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  • LOL, that is exactly my point. So, my only solution is what? Park my SW until I can save up enough AD to get better gear by playing other toons, which, with similar ilvl, carve through the same areas that SW gets steamrolled? Come on--not everyone has 3k ilvl. It's silly that the class is basically worthless from the time…
  • I think this may be the wrong genre for you, honestly. Not meaning to be a prick or anything, but MMORPGs are designed in such a way as to keep people playing over long periods of time to earn increasing rewards. The point of the game is not to have individual encounters be extremely challenging, but instead the…
  • Sorry, not trying to be redundant, I just wasn't sure if people had tried actually manually downloading the update. I had the same problem, tried to update through device manager, said I was up to date (no update available), BUT I did some additional digging, and ended up updating manually from that link and now it works…
  • Seriously, have you guys looked at the latest drivers available for your gfx card? I think this is the issue. I updated mine and it went away. Do NOT use the auto-update through Device Manager. Instead, check here: http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-034343.htm @strumslinger - This may help?
  • Hey Strum, really glad to hear this mate. I'm pleased to see some good response and I know that you're doing a hell of a lot to work through the many issues that you've inherited. Kudos to you. Just want to make sure that you know: SW doesn't feel underpowered at all until near endgame. So, make sure that you play AT LEAST…
  • Is this a Neverwinter problem? I think it may actually be an issue with certain Intel chipsets and a particular Windows update. See: https://communities.intel.com/thread/78173 They just released new driver updates: http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-034343.htm I was having this issue last night and after…
  • I haven't leveled from 60-70 since the XP changes, but is there really such a mismatch or are people just complaining because they slowed down the progression a bit? On both of my lvl 70 chars, I skipped about half of EE and just went straight into Spinward to go for my Main Hand. Seems like with all of the adjustments, it…
  • Glad to hear that you've taken some feedback and made some needed changes! I was holding out hope that much of the slow response regarding difficulty adjustments was caused mostly by the dev team just being too busy trying to wrap up Strongholds and ship it--I know how that goes as a professional who manages development…
  • Are you guys still recruiting for the sister guild? I am a GWF, only 1800 ilvl and fairly casual player, but would love to play with a good group of folks. I'm coming off of a break and getting up to speed on SH. I'm pretty chatty and try to be as helpful as possible. (Also have SW 1800 ilvl, not playing much at the…
  • This isn't a "you're the wrong build" post--it's a "the SW is broken" post. Had the exact same problem. I hit lvl 70, was stoked to finally "start the game" in the campaign areas, ran around to each of the three campaign areas only to get demolished by the first pack of mobs. I did grind a bit to gear up from the PVP store…
  • I'm no PVP pro, but not sure I would run these. Personally, I run Hadar + KF + SS. But, I am also Fury, so hard to know if it would apply directly. But, seems you have chosen DoT encounters rather than burst damage. I think burst is better for PVP. My SW is actually better at PVP than my similarly-geared GWF, because with…
  • I think the point is that you could solo through the campaign content to level up, and then Spinward would be re-worked into a more story-driven campaign style area like IWD. Basically, instead of this lazy slog of a grind that they made 60-70, and then just pushing all of the existing campaign to 70+, they should have…
  • Nice post. Closely related to the class/balance issues I posted about as well - there is just no flexibility or creativity. Everyone gets the same gear, which looks the same and offers no cool set bonus, everyone has the same BiS main hand and off-hand, everyone chooses the same class paths because half of the classes only…
  • :D I've spent way more time on the forums lately than playing the actual game.
  • Yes. Most of the time, GWF deals most DPS for PvE content. TR is also good, and a CW can also definitely hold their own. All of these are viable options with their own style/benefits. SW is pretty broken -- low DPS unless you are BiS.
  • Plus, what is the fun of playing group content if you are barely even contributing? There is an element of fun to all of this, too, not just what is technically do-able. After all, why am I playing a "game" if it's simply a chore where I am always a drain on the group because of the path I chose?
  • I think this is clearly the problem. There is no reason why players should be kept out of the process. WE are spending our time/money to play the game, and consistently provide feedback to Cryptic. They refuse to provide any specific feedback as to what will be done/released and when (even in rough terms). It also seems…
  • This I am not so sure about. When you consider that end-game content is about 50/50 between solo campaign content and 5-man dungeons, it becomes a question of not just "can this class/path survive solo content", but what is their role within the party content? In that case, I think it's clear that each class pretty much…
  • Thanks all for input/comments. I'm certainly not experienced enough to inventory all of the balance issues, but just from my experience in playing two different classes, I can tell that there are major problems. In my opinion, the point of the different paths should be that you can play the class entirely differently…
  • Just posted a very similar discussion to yours. I think that the lack of balance in classes/paths is really at the root of many of the issues that you see posted here so frequently. One person chose a "bad" class/path and complains that content is impossible, while someone else chose the "right" one (or already is BiS) and…
  • Thanks for this. Very interesting. Do you think this build is at all feasible for folks who don't have all of the artifacts and other elements? I was a HB Fury and really wanted to play that, but I ended up respeccing as a SB because I couldn't stay alive. Now, I am a pretty new player (~2 months) and don't have all of the…
  • That's fair. I have gone back and forth with this. After reading so much about LS being "nerfed", I basically quit focusing on it at all and instead tried to run up power/crit/armpen. For me, this is really tough, because I have such limited resources that I have to carefully balance my stats. Should I go for epic gear…
  • Yeah, I was afraid of this, too. My guildmates all sort of laugh when I say that I am struggling with Drowned. "Wait until Spinward," they say. At this point it seems like Spinward will be 100% impossible for me, even if I get to level 70, unless there is some great gear that I don't know about that will help me a lot.
  • Thanks. I will reach out to you for some tips. Really not looking for any handouts or anything, just want to be able to play and have fun. All of the blues you can see there are lvl 96 item level, with the big HP boost. My HP is still pretty low, I think. Not sure why? I actually wrote the wrong thing, I meant should I…
  • So apparently, I cannot start a new thread, so this seems as good as any to ask for some help? First: I am fairly new to the game. I started just as/after Mod 6 was released. My first character, I rolled a SW. I reached level 60 sometime last week and was excited for all of the new sections, only to find out that…