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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    As he falls he reverts from a human form to that of an undine as it dies.


    Osman: status!

    Atlas: someone tried to release a gas in the base. I’ve locked down most the areas but some may have been contaminated. I have the facility on lock down right now ma’am. Medical and decon teams are alerted and in route.

    Osman: find out where it came from. I need operations to be running.

    Atlas: yes ma’am working as fast as I can.

    Osman: did coulson and Bridger make it out yet?

    Atlas: no ma’am they are on level 9. Thy appear fine from the scans I’m getting. It looks like levels 11-26 where hit before it was completely sealed.

    Osman: alright get it cleaned up and everything back up and running. I don’t want to be stuck in here long.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Carter is still at his base as his AI pops up on his desk

    Quasar: well it seems someone is after you.

    Carter: someone has always been after me. Planning ahead is what keeps me alive.

    Quasar: it seems they are trying to take the rest at that RNI base out of the picture for awhile.

    Carter: so I see the question is why. Monitor all comm traffic for the next few hours. Also monitor all ship movements in that area.

    Quasar: sure not a problem at all.

    Carter: if you weren’t so useful I’d delete your program.

    Quasar: oh you love my attitude don’t lie to me.

    Carter just shakes his head as he looks at the holo image of the attacker.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Spider looks at the recent pop up at the map of the attack...*

    Spider: Interesting...

    Skull: Something interesting?

    Spider: For the moment yes... It seems something has unsettled the Undine...

    Skull: Is it an invasion?

    Spider: Oh heavens no. Though have you been keeping an eye on the V project?

    Skull: Of course, they tell me the item in question is ready for human trials... Doctor Hollister tells me that the specimen is a fascinating entity.

    Spider: Instrumentality is the goal here just be sure things are moving along.

    Skull: Of course. Though I think our new chairmember should be appraised for the matters in hand. We don't want all the dissidents destroyed.

    *He sends the coded alert to M. Dani... to start moving the rebels elsewhere. With a quick squeeze of his wrist. *

    *OOC: I do want you guys involved on the think tank think it would be fair that way... Keeping who is part of it under wraps.*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Casval answers his comm line*

    Casval: Good of you to call, I am patching you through.

    *He patches her through the comm line with everyone else. Present.*

    Casval: Took your time with that. What happened?

    Cassi: Dad's here.

    *OOC: You do mean Mila right?*

    Casval: *He pauses there for a moment, but does not say much of anything but a nod.*

    Wade: How the hell did that happen?

    Falli: In detail Mila...

    *Mila explains things as best she can.*

    Falli: It seems the Admiral was correct to be concerned, it would explain Malick to a degree. If he was around when he should have been war would have been averted or losses mitigated.

    Casval: Mitigation is what I think, but it still would not have helped much. He is not all powerful, no one is.

    Captain... He should resume his post.

    Wade: I agree, though the question is what are we going to do. You know the Sphere Builders are building up and we can't leave this spot.

    Casval: That is why I am suggesting we use a smaller team, the Federation is going to require every ship to fight them off. A smaller team also keeps chances of discovery low.

    Rissa: He is quite right. This ship is going to be needed and I am sure the Admiral needs to recover.

    Wade: Then it is deceided. We are going to call in a few favors. Get these people together.. We are going in. Mila, if your going to be coming inform both your parents and request leave.

    Casval: Permission to speak plainly sir?

    Wade: Granted Lt. what is it?

    Casval: Are you sure my sister is going to be objective about this mission? We are going to capture Cassi and not kill her?

    *OOC: I am running on the assumption that Casval and Mila did not part on good terms... But it does seem like a good point to show. At least how rough it has been for him.*

    Mila *annoyed*: She almost killed James, Cas.

    *Casval turns and she sees a hint of something cold, steel in his manner.*

    Casval: That maybe sister... Though she is a fugitive from the Federation, she will stand trial for what she has done. After all we are not old west sheriffs, and we can't have loose cannons around on a sensitive mission. I am very aware of who got blown up sister, if you recall, I was the one that got shoved out of the way. She nearly got me too. This is not personal sister, strictly business...

    *There was that cold steel look in his eye... something she had not seen before.*

    Mila: I'm not going to kill her... I'm too angry to let her get off that easy...

    Wade: Lt... that is enough. If she can make it here in time then she is going to take part. I trust she is going to keep her composure. As long as we are here, you two will learn to work together again understood?

    Casval: Yes Sir.

    Mila: Yes, Captain.

    *About an hour later, Wade gets a message from Admiral Hargrove, patrolling the Tzenkethi Border with the Republic Home Fleet.*

    *Wade brings a comm line open as he dismisses the LT. *

    Wade: Admiral?

    Hargrove: Captain, I understand you are preparing to launch an operation against the dissidents responsible for the Enterprise's bombing last year?

    Wade: Yes sir... We have ample reason to believe they are hiding within ICA territory and down to the planet.

    Hargrove: I've just been informed that one of our officers has requested a leave of absence to assist.

    You're aware, of course, that Cassandra Allen is wanted for activities in support of Free Delta here in the Republic as well as in the Federation. I've cleared this with your superiors, but I would appreciate it if you personally agreed to make this a joint operation. A Republic security team working alongside a Starfleet one. Then, the individuals behind this terrorist cell can be tried under Confederation Law for crimes against both our governments.

