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yakumosmith Arc User



  • While we are able to play most content without doing the rep system, there is no guarantee this will always be the case. While you can still do STF's without using the Rep system, you can no longer get appropriate gear. If you don't do the rep system, your characters are effectively weaker than everyone elses. (which…
  • Ideally they need to have more than one event taking place in the same hour. With TZ and work commitments, it's very easy to only be able to run some events once or twice a week if you are lucky.
  • The only concern i'd have would be if an extended time frame was at the expense of another event. Some events that I used to be able to run daily are now once or twice a week events due to my TZ and work commitments. Otherwise i'd be happy for this to be extended.
  • The earning potential has already been nerfed as the event doesn't come up as frequently as it used to. My best hour had me 1 run short of 7k dilithium. (mostly lucky pairings with other tactical pilots) I don't agree with the OP's changes. I do agree with suggestions that the optional needs looked at. If a pilot attempts…
  • There is a cool down after taking the artifact mission which limits how frequently you can run it. The mission is not always available the second you are off cool down. You are not always online when the mission is available. The three of these combine to reduce the number of artifacts you can gather.
  • The majority of the mistakes made were either :- Pointed out prior to launch of Season 7 and then ignored. Pointed out early in Season 7 and then ignored. Players are not paid to provide balancing feedback and solutions to developers. That is their job. Clearly the person making the balancing decisions needs a talking to,…
  • Also be aware you sorta missed the boat on selling these. Last week you could have gotserious EC for these. With the changes to the foundry missions though, a lot of fleets are no longer FM starved. If you aren't desperate to sell, it might be worth holding on to them in hopes the next patch alters the playing field in…
  • Well before the changes to the Foundry on Thursday you could have got a lot of EC for your marks. Regarding the "you'll get ripped off" comments. All it takes is some common sense. 1. Agree what will be happening before hand. (that way nothing daft will go wrong. 2. Do it in stages, not in one go. Example, If I was going…
  • I'd say it's midnight local time and is linked to your Dilithium counter. I was playing a foundtry mission (multiple waves) and suddenly near the end started getting loot again. Looked at the clock and it was 0002 in the morning.
  • As a solo fleet holder (soon to be hopefully moving to a larger fleet) I am rolling in FM's right now. Before I was effecively given the choice of either earning FM's or Dilithium, now I can do both in one easy package. I've pulled in 1200 FM's from playing around 8 hours, all the while gaining EC and Dilithium too. The…
  • Re corsairs - It doesn't count because people were completing it too quickly. At least one of the triggers for a mission to count is duration. If a mission counts and you like to use it for the officer reports, it's in your interest to slow down so it doesn't complete in under 15m. I've seen tons of missions that where…
  • 25 individual players could progress the SB very easily. My solo fleet contains 10 characters, all are me. I would progress much faster if it was 10 characters from 3 actual players. If it was 10 actual players i'd be laughing. 25 players (not characters) would chrun through the projects without breaking a sweat. No matter…
  • Thing is though, that's really the only option atm. Even with elite STF channels, you still risk spanners joining you (even though risk is a lot less than a PUG) Joining a fleet and being on comms pretty much is the only way you'll avoid leaches or guarentee an appropriate mix of ships in an STF.
  • It's already metnioned, but fixes to long term bugs.
  • Yup. Mines will be getting mothballed shortly at Tier II. Then i'll have to look for a new home with my four active characters. The remaining alt army will stay with the sinking ship.
  • Happens all the time mate, you just have to get used to it. I seriously doubt any attempt will be made to improve things as it'll likely be requiring cash rather than a simple configuration fix.
  • The above sums up my views. Today for example, I wanted to run STF's all day. Was just in the mood for it. Unfortunately I had to break that up by having to run 4 versions of the Big Dig to get fleet Marks. I also had to drag 4 characters all round the galaxy to collect specific DoFF missions so I could get 10k+ cxp daily…
  • My point was nothing to do with whether it was the right or wrong thing to do. My point was thay Cryptic/PWE created the situation and made it worse by not fixing it for so long. Going from your example (before my time, so i'll trust your interpretation is accurate) it seems steps were taken in the past to kill things that…
  • The foundry (officer dailies) is the whole reason why we are in this mess. The officer dailies (doesn't matter if you were for or against them) and the quickies allowed small fleets and solo players to entertain having a tier 3 base without a massive amount of effort beyond it taking a while. The fact that Crypric/PWE…
  • Not to derail your thread ;) Naa no interest on Dust. Re eve, yeah 4 accounts subbed till 2014, no cash paid for a good few years now) But you do make an interesting point, perhaps my experience in Eve Online is what is causing the true frustration here, being given only limited ways to gain access to content (RM's for…
  • Yes, people are learning. But it's learning about not playing the game. I used to play Eve Online, I played for over 5 years averaging around 6 hours per day. The thing that actually got me to stop was BattleField 3. It gave me something to focus my attention on for 3-4 months and replaced the time I normally spent on Eve.…
  • Funnily enough, I was one of the vocal complainers in other threads and I did slow down and think. I arranged for paid access to a larger fleet so my solo fleet doesn't need to progress as fast (Fleet mark issue solved) I decided the RM grind isn't an interest to me so I don't do it. (RM grind issue solved) It turns out…
  • Season 7 added a massive amount of grind to the game. Now in a month or so once people start maxing out the reputation system, we may see more dilithium start to appear again as more people convert OM/BNP directly to dilithium, but I suspect this won't happen? Why? While the grind isn't perminant (especially for OM/RM) it…
  • People aren't gunning for the messenger. The issue here is likely a process failure not a person failure. Given this happens regularily, it suggests that failures to meet expected downtime targets are not considered a problem internally. Nothing will get resolved if delays are classed as "business as usual". Unforseen…
  • You aren't cursed, the developers need more robust implimentation plans. Simple as that.
  • An explanation for the delay and an expected resolution would be nice.
  • Thanks for all the interest. Got access from latinumbar, speedy and quick process. Would happily trade with again.
  • First viewing it's ok for length. Having to go through it with all the alts...not so fun. I appreciate the time and effort involved in the cut scenes so I do think it's something you should need to go through once. Perhaps a flag at account level when you've viewed it, so you can bypass with the alt army?
  • On the flip side, there are lots of high end DoFFers out there swimming in marks. There are also a fair few dilithium alts who have FM's as a by product of the officer dailies. The main problem with determining the value of FM's is down to lack of any market. At the moment it's just a few people doing it, so they can…
  • Confirming there needs to be a market of some kind. Currently my base has a need for over 3500 FM's, all other aspects of the projects are completed. I'm happy to trade EC for marks, but it's difficult for buyer and seller to get in touch as there isn't a specific "sell" forum available and you risk being branded as a…