched at other site (which also has a lot more bandwidth), re-named my old folder, copied the new files to my PC and it worked! However, looks like everytime the login client is patched (as opposed the the game), I have the same issue. Thus far the same work around seems to fix it (not tried this time yet).
Tonight I've tried using a previous full CO folder that worked...and now it's not. So that would seem to exlude "corrupted software" as a cause, since the same folder was previously working. Again, it looks like the auto updater is trying to patch the game client and it's timing out.
All this (and the devs lack of response) suggests to me that the devs probably can't duplicate the issue since it would seem it's being caused by some network latency/timeout (at least for me) to something other than what's tested using nettest. The devs are probably as "close" to the patch server as you can get, so they aren't going to have any latency issues.
I know proper commercial CA SSL certs aren't free, but maybe Cryptic could use the same one on the nettest server to make it a more valid test (I'm assuming of course, the cert is the issue but it would seem the SSL protocol and general datacomms isn't).
I've also seen some comments about changing the CO proxy from "none" to US or some such. Given we can't actually get to the logon window to change this setting, I'm wondering if anyone knows if theirs a config file or regkey that stores this that easily editable?
<edit> found the key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\Champions Online\Proxy" which seems to take the values none, EU or US. Mine was set to "none", so I tried US and EU with no luck (I didn't reboot between tries but figured the key would be checked with each running). I also experimented with changing the values of a few other keys without luck.
Nettest.exe results
contacting nettest server..
Local IP:
Ping: 250.0 msec
Port: 80: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 34 KB/sec 500
Port: 80: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 34 KB/sec 500
Port: 443: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 34 KB/sec 500
Port: 443: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 34 KB/sec 500
Port: 7255: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 34 KB/sec 500
Port: 7255: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 35 KB/sec 500
Port: 7003: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 34 KB/sec 500
Port: 7003: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 34 KB/sec 500
Port: 7202: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 34 KB/sec 500
Port: 7202: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 34 KB/sec 500
Port: 7499: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 35 KB/sec 500
Port: 7499: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 34 KB/sec 500
Port: 80: 31 KB/sec 2 KB/sec 34 KB/sec 500
Idle NIC bandwidth Send: 0 KB/sec Recv: 1 KB/sec
hit return to exit
try http://www.mediafire.com/?jas1u11kctd491i
this launcher is working for me, i deleted the old one, copied this one into the CO folder, after a short waiting time, the launcher makes a restart and it is connecting again.
Now Craptic broke 2nd Laucher for me.....what the heck is corrupting it? Me? Gremlins? My 'puter? Yesterday it worked fine....
Running Vista Ultimate x64.
Edit: I've tried the launcher of Regenwurm in their last post and it's working for me (sorry I've not seen the date of your post :redface: )
Looking at the forums, others have had problems with the SSL cert for the autoupdate client in the past http://forums.champions-online.com/showthread.php?t=139670 and that seems to, at least in part, fit the symptoms folks are having.
I'm fairly sure, for at least me, the issue is data comms QoS effecting the SSL certificate lookup for the autoupdater, potentially due to certificate revokation lists needing to be checked and that process timing out or failing. I'm thinking the revokation list /might/ be on a different server which /maybe/ on the "Cryptic side" of their firewall (as opposed to a publically accessable update server which is probably in a DMZ). The my comms low QoS and the firewalls additional checking and added latency is enough for the the cert checking to fail. This cert only seems to be checked if there's an actual update (no matter how small) to the "Launcher".
I'm out of PNG after next week and going back to the 1st World. I have a viable work around that works for me but I hope whatever IT support Cryptic has in place gets some value from my experiments. Best of luck!
Please accept my apologies for the difficulties this is causing, and I appreciate those of you who have provided detailed reports of the problem and workarounds.
As a temporary measure for users who are experiencing problems with the Launcher, we've made the Launcher available as a download from the following URL:
If the Launcher auto-update feature fails for you, you can use the above file to manually update your Launcher. You should place that file, Champions Online.exe, into your Cryptic Launcher folder, overwriting the existing file of the same name that is also in there. This will be the same folder that also has CrypticError.exe. Usually, it is something like C:\Program Files\Cryptic Studios.
Just to add, I'm on steam and having the same problem.
My champions online.exe is situated at: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\champions online"
Just so any other steam user that bumps here knows what to replace and where.
Well, looks like I got his by this. It's pretty odd because I played briefly this morning and had no problems what-so-ever. But I tried it for the past few bits and nothing is going on.
It's the classic symptomes: it says the autopatcher is trying to run, after 3 attempts it shoots me an error message. If I try again it loads the launcher's window but it stays blank, and then puts an IE error message in my face, claiming I got either internet connectivity issues or there's a mistake in the website url or something.
So I went to this site, to try things out. I saw that a dev had an alternate launcher to download - I downloaded it, clicked it, same thing happens. An IE error message, almost instantly.
I've heard that a way to fix this was to reinstall the game, so I went to the main page, to champions-online.com, logged in, and then it was supposed to re-download the game... And I got the generic firefox error message. So I can't download the game from there, I guess, for some reason?
Is this the same problem that is generally talked about in this thread, or is this something else completely?
Did you check for any MS or IE updates and try it again?
I tried again, using the link provided by the dev up there, and everything loaded as normal, if a little slowly.
That is... odd!
Now everything seems to be going fine.
Maybe there was a server hiccup or something? I'm in canada, using Windows 7, automaticaly updates, if this is of any use for the future, or whatever.
This was a seperate issue that was caused today, when SOMEBODY forgot to renew the champions-online.com domain name. I'm not sure if there's a thread about it yet, but I'm sure its around here somewhere. The domain name expired yesterday and therefore anyone who's dns information had updated since then wasn't able to log in at all. A friend of mine found a workaround for herself and others, I didn't have any problems because my dns information hadn't updated yet, but there were a LOT of people unable to play. Somebody really dropped the ball, when they forgot to renew the web address! But it looks like it's all fixed up now.
if you still having this problem
1. clear your dns cache
in command prompt type ipconfig /flushdns
2. make sure your IE browser is not set to work offline