    *OOC: It may also be that Hargrove can't really authorise Mila to take leave to participate in a Federation Op without the Federation formally requesting Republic assistance. He's genuine about wanting to wipe out the dissident cell though.*

    *OOC: I figured as much. In a way Casval was correct. *

    Wade: Very well. You might want to hurry though Admiral, this ship is being called in to deal with a Sphere Builder build up. Intelligence was caught by surprise, but you know those Temporal guys... They do not really talk about it.

    *Falli is watching the build up in that particular area... *

    Falli: Fascinating... Dangerously fascinating.

    *Columbia. Dani is in the Security Operations Room with a Security Team for the operation: Weston, Mila, and two other security ensigns.*

    Dani: I don't think I need to tell you how important these joint ops are. The Federation wants these dissidents alive if possible. Use lethal force only when absolutely necessary.

    Similarly, these dissidents are partly responsible for Free Delta's armaments in the early stages of the rebellion. We want every last one of them either in custody, or on a slab. No one escapes.

    *She looks at Weston, who's aware of the personal connection between Dani and the dissidents.*

    No one.

    Weston: Understood, Captain.

    Dani: You'll leave immediately. Take Goliath-3 to the USS Enterprise's position and coordinate with them. What their Captain says goes. Any questions?

    *The four officers shake their heads.*

    Dismissed. *As they leave.* Mila, a minute?

    *Mila stops and turns to her as the others leave. Dani walks over and gives her a concerned gaze.*

    Are you sure you're up for this? I can send someone else...

    Mila: This op is only happening because I asked to go, Mom...

    Dani: I know...but if you've changed your mind...

    *Mila pauses.*

    Mila: What she did...she didn't just betray me; she didn't just betray Starfleet; she betrayed everyone. She played me like a damn idiot! And James almost died because of her!

    I want her. I want to find her. I want her to fight back. I want to knock her out, drag her back, and watch her spend the rest of her miserable, rotten life in a military prison.

    But I can keep it under control. I don't care what Casval thinks, this isn't about revenge. I just want to know she isn't going to get away with what she did.

    *Dani sighs.*


    Dani: It's not you, it's... I still can't believe we're talking about Cassi. She was as much a daughter to me as you are.

    Alright. Just promise you'll stay safe, okay?

    Mila: I will.

    *They share a brief hug, before Mila leaves to join the away team. Within 6 hours, they arrive at the Enterprise's position.*

    Weston: U.S.S. Enterprise, this is Lieutenant Commander Weston, Republic Naval Forces. We're here to talk part in joint operations.

    *Wade sitting in the Captain's chair on the bridge about to assign a temporary Captain... While he heads off on the mission at hand. *

    Wade: Commander Weston, good of you to come. Shuttle bay 1, is open we will be departing shortly.

    Jester: Republic shuttle I have you on IFF proceed to the shuttle bay and welcome aboard.

    *On the outside the Enterprise has changed very little in a year, but the faint feeling is that things have changed a lot inside at least to Mila. From faint traces... at least... The warmth was gone...*

    *On the Bridge*

    Wade: Dax... The away team is going to be away, in the mean time acting Captain... Keep the ship intact please? I don't want the Admiral coming back or myself to find the ship in pieces. Is that clear?

    *The Rep*The Republic team lands in the Shuttlebay, Mila looking around, slightly nervous.*

    Weston: You okay?

    Mila: Yeah, just... I'm just not expecting a warm welcome... Not in this uniform, anyway.

    Weston: Lieutenant, you're a Repubic Officer - better yet, you're one of my officers. They don't have to like it; you do. If they've got a problem with that, tough.

    *Mila smiles a little.*

    Mila: Thank you, sir.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Ruben: Hmm... so Sam... why are you in the veil?

    Sam: James' consciousness is trapped here from the explosion. I'm trying to help him get out.

    *She tries to follow him.*

    *OOC: Was not formally adopted kept her name just don't think I gave her one...*

    *James Jr... Wanders through the streets trying to find someway out. Though he spots his common ancestor with someone much older and smoking... Arguing by the looks of it. Both are wearing Starfleet uniforms, but one is wearing one that does not seem to conform to what he knows of the period. He walks up trying to get a listen in. But the his ancestor leaves in a huff furious at the man. The smoking man, looks on with some sadness and peers down at a photo he keeps. Then sighs... *

    Smoking man: Michelle... Why her?

    *That is when James Jr. notices Sam pop in...*

    Sam *whispering*: James? What is it.

    James Jr: I know the guy with that smoking man was a common ancestor of mine. Saw images of his bust at what was Starfleet Academy... The man that was with him... That was not his father, at least that is as far as I know. Who is he?

    Sam: I'm not sure.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara B: Maybe he just meant the color? Like gold is a metallic color? *She's joking trying to lighten the mood.*

    *Terry Smirking lets some of the metallic substance come off. It slides across and onto the sickbay floor forming into a cloudy mineral shape much akin to quartz... but the color is still metallic looking. *

    Terry: Kind of a joke I also would not touch it.

    Tara: At least you're okay.

    Terry: For the moment... at least... *He is hiding something from them, he is seeing something as he speaks to them. Vision flash... Time flow was interrupted, but something about it was changed. Perhaps... Terry thinks to himself.. There is a way. *

    Tara A: Terry...why are you blocking me?

    *Tara looks at her, surprised.*

    Terry: *Looking at Tara A... and the other one...* I need you two to know something. Just you two...

