ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited April 2014
We have members from all over the world in Unrepentant, including a few people from Asia. You can always hang out in /Uey to get a feel for the guild, or look us up at
We have members from all over the world in Unrepentant, including a few people from Asia. You can always hang out in /Uey to get a feel for the guild, or look us up at
Greetings Ironzerg79, will look up on that. Thanks.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited April 2014
I almost forgot!
The Neverwinter Branch officially turned 1 year today. Back on April 30th, 2013 the open beta for Neverwinter started. One year later, we're still here, active, recruiting and growing!
I like your intro, and what you represent. Well done.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited May 2014
As a friendly reminder, make sure you take some time with the application. If the questions are longer than your answers, you might need to add a little more meat to it.
We're looking for good people, not toons. Behind every great toon is a wonderful person, and that's who we're inviting into the community. Toons come and go, but the people are around forever.
We have members from all over the world in Unrepentant, including a few people from Asia. You can always hang out in /Uey to get a feel for the guild, or look us up at
I'm from India. I was apprehensive in the beginning as well. But having been in the guild for over a month, I agree with zerg. We have members active through most of the day, since we are spread out across multiple timezones. Good luck with your guild hunt..unless u choose Unrepentant. You don't need luck here. Heheh :cool::)
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited May 2014
Yep. The guild has it's roots in North America, but we've grown over the years by including people from all over the world. We have so many people playing in so many different time zones that it's not often someone logs in an no one's around.
We expect you to have a minimum Gearscore of 0 before applying. Also, we're currently not accepting anyone below level 1. If your character is less than level 1, please level up a bit before applying.
^^ That aint right. You can't be all: "No Monty Python" and then post requirements like a monk reading from Book of Armaments about to slaughter the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.
I mean. "No drama," and all... I'm good with that... but now you are stepping on toes of some very (very) powerful people.
On a more serious note, you folks have way-outclassed the competition on these forums in creating the appearance of a friendly environment. I am trolling for a guild, I am looking forward to seeing you in game.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited May 2014
We aim to please. And thanks for the kind comments. I can assure you all the fun and banter in the thread is sincere.
We're just a group of folks who like to have a good time, and gaming is the medium through which we enjoy each others' company
Hopefully I'll see you around the game!
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
nagzidradkMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2014
If people want a really good group to hang out with, then this is the right place!
I have been in this group for almost a year now, and I am having the best time in my life when I come online.
But you have to remember that this is a social group, so I people don't care about that, then this is not the place.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited May 2014
Yep, we're about the people, not players. We can clear everything in the game legitimately, but we play to have fun, enjoy each others' company, and give tips about dating guys from New Jersey. Of course, the loot flows from there, but we don't play just for the purple pixels.
Yep, we're about the people, not players. We can clear everything in the game legitimately, but we play to have fun, enjoy each others' company, and give tips about dating guys from New Jersey. Of course, the loot flows from there, but we don't play just for the purple pixels.
The loot flows from guys in New Jersey? So that's what I've been doing wrong!
But yeah... I put my app in with these guys back in Feb, and have had a *lot* of fun since then. There's always something to do and people to try out new things with. PvE, PvP, open world (IWD) PvP, low level stuff, end game stuff.. it's all covered.
But the best part are the people. That's why we have an application process in place. These are all people that you'd *want* to hang out with, have a beer, play a game of pool or whatever.
If that sounds like something you're interested in, give the website a look. Join_channel /uey and chat us up.
greensaiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 39
edited May 2014
Recently got accepted about a two weeks ago. Every night I log on there is at least 6-20ish or so people at all times and always a friendly bunch. There are some simple rules to follow but they are pretty much common courtesy and good sportsmanship, nothing fancy. I know for a lot of people that having to fill out an application to join a group seems too much like a job interview or might make you think " what the hell do these guys think they are ? Some Elite group we need to beg to join?"
But its nothing like that. The application is 90% fun questions to get an idea what your like, its a process that can take a few days to much longer depending on how much you interact and the questions are really fun to answer as they are as random and crazy as you can think.
So in summery, take a look at the site if your interested in finding a community to hang out with ( Not just in neverwinter, the guild spans across at least a dozen games) Its an adult guild with a great sense of humor and members from all over the world. The application process is actually fun and if you have any doubts go take a look at a few that are running right now. Its more fun to log in and have online friends to hang out with and do totally random stuff other then your dailies non stop.
tyyni707Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2014
Popped into this guild after reading this thread. I must say I was not disappointed. Not only did they welcome me but they also entertained the pants off me, which was for the best. If you decide that this guild is a place you are interested in, then take the time in the application! Before you make your application, read through some accepted applications or even rejected ones to make sure that you still think you'd be a good fit. Why is there this application process? Because it works and therefore has filled this community with great people!
