I'm having the same issue as well, even on really old characters, so it's not something bound to AoY recruits.. this is annoying as hell... it happens on risa, during missions and on social maps like DS9. It does however seem to be limited to shooter mode. I use the arrow keys for running btw, so it's not bound to the 'w'…
I would like to know this too.. normaly each week would unlock an additional reward and give a weekly reward box, but as i read it now, it gives the impression that the jacket will no longer be rewarded after this week. Is this the case? And if yes, is it sufficient for one character to do the mission, or does it have to…
wow.. to be honest, I wasn't expecting a fix for those old buggers.. hopefully they'll finally grab some contraband again... It's at least getting acknowledged finally... now for a fix... :)
seriously, the guy 's bragging about it on twitter.. how can they not be able to track him.. also.. seems he announced he'd be doing it a few hrs ago.. could cryptic not take some more precautions..?
same here.. was doing midnight and just DC'd.. i got back in to the char select screen.. be it after a LONGGG wait, but seem to be stuck in between char select and regular loading screen now.. :(
can anyone actually get on right now or is the game down for everyone? been trying to connect for a while now, but it's a no go.. why does this always happen while there s an interesting event running... guess i won't getting any bonus marks & dil.. :(
To be honest, last week's patch resolved most of my lag issues... The only place I still have lag problems, rubberbanding to be precise, is in sector space, but lag in mission instances and queues is almost entirely gone now where it used to be nearly unplayable.. Not sure if last week's patch fixed the crashes in…
That's common practice in software development.. look at the list of bugfixes. Would you delay that build from being pushed to holodeck and hold all those fixes back for a single relatively minor issue? Next week's patch may have other new features, and thus could introduce new known issues, chances are that if a minor…
Thanks for the pointer! Rather than installing another extension in Chrome (trying to keep the number as low as possible), I did it by adding a small self made userscript in Tampermonkey which I already need for the forums enhancement script anyways. Admitted, it's JS instead of CSS, but it saves me an extension (for now…
that's great news! I just assumed I was having a lucky moment of less lag at the time of posting my reply.. didn't realize even that was thanks to the script! That said.. it makes it even more damning to whoever designed the default redirect though.. can't even have a decent load times without user scripts anymore.. :(…
Thank you for posting the link to the forum enhance script!!! I absolutely hate the new forums.. no overview, far too many sub-forums; no page selectors at the bottom of a page in a thread (seriously, how can they miss this?!); no breadcrumbs at the bottom of the thread page (again, how can a web designer miss this?!);no…
will we be getting another extension for risa because.. well the extension was given for extended downtime.. but it would seem we (evening timeslot for western europe) won't be able to play during the event extension either... :(
As of the S10 release the dyson BZ ground map is crash central for me... seriously, this needs to be acknowledged/investigated urgently.. i can get the thing to crash me back to desktop every 5 mins.. The problem zone appears to be the outskirts.. i run dyson ground BZ A LOT, regularly, before and after S10. The crashes…
This.. so much this! The dyson ship has a secondary deflector which is part of the set.. I missed getting the ship by just 2 days due to being abroad and i'd love to get that deflector.. i know i can get it from the lobi store (way overpriced, don't need the ship, i bought the 9 ships from the cstore), but if that doesn't…
Not if you are talking about mark or BNP/... turn-in projects.. Since the last dil bonus event (including the last event) mark turn-ins no longer get the bonus dil. Not that surprising since you are basically hoarding marks/BNPs/.. for months till the event comes, and then doing nothing but hours and hours of queueing the…
Same problem.. constant crashes in dyson ground BZ, but nowhere else.. It seems very random had like 5-6 in under 30mins a few days ago, then I gave up that day.. fine a couple of days, now i enter dyson BZ again for the dil event.. guess what 2 crashes to desktop in 5 mins... giving up..:(
even though OP claims to be an ST fan, there's so much wrong in his posts it's hard to believe he's not just trolling... Both wrong, mostwill show the SOL system exactly on the separation line between alpha and beta. (Not all; plenty of inconsistencies between ST resources) I'm not going to say here it should be in…
They actually do change, per sector instead of per sector block(map pre S10), but I think something is wrong with the distribution of assignments shown per sector.. I tried to do some marauding assignments yesterday for contraband and basically all i found was a bunch of "Purchase prototype" assingments.. normally i'd find…
I'd love to do queues again... but the only thing relatively playable with all the lag problems is story missions.. :( There s a lot of ppl who are having the lag problem.. my indicator for whether the lag has been resolved is eppohh tagging on new romulus.. for as long as it takes 3 seconds standing by an eppohh before i…
I'm not really worried about reaching T3 this week, but am I the only one who worries about the next weeks..? I mean everyone seems to be rushing their delta characters to lvl 50, but what happens when everyone has one, maybe 2 deltas..? If that 's combined with the fact we can't reach T3 in the first week, it makes me…
same here.. connecting from Belgium, Europe.. got 2 or 3 short disconnects, now I can't reconnect anymore and the forum is also having issues loading at times..
I remember this was mentioned during one of the dev interviews around the time DR went live and am glad to see it actually gets implemented so (relatively speaking) soon. The pilot tree is my favorite and while I don't have a single char anywhere near completing a tree (too many alts), I don't really mind.. I'm glad i'll…
I agree.. this bug has been affecting the science captain skill "Nanoprobe infestation" for a long time now. I do a lot of ground Dyson Sphere BattleZone and all of my science captains have witnessed the infestation spreading to friendly players/boffs.. to such a degree that i stopped using the skill.. it's is particularly…
at this point I stopped reading, waste of time... I think you don't understand the concept of a "review".. when you review something, you are supposed to have tried it at least once.. reviewing assumptions is just that.. a bigger pile of assumptions.. :rolleyes: at least have the have the dignity to call it rant rather…
I'll start by saying that I never wanted a level cap increase or another tier of ships, I was happy with T5/lvl 50.. in a lot of MMOs it basically means all the gear you've got becomes worthless.. Overall though, I think what s described so far is acceptable: sure it costs to upgrade, but at least we can upgrade most of…