    *He looks at the others.*

    *Tara takes the rest outside, leaving Tara A and Tara B.*
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    Ruben: He seems different. *Ruben looks thoughtful*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Casval answers his comm line*

    Casval: Good of you to call, I am patching you through.

    *He patches her through the comm line with everyone else. Present.*

    Casval: Took your time with that. What happened?

    Cassi: Dad's here.

    *OOC: You do mean Mila right?*

    Casval: *He pauses there for a moment, but does not say much of anything but a nod.*

    Wade: How the hell did that happen?

    Falli: In detail Mila...

    *Mila explains things as best she can.*

    Falli: It seems the Admiral was correct to be concerned, it would explain Malick to a degree. If he was around when he should have been war would have been averted or losses mitigated.

    Casval: Mitigation is what I think, but it still would not have helped much. He is not all powerful, no one is.

    Captain... He should resume his post.

    Wade: I agree, though the question is what are we going to do. You know the Sphere Builders are building up and we can't leave this spot.

    Casval: That is why I am suggesting we use a smaller team, the Federation is going to require every ship to fight them off. A smaller team also keeps chances of discovery low.

    Rissa: He is quite right. This ship is going to be needed and I am sure the Admiral needs to recover.

    Wade: Then it is deceided. We are going to call in a few favors. Get these people together.. We are going in. Mila, if your going to be coming inform both your parents and request leave.

    Casval: Permission to speak plainly sir?

    Wade: Granted Lt. what is it?

    Casval: Are you sure my sister is going to be objective about this mission? We are going to capture Cassi and not kill her?

    *OOC: I am running on the assumption that Casval and Mila did not part on good terms... But it does seem like a good point to show. At least how rough it has been for him.*

    Mila *annoyed*: She almost killed James, Cas.

    *Casval turns and she sees a hint of something cold, steel in his manner.*

    Casval: That maybe sister... Though she is a fugitive from the Federation, she will stand trial for what she has done. After all we are not old west sheriffs, and we can't have loose cannons around on a sensitive mission. I am very aware of who got blown up sister, if you recall, I was the one that got shoved out of the way. She nearly got me too. This is not personal sister, strictly business...

    *There was that cold steel look in his eye... something she had not seen before.*

    Mila: I'm not going to kill her... I'm too angry to let her get off that easy...

    Wade: Lt... that is enough. If she can make it here in time then she is going to take part. I trust she is going to keep her composure. As long as we are here, you two will learn to work together again understood?

    Casval: Yes Sir.

    Mila: Yes, Captain.

    *About an hour later, Wade gets a message from Admiral Hargrove, patrolling the Tzenkethi Border with the Republic Home Fleet.*

    *Wade brings a comm line open as he dismisses the LT. *

    Wade: Admiral?

    Hargrove: Captain, I understand you are preparing to launch an operation against the dissidents responsible for the Enterprise's bombing last year?

    Wade: Yes sir... We have ample reason to believe they are hiding within ICA territory and down to the planet.

    Hargrove: I've just been informed that one of our officers has requested a leave of absence to assist.

    You're aware, of course, that Cassandra Allen is wanted for activities in support of Free Delta here in the Republic as well as in the Federation. I've cleared this with your superiors, but I would appreciate it if you personally agreed to make this a joint operation. A Republic security team working alongside a Starfleet one. Then, the individuals behind this terrorist cell can be tried under Confederation Law for crimes against both our governments.

    *OOC: It may also be that Hargrove can't really authorise Mila to take leave to participate in a Federation Op without the Federation formally requesting Republic assistance. He's genuine about wanting to wipe out the dissident cell though.*

    *OOC: I figured as much. In a way Casval was correct. *

    Wade: Very well. You might want to hurry though Admiral, this ship is being called in to deal with a Sphere Builder build up. Intelligence was caught by surprise, but you know those Temporal guys... They do not really talk about it.

    *Falli is watching the build up in that particular area... *

    Falli: Fascinating... Dangerously fascinating.

    *Columbia. Dani is in the Security Operations Room with a Security Team for the operation: Weston, Mila, and two other security ensigns.*

    Dani: I don't think I need to tell you how important these joint ops are. The Federation wants these dissidents alive if possible. Use lethal force only when absolutely necessary.

    Similarly, these dissidents are partly responsible for Free Delta's armaments in the early stages of the rebellion. We want every last one of them either in custody, or on a slab. No one escapes.

    *She looks at Weston, who's aware of the personal connection between Dani and the dissidents.*

    No one.

    Weston: Understood, Captain.

    Dani: You'll leave immediately. Take Goliath-3 to the USS Enterprise's position and coordinate with them. What their Captain says goes. Any questions?

    *The four officers shake their heads.*

    Dismissed. *As they leave.* Mila, a minute?

    *Mila stops and turns to her as the others leave. Dani walks over and gives her a concerned gaze.*

    Are you sure you're up for this? I can send someone else...

    Mila: This op is only happening because I asked to go, Mom...

    Dani: I know...but if you've changed your mind...

    *Mila pauses.*

    Mila: What she did...she didn't just betray me; she didn't just betray Starfleet; she betrayed everyone. She played me like a damn idiot! And James almost died because of her!

    I want her. I want to find her. I want her to fight back. I want to knock her out, drag her back, and watch her spend the rest of her miserable, rotten life in a military prison.

    But I can keep it under control. I don't care what Casval thinks, this isn't about revenge. I just want to know she isn't going to get away with what she did.

    *Dani sighs.*


    Dani: It's not you, it's... I still can't believe we're talking about Cassi. She was as much a daughter to me as you are.

