I'm Guy Fawks Hunter, a lv 40 Munitions DPS who can survive most things but has no spike so can't kill things but can sustain high threat and DPS just the same in single target and AoE... P.S. I'm a glass cannon so I break really easily.
Also got a TK Blades who is 4 bars away from 37. And several teen and twenties. I'm not trying to recruit all my folks. But I'm looking for an active SG who can accommodate my super heroes; so they can level and enjoy the daily "grind" with folks doing runs and stuff.
I've been a Gold since January when I first picked up this game (transitioning to F2P). I was part the Immortal Legion until most of the teens, adults, parents and children took their breaks without notice! Some were lifers but haven't seen them. I ain't a lifer just yet; but an SG is what would keep me subscribed. x.x
All that said, I've been pugging NemCon and a few APs recently and have been pugging with Secret ALPHAS & OMEGAS... I was wondering if there was a difference.
I was hoping to join a group, not really based on RP, it would be neat. I could have some alts join one group and another join the other. But I had lots of fun pugging and the SG looked active.
Technically Alpha is the NA or Western group and Omega is the EU or Eastern group. Realistically Alpha is blue team and Omega is red team because several of us have alts in both branches regardless. There's also the small green team for robots, cyborgs and power armor costumed heroes.
Heya just to reply since I haven't had the chance to see you in-game yet.
I've had the joy to be in the channel and it's been a fun couple weeks already!!
I have done things with mostly Alpha in the day time and when I'm having those insomniatic nights, there are times with Omega. But mostly Alpha.
PACT also sounds pretty awesome (a member explained) I might have a char or two who would like to join PACT, but as of yet none of my chars are officially in the SG.
The Guy Fawks inv bounced? It sent one, then I accepted, then kicked me. Lol.
I'm fine staying SG-less but in the chan. The chan is where it's at! I made a few friends now.
So thanks!!
No idea why it would kick you but the invite system has been screwy lately anyway (people having the dialogue dismiss itself, inability to access the vault unless kicked and re-invited, etc). If you want another invite to access the vault just drop a line and I'll get it squared away.
Hello. I'd be interested in joining if there's room. I'm in NA, and my main is probably my healer/dps: velvet@vangoethe. I have alts as well, but totally undestand that they take up space.
Hello. I'd be interested in joining if there's room. I'm in NA, and my main is probably my healer/dps: velvet@vangoethe. I have alts as well, but totally undestand that they take up space.
Sent you a mail but thought it best to clarify, We are Alt Friendly, if you want 32 alts in we'll take 'em, you only want one in, that's fine too. You wanna been in other SG's with other toons, that's fine, I am!
Hello! I would love to be part of a supergroup if you still have room. I have two power armor based heroes, Valiant (mid 30s) and Wrecking Ball (mid 10s).
I'm starting the game again after a few years and was looking for some people to play the game with as I prefer to play with others. If this is a good place to find people willing to put up with questions and a companion then i would like an invite.
Been ill the last few days and can't honestly recall who I sent mails to (or even sent invites to!) so I've pretty much gone back over the last few and sent again. Apologies to anyone who gets this twice, thought it was better than not at all.
I recently joined the game (something like last monday) and I'm looking for a SG group where I can make new aquaintances.
I've been playing WoW for the last 5-6 years and am currently looking for a new game to spend my time on.
As I just upgraded to gold (though haven't had time to log on since I upgraded) I see myself spending a lot of time here - The time I can fit in at least.
When I log I would really love to do groupruns etc. I'm used to 5-manning instances in WoW and I just did my first comic series alone and it was quite - well awkward - being alone in there.
I'd just like to introduce the latest Senior Officers in S.E.C.R.E.T.
They should be set up to be able to invite any members alts to the SG but they dont have our chat channel authority yet so cant really add totally new members.
We'd also like to honour Negavator as he was asked but as his fiancé has a baby on the way he quite rightly feels that RL's gonna take forefront right now. So Congratulations there mate!
We used to be very free with invites but got swamped with members and some we're really not getting involved.
