So i opened like 30+ lockbox with my first char and no mount (in open beta), after that when the game went live i opened 100+ lockbox whit my second char (thats my main now), but still no mount. I gived up, totally. But now with this key price lowering i started opening them again, i opened 220+ lockbox in the past 2 days (including today). It was a huge AD loss, because im a free to play gamer. So in a total 350+ lockbox and no mount!
Actually i had to buy the 2 nightmare, and the twilight out from tarmalune trade bar.
Im still happy, but seriusly 350 lockbox??? I met a person who got 2 mystic nightmare out of 8 lockbox!

Spent in total:
Inferno: for 2x hero (when it was 400k in AH, in total: 800k) (bought it with first char)
Twilight: 2500 tarmalune trade bar (its in AH for 1,3M) (bought it today)
Mystic: someone opened two and he sold it for me for only 1M, he is a nice guy!

(bought it today)
Total: 3,1 mil only
Wasted on key: 6-7 million AD (not calculated the cycle, when you sell the stuff that you opened, it could be 14 million)
So instead of opening i could save at least 3 million AD.
And im a free to play gamer. Its just a tip for those who want to open it: dont buy key, buy the mount instead of AH! Belive me!
Only buy key if you are after the twilight!
What worries me is that a F2P player has that much AD/Gold in the first place, don't mean to question it but I cant help myself..
Some sort of farming/speed running monster per chance or you telling me that since Beta you've managed to gather over 7 million AD to spend on keys for your 220+ boxes you opened..
I seriously doubt what you've been doing is anywhere near legit, albeit my opinion is tainted with a smidge of jealousy..
I trade a lot in zone chat, any admins can look my logs! I play absolutely legal, and the joke is im not that good like others i know. I know one who has over 25 mil worth assets and workers and gear just in one char.
And over 7 million spent on keys over 3 months? Why is it so much? I dont get it. I have 5 chars that make at least 50k ad per day just with leadership / invoking.
And top of that the more AD you have the more business can be made. This is not a miracle, a lot others can do this.
and then you have 5 chars
Cryptic gave you 3 ekstra chars for free
You can buy zen from AD anytime in the AD/Zen exchange!
True story
I know I could have them free across multiple accounts, but as someone who has put in some money (Guardian), it makes considerably more sense to have everyone under one account.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Not just that, you can transfer AD beetween chars in the same account, so you can earn a lot AD with 5 chars doing leadership. And top of that if you buy a zen epic mount, you will get that mount for every chars!
Plus there are all those giveaway codes....
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Good luck!
So finally you get, they Don't want to give u any kind of mount that easy, the fact some people get one after opening 3 if random and most likely after others like yourself have open over 300, its a a main pocket liner for them, because they ppl will excitedly spend big amounts in the hope of getting that Random Rare mount, when theyre probably sitting back laughing at ppl who do, when they could've just bought a nice looking mount off the zen shop.... any game with lock boxes, is the same .. imo
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