    Alright. Just promise you'll stay safe, okay?

    Mila: I will.

    *They share a brief hug, before Mila leaves to join the away team. Within 6 hours, they arrive at the Enterprise's position.*

    Weston: U.S.S. Enterprise, this is Lieutenant Commander Weston, Republic Naval Forces. We're here to talk part in joint operations.

    *Wade sitting in the Captain's chair on the bridge about to assign a temporary Captain... While he heads off on the mission at hand. *

    Wade: Commander Weston, good of you to come. Shuttle bay 1, is open we will be departing shortly.

    Jester: Republic shuttle I have you on IFF proceed to the shuttle bay and welcome aboard.

    *On the outside the Enterprise has changed very little in a year, but the faint feeling is that things have changed a lot inside at least to Mila. From faint traces... at least... The warmth was gone...*

    *On the Bridge*

    Wade: Dax... The away team is going to be away, in the mean time acting Captain... Keep the ship intact please? I don't want the Admiral coming back or myself to find the ship in pieces. Is that clear?

    *The Rep*The Republic team lands in the Shuttlebay, Mila looking around, slightly nervous.*

    Weston: You okay?

    Mila: Yeah, just... I'm just not expecting a warm welcome... Not in this uniform, anyway.

    Weston: Lieutenant, you're a Repubic Officer - better yet, you're one of my officers. They don't have to like it; you do. If they've got a problem with that, tough.

    *Mila smiles a little.*

    Mila: Thank you, sir.

    *Casval, the Reman brothers Rekas and Shekas, Sala, and a woman in with dark hair and a scarf giving out the orders and telling them to pack what. Mila is surprised to see her still on board. Sala though sees her and packs the supplies onto the shuttle.*

    Sala: Mila!
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara B: Maybe he just meant the color? Like gold is a metallic color? *She's joking trying to lighten the mood.*

    *Terry Smirking lets some of the metallic substance come off. It slides across and onto the sickbay floor forming into a cloudy mineral shape much akin to quartz... but the color is still metallic looking. *

    Terry: Kind of a joke I also would not touch it.

    Tara: At least you're okay.

    Terry: For the moment... at least... *He is hiding something from them, he is seeing something as he speaks to them. Vision flash... Time flow was interrupted, but something about it was changed. Perhaps... Terry thinks to himself.. There is a way. *

    Tara A: Terry...why are you blocking me?

    *Tara looks at her, surprised.*

    Terry: *Looking at Tara A... and the other one...* I need you two to know something. Just you two...

    *He looks at the others.*

    *Tara takes the rest outside, leaving Tara A and Tara B.*

    Terry: *When the group is outside, he turns off the feeds in the sickbay with a slight twitch of his eyes.* I am sorry for blocking you, but who took me and did this to me... He will act soon that was just a headsup. What ever happens... do not interfere in what you see. It is for the good of us all.

    *He touches them both on the head, and their brains begin to ache from the upload of what he is seeing... So much information... *

    I am sorry but this needs to be done.

    *Within each he leaves a bit of himself in them... An engram of him. Just in case.*

    *OOC: Not killing them just giving them instructions and he is hoping it sticks, but its not entirely going to.*
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Ruben: Hmm... so Sam... why are you in the veil?

    Sam: James' consciousness is trapped here from the explosion. I'm trying to help him get out.

    *She tries to follow him.*

    *OOC: Was not formally adopted kept her name just don't think I gave her one...*

    *James Jr... Wanders through the streets trying to find someway out. Though he spots his common ancestor with someone much older and smoking... Arguing by the looks of it. Both are wearing Starfleet uniforms, but one is wearing one that does not seem to conform to what he knows of the period. He walks up trying to get a listen in. But the his ancestor leaves in a huff furious at the man. The smoking man, looks on with some sadness and peers down at a photo he keeps. Then sighs... *

    Smoking man: Michelle... Why her?

    *That is when James Jr. notices Sam pop in...*

    Sam *whispering*: James? What is it.

    James Jr: I know the guy with that smoking man was a common ancestor of mine. Saw images of his bust at what was Starfleet Academy... The man that was with him... That was not his father, at least that is as far as I know. Who is he?

    Sam: I'm not sure.

    *The smoking man walks into the crowd, proud but still a touch hurt. He pops he collar on his coat and they see Starfleet Intelligence badge, but the coat and dress is that of Section 31...*
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    *Tara B groans her veins flashing a deep blue for a moment as the remnants of fazon in her react violently to the upload*

    Tara B: Ah!!!
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    Ruben: Should we follow the man?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara B groans her veins flashing a deep blue for a moment as the remnants of fazon in her react violently to the upload*

    Tara B: Ah!!!

    Terry: I am sorry if this is painful but it needs to be there.

    *He stops on Tara B.. *

    I hope this works, I opened your pathways a bit more. You will get used to it.

    *She can hear him in her head. Apologizing for how badly it hurt... Though the images racing through her head... She can't tell some of it. But The big man with the glove glowing from the stones, the power he has, him during the Elibisi war making a deal with Terry in a similar form as to what he is now. She sees his jump, and the break up as to what it did... He was not exaggerating that part.*

    *Tara A... however able to withstand it more...*
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User

    One of Carsicks agents is below the city as he has the vial with him making his way to his destination to release the vial.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Casval answers his comm line*

    Casval: Good of you to call, I am patching you through.

