I can handle anything and everything CO has had to throw at me, but this alert is a joke. I can carry Fire & Ice or Gravitar by myself, I Main Tank every Cosmic, and Teleios Ascendant has a learning curve but as long as everyone knows what to do its fine.
But Save the Earth is a joke.
Trying to do a pick up group of Save the Earth is almost guaranteed to fail, even at just killing the Nemesis.
There's endless tough mobs that make it almost impossible to off tank to keep them under control.
The core has way too much HP to be able to DPS through especially in the face of stacks of escalating DoTs that force you to back out and wait for them to fall off before resuming DPS.
The consoles take way too long to activate and requiring your entire team to coordinate them perfectly, simultaneously, is impossible, LET ALONE trying to do so without a single enemy from a single one of the countless mobs looking in your general direction and screwing up the entire thing.
This is a JOKE. No one even BOTHERS to try and queue or form teams for the thing. Not to mention the alert is only up for a week at a time and the only source of Nemesis recognition left in the game for a shop of REALLY COOL STUFF, NOT TO MENTION all the REALLY COOL DROPS that you COULD get if you ever had a shot in hell of finishing the dang thing.
I can tell that the Devs put a LOT of time and effort into this alert, the rewards, the shop, everything. It'd be nice if people were actually able to play it, wouldn't it? Because I can't imagine you put a lot of thought into how feasible it is to actually pull any of this off. This isn't 'challenging', its ****-grindingly convoluted. Only a handful of players in the entire game have ever finished any of the alternate win conditions. Content should NOT only be for the top 5 players in the game.
PLEASE Devs, do something to tone this alert down and make it more feasible to actually complete. Otherwise, it'll just forever be dead content, which is a shame because its good content, its just really, REALLY stupid hard.
Most often than not I see people running all over the place PvEing mooks and dieing instead of focusing the turrets down while I kite the mooks in circles. I end up rolling my eyes and all the circling and rolling ends up making me dizzy.
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I already got some STEs done anyways btw u3u
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I get why there needs to be tough content that is designed for coordinated groups. I enjoy that kind of content in its proper place. However, I don't think it's proper place is in a random queue... with non-max level characters... as part of an otherwise trivial monthly quest.
How much fun do you think a level 30 AT new player in green quest gear is going to have in there? How likely is that person to try it again after the 15th failed run? How favorably are they going to look upon the rest of the game after seeing that it's required for Vigilance?
There's a reason TA isn't in the Custom Alert queue.
Well I've had fun in it every single time I've ever played it, so I'll have to say that it's not tuned "too tight" to be fun.
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Saying what amounts to "nuh-uhn" to everyone else's opinion doesn't make yours more valid. You may be having fun in there, but if you honestly think most players do, I think you might be deluding yourself.
Or I'm just better than you. Some gamers are the type that blame the devs, the game, or other players for their failings. Then there's those of us that figure out what we're doing wrong, fix it, and move on. One type tends to be more successful than the other I've noticed, and have more fun.
Most players aren't on the forums complaining about it. As for whatever you think I'm deluded about, I'll just repost my comment with some bolding for emphasis.
So... from what I see... the only one here deluding themselves into thinking that they speak for "most players" seems to be you. FYI, making that claim doesn't make your opinion any more valid
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
The alert is something I can write off... But everytime someone says that about the content in the game, it's bad for the game.
As for my claiming to speak for others: I don't. I apologize if I gave the impression that I thought I did. However, my personal experience is that people don't behave as if they enjoy it. I very well may be way off base here. I admit that. How about this: I won't bother doing it again except once a month for Vigilance. I'm sure that will make me enjoy the game more. No sweat off my back. I bet the devs will be thrilled and can high-five about it. Mission accomplished!
Yeah that sure sounds like someone who's had a lot of success in there. I know when I see someone enjoying something that I've beaten hundreds of times I think "Well there goes an incredibly lucky masochist who is probably only pretending to enjoy that because there's no way somebody could enjoy something I don't, they're clearly just pretending to have fun to gaslight me".
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Anyway, I wasn't posting that opinion and concerns for you. More for the people that can do something about it. I'm not interested in being drawn into an arguement about something that means so little. Have fun!
Can I say this about:
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
This and cybermind are the only decent custom events - the rest are dull and auto win, may as well not exist, they only get done for vigilance and all they are is a very small dull time sink with no point and no chance of failure.
> When they first added it the difficulty was tuned way too high and most teams failed, now though its fine, I always do it in pickup teams and for multiple chrs, even 1 weak one and have only failed it once.
> This and cybermind are the only decent custom events - the rest are dull and auto win, may as well not exist, they only get done for vigilance and all they are is a very small dull time sink with no point and no chance of failure.
That's awesome to hear! Honestly, I hope most people are having your experience rather than mine, or that of the OP. I would much rather think that I'm unlucky than to worry about the level of neglect for the game that everyone opting out of the newest alert with no dev action would indicate.
Out of curiosity, how have your experiences with alternate completion methods been?
I will confess I have only done the nemesis defeat condition, i keep meaning to try the others but never gotten round to forming a team to try - doing them in a pug group isn't really an option as people in a pug group just want to complete the alert in a straight forward way.
If you only tried it when it first came out and never since you may want to try again. After a few days, maybe a week they toned it down as it was far too tough.
