With the addition of Drow, Moon elves, and High Elves (aka sun elves), it is rather unfortunate
that there is no way to alter already made characters into the new races.
It should be possible for players to change already fully developed characters into races that
have become available over time or to change for stat benefits.
This is a request for cryptic to develop a token similar to the respect token that allows a player
to alter the race of their respective character. Like the respect token it could be bought using Zen.
This is something that has to be done, i have already 5 chars with 5 class. And now there is 2 new free race! Now i cant use them? Then it means that there is no new thing for me in expansion? Only for fresh players?
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger
There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
That is exactly what I thought. I was sure they would implement something during the new expansion but when I noticed they didn't I thought it would be best to make a thread to discuss and show interest in this idea. When so many other games offer this feature it is strange that Neverwinter does not.
The only way to gain the full experience for you would be to make a new account and if you have the expansion pack that only locks onto one account so you'll have to pick between your 5 or your new 2 on who gets the mount and companion. Doesn't really work that way, at least not for the consumer.
I do wonder why
all voted no.
I think the respect token comes with Dice roll respec as well but yeah, if you were to change your race you would most likely have to re-roll your dice roll since each race comes with certain racial bonuses.
So do I, if people are against this idea they should explain why. Just because it doesn't fit your style of game play doesn't mean it shouldn't be put into the game.
Centurion maximus92
12th Legion, Romulan Republic
12th Fleet
=\/= ================================ =\/=
I detest the idea of respecs and all stat changing token nonsense. If was in power none of them would be in the game. Period. So be thankful I'm not because I'd make this game for the same players which I played NWN with for seven years.
This poll did not ask whether the general public wanted these options, obviously the MMO crowd tends to want the gimme now option. The poll asked whether I want them in the game. I don't. Never will. A hundred years from now I will curse any option passed re-leveling.
And while the general public may want tokens and may even benefit from them it by no means dictates I should want them.
They are an abomination to my definition of D&D. They go against everything D&D should stand for. They shouldn't be in this game.
Yet they probably will end up in the game at some point no matter how much I hate them.
You're so quick to be everything about D&D, yet you find this game to be satisfactory enough to moderate it's forums? I'm positive that a race change token isn't going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back in D&D lore.
There you go ambisinisterr, an effin' wizard did it. Just like D&D.
Not a wizard, a druid. If a wizard did it you would be the same race, but when a druid reincarnates someone their race changes.
You can want it all you want. I will not want it all I want.
Let's not make this an argument. The poll asked for a vote. I vote hell no regardless of what the MMO players want or how some of the less adventurous D&D Players justify it.
But.. but.. magic and stuff.
Now while you are trying to avoid and argument I will give you such. Instead I offer you a discussion.
D&D, while it has a very strict baseline (which this game fails to adhere to IMO, that's off topic), is about using your imagination to fuel an adventure. Why put a limit on that? If a druid morphs me into a Tiefling or a wizard accesses my mind and trains me in 20 years of Karate over the course of 15 minutes, what is wrong with that? Albeit mages of such power would undoubtedly be rare and charge a lot for their services.; they should still be roaming around somewhere.
Role Play versus Roll Play?
Not a single NWN Server I played on allowed any form of respecing. If you messed up you messed up.
The same rules existed on my own NWN Servers.
And the same rules apply in my Pen and Paper campaign.
Want to make a new character? Go for it! Want to die and cause yourself to lose levels? Your funeral.
But under no circumstances will you be going "oops I made a mistake" and not expected to pay an arm and a leg in order to correct it.
The only thing which comes close to justifying them in this game is the bound item rules. That I do feel for...but only enough to make the race change token change your race by reducing your level to one.
Role-players, the free-spirited "Anything can happen in the fantasy world" type; and Roll-players, the hardcore by the "pre-established rules only" type.
This is by no means a D&D game. Just because there's a foundry does not mean we have as much freedom as we should. Then again that is my opinion and this is a F2P-model Chinese owned game. WoTC let me down on this one, honestly.
Nevertheless I voted for race change tokens although I don't like the "token in the slot and now you're a halfling" method.
I just wanted the opinions of those who are not for this suggestion. Whatever their reasons I completely respect them. While I agree it would be cool to have an all DnD styled MMO that isn't Neverwinter, close as it may be. Thank you for explaining why you are for / against though. It's always nice to hear feedback. But since this game already has respect tokens why not take it to races as well.
ANY game will die if there isn't a system that doesn't have an option to fix or change something as important as skills, talents or race. Do you want the game to die, ambisinisterr?
I have to ask our "Basement Purist" ambisinisterr something. IF a patch comes out and mechanics are changed, shouldn't people be allowed to respec? In your eyes the respec is BAD. As bad as pedophilia. However, the talents you picked are now changed and do not work the same way. Now what do you do? Make a whole new character and start all over again?
With that said i voted yes even if i never use a race change token.
I think starting again at level 1 would not hurt too much when you could also redo the quests... and it would also fit to what the others said about being reborn/reincarnated. Anyway there will be probably no lore around it when racial change tokens make it into the game. There is no hypnotist that lets you forget your past if you respec, nor is there an alchemist brewing you a potion of forgetting, its just a "respec token" you can buy without standing even next to a merchant that would sell it to you - no lore about it and i dont think there will be lore implemented when a new token makes it into the shop.
I think its good that there are respec tokens however in neverwinter online, as skills get changed from time to time, for the situations where it is not "oops i made a mistake", but when its the programmers who feel like they made a mistake in making certain skills too strong or too weak and readjust them.
Your views on respecing are slightly skewed. First, this is not Neverwinter Nights, not even based on it. It is not outside the realm of reality, of which this game is also not based, to retrain into a new job or role. If I, as a Sgt in the Army (I'm not, just an example,) no longer wishes to be a Food Service Specialist, I can re-train to be a tank mechanic without losing rank. So that's how I justify respecing.
Also, this game is very loosely based on D&D.
Centurion maximus92
12th Legion, Romulan Republic
12th Fleet
=\/= ================================ =\/=
That's all I need to know to say race changes shouldn't be added.
They probably will no matter how much I don't want them.
That doesn't mean there is any reason to change my view on it.
I'll deal with them when they are added but I will not condone their incorporation. I will not request it. And I will speak against it's inclusion until the day the abomination arrives.
And if there is a no to total respec- when can we duo class?
-- I'm a bit old-skool - if you want to play a new race, you should create a new chr. Everyone always says how fast/easy it is to level in this game, so what's the big deal. This isn't a game where it takes 6 months to max a chr. A few days to a few weeks, depending on free time, you have a new lvl60. If you only have two slots, one slot for your "main" and one slot for the experimental. If you want more than two slots, get them via the AD to Zen exchange, no cash spent.
--Race change is not changing your hairstyle. Basically that's just wanting a new chr. without having to level and gear it up. So I'd agree it falls into the "gimmie now/don't' want to work for it" mentality. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting that, different strokes for different folks and all that, but it's not what *I* prefer to see catered to in games.
...so I vote no, to ensure that developers know that not "everyone" wants it.