    *He patches her through the comm line with everyone else. Present.*

    Casval: Took your time with that. What happened?

    Cassi: Dad's here.

    *OOC: You do mean Mila right?*

    Casval: *He pauses there for a moment, but does not say much of anything but a nod.*

    Wade: How the hell did that happen?

    Falli: In detail Mila...

    *Mila explains things as best she can.*

    Falli: It seems the Admiral was correct to be concerned, it would explain Malick to a degree. If he was around when he should have been war would have been averted or losses mitigated.

    Casval: Mitigation is what I think, but it still would not have helped much. He is not all powerful, no one is.

    Captain... He should resume his post.

    Wade: I agree, though the question is what are we going to do. You know the Sphere Builders are building up and we can't leave this spot.

    Casval: That is why I am suggesting we use a smaller team, the Federation is going to require every ship to fight them off. A smaller team also keeps chances of discovery low.

    Rissa: He is quite right. This ship is going to be needed and I am sure the Admiral needs to recover.

    Wade: Then it is deceided. We are going to call in a few favors. Get these people together.. We are going in. Mila, if your going to be coming inform both your parents and request leave.

    Casval: Permission to speak plainly sir?

    Wade: Granted Lt. what is it?

    Casval: Are you sure my sister is going to be objective about this mission? We are going to capture Cassi and not kill her?

    *OOC: I am running on the assumption that Casval and Mila did not part on good terms... But it does seem like a good point to show. At least how rough it has been for him.*

    Mila *annoyed*: She almost killed James, Cas.

    *Casval turns and she sees a hint of something cold, steel in his manner.*

    Casval: That maybe sister... Though she is a fugitive from the Federation, she will stand trial for what she has done. After all we are not old west sheriffs, and we can't have loose cannons around on a sensitive mission. I am very aware of who got blown up sister, if you recall, I was the one that got shoved out of the way. She nearly got me too. This is not personal sister, strictly business...

    *There was that cold steel look in his eye... something she had not seen before.*

    Mila: I'm not going to kill her... I'm too angry to let her get off that easy...

    Wade: Lt... that is enough. If she can make it here in time then she is going to take part. I trust she is going to keep her composure. As long as we are here, you two will learn to work together again understood?

    Casval: Yes Sir.

    Mila: Yes, Captain.

    *About an hour later, Wade gets a message from Admiral Hargrove, patrolling the Tzenkethi Border with the Republic Home Fleet.*

    *Wade brings a comm line open as he dismisses the LT. *

    Wade: Admiral?

    Hargrove: Captain, I understand you are preparing to launch an operation against the dissidents responsible for the Enterprise's bombing last year?

    Wade: Yes sir... We have ample reason to believe they are hiding within ICA territory and down to the planet.

    Hargrove: I've just been informed that one of our officers has requested a leave of absence to assist.

    You're aware, of course, that Cassandra Allen is wanted for activities in support of Free Delta here in the Republic as well as in the Federation. I've cleared this with your superiors, but I would appreciate it if you personally agreed to make this a joint operation. A Republic security team working alongside a Starfleet one. Then, the individuals behind this terrorist cell can be tried under Confederation Law for crimes against both our governments.

    *OOC: It may also be that Hargrove can't really authorise Mila to take leave to participate in a Federation Op without the Federation formally requesting Republic assistance. He's genuine about wanting to wipe out the dissident cell though.*

    *OOC: I figured as much. In a way Casval was correct. *

    Wade: Very well. You might want to hurry though Admiral, this ship is being called in to deal with a Sphere Builder build up. Intelligence was caught by surprise, but you know those Temporal guys... They do not really talk about it.

    *Falli is watching the build up in that particular area... *

    Falli: Fascinating... Dangerously fascinating.

    *Columbia. Dani is in the Security Operations Room with a Security Team for the operation: Weston, Mila, and two other security ensigns.*

    Dani: I don't think I need to tell you how important these joint ops are. The Federation wants these dissidents alive if possible. Use lethal force only when absolutely necessary.

    Similarly, these dissidents are partly responsible for Free Delta's armaments in the early stages of the rebellion. We want every last one of them either in custody, or on a slab. No one escapes.

    *She looks at Weston, who's aware of the personal connection between Dani and the dissidents.*

    No one.

    Weston: Understood, Captain.

    Dani: You'll leave immediately. Take Goliath-3 to the USS Enterprise's position and coordinate with them. What their Captain says goes. Any questions?

    *The four officers shake their heads.*

    Dismissed. *As they leave.* Mila, a minute?

    *Mila stops and turns to her as the others leave. Dani walks over and gives her a concerned gaze.*

    Are you sure you're up for this? I can send someone else...

    Mila: This op is only happening because I asked to go, Mom...

    Dani: I know...but if you've changed your mind...

    *Mila pauses.*

    Mila: What she did...she didn't just betray me; she didn't just betray Starfleet; she betrayed everyone. She played me like a damn idiot! And James almost died because of her!

    I want her. I want to find her. I want her to fight back. I want to knock her out, drag her back, and watch her spend the rest of her miserable, rotten life in a military prison.

    But I can keep it under control. I don't care what Casval thinks, this isn't about revenge. I just want to know she isn't going to get away with what she did.

    *Dani sighs.*


    Dani: It's not you, it's... I still can't believe we're talking about Cassi. She was as much a daughter to me as you are.

    Alright. Just promise you'll stay safe, okay?

    Mila: I will.

