The guys (and gals) over at Unrepentant Gaming are some of the best folks out there on NW right now. The guild is very laid back and understanding and everyone has a great sense of humor.
The application process seems daunting, but once you get talking to everyone its not a chore at all to talk to interesting people who want to get to know you. It's not like you're going to hop into Mumble with them and start talking about yourself like its a date. The application is a good way to break the ice. Plus, this reduces the amount of jerks and ghosts in the guild.
If you're looking for some elite guild that runs all the content in 2 seconds, then perhaps the U isn't for you. If you're looking for a close group of mates to play games with and maybe have a few drinks; then I say come on down!
Maybe a few questions in advance before I start writing my application: I saw a lot of US players over on the forums, but how about EU? Do you have EU players? Are there people online around EU prime times? Secondly, I don't like using voice chats at all. Not because of me, but because of the better half, who has to suffer when I do. What about not using voice chat, will I have any disadvantage? Can I be part of the community without it?
Thanks for any answers I will get
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited March 2015
Thanks for your interest. Right now during the Euro primetimes, we're looking at 5-10 people, and that number gets bigger as we get close to USA primetime, where we'll see 10-15 people around. We do have a lot of European players in the community as well, so things tend to be pretty active around the clock, except for the wee hours of the morning. Right now we have people who are active playing from the UK, Scandinavia, Germany, Turkey, Russia, the Netherlands and a few other places I can't recall off the top of my head.
With Module 6 just around the corner, we expect activity levels to double or triple. When Module 4-5 was fresh, we averaged about 20-30 people on during prime hours.
As for voice chat, we use it a lot, but it's not a requirement. So people use headsets and just log in to hear what's going on, then respond in text. It's all about personal preference.
You might ask: Why is the U is such a good idea? Why is this community worth the ridonkculous application process?
Think long-term, my friend. What's the lifespan of your game? 5 years? Ten and its receiving social security. It has a walker, fake teeth, and incontinence.
You ever play more than one game at a time? ...sort of a Menage a Trois... but with games, and no tears. (Tears could be a personal thing, forget I said that.)
You keep building the same group of friends? Or do you start over like when your mom stole from the mob and your family had to go to Muncie in the CIA's Witness Protection Program?
That's the heart of the matter. The U is going to exist longer than our game(s)... and a branch of the U might already be in ALL of the games you are playing now. We see that as a big deal.
Just wanted to pipe in here. I joined the U a couple years back when Rift came out, and although my PC (and especially MMO) gaming has waxed and waned over that time, any time I've been actively playing with and talking with U members, I've had lots of fun. It's a good group of folks, and I'm really glad they accepted me back in the Rift days (and continue to keep me as a member despite the fact that I sometimes disappear from the face of the gaming Earth for months at a time)!
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited May 2015
So it looks like we're finally getting into the swing of Module 6. I know things are considered a lot more difficult, but we're to the point now where Uey groups can regularly clear any of the T1's (assuming the lag monster doesn't eat us). We also started farming Temple of the Spider this weekend, and we've close to clearing out Cragmire Crypts.
If you're frustrated that the new difficulty is making it impossible for you to progress, don't bang your head against the wall alone...head bang with us instead
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited May 2015
And so this weekend, we cleared Grey Wolf Den, marking all dungeons down for Unrepentant, no exploits involved
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited June 2015
Whew, what a month. I can't believe it's June already, and we're coming up on the 2 year anniversary of Neverwinter.
And we've been here the entire time...April 25th 2013, woo!
Anyway, had to take a break from the recruitment forums for a bit. We've had quite a few new recruits over the past weeks, and making sure everyone is gelling and having fun is really important for us.
So for those of you looking for a social community that puts people before the toon, check us out.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
Well, we know the 150 account cap kinda stinks. Obviously, we'll be strongly lobbying Cryptic to reverse that.
However, we've tightened up the guild roster a bit, and we're just under the 150 account cap right now, so in the meantime we're going to keep recruiting and adding great people to the U.
So for those of you looking for a social community that puts people before the toon, check us out.
This is the best thing to aim as a guild - good people first and everything else comes easy along with that.
