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wo1dash Arc User



  • Well, Cyptic fixed it for me:-) I don't say that often! Working as intended for the moment
  • 2nd day with no game access. Latest patch has killed it. Force Verify and Complete re-install failed.
  • Ditto = No game and a 4 day weekend where I am unable to play - At least, at present.
  • The saucer works for me:-)
  • Well - I have 4 Fed toons, 3 Rom and 3 KDF, The Delta pack included ships for all factions and was worth it therefore. If they do not add ships for ROm and Klinks I won't be buying it. Still - change will come and I will decide later if the situation changes.
  • After 18 months of Lifetime subs - I am DONE with STO until they get the thing working as well as when I signed up. New (rehashed) content does no trump missing old content. The reworking of the Dyson Space zone into the Badlands was simply a reskinning and far from being new and interesting is clapped out and…
  • Server currently unavailable - Red indicator light so Crytic know - what are they doing about it I wonder?
  • Hi, I also cannot start Fluid Dynamics - For my 3 Fed toons - No problem. On KDF aligned, accepted the mission, no map highlight on Kuda. Flew there anyway and no 'pop up' for fluid dynaics is presented, no matter where you fly. It makes no difference whether I have previously completed this or arive to simply complete the…
  • This game has been awesome for 6 months - Loved the delta pack but 2 days ago random odisconnects began. NOw this happens every time I log in. Characteristics Screen freeze of movement (effects continue, smoke and glare and beam effects) with jerky operation and controller input delays. I remain connected throughout AND…
  • My game is requiring me to stop and reassign all the various commands in the command tