ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited August 2014
Just wanted to put out the reminder that we're a gaming community, not just a Neverwinter guild. If you're interested in becoming a part of something bigger, let us know. We're around in most every major MMO, and we'll typically jump in and get organized as new ones launch.
If you're just looking for a place to house your Neverwinter toons so they don't get cold, we're probably not a good fit.
That is part of the beauty of Unrepentant, right? Wherever you want to game you will find a group of people you already know from the guild forum, ready to help you and make you feel at home even if you are new to the game.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited August 2014
Here's something I'm really proud of. Last weekend we took a couple guildies who've never finished CN through to the end. And the best part about it? We did it with 5 unique classes. One CW, GWF, HR, DC and GF. And it was a lot of fun. So if you're tired of hearing about the meta of all CW/GWFs or GTFO, you're reading the right thread.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited August 2014
Just a reminder, too...we take our application process pretty seriously. We're not looking to pad our numbers, and we don't want to be one of those guilds that has 30 people online, and no one talking to each other or grouping up. If you're looking to just be a number on the roster, there's plenty of other guilds out there that will take anyone. That's not us. We actually end up rejecting about 33% of our applicants.
So fair warning, take some time to look at the site, maybe read a couple of the accepted and rejected apps, and make sure you're cool with joining a gaming community that has a long history of guilds in many, many games. If you're hoping to find the last guild/gaming community you'll ever have to apply for, that's what we're looking for.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
smelldeathMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 21Arc User
edited August 2014
Hello i would like to join your guild how i can get contact with you?
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited August 2014
You can check out the web site or join us in our guild chat by using the command /channel_join Uey. If you like what you see, take some time to fill out an application, but do so when you have some time to spend on it. We take the application process pretty seriously, so it helps if you read some of the accepted and rejected apps on the site to get a feel for the community.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
smelldeathMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 21Arc User
edited August 2014
Ok thanks again!
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited August 2014
Sorry we couldn't help you. The 18+ rule is ironclad. But we'll be around, so look us up in a couple years
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited September 2014
Just wrapped up a a pretty sweet guild event from last weekend. Members donated over 15 million AD in prizes. People were awarded entries to a raffle for every dungeon they finished in an all Unrepentant group. I think we had 260 entries over the course of the weekend, and good times were had by all.
We're hoping to do it again something in September.
As a fairly new member of the Unrepentant community, I just wanted to drop by this thread and let potentials know a little bit about the application process. Going in you must remember that you're not just applying to join a guild in a certain're asking to join a community. Don't be afraid to blab a off some of what makes you uniquely YOU. It has been my experience that the members are genuinely fantastic folks that really strive to make you feel comfortable. Most of all, have fun in your app thread. Answer questions and ask them yourself. Head down to the Thirsty Troll threads and say hello!
Initially I was very nervous about apping since I didn't already know someone in the me when I say that you won't feel that way for long. These folks are some of the nicest, funniest, most generous gamers I've ever had the pleasure to chill with. Sans pants, of course.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited September 2014
Hooray for the Siege of Neverwinter! Hooray for stuff being blown up! Boo if you have to go at it alone!
If you're tired of farming stuff by yourself, having to throw yourself on the mercy of LFG, or getting kicked from a group before the loot rolls, I sincerely have to ask...why put up with that HAMSTER when you don't have to?
Just wrapped up a a pretty sweet guild event from last weekend. Members donated over 15 million AD in prizes. People were awarded entries to a raffle for every dungeon they finished in an all Unrepentant group. I think we had 260 entries over the course of the weekend, and good times were had by all.
We're hoping to do it again something in September.
Seriously...what other Guilds holds their own events...complete with awesome prizes, donated by it's pants-less masses.
Speaking of's such a blast riding with "The U"....The first day of the Siege...I look around and their is like a dozen of us steamrolling Dragons and anything else that came into our path.
The members just make it fun...but don't let the laid back attitude fool you...they are some of the most knowledgeable players you will meet in the game and the great thing is, they are happy to share it with all the members...just great teamwork all the way around.
Wanna hang with a cool, fun, mature community...get your drink on, your pants off and come put the smack down on some dragons with the U
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited September 2014
This came up in an applicant's thread this week. What makes us different from other gaming guilds or communities? They have rules, we have values.
First off, consider ALWAYS The Mantra of The U: Respect and personal responsibility are our watchwords. Remember that folks here are people just like you, and they don’t want to deal with stupidity, rudeness or attitude any more than you do. Respect your fellow members, your leadership, and the feelings of the people we game with – Uey or not. And take personal responsibility at all times: run your own events, settle your own problems, and take initiative to help us help you have a good time in The U.
This is a crazy important distinction. It's the difference between gaming with people and gaming with friends.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited October 2014
Are you tired of having people on your "friend's list" refer to you by a two letter abbreviation and your gearscore. Does being introduced as that 20k GS CW, instead of as a person make you sad? Tired of people not remembering your name, but know you only for the number of Legendaries you have? Or DON'T have?
Are you looking for the exact opposite of that? Then take look here.
Remember, we have a strict recruiting requirement of at least level 1, and 0 gearscore. If your gearscore is less than 0, please screen cap it and tell me how the heck it's possible. Then put in an application
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited November 2014
I see you lurking out there...
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
smellcatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited November 2014
Fantastic group to play with! Lots of members of all levels are playing all the time. I am new member of Unrepentant Gaming and have had nothing but a great time with these people! Come join in the fun.
tehkureaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited November 2014
Came for the unicorn (and the van..let's not forget the van), stayed for the people. Everyone's a lot of fun, nice to talk to and run stuff with, overall a very lovely community. So hop in that van!
Where do i signup? Allways use shorts and love beer! xD
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited December 2014
Awesome! Check out the website: If you like what you see, take some time to drop in an application. We do ask that you put a little through into it, though. We want to get to know the person, not just the toon.
If you're one of those people who gets super verbose (which is cool), it helps to type your answers out first in a text document, then paste it in. Our website has a bad habit of timing people out who take way too long to type a post, and we've had some people lose a good amount of typing in an app.
Otherwise, drop us a line in game. Our general chat channel, which we use for everything related to the U is /Uey. You can /channel_join Uey and let people know you're thinking about applying, if you want to chat us up first, or when you put in an app, ask for an invite there. Any member can invite, and there's usually at least a few people on at all times.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited December 2014
So we always get the "Why do you guys have such a long application? I just want to game question!"
The short answer is: Quality. The longer answer is: We want quality people, not just toons.
The longishier answer is: We want quality people, who care about other people, not just toons. When we play together, we come together as friends. A lot of us know each other's real names, we know about families, friends, what they're doing for Christmas, ect. We help people out because they ARE our friends. For example, we have a "don't sell to guildies" rule. That means exactly that. We've had guildies give each other enchantments, mounts, rare gear, materials, anything really, with no expectation of being paid back. Just like friends would.
So this Unrepentant thing is something bigger than just a game guild. We don't care about how many members we have on our guild roster. We don't want to be that guild that has 500 members, but no one's said anything in /guild chat for a week.
We care about how many people are actively playing, and how they treat each other. And that's our strength. Great people treating each other like solid gold. Which is where the application comes in. If people can't take at least 15-20 minutes (and we've had people spend over 2 hours on it) to tell us a little bit about themselves, chances are they're not in it for the long haul, and really aren't interested in people either. Which is fine, we're not trying to force anyone into a commitment that's bigger than themselves.
Beyond that, it's not just about a gaming guild in Neverwinter. Unrepentant is a huge gaming community, with hundreds of members playing dozens of games. If I get a little tired with xyz in NW and want to mix it up a bit in another game until new content is released, I'm covered. If I want to split my time between MMOs, or pc games, or consoles, or heck... even hang out with some members of the community IRL, I'm covered.
I found the people to be very friendly and engaging during the application process. I haven't had the opportunity to really run anything with guild members yet, but my acceptance into the guild is still so new, the ink is still wet. I am looking forward to that though. I found the process very entertaining and I like that I'm seen as more than just a a bit of fodder to fling at bosses. This guild has more the feel of a relaxed community of like-minded people and I like that.
When I run with the U, I always think of Basher from Ocean's 11. "It will be nice working with proper villains again."
Now, in case you were worried, I'm not aware that anyone in the U is an actual villain. Unless they might be located where it's villainous to drink and drive a rectal thermometer through a dragon. "Turn your head and cough."
BUT, if a Uey was a villain, I have the sense that they'd be proper about it, assuming proper villains wear Unicorn masks, have sultry Mumble voices, and smash face pants-free.
The U is awesome. And pantless. They are Pantlessly awesome. Which is twice the awesome pantlessness that you would get if you were wearing pants and weren't in the U.
But, seriously now, Uey is (as you've seen countless times in this thread) is more than just a Guild. It's a community.
The members are great and friendly and I knew I had found where I wanted to be from the second I applied. The community, that spans across many MMO's, is a huge, diverse and really a great group of people from all around the world. If your looking for more than just a guild, if you're looking for something bigger, bolder and better then apply for the U. And lose the pants .
I joined with the UEY's about a month ago for Neverwinter. Super great bunch of folks and always willing to help out. If you're looking for a group of peeps and want something fairly casual then this is the one to poke with a stick. A soft stick. Full of honey and berries. Maybe some mountain dew....
djpnyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited December 2014
If you're thinking about joining a guild, this is the one. If you're in it for fun, or if you're in it to be a hardcore raider, these are the guys and gals for you. I'd say trust me, but try out an application for yourself first. Remember folks, trust but verify.
If you're just looking for a place to house your Neverwinter toons so they don't get cold, we're probably not a good fit.
So fair warning, take some time to look at the site, maybe read a couple of the accepted and rejected apps, and make sure you're cool with joining a gaming community that has a long history of guilds in many, many games. If you're hoping to find the last guild/gaming community you'll ever have to apply for, that's what we're looking for.
We're hoping to do it again something in September.
Initially I was very nervous about apping since I didn't already know someone in the me when I say that you won't feel that way for long. These folks are some of the nicest, funniest, most generous gamers I've ever had the pleasure to chill with. Sans pants, of course.
If you're tired of farming stuff by yourself, having to throw yourself on the mercy of LFG, or getting kicked from a group before the loot rolls, I sincerely have to ask...why put up with that HAMSTER when you don't have to?
Check us out!
Seriously...what other Guilds holds their own events...complete with awesome prizes, donated by it's pants-less masses.
Speaking of's such a blast riding with "The U"....The first day of the Siege...I look around and their is like a dozen of us steamrolling Dragons and anything else that came into our path.
The members just make it fun...but don't let the laid back attitude fool you...they are some of the most knowledgeable players you will meet in the game and the great thing is, they are happy to share it with all the members...just great teamwork all the way around.
Wanna hang with a cool, fun, mature community...get your drink on, your pants off and come put the smack down on some dragons with the U
This is a crazy important distinction. It's the difference between gaming with people and gaming with friends.
Are you looking for the exact opposite of that? Then take look here.
Remember, we have a strict recruiting requirement of at least level 1, and 0 gearscore. If your gearscore is less than 0, please screen cap it and tell me how the heck it's possible. Then put in an application
If you're one of those people who gets super verbose (which is cool), it helps to type your answers out first in a text document, then paste it in. Our website has a bad habit of timing people out who take way too long to type a post, and we've had some people lose a good amount of typing in an app.
Otherwise, drop us a line in game. Our general chat channel, which we use for everything related to the U is /Uey. You can /channel_join Uey and let people know you're thinking about applying, if you want to chat us up first, or when you put in an app, ask for an invite there. Any member can invite, and there's usually at least a few people on at all times.
The short answer is: Quality. The longer answer is: We want quality people, not just toons.
The longishier answer is: We want quality people, who care about other people, not just toons. When we play together, we come together as friends. A lot of us know each other's real names, we know about families, friends, what they're doing for Christmas, ect. We help people out because they ARE our friends. For example, we have a "don't sell to guildies" rule. That means exactly that. We've had guildies give each other enchantments, mounts, rare gear, materials, anything really, with no expectation of being paid back. Just like friends would.
So this Unrepentant thing is something bigger than just a game guild. We don't care about how many members we have on our guild roster. We don't want to be that guild that has 500 members, but no one's said anything in /guild chat for a week.
We care about how many people are actively playing, and how they treat each other. And that's our strength. Great people treating each other like solid gold. Which is where the application comes in. If people can't take at least 15-20 minutes (and we've had people spend over 2 hours on it) to tell us a little bit about themselves, chances are they're not in it for the long haul, and really aren't interested in people either. Which is fine, we're not trying to force anyone into a commitment that's bigger than themselves.
But that's not what we're about.
Now, in case you were worried, I'm not aware that anyone in the U is an actual villain. Unless they might be located where it's villainous to drink and drive a rectal thermometer through a dragon. "Turn your head and cough."
BUT, if a Uey was a villain, I have the sense that they'd be proper about it, assuming proper villains wear Unicorn masks, have sultry Mumble voices, and smash face pants-free.
But, seriously now, Uey is (as you've seen countless times in this thread) is more than just a Guild. It's a community.
The members are great and friendly and I knew I had found where I wanted to be from the second I applied. The community, that spans across many MMO's, is a huge, diverse and really a great group of people from all around the world. If your looking for more than just a guild, if you're looking for something bigger, bolder and better then apply for the U. And lose the pants
Let's just say it really helps bring the community together...:o