How can i join ? I read there is some kind of application process (interview) ?
I am regular EU player, but don't have problems with US time (self employed - 24/5 not restricted working time).
You can always find me in game and here - @SliderHardcorE . Drop me something for further discussion - better be from the bar behind you on sig Red Rum will be fine (cheers)
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
So for those of you looking for a social community that puts people before the toon, check us out.
This is the best thing to aim as a guild - good people first and everything else comes easy along with that.
How can i join ? I read there is some kind of application process (interview) ?
I am regular EU player, but don't have problems with US time (self employed - 24/5 not restricted working time).
You can always find me in game and here - @SliderHardcorE . Drop me something for further discussion - better be from the bar behind you on sig Red Rum will be fine (cheers)
@sliderhardcore We'd love to have you. We have a pretty good European contigent, as well as North America, so there should always be plenty of people to play with. You can check out the application process by visiting our forums, or we can catch each other in game this weekend to chat.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
So just to clarify our stance, because of all the chatter in the forums about Strongholds.
A game update doesn't change what the U is about. Our mantra still stands. Doesn't matter what game, what update or what patch happens:
Unrepentant is a socially-driven casual guild with a focus on freedom. Freedom to play games the way you want to play, when you want to play them. You won’t find any play time quotas, extensive guild taxes, mandatory events, or drama-laden infighting here. However, we recognize this freedom comes with a responsibility: We are free so long as that freedom does not deny our fellow members the right to enjoy the game.
Central to Unrepentant is our sense of community. We believe the games you play aren’t as important as the people you play them with, and to that end we strive only to admit the kind of members you’d want to hang out and have a drink with.
So yes, we're going to do our best to have a kick butt Stronghold. And yes, we have some competitive people who I'm sure are going to eat up the GvG battles. But that's just another part of the game that's changed.
I am still interested in joining your guild Unrepentant Gaming.. I am still able to login in your guild's website and would like to be able to bring my HR into your guild..
About 2 month's ago my account was hacked and my characters were stripped clean of all of their enchantments and epic profession assets and materials.. Luckily PWE/Cryptic was able to at least recover my characters with thier gear but unfortunately all my enchantments on my main and companions enchantments were not recovered. so my char Katrina is currently in the process of starting fresh with alot of work that will take awhile to recover,
I am only on a couple times per week but hopefully I will be able to play more often in the near future. IF this affects my chance of joining your great guild, I understand.. PLease get back to me on this soon
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
No worries at all. We're a casual gaming community. Some people play all day long, others only a couple nights a week. We're not interested in how much you play, just how cool you are WHEN you play
Hm, this sounds interesting. I didn't read it all, but what I notice ..... no exploits .... beers .... fun ..... is enough.
My guild is dead, it was friend made, but all my friends quit playing or freeze their accounts for better times. So time for me to move on.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
Just a heads up guys, our web host got hacked last night, so weird stuff is showing up on our website. I'd avoid the link until we get things under control again.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
And we're back up and running. We were considering moving to a new host, and this was the last straw. Apparently the entire host got hacked, so there wasn't anything particularly vulnerable about the website.
Anyway, we're still in business, and still looking to bring new folks in to join us, particularly with Strongholds less than a month away.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
With Strongholds looming, I've gone through the guild roster and made sure we have room for more excellent people to join us. However, I also noticed on the forums that some guilds are posting their requirements for membership, so I thought I'd post really quickly just to clarify our standards before you can apply:
As of right now, we're only recruiting character race/class combinations that have at least one arm. We had considered increasing the requirment to two eyes, but it was pointed out that there is an eye-patch fashion item, and it would be difficult to enforce this rule if in fact players had a working eye underneath the eye-patch. So for now, as long as your toon has an eyeball somewhere on their body or on their person, you're qualified here (note: we didn't want to unjustly discriminate against abominations).
We expect you to have a minimum iLevel of 0 before applying. Also, we're currently not accepting anyone below level 1. If your character is less than level 1, please level up a bit before applying.