There isn't any set 'task' given. You don't need to go into a DD if you don't want to, you don't need to be level 60 and running dailies, you don't even have to be in the game (that's what mumble is for). However if you ask for help, regardless of your level (had a level 60 run a level 12 lair with my alt), you'll probably find it here.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited June 2014
Remember, we're about the people, not the players.
I had someone message me the other day about our guild. One of their questions was "What's the guild's average gearscore?". I replied "the average GS is around 'we don't care about GS'." Of course, the person didn't want to apply.
We can clear all the content in the game, help people get geared, do dailies or earn phat purps, but that's not why we play. If you're the type of person who cares more about their gearscore than the people they play with, there's plenty of other guilds here to join. We're not what you're looking for.
This is not a Guild. It's much more than that. It's a community of mature, fun, laid back and knowledgeable people.
There is a definite emphasis put on the person instead of the player and I wouldn't have it any other way, it's what makes this a great experience. But what shouldn't get lost in this conversation is the fact that there are some REALLY good players here, after looking around the internet at different forums...the people in the U are as good as any in the game.
You take all their knowledge and then the fact that they are willing to share it, have absolutely no qualms about helping you out, whether it be sharing gear, getting your new lvl 60 through T2 dungeons so you can get your own gear, knocking out dailies, helping in pvp (e.g. I was trying to knock out my daily in open world pvp and started getting my butt kicked by 3 opposing players, I gave a shout out and within minutes the forest was over-run by my U mates (seemed like half the guild was there), they cleared the opposing players out and helped me finish my dailies.)
You take all that and the fact that there is no pressure to meet requirements (except the no pants rule of course), just have fun , help each other out, laugh, play the game in a stress free environment, there's really no downside.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited June 2014
Just an update. During our application process, we want to get to know YOU, not your TOON. That's great that you were in a top tier raiding guild in WoW, and now just want to chill out, but we measure people by their personality, not their gearscore
I just had to post on this thread.... I spent weeks looking at different guild threads trying to find one that fit what I was looking for, and kept coming back to this one. I don't think I have laughed so hard during an "interview" EVER. I won't say it was painless (I think there are a few hours that I can't account for) but it was fun, but it is one of the few things that is taken seriously... well that and pants.
It has been said in this thread more than once but as a new member I will say that you are getting more than a guild, this is one of the best gaming communities anywhere on the net. They aren't interested in your gear score, really, they don't care that you aren't ready for the biggest baddest content on the block, all we really want are really cool adults to hang out with.
I am soooo glad I am a Uey. Ijoined in 2010 for the Star Trek branch. Have met folks in person, online and swapped iles and exaggerations! I finally decided to take advantage of our limitless access to games and check out Neverwinter. Been soloing my ranger around but have had helpful hints and questions answered when I couldn't figure out the controls. Only slight tittering was heard on my stupider questions!:o hehe
I am waiting for Star Citizen to continue to expand, downloading the ne patch as I type, and that's what makes us great, plus the attitude, is all the games you will have access to, with a strong guild to back you.
So put on your Kilts or skirts, fill up your glass, and suffer... er, I mean work through the app process to let us know why you should already belong!
OK about my Ranger......
Really Joined in MAY 2010
Great guild. I wish I could join, but your age requirement restricts me from applying, haha. I wish everyone in search of a guild to apply for this one.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
Great guild. I wish I could join, but your age requirement restricts me from applying, haha. I wish everyone in search of a guild to apply for this one.
Well, you're not getting any soon, right?
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited July 2014
And...we're back! Sorry folks, had to take a brief hiatus from recruiting for a couple weeks. We continue to see lots of new faces every week, and we wanted to slow things down, have a chance for the new people to get comfortable and find new friends.
But now we're back at it. If you're looking for a community that cares more about the person than the toon, look no further!
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
longstripe12Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited July 2014
Come play with us. Ueys are fun. We are honest. Cept zerg he is the grandmaster of a black coven.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited July 2014
My Astral Diamond mining operation is 100% legit. The workers get 4 minutes every other week to rest, and most times they don't die of starvation. Typically it's collapsing rocks and rust monsters. But everything in the mine is up to code. Except for the mine. But that doesn't really count, right?
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
Well now you guys have something in common with PVP guilds. They don't care about gearscore as well. They just care that you have greater weapon/armor enchants plus rank 8s all around
I didn't read the 11 pages so sorry if I'm repeating what other people said... I came for the first time in this section of the forums to post "please do you know of a guild that is not all about fast runs, exploits and farming"? I guess you had me in your disclaimer OP.... Please invite me to join (fmultimedia), I have five toons (yeah, altaholic) and any of them will accpet your invitation promptly
Greetings Ironzerg79, will look up on that. Thanks.
