This is not hard to replace (i belive), i even made the icon for them. And why dont you blame them for changing the third time the icons for professions like Leadership workers! You are not upset about they doing that instead of your 1000 of bugs? So if they do unnecessary icon change thats not a problem! But if someone…
Actually... i agree totally! I only paid too for games that i was satisfied! Like w3, cs1.6, csGo, wow, and some other browser mmos. But i never spent any money on this game, hm. The real problem is here that they using the wrong method to get money. Instead of puting a profession epic asset for 2k zen, they put them in…
First boss dropped blue items, and a shard. Second boss (King Malabog) dropped to us the dagger offhand, and one of the fragments! (no shard this time) We couldnt kill the third boss because of the lack of skill and reaction speed of the dps. BUT i saw a cleric that got the hand set of the Legendary set from last boss!
I dont get it why they didnt impelented this already, they would make a fortune out of zen, so i dont get it! This is something that has to be done, i have already 5 chars with 5 class. And now there is 2 new free race! Now i cant use them? Then it means that there is no new thing for me in expansion? Only for fresh…
The first thing i was doing after patch (after i sawd the spider mount mentioned in patch notes) to look for the spider mount in tarmalune trade bar vendor. And it was never been there!
Want to know why i am mad? At this last weeks event i opened 220+ lockbox and no mount, i had to buy it from AH for 1 million AD. Wasted horribly lot zen and diamonds! But now they could get it for free, and not just 1!! They got 4-100 mount each! ... This is unforgivable that they let them get away!
You got my vote too! Anyone who got this idea never ever played a DC in pvp. You can only damage a lot if you put 2 armor breaker on the enemy (Prophecy of Doom, Divine Glow) + other players defense reduction. You cant damage a lot without them! I have 6k power total (13k gs), and can damage only 40% of the enemy hp from…
Not just that, you can transfer AD beetween chars in the same account, so you can earn a lot AD with 5 chars doing leadership. And top of that if you buy a zen epic mount, you will get that mount for every chars!
I trade a lot in zone chat, any admins can look my logs! I play absolutely legal, and the joke is im not that good like others i know. I know one who has over 25 mil worth assets and workers and gear just in one char. And over 7 million spent on keys over 3 months? Why is it so much? I dont get it. I have 5 chars that make…