Gear standards do apply as well. We humbling request that you have slots on your character sheet into which gear can be placed. If you find yourself without any gear slots, please create a new character that has slots for gear. The quality of the gear placed in your slot is at your own discretion. Also: Giggitty.
We have a very strict standard that characters applying must have a bare minimum of at least zero artifacts. If you have more than zero artifacts, that's cool, but please note that characters with less than zero artifacts will be asked to earn at least zero artifacts before applying. The same standard holds for gear enchantments as well. Unfortunately, we can not offer any waivers to characters with less than zero enchantments on your gear. If you find yourself slotted with less than zero enchantments, please contact an officer so we can figure out how the heck that happened.
Lastly, we have a new, strict and non-negotiable NO GOATS* policy. We've had issues in the past with goats, and while we don't necessarily have anything inherently against goats, we've found that goats tend to cause more issues in the guild than we're prepared to deal with. If you're a goat, we apologize.
*no goats were harmed in preparing our "no goats" policy.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
torontodaveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 992Arc User
[If you see someone wearing it in Toronto, it's me. ;D]
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
Hah. Thanks. We were pretty excited to be a part of it. For the record, we wanted to include the drunk raccoon gif, but it unfortunately couldn't make the cut since this was an official PWE post.
Hi! I am new to Neverwinter but was wondering if I could get an invite to your guild? It seems very fun. But if being a low level is a problem, then I understand.
I'm not sure how you would find me ingame for an invite... (Not sure how that works)... When I hover over my character, it says "Tricked@Dreytoy"
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
That's all we need to know. You can find us in game by using the command /channel_join Uey . That's the custom chat channel we use for all our guild communication. And we'll take anyone. We don't care about your toon, just that you're a good person.
If you're serious about joining, you can find out more information about us here; And if you think that's cool, you can put in an application to join so we can get to know you a little better.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
One thing I really love about our guild...this was just posted in our private forums today. Mantra joined us last week, rocked out and became a member. Today he got to complete Epic Grey Wolf Den for the first time
returning player,Natron Skram is game name,hope you have room for one more in guild?
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
We definitely do. Check out the website, If you think that the community looks like a place you've love to hang out, let me know!
The application process seems daunting, but once you get talking to everyone its not a chore at all to talk to interesting people who want to get to know you. It's not like you're going to hop into Mumble with them and start talking about yourself like its a date. The application is a good way to break the ice. Plus, this reduces the amount of jerks and ghosts in the guild.
If you're looking for some elite guild that runs all the content in 2 seconds, then perhaps the U isn't for you. If you're looking for a close group of mates to play games with and maybe have a few drinks; then I say come on down!
Thanks for any answers I will get
With Module 6 just around the corner, we expect activity levels to double or triple. When Module 4-5 was fresh, we averaged about 20-30 people on during prime hours.
As for voice chat, we use it a lot, but it's not a requirement. So people use headsets and just log in to hear what's going on, then respond in text. It's all about personal preference.
Think long-term, my friend. What's the lifespan of your game? 5 years? Ten and its receiving social security. It has a walker, fake teeth, and incontinence.
You ever play more than one game at a time? ...sort of a Menage a Trois... but with games, and no tears. (Tears could be a personal thing, forget I said that.)
You keep building the same group of friends? Or do you start over like when your mom stole from the mob and your family had to go to Muncie in the CIA's Witness Protection Program?
That's the heart of the matter. The U is going to exist longer than our game(s)... and a branch of the U might already be in ALL of the games you are playing now. We see that as a big deal.
So am I. But still...
If you're frustrated, need help or just looking for friends to game with, check us out. Like any D&D game, it's better in a party
If you're frustrated that the new difficulty is making it impossible for you to progress, don't bang your head against the wall alone...head bang with us instead
And we've been here the entire time...April 25th 2013, woo!
Anyway, had to take a break from the recruitment forums for a bit. We've had quite a few new recruits over the past weeks, and making sure everyone is gelling and having fun is really important for us.
So for those of you looking for a social community that puts people before the toon, check us out.
However, we've tightened up the guild roster a bit, and we're just under the 150 account cap right now, so in the meantime we're going to keep recruiting and adding great people to the U.
