Please, you never left, you were just hiding behind the door frame
How was the break? It's refreshing on occasion.
Break was good. Spent a bunch of time for GW2 and I'll be enjoying that a lot in the years to come but not enough to pull me away from other games completely like CO did for a long time.
A little over a week out from my wedding. *goose bumps*
I have been playing CO off and on for over two years. But, over the last three months I have been playing almost daily. I now have 1 level 37, 1 at 36, 2 at 25 and a couple others that I may delete to create something new. My main alt is Cricketman. My others are Minuteman, Lightning Rod and Captain Chaos.
I have not grouped in this game at all so far, except in alerts. But, I have been in a guild in LOTRO for over 4 years, though I have not been active there in a few months. I'm not anti-social, but I am a slow typist. I play mostly at night and I am on the West Coast.
I want to join your group because you had the best post that I saw. Your team name is great and I like the backstory. I also want to join a SG because I am looking for some teamwork. I enjoy alerts, but sometimes the group I get stuck with leaves much to be desired.
Character Tigarkon and usename to be friends with is JLJman
so Tigarkon@JLJman my other one is Dragonfire@JLJman okay please add me to the super group.
I play CO Casualy , and these last couple days alot more, sinds i got gold account:biggrin:
Im :28 yr old
Gender : Male
From: the netherlands
i got mic/ and i do speak english
love to group up do alerts and more, im new to the game so all i do is questing and alerts.
im very open for new Challenges! and willing to learn more and i can follow orders too!
Been playing the game before , but nevr went all in , but i came back the game is more fun now i love it
im very experianced all rounder gamer
@kysis84 is my handel name or Ingame name : Erza Scarlet
i hope i didnt leave anything out ...
why my interest, because, KenpoJuJitsu3 i respect i know from forums learned his builds and now i understand on how to make a decent build for mainly pve and pvp i can handel my selfs pretty whell now, Kudos to KenpoJuJitsu3.
I dont know anyone from S E C R E T from the game atm...
Id love to be a part of S.E.C.R.E.T I watched you guys on youtube and you seem to be pretty powerful my character's names are Serevin Nocturnal and Grim Gunslinger.
I first started playing back at launch and since then i have taken several breaks but i am feeling interested in CO again but i know i will get bored easily if i play alone. I would love someone to play with. Talk do some missions maybe get a team together and take down a cosmic just for the fun of it. Never did RP per say but would be willing to even try that and generally have fun. CO can be a fun game if you have someone to play with but alas i have no friends into the whole superhero thing hope you will welcome me.
the account name is the one from PWE but the old CO was Ashaira so if the above dont work replace nr1gorbash with Ashaira.
also coincidently i last logged on in 1969 according to the new website. My future self must have finished the time machine and is trying to play with my head.
I first started playing back at launch and since then i have taken several breaks but i am feeling interested in CO again but i know i will get bored easily if i play alone. I would love someone to play with. Talk do some missions maybe get a team together and take down a cosmic just for the fun of it. Never did RP per say but would be willing to even try that and generally have fun. CO can be a fun game if you have someone to play with but alas i have no friends into the whole superhero thing hope you will welcome me.
the account name is the one from PWE but the old CO was Ashaira so if the above dont work replace nr1gorbash with Ashaira.
also coincidently i last logged on in 1969 according to the new website. My future self must have finished the time machine and is trying to play with my head.
Hello i'm a former city of heroes player and i usually play solo but i'm looking for a fun active group to team and play with on a weekly basis.I enjoy being part of SG's that are built in the Justice league/Avengers/Shield style as long as the players are active. So if you guys will have me in game my name is @sidestrike2.
I am very interested in joining your SG, as I have used your builds (which by the way are all over google search =p) to help get inspiration as to 'knowing' how to build a character and keeping my theme intact w/o ruining the fun factor.
I am a verteran MMO player and have played just about every MMO out there (and M.U.D. ie meridian59, neverwinter nights-aol, and battletech on dia-up!!).
I tried out CO (DCUO as well but don't like) just to play with the character creater and fell in love with this game. That's when I immediatly subbed and starting looking for guides on what to do. That's when I found all your builds and learned alot. Using your builds and the PTS, I have been able to get a handle on alot of stuff, which I truly appreciate! I even tried a Sho-Nuff build and literally was laughing so hard as an entire room of mobs where sent flying all over!!!
I am currently only leveling quests at the moment (currently 21) but I am enjoying it alot as it's gone by quickly...and now that I know I want to continue on with this game I started looking for SG's and saw you where in this one and thought it would befitting that I start here
my handle is @gremaldy
and my timezone is u.s. eastern
p.s. I am also a lifer in STO but I just now got back into it (Stopped playing back in the day when the klingons started getting misisons other then PvP due to the pvp dieing and ground combat horrible)
I am very interested in joining your SG, as I have used your builds (which by the way are all over google search =p) to help get inspiration as to 'knowing' how to build a character and keeping my theme intact w/o ruining the fun factor.
I am a verteran MMO player and have played just about every MMO out there (and M.U.D. ie meridian59, neverwinter nights-aol, and battletech on dia-up!!).
I tried out CO (DCUO as well but don't like) just to play with the character creater and fell in love with this game. That's when I immediatly subbed and starting looking for guides on what to do. That's when I found all your builds and learned alot. Using your builds and the PTS, I have been able to get a handle on alot of stuff, which I truly appreciate! I even tried a Sho-Nuff build and literally was laughing so hard as an entire room of mobs where sent flying all over!!!