When they first added it there were far more mobs and they respawned at least twice a fast as now making it impossible for most groups to complete.
Is it tougher than normal? Yes.
Can it be done by PUGs? Yes (I've only ever done them in PUGs)
Is it a dull fight? Sorta.
Too much time fighting boring mobs, not enough time fighting the Nemesis.
That's because i'm getting ti from doing the Nemesis missions
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I get most of my Nemesis Recog from regular ol'Nemesis missions. Tons of Nem Recog--much more than this alert gives.
Once you finish the Nemesis story arc a second, third time, you get piles of it, since the Recog award is based on how many times you've run through the entire arc.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
DEVs really shouldnt aim to make Alerts so difficult, Alerts are suppose to be casual levels of difficulty and not on the same level as EPIC Teleios Tower and cosmics. And that was pretty much why i wasn't looking forwards for yet another new alert (which screwed up the Vigilante)
Not to mention the Queue system of CO is horrible, it's not like Final Fantasy XIV where you can queue as specific required role and the game will put you in a organized team where your role is required. You PUGed the alert and there is no Tank or/and Healer? R.I.P
That being said, the original Nemesis missions are the best sources of Nem tokens
I know I did StE this time with 5 DPSers. Everyone knew what to do and it was actually a fast run.
2)Nem goes inside core(Remove Antigravity) increases size and strength, Breaks out, Eats random hero, gains one of their powers, FIGHT FO YO LIFE!.... D End!
I dunno... did they update Nems to actually do stuff now? They still seem kinda lazy.
Those are certainly the fastest runs. Burst damage serves just as well as a tank or healer in this alert \o/
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Edit: i wouldnt say its awful, im just sorely disappointed that some cool nemesis content feels a bit exclusive.
I believe it is more than double. Short Nem missions, which take 5 minutes to do, in open world, award my main something like 20-30 Nem recog.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
My guess is it is designed for the super hardcore elitists that want/need excessively hard content that would make Dark Souls seem easy. Beyond that...I don't think it really is.
The trick is to bring some support and some stunning / hold powers. The character I play STE on the most - because she makes the runs successful, most of the time - runs Seraphim in support mode with TK powers for fast charge stuns, Soul Vortex to debuff enemies with Fear, and lots of little incremental heals (she doesn't actually have a heal power per se). But if you can slow the enemies down, reduce their damage, lock them down with stuns and holds and still do some decent damage yourself, then the team has a chance. You can't really help if people don't understand the basic mechanics of the alert, though, and that's where the lack of cutscenes hurts. Imagine Cybermind without the explanation of each round's rules. Yeuch. As for the other methods of completing the alert... no idea, and realistically you're not going to have time to work it out in-game.
Honestly, this is probably the one thing that makes StE such a pain in the **** compared to other alerts. The problem with them is threefold:
Mechanics and Objectives
As others have said, the lack of cutscenes (which I'm actually thankful for) might leave players unsure of what to do (disable the cannon shields then destroy the cannons, attack the forcefield generators while blocking the death aoe, kill nemesis) but that could actually be solved without cutscenes. In STO, several of their "alerts" will pop up a dialog giving a brief explanation of what to do. Bonus points if it can be done with easy-to-understand pictures instead of a text wall.
This alert is too hard for a typical pug for what it is--a weekly custom alert available to a wide range of levels. Anyone who isn't 40 pretty much needs to be carried through this, and that isn't really fair to them or the rest of the group. It pretty much requires a tank and a healer, however pugs don't guarantee either of these things. While a full team of rando dps can clear other alerts, it's almost always an automatic fail in StE.
Normalizing StE
- - -
That said, I hate the fact that I feel pretty much obligated to play as a tank or healer in StE in order to make it work. Running my purely-dps character is always such an unpleasant crapshoot.
We thought it was healing auras, but I checked. If the healing auras are triggering the aggro, it is *before* the main room.
Here's what you do. Message your friend that has a tank and be like "Hey, run my DPS through STE and I'll bring my tank to run your dps through it". Profit! Community! Super Heroes! \o/
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
You ask for the impossible. [insert Luke complaining to Yoda from The Empire Strikes Back]
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
I think you can see it in this vid.
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Epic Stronghold
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The solution to that situation is either a tank drags everything off, or you kill enough stuff that you can go on with your primary objective (they respawn, but not so fast that you can't control them). However, teams able to do either of those probably won't get into that situation in the first place.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
I was taking a break when the alert dropped, and it never seems to be around long enough for me to really master it. The long queue times don't help much tho.
That being said, I stopped farming Vigilance after STE went into the rotation. I could not reliably rotate 30 toons through it, like the other special alerts. I ran my five mains, which generally went okay, but then kinda gave up on Vigilance farming altogether.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
When I was at the height of my play time, spending Zen on lots of stuff, I would often get 40+ heroes through Vigilance. So. Much. Questionite.
Now, even if you can reliably do the alert, there is a longer wait time between runs, and some characters in a player's alt farm just aren't good enough.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
I mean separate the different ways into a separate missions, do all 4 and you get the whole Save the Earth done.
And simple and clear "tutorial" cutscenes like Socrates does in the defeat Cybermind mission.
It cuts down team speak and inside mission strategy planning to minimum. Makes it pug friedly--ier.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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