This is the best thing to aim as a guild - good people first and everything else comes easy along with that.
How can i join ? I read there is some kind of application process (interview) ?
I am regular EU player, but don't have problems with US time (self employed - 24/5 not restricted working time).
You can always find me in game and here - @SliderHardcorE . Drop me something for further discussion - better be from the bar behind you on sig
Once a Uey, always a Uey. If you can't find your old access on the new(ish) website, email one of the admins to get it straightened out.
@sliderhardcore We'd love to have you. We have a pretty good European contigent, as well as North America, so there should always be plenty of people to play with. You can check out the application process by visiting our forums, or we can catch each other in game this weekend to chat.
A game update doesn't change what the U is about. Our mantra still stands. Doesn't matter what game, what update or what patch happens:
Unrepentant is a socially-driven casual guild with a focus on freedom. Freedom to play games the way you want to play, when you want to play them. You won’t find any play time quotas, extensive guild taxes, mandatory events, or drama-laden infighting here. However, we recognize this freedom comes with a responsibility: We are free so long as that freedom does not deny our fellow members the right to enjoy the game.
Central to Unrepentant is our sense of community. We believe the games you play aren’t as important as the people you play them with, and to that end we strive only to admit the kind of members you’d want to hang out and have a drink with.
So yes, we're going to do our best to have a kick butt Stronghold. And yes, we have some competitive people who I'm sure are going to eat up the GvG battles. But that's just another part of the game that's changed.
But it doesn't change who we are.
About 2 month's ago my account was hacked and my characters were stripped clean of all of their enchantments and epic profession assets and materials.. Luckily PWE/Cryptic was able to at least recover my characters with thier gear but unfortunately all my enchantments on my main and companions enchantments were not recovered. so my char Katrina is currently in the process of starting fresh with alot of work that will take awhile to recover,
I am only on a couple times per week but hopefully I will be able to play more often in the near future. IF this affects my chance of joining your great guild, I understand.. PLease get back to me on this soon
My guild is dead, it was friend made, but all my friends quit playing or freeze their accounts for better times. So time for me to move on.
Anyway, we're still in business, and still looking to bring new folks in to join us, particularly with Strongholds less than a month away.
As of right now, we're only recruiting character race/class combinations that have at least one arm. We had considered increasing the requirment to two eyes, but it was pointed out that there is an eye-patch fashion item, and it would be difficult to enforce this rule if in fact players had a working eye underneath the eye-patch. So for now, as long as your toon has an eyeball somewhere on their body or on their person, you're qualified here (note: we didn't want to unjustly discriminate against abominations).
We expect you to have a minimum iLevel of 0 before applying. Also, we're currently not accepting anyone below level 1. If your character is less than level 1, please level up a bit before applying.
Gear standards do apply as well. We humbling request that you have slots on your character sheet into which gear can be placed. If you find yourself without any gear slots, please create a new character that has slots for gear. The quality of the gear placed in your slot is at your own discretion. Also: Giggitty.
We have a very strict standard that characters applying must have a bare minimum of at least zero artifacts. If you have more than zero artifacts, that's cool, but please note that characters with less than zero artifacts will be asked to earn at least zero artifacts before applying. The same standard holds for gear enchantments as well. Unfortunately, we can not offer any waivers to characters with less than zero enchantments on your gear. If you find yourself slotted with less than zero enchantments, please contact an officer so we can figure out how the heck that happened.
Lastly, we have a new, strict and non-negotiable NO GOATS* policy. We've had issues in the past with goats, and while we don't necessarily have anything inherently against goats, we've found that goats tend to cause more issues in the guild than we're prepared to deal with. If you're a goat, we apologize.
*no goats were harmed in preparing our "no goats" policy.
It made me think of this.
[If you see someone wearing it in Toronto, it's me. ;D]
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
The Unrepentant Gaming spirit animal:
I'm not sure how you would find me ingame for an invite... (Not sure how that works)... When I hover over my character, it says "Tricked@Dreytoy"
If you're serious about joining, you can find out more information about us here; And if you think that's cool, you can put in an application to join so we can get to know you a little better.