    *They share a brief hug, before Mila leaves to join the away team. Within 6 hours, they arrive at the Enterprise's position.*

    Weston: U.S.S. Enterprise, this is Lieutenant Commander Weston, Republic Naval Forces. We're here to talk part in joint operations.

    *Wade sitting in the Captain's chair on the bridge about to assign a temporary Captain... While he heads off on the mission at hand. *

    Wade: Commander Weston, good of you to come. Shuttle bay 1, is open we will be departing shortly.

    Jester: Republic shuttle I have you on IFF proceed to the shuttle bay and welcome aboard.

    *On the outside the Enterprise has changed very little in a year, but the faint feeling is that things have changed a lot inside at least to Mila. From faint traces... at least... The warmth was gone...*

    *On the Bridge*

    Wade: Dax... The away team is going to be away, in the mean time acting Captain... Keep the ship intact please? I don't want the Admiral coming back or myself to find the ship in pieces. Is that clear?

    *The Rep*The Republic team lands in the Shuttlebay, Mila looking around, slightly nervous.*

    Weston: You okay?

    Mila: Yeah, just... I'm just not expecting a warm welcome... Not in this uniform, anyway.

    Weston: Lieutenant, you're a Repubic Officer - better yet, you're one of my officers. They don't have to like it; you do. If they've got a problem with that, tough.

    *Mila smiles a little.*

    Mila: Thank you, sir.

    *Casval, the Reman brothers Rekas and Shekas, Sala, and a woman in with dark hair and a scarf giving out the orders and telling them to pack what. Mila is surprised to see her still on board. Sala though sees her and packs the supplies onto the shuttle.*

    Sala: Mila!

    Mila: Sala! *She walks over.*

    *OOC: Maybe have them share a little hug, to show Mila does still have some friends on the Enterprise?*
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara B groans her veins flashing a deep blue for a moment as the remnants of fazon in her react violently to the upload*

    Tara B: Ah!!!

    Terry: I am sorry if this is painful but it needs to be there.

    *He stops on Tara B.. *

    I hope this works, I opened your pathways a bit more. You will get used to it.

    *She can hear him in her head. Apologizing for how badly it hurt... Though the images racing through her head... She can't tell some of it. But The big man with the glove glowing from the stones, the power he has, him during the Elibisi war making a deal with Terry in a similar form as to what he is now. She sees his jump, and the break up as to what it did... He was not exaggerating that part.*

    *Tara A... however able to withstand it more...*

    *Tara A pants once the upload is done, realising what he did.*

    Tara A: Jesus Ter', you could have just asked to imprint yourself! I would have agreed.

    *The images sort of merge with her own memories of the Hunt.*

    How do we beat them?
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    westx211 wrote: »
    Ruben: Should we follow the man?

    Sam: I know him... That's James' Great-Grandfather...
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    *Tara B is trying to calm down her irises turning a light shad of blue as the upload ends*

    Tara B: Oh that's not good.

    OoC: She was supposed to be comepletely cured of Fazon after the events on Talon IV
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *Spider looks at the recent pop up at the map of the attack...*

    Spider: Interesting...

    Skull: Something interesting?

    Spider: For the moment yes... It seems something has unsettled the Undine...

    Skull: Is it an invasion?

    Spider: Oh heavens no. Though have you been keeping an eye on the V project?

    Skull: Of course, they tell me the item in question is ready for human trials... Doctor Hollister tells me that the specimen is a fascinating entity.

    Spider: Instrumentality is the goal here just be sure things are moving along.

    Skull: Of course. Though I think our new chairmember should be appraised for the matters in hand. We don't want all the dissidents destroyed.

    *He sends the coded alert to M. Dani... to start moving the rebels elsewhere. With a quick squeeze of his wrist. *

    *OOC: I do want you guys involved on the think tank think it would be fair that way... Keeping who is part of it under wraps.*

    *M Dani starts moving the Dissidents.*
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara B is trying to calm down her irises turning a light shad of blue as the upload ends*

    Tara B: Oh that's not good.

    OoC: She was supposed to be comepletely cured of Fazon after the events on Talon IV

    Tara A; I thought we'd gotten rid of all the Fazon in your body?
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    Tara B: Um we did. After that creature at the core of the meteor drained me Dani and her crew said there wasn't any left inside me. *The glow dims and fades. Her eyes returning to normal. Something about the way it looked on her was different. Before the glowing spots were clearly roots from the parasite. This time it almost looked like veins*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara B: Um we did. After that creature at the core of the meteor drained me Dani and her crew said there wasn't any left inside me. *The glow dims and fades. Her eyes returning to normal. Something about the way it looked on her was different. Before the glowing spots were clearly roots from the parasite. This time it almost looked like veins*

    *Tara A calls the Doc over to scan her.*

    Tara A: Sorry, just don't want to cut your arm off again... *Smiles a little.*
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Casval answers his comm line*

    Casval: Good of you to call, I am patching you through.

    *He patches her through the comm line with everyone else. Present.*

    Casval: Took your time with that. What happened?

    Cassi: Dad's here.

    *OOC: You do mean Mila right?*

    Casval: *He pauses there for a moment, but does not say much of anything but a nod.*

    Wade: How the hell did that happen?

    Falli: In detail Mila...

    *Mila explains things as best she can.*

    Falli: It seems the Admiral was correct to be concerned, it would explain Malick to a degree. If he was around when he should have been war would have been averted or losses mitigated.

    Casval: Mitigation is what I think, but it still would not have helped much. He is not all powerful, no one is.