So now we're asking anyone wishing to join to answer a few questions and confirm they agree to the SG requirements for joining. Should all be fine theyll get an invite to join the SG and also and invite to our chat channel (we're split over 3 branches so that's the only way to chat with us all). New members are added at recruit status which really only limits SG Vault access until we've got to know them ingame a bit better and feel secure in promoting them to member.
If you are interested in joining please leave your details here or on our thread on the free forums and well mail you and take it from there.
Ill be organising some things once we know better whats going on but I should thing be similar to previous years Id recommend folks save their snoballs and maybe mistletoe as I will try and organise a snoball fight towards the end of the event. I would imagine well sort some smackdown on Clarence, perk/item hunting teaming and maybe a holiday themed costume competition.
Hi, your group sounds like what I'm looking for. (Tired of running around solo)
I would love to talk to some one about adding my new gadgeteer.
You can get me on Black Adder@equuis.
I also have a lvl 30 who is on a hiatus while I wait for the avian warrior set and to remake her back into an archer so she can be closer to her oriiginal concept from my COH days.
Edit: I should mention I'm in North America est (GMT -5 ) usually on after 6pm est
I recently joined the game (something like last monday) and I'm looking for a SG group where I can make new aquaintances.
I've been playing WoW for the last 5-6 years and am currently looking for a new game to spend my time on.
As I just upgraded to gold (though haven't had time to log on since I upgraded) I see myself spending a lot of time here - The time I can fit in at least.
When I log I would really love to do groupruns etc. I'm used to 5-manning instances in WoW and I just did my first comic series alone and it was quite - well awkward - being alone in there.
Welcome to CO! I sent an email to Nightfox@Jinlux. It details how to go about joining S.E.C.R.E.T.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Edit: I just noticed the date on your post so one of the other officers may have already emailed you. If so I apologize for the duplicate. That's what I get for reading forums when I should be asleep!
.....Edit: I just noticed the date on your post so one of the other officers may have already emailed you. If so I apologize for the duplicate. That's what I get for reading forums when I should be asleep!
Loving the enthusiasm SteelShaman but yeah beat you to it a while ago!
If you are wondering about the title let me say that I give it anywhere I can
I read your posting and am interested in joining SECRET.
I am new to CO having only been here about a month. I have dabbled in other MMO's before including WoW, though my experiences there were not with elitist groups. I have a very chaotic and busy RL schedule as I have a teenage daughter, do charity work locally, and also work in law-enforcement... so the laid back aspect of SECRET is very appealing to me. I rarely ask for help, usually waiting to see if any is offered. I do however always ask if others need help with anything, because I enjoy helping others.
When I get time to log on I like to have fun, help others out, and enjoy the company of a few good group members.
My main toon is named as follows: Alrek Hardy@Magnathyr
If you are wondering about the title let me say that I give it anywhere I can
I read your posting and am interested in joining SECRET.
I am new to CO having only been here about a month. I have dabbled in other MMO's before including WoW, though my experiences there were not with elitist groups. I have a very chaotic and busy RL schedule as I have a teenage daughter, do charity work locally, and also work in law-enforcement... so the laid back aspect of SECRET is very appealing to me. I rarely ask for help, usually waiting to see if any is offered. I do however always ask if others need help with anything, because I enjoy helping others.
When I get time to log on I like to have fun, help others out, and enjoy the company of a few good group members.
My main toon is named as follows: Alrek Hardy@Magnathyr
Thank you for your time.
Hello there!
I sent an email to your character named above. Once you reply to that we can proceed.
Thanks, looking forward to it as well, I send a message once I'm in for the evening after work and other grown uo stuffs
Sounds good Equiis. If you reply to the email I sent last night I'll receive it regardless of which character I'm on. I just signed in and will be on for a while.
Hello there!
I sent an email to your character named above. Once you reply to that we can proceed.
I got it in duplicate, but only replied once. LOL
I didn't answer each individual question as a singular, but answered as a whole to the email. I hope that it was clear enough and that I will be hearing good news from you soon.
I read through your post and i am interested in joining if at all possible.
i play 2 characters at the moment i have a lvl40 free-form duel blade and a lvl15 free-form electric hero
i started playing a few months after launch and am just coming back after about a year so im looking for a good group of people.
my character names are
I read through your post and i am interested in joining if at all possible.
i play 2 characters at the moment i have a lvl40 free-form duel blade and a lvl15 free-form electric hero
i started playing a few months after launch and am just coming back after about a year so im looking for a good group of people.
my character names are
I sent you an email ingame.
Reply to my global (@SteelShaman) and we can proceed.
Hi I'm t11072 and currently playing as "Wild Blue" I may be just a noobie but would love to join S.E.C.R.E.T. and get into some action.
Hi there, welcome to CO!
I sent you an email ingame that details the (very new guy friendly) requirements for joining S.E.C.R.E.T.
Reply to that email and we'll see about getting the ball rolling!
Hi guys, sorry for the delay in responding, I had a bit of a busy day yesterday and didn't get a chance to check the boards.
I have sent each of you an email detailing the requirements for joining S.E.C.R.E.T.
though I am not a member of his SG, I have interacted with many members of it and I have always found them to be friendly, respectful and courteous, it seems to be a great group and I think people should always keep an open mind and give this SG a try, Kenpojutsu has always been friendly and polite to nearly everyone on the forums, so I'm guessing he'd be a pretty decent leader. So just a friendly bump for a good group of people I have encountered on this game, You've got a good group of people going for you.
though I am not a member of his SG, I have interacted with many members of it and I have always found them to be friendly, respectful and courteous, it seems to be a great group and I think people should always keep an open mind and give this SG a try, Kenpojutsu has always been friendly and polite to nearly everyone on the forums, so I'm guessing he'd be a pretty decent leader. So just a friendly bump for a good group of people I have encountered on this game, You've got a good group of people going for you.
Hello, I am interested in joining S.E.C.R.E.T. I am fairly new to the game and looking for a group of people to do Adventure Packs with and just beat up bad guys with. I can be contacted in game at Verrick@Verrick18.
Hi there, I've got my main with the wildcards SG who are a thoroughly nice lot. Problem is I miss their main play times as I'm EU and theyre US. I'd be interesting in running my alts with you, but are you mainly US based?
Technically Alpha is the NA or Western group and Omega is the EU or Eastern group. Realistically Alpha is blue team and Omega is red team because several of us have alts in both branches regardless. There's also the small green team for robots, cyborgs and power armor costumed heroes.
Do you know who you pugged with?
I've had the joy to be in the channel and it's been a fun couple weeks already!!
I have done things with mostly Alpha in the day time and when I'm having those insomniatic nights, there are times with Omega. But mostly Alpha.
PACT also sounds pretty awesome (a member explained) I might have a char or two who would like to join PACT, but as of yet none of my chars are officially in the SG.
The Guy Fawks inv bounced? It sent one, then I accepted, then kicked me. Lol.
I'm fine staying SG-less but in the chan. The chan is where it's at! I made a few friends now.
So thanks!!
Great group to play with!!
Shadow Phoenix@Xaade is interested in joining.
Edit: wrong post :]
I would like to join your supergroup.
My character name is Harvok
Sent you a mail but thought it best to clarify, We are Alt Friendly, if you want 32 alts in we'll take 'em, you only want one in, that's fine too. You wanna been in other SG's with other toons, that's fine, I am!
I'm a new player (less than a month), and would love to just have people to talk to once in a while.
Im a single hero person only have one toon that i really play, i retcon alot so theres no one playstyle i stick with.
handle is @unifyingforce
ive been here a while but on and off
I've been playing WoW for the last 5-6 years and am currently looking for a new game to spend my time on.
As I just upgraded to gold (though haven't had time to log on since I upgraded) I see myself spending a lot of time here
When I log I would really love to do groupruns etc. I'm used to 5-manning instances in WoW and I just did my first comic series alone and it was quite - well awkward - being alone in there.
Hope to hear from you
I play on Nightfox
and I think my handle is @Jinlux
They should be set up to be able to invite any members alts to the SG but they dont have our chat channel authority yet so cant really add totally new members.
We'd also like to honour Negavator as he was asked but as his fiancé has a baby on the way he quite rightly feels that RL's gonna take forefront right now. So Congratulations there mate!
We used to be very free with invites but got swamped with members and some we're really not getting involved.
So now we're asking anyone wishing to join to answer a few questions and confirm they agree to the SG requirements for joining. Should all be fine theyll get an invite to join the SG and also and invite to our chat channel (we're split over 3 branches so that's the only way to chat with us all). New members are added at recruit status which really only limits SG Vault access until we've got to know them ingame a bit better and feel secure in promoting them to member.
If you are interested in joining please leave your details here or on our thread on the free forums and well mail you and take it from there.
Ill be organising some things once we know better whats going on but I should thing be similar to previous years Id recommend folks save their snoballs and maybe mistletoe as I will try and organise a snoball fight towards the end of the event. I would imagine well sort some smackdown on Clarence, perk/item hunting teaming and maybe a holiday themed costume competition.
I would love to talk to some one about adding my new gadgeteer.
You can get me on Black Adder@equuis.
I also have a lvl 30 who is on a hiatus while I wait for the avian warrior set and to remake her back into an archer so she can be closer to her oriiginal concept from my COH days.
Edit: I should mention I'm in North America est (GMT -5 ) usually on after 6pm est
I sent an email to the character you listed in your post.
Thanks for your interest in S.E.C.R.E.T.! I look forward to chatting with you in game.
Welcome to CO! I sent an email to Nightfox@Jinlux. It details how to go about joining S.E.C.R.E.T.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Edit: I just noticed the date on your post so one of the other officers may have already emailed you. If so I apologize for the duplicate. That's what I get for reading forums when I should be asleep!
Hehe yeah, I definitely need to not read forums that late at night.
I read your posting and am interested in joining SECRET.
I am new to CO having only been here about a month. I have dabbled in other MMO's before including WoW, though my experiences there were not with elitist groups. I have a very chaotic and busy RL schedule as I have a teenage daughter, do charity work locally, and also work in law-enforcement... so the laid back aspect of SECRET is very appealing to me. I rarely ask for help, usually waiting to see if any is offered. I do however always ask if others need help with anything, because I enjoy helping others.
When I get time to log on I like to have fun, help others out, and enjoy the company of a few good group members.
My main toon is named as follows: Alrek Hardy@Magnathyr
Thank you for your time.
Thanks, looking forward to it as well, I send a message once I'm in for the evening after work and other grown uo stuffs
Hello there!
I sent an email to your character named above. Once you reply to that we can proceed.
Sounds good Equiis. If you reply to the email I sent last night I'll receive it regardless of which character I'm on. I just signed in and will be on for a while.
I got it in duplicate, but only replied once. LOL
I didn't answer each individual question as a singular, but answered as a whole to the email. I hope that it was clear enough and that I will be hearing good news from you soon.
Until then, take care and god speed.
i play 2 characters at the moment i have a lvl40 free-form duel blade and a lvl15 free-form electric hero
i started playing a few months after launch and am just coming back after about a year so im looking for a good group of people.
my character names are
I sent you an email ingame.
Reply to my global (@SteelShaman) and we can proceed.
See you soon!
Hi there, welcome to CO!
I sent you an email ingame that details the (very new guy friendly) requirements for joining S.E.C.R.E.T.
Reply to that email and we'll see about getting the ball rolling!
Could you mail the requirements? Thanks!
I have sent each of you an email detailing the requirements for joining S.E.C.R.E.T.
My character name is O.F.F.I.C.E.R. (with the periods.) The Optimally Functionalized Fully Independent Civic Enforcement Robot.
I would love to fight along side you all.
Thank you for the compliment and the endorsement.
Kenpo and I might not be playing much lately but we're still here in the wings and you can still call on us.
Yes, reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. I'm just busy getting back into competition shape. The dream will never die.