I am currently only leveling quests at the moment (currently 21) but I am enjoying it alot as it's gone by quickly...and now that I know I want to continue on with this game I started looking for SG's and saw you where in this one and thought it would befitting that I start here
my handle is @gremaldy
and my timezone is u.s. eastern
p.s. I am also a lifer in STO but I just now got back into it (Stopped playing back in the day when the klingons started getting misisons other then PvP due to the pvp dieing and ground combat horrible)
Shoot me a message in game. The notifications on the forums have issues, I'll need the character name as well.
I have already sent you a message via one of the in-game character names that you provided. Just saying that I'm looking forward to actually joining your group. My in-game character name is @Godsboy
Hey folks. I've been back in the game for about a week now and noticed that the SG has gone pretty much inactive in my absence. I opened up invite rights to everyone before I took a break hoping this would not happen.
I'm looking for people to join who are willing to also assist me with recruitment to build up the number of active players again and get S.E.C.R.E.T. back in the game so to speak. Let me know.
Had fun running Mega D's with the gang again over the weekend. Haven't done SG group stuff in a looooong time. Was nice. Looking forward to seeing where the game goes from here.
Break was good. Spent a bunch of time for GW2 and I'll be enjoying that a lot in the years to come but not enough to pull me away from other games completely like CO did for a long time.
A little over a week out from my wedding. *goose bumps*
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
Does your girlfriend know? She may not be too happy....
I have been playing CO off and on for over two years. But, over the last three months I have been playing almost daily. I now have 1 level 37, 1 at 36, 2 at 25 and a couple others that I may delete to create something new. My main alt is Cricketman. My others are Minuteman, Lightning Rod and Captain Chaos.
I have not grouped in this game at all so far, except in alerts. But, I have been in a guild in LOTRO for over 4 years, though I have not been active there in a few months. I'm not anti-social, but I am a slow typist. I play mostly at night and I am on the West Coast.
I want to join your group because you had the best post that I saw. Your team name is great and I like the backstory. I also want to join a SG because I am looking for some teamwork. I enjoy alerts, but sometimes the group I get stuck with leaves much to be desired.
If anything else require to join just let me know. I only have 2 hero btw
My build directory (work in progress)
Guide list
Freeform Builds
In loving memory of AngelofCaine.
so Tigarkon@JLJman my other one is Dragonfire@JLJman okay please add me to the super group.
Rang the bell for you, as promised. ^_^
abit boring with these pug's and i wouldnt mind to be abit more social ingame.
So fi you want you can invite Night Fury@vanitycorpse
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
I play CO Casualy , and these last couple days alot more, sinds i got gold account:biggrin:
Im :28 yr old
Gender : Male
From: the netherlands
i got mic/ and i do speak english
love to group up do alerts and more, im new to the game so all i do is questing and alerts.
im very open for new Challenges! and willing to learn more and i can follow orders too!
Been playing the game before , but nevr went all in , but i came back the game is more fun now i love it
im very experianced all rounder gamer
@kysis84 is my handel name or Ingame name : Erza Scarlet
i hope i didnt leave anything out ...
why my interest, because, KenpoJuJitsu3 i respect i know from forums learned his builds and now i understand on how to make a decent build for mainly pve and pvp i can handel my selfs pretty whell now, Kudos to KenpoJuJitsu3.
I dont know anyone from S E C R E T from the game atm...
IGN: Obscura Rouge 60 , GS 9k
Handel @Kysis020
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
I first started playing back at launch and since then i have taken several breaks but i am feeling interested in CO again but i know i will get bored easily if i play alone. I would love someone to play with. Talk do some missions maybe get a team together and take down a cosmic just for the fun of it. Never did RP per say but would be willing to even try that and generally have fun. CO can be a fun game if you have someone to play with but alas i have no friends into the whole superhero thing
Main character names
Bellatrix@nr1gorbash (lvl 40)
ShadowSnipe@nr1gorbash (lvl 40)
Telamu Hejutry@nr1gorbash (lvl 35)
the account name is the one from PWE but the old CO was Ashaira so if the above dont work replace nr1gorbash with Ashaira.
also coincidently i last logged on in 1969 according to the new website. My future self must have finished the time machine and is trying to play with my head.
Send myself, @supercollide or @cyrone85 a mail in game and we'll get you squared away.
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
I am very interested in joining your SG, as I have used your builds (which by the way are all over google search =p) to help get inspiration as to 'knowing' how to build a character and keeping my theme intact w/o ruining the fun factor.
I am a verteran MMO player and have played just about every MMO out there (and M.U.D. ie meridian59, neverwinter nights-aol, and battletech on dia-up!!).
I tried out CO (DCUO as well but don't like) just to play with the character creater and fell in love with this game. That's when I immediatly subbed and starting looking for guides on what to do. That's when I found all your builds and learned alot. Using your builds and the PTS, I have been able to get a handle on alot of stuff, which I truly appreciate! I even tried a Sho-Nuff build and literally was laughing so hard as an entire room of mobs where sent flying all over!!!
I am currently only leveling quests at the moment (currently 21) but I am enjoying it alot as it's gone by quickly...and now that I know I want to continue on with this game I started looking for SG's and saw you where in this one and thought it would befitting that I start here
my handle is @gremaldy
and my timezone is u.s. eastern
p.s. I am also a lifer in STO but I just now got back into it (Stopped playing back in the day when the klingons started getting misisons other then PvP due to the pvp dieing and ground combat horrible)
Shoot me a message in game. The notifications on the forums have issues, I'll need the character name as well.
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
My handle is @Vesta18
I'm looking for people to join who are willing to also assist me with recruitment to build up the number of active players again and get S.E.C.R.E.T. back in the game so to speak. Let me know.
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
Had fun running Mega D's with the gang again over the weekend. Haven't done SG group stuff in a looooong time. Was nice. Looking forward to seeing where the game goes from here.