    Captain... He should resume his post.

    Wade: I agree, though the question is what are we going to do. You know the Sphere Builders are building up and we can't leave this spot.

    Casval: That is why I am suggesting we use a smaller team, the Federation is going to require every ship to fight them off. A smaller team also keeps chances of discovery low.

    Rissa: He is quite right. This ship is going to be needed and I am sure the Admiral needs to recover.

    Wade: Then it is deceided. We are going to call in a few favors. Get these people together.. We are going in. Mila, if your going to be coming inform both your parents and request leave.

    Casval: Permission to speak plainly sir?

    Wade: Granted Lt. what is it?

    Casval: Are you sure my sister is going to be objective about this mission? We are going to capture Cassi and not kill her?

    *OOC: I am running on the assumption that Casval and Mila did not part on good terms... But it does seem like a good point to show. At least how rough it has been for him.*

    Mila *annoyed*: She almost killed James, Cas.

    *Casval turns and she sees a hint of something cold, steel in his manner.*

    Casval: That maybe sister... Though she is a fugitive from the Federation, she will stand trial for what she has done. After all we are not old west sheriffs, and we can't have loose cannons around on a sensitive mission. I am very aware of who got blown up sister, if you recall, I was the one that got shoved out of the way. She nearly got me too. This is not personal sister, strictly business...

    *There was that cold steel look in his eye... something she had not seen before.*

    Mila: I'm not going to kill her... I'm too angry to let her get off that easy...

    Wade: Lt... that is enough. If she can make it here in time then she is going to take part. I trust she is going to keep her composure. As long as we are here, you two will learn to work together again understood?

    Casval: Yes Sir.

    Mila: Yes, Captain.

    *About an hour later, Wade gets a message from Admiral Hargrove, patrolling the Tzenkethi Border with the Republic Home Fleet.*

    *Wade brings a comm line open as he dismisses the LT. *

    Wade: Admiral?

    Hargrove: Captain, I understand you are preparing to launch an operation against the dissidents responsible for the Enterprise's bombing last year?

    Wade: Yes sir... We have ample reason to believe they are hiding within ICA territory and down to the planet.

    Hargrove: I've just been informed that one of our officers has requested a leave of absence to assist.

    You're aware, of course, that Cassandra Allen is wanted for activities in support of Free Delta here in the Republic as well as in the Federation. I've cleared this with your superiors, but I would appreciate it if you personally agreed to make this a joint operation. A Republic security team working alongside a Starfleet one. Then, the individuals behind this terrorist cell can be tried under Confederation Law for crimes against both our governments.

    *OOC: It may also be that Hargrove can't really authorise Mila to take leave to participate in a Federation Op without the Federation formally requesting Republic assistance. He's genuine about wanting to wipe out the dissident cell though.*

    *OOC: I figured as much. In a way Casval was correct. *

    Wade: Very well. You might want to hurry though Admiral, this ship is being called in to deal with a Sphere Builder build up. Intelligence was caught by surprise, but you know those Temporal guys... They do not really talk about it.

    *Falli is watching the build up in that particular area... *

    Falli: Fascinating... Dangerously fascinating.

    *Columbia. Dani is in the Security Operations Room with a Security Team for the operation: Weston, Mila, and two other security ensigns.*

    Dani: I don't think I need to tell you how important these joint ops are. The Federation wants these dissidents alive if possible. Use lethal force only when absolutely necessary.

    Similarly, these dissidents are partly responsible for Free Delta's armaments in the early stages of the rebellion. We want every last one of them either in custody, or on a slab. No one escapes.

    *She looks at Weston, who's aware of the personal connection between Dani and the dissidents.*

    No one.

    Weston: Understood, Captain.

    Dani: You'll leave immediately. Take Goliath-3 to the USS Enterprise's position and coordinate with them. What their Captain says goes. Any questions?

    *The four officers shake their heads.*

    Dismissed. *As they leave.* Mila, a minute?

    *Mila stops and turns to her as the others leave. Dani walks over and gives her a concerned gaze.*

    Are you sure you're up for this? I can send someone else...

    Mila: This op is only happening because I asked to go, Mom...

    Dani: I know...but if you've changed your mind...

    *Mila pauses.*

    Mila: What she did...she didn't just betray me; she didn't just betray Starfleet; she betrayed everyone. She played me like a damn idiot! And James almost died because of her!

    I want her. I want to find her. I want her to fight back. I want to knock her out, drag her back, and watch her spend the rest of her miserable, rotten life in a military prison.

    But I can keep it under control. I don't care what Casval thinks, this isn't about revenge. I just want to know she isn't going to get away with what she did.

    *Dani sighs.*


    Dani: It's not you, it's... I still can't believe we're talking about Cassi. She was as much a daughter to me as you are.

    Alright. Just promise you'll stay safe, okay?

    Mila: I will.

    *They share a brief hug, before Mila leaves to join the away team. Within 6 hours, they arrive at the Enterprise's position.*

    Weston: U.S.S. Enterprise, this is Lieutenant Commander Weston, Republic Naval Forces. We're here to talk part in joint operations.

    *Wade sitting in the Captain's chair on the bridge about to assign a temporary Captain... While he heads off on the mission at hand. *

    Wade: Commander Weston, good of you to come. Shuttle bay 1, is open we will be departing shortly.

    Jester: Republic shuttle I have you on IFF proceed to the shuttle bay and welcome aboard.

    *On the outside the Enterprise has changed very little in a year, but the faint feeling is that things have changed a lot inside at least to Mila. From faint traces... at least... The warmth was gone...*

    *On the Bridge*

    Wade: Dax... The away team is going to be away, in the mean time acting Captain... Keep the ship intact please? I don't want the Admiral coming back or myself to find the ship in pieces. Is that clear?

    *The Rep*The Republic team lands in the Shuttlebay, Mila looking around, slightly nervous.*

    Weston: You okay?

    Mila: Yeah, just... I'm just not expecting a warm welcome... Not in this uniform, anyway.

    Weston: Lieutenant, you're a Repubic Officer - better yet, you're one of my officers. They don't have to like it; you do. If they've got a problem with that, tough.

    *Mila smiles a little.*

    Mila: Thank you, sir.

    *Casval, the Reman brothers Rekas and Shekas, Sala, and a woman in with dark hair and a scarf giving out the orders and telling them to pack what. Mila is surprised to see her still on board. Sala though sees her and packs the supplies onto the shuttle.*

    Sala: Mila!

    Mila: Sala! *She walks over.*

    *OOC: Maybe have them share a little hug, to show Mila does still have some friends on the Enterprise?*

    *Sala gives Mila a hug..*

    Sala: So you did manage to come.

    *OOC: What was the name of Tara A's friends on board? I totally forgot.*

    *The woman standing there, wearing her scarf turns around and spots Mila... giving a small smirk. *
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara B groans her veins flashing a deep blue for a moment as the remnants of fazon in her react violently to the upload*

    Tara B: Ah!!!

    Terry: I am sorry if this is painful but it needs to be there.

    *He stops on Tara B.. *

    I hope this works, I opened your pathways a bit more. You will get used to it.

    *She can hear him in her head. Apologizing for how badly it hurt... Though the images racing through her head... She can't tell some of it. But The big man with the glove glowing from the stones, the power he has, him during the Elibisi war making a deal with Terry in a similar form as to what he is now. She sees his jump, and the break up as to what it did... He was not exaggerating that part.*

    *Tara A... however able to withstand it more...*

    *Tara A pants once the upload is done, realising what he did.*

    Tara A: Jesus Ter', you could have just asked to imprint yourself! I would have agreed.

    *The images sort of merge with her own memories of the Hunt.*

    How do we beat them?

    Terry: I hope you were preparing, because we need them again. *He nods to her new memories...* and the Guardian of Forever if it falls to that.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara B: Um we did. After that creature at the core of the meteor drained me Dani and her crew said there wasn't any left inside me. *The glow dims and fades. Her eyes returning to normal. Something about the way it looked on her was different. Before the glowing spots were clearly roots from the parasite. This time it almost looked like veins*

    *Tara A calls the Doc over to scan her.*

    Tara A: Sorry, just don't want to cut your arm off again... *Smiles a little.*

    *Terry looks at it *

    Terry: Do not worry, you won't need to. She will help you too.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Spider looks at the recent pop up at the map of the attack...*

    Spider: Interesting...

    Skull: Something interesting?

    Spider: For the moment yes... It seems something has unsettled the Undine...

    Skull: Is it an invasion?

    Spider: Oh heavens no. Though have you been keeping an eye on the V project?

    Skull: Of course, they tell me the item in question is ready for human trials... Doctor Hollister tells me that the specimen is a fascinating entity.

    Spider: Instrumentality is the goal here just be sure things are moving along.

    Skull: Of course. Though I think our new chairmember should be appraised for the matters in hand. We don't want all the dissidents destroyed.

    *He sends the coded alert to M. Dani... to start moving the rebels elsewhere. With a quick squeeze of his wrist. *

    *OOC: I do want you guys involved on the think tank think it would be fair that way... Keeping who is part of it under wraps.*

    *M Dani starts moving the Dissidents.*

    Fuller: Where are we being moved to now?

    Cassi: Does it really matter? Do you think the Federation or Republic will stop looking for us?

    Fuller: Why should we trust these helpers?

    Cassi: Because we would be dead Fuller... With them we at least can fight again.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *OOC: I think the one with the scarf was Sasha, Ebren's sister.*

    Mila: Command asked the Columbia to send the team for this op, so...

    *Weston walks over.*

    Oh, Sala this is Lieutenant Commander Weston, Columbia's Chief of Security. Commander, this is Sala.

    Weston: Jolan Tru.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Ruben: Should we follow the man?

    Sam: I know him... That's James' Great-Grandfather...

    James Jr: What? That can't be...
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    Tara A: Terry...the school's gone. *She doesn't say anything else. Terry can feel it's like a gaping wound for her.*

    OOC: You actually turned up just as they were starting to rebuild Dawn after a group of twilight hunters (not related to the Hunt) came and destroyed the school in the ensuing battle.

    Okay, technically Tara A destroyed it trying to protect the students, but still...
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: I think the one with the scarf was Sasha, Ebren's sister.*

    Mila: Command asked the Columbia to send the team for this op, so...

    *Weston walks over.*

    Oh, Sala this is Lieutenant Commander Weston, Columbia's Chief of Security. Commander, this is Sala.

    Weston: Jolan Tru.

    Sala: *Salutes* Jolan Tru...

    *Sasha walks over... *

    Sasha: Commander Weston... Captain Wade should be here soon. The Ship will be on its way to meet the Sphere Builders.

    *She walks over to Mila*

    Hello kiddo...
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