The Neverwinter Branch officially turned 1 year today. Back on April 30th, 2013 the open beta for Neverwinter started. One year later, we're still here, active, recruiting and growing!
We're looking for good people, not toons. Behind every great toon is a wonderful person, and that's who we're inviting into the community. Toons come and go, but the people are around forever.
Classy Hyena: HR
Classy Mistress: GWF
I'm from India. I was apprehensive in the beginning as well. But having been in the guild for over a month, I agree with zerg. We have members active through most of the day, since we are spread out across multiple timezones. Good luck with your guild hunt..unless u choose Unrepentant. You don't need luck here. Heheh
^^ That aint right. You can't be all: "No Monty Python" and then post requirements like a monk reading from Book of Armaments about to slaughter the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.
I mean. "No drama," and all... I'm good with that... but now you are stepping on toes of some very (very) powerful people.
On a more serious note, you folks have way-outclassed the competition on these forums in creating the appearance of a friendly environment. I am trolling for a guild, I am looking forward to seeing you in game.
We're just a group of folks who like to have a good time, and gaming is the medium through which we enjoy each others' company
Hopefully I'll see you around the game!
I have been in this group for almost a year now, and I am having the best time in my life when I come online.
But you have to remember that this is a social group, so I people don't care about that, then this is not the place.
The loot flows from guys in New Jersey? So that's what I've been doing wrong!
But yeah... I put my app in with these guys back in Feb, and have had a *lot* of fun since then. There's always something to do and people to try out new things with. PvE, PvP, open world (IWD) PvP, low level stuff, end game stuff.. it's all covered.
But the best part are the people. That's why we have an application process in place. These are all people that you'd *want* to hang out with, have a beer, play a game of pool or whatever.
If that sounds like something you're interested in, give the website a look. Join_channel /uey and chat us up.
But its nothing like that. The application is 90% fun questions to get an idea what your like, its a process that can take a few days to much longer depending on how much you interact and the questions are really fun to answer as they are as random and crazy as you can think.
So in summery, take a look at the site if your interested in finding a community to hang out with ( Not just in neverwinter, the guild spans across at least a dozen games) Its an adult guild with a great sense of humor and members from all over the world. The application process is actually fun and if you have any doubts go take a look at a few that are running right now. Its more fun to log in and have online friends to hang out with and do totally random stuff other then your dailies non stop.
There isn't any set 'task' given. You don't need to go into a DD if you don't want to, you don't need to be level 60 and running dailies, you don't even have to be in the game (that's what mumble is for). However if you ask for help, regardless of your level (had a level 60 run a level 12 lair with my alt), you'll probably find it here.
I had someone message me the other day about our guild. One of their questions was "What's the guild's average gearscore?". I replied "the average GS is around 'we don't care about GS'." Of course, the person didn't want to apply.
We can clear all the content in the game, help people get geared, do dailies or earn phat purps, but that's not why we play. If you're the type of person who cares more about their gearscore than the people they play with, there's plenty of other guilds here to join. We're not what you're looking for.
There is a definite emphasis put on the person instead of the player and I wouldn't have it any other way, it's what makes this a great experience. But what shouldn't get lost in this conversation is the fact that there are some REALLY good players here, after looking around the internet at different forums...the people in the U are as good as any in the game.
You take all their knowledge and then the fact that they are willing to share it, have absolutely no qualms about helping you out, whether it be sharing gear, getting your new lvl 60 through T2 dungeons so you can get your own gear, knocking out dailies, helping in pvp (e.g. I was trying to knock out my daily in open world pvp and started getting my butt kicked by 3 opposing players, I gave a shout out and within minutes the forest was over-run by my U mates (seemed like half the guild was there), they cleared the opposing players out and helped me finish my dailies.)
You take all that and the fact that there is no pressure to meet requirements (except the no pants rule of course), just have fun , help each other out, laugh, play the game in a stress free environment, there's really no downside.
It has been said in this thread more than once but as a new member I will say that you are getting more than a guild, this is one of the best gaming communities anywhere on the net. They aren't interested in your gear score, really, they don't care that you aren't ready for the biggest baddest content on the block, all we really want are really cool adults to hang out with.
I am waiting for Star Citizen to continue to expand, downloading the ne patch as I type, and that's what makes us great, plus the attitude, is all the games you will have access to, with a strong guild to back you.
So put on your Kilts or skirts, fill up your glass, and suffer... er, I mean work through the app process to let us know why you should already belong!
OK about my Ranger......
Really Joined in MAY 2010
Well, you're not getting any soon, right?
But now we're back at it. If you're looking for a community that cares more about the person than the toon, look no further!
If you're tired of being thought of as a gearscore instead of a person, maybe you've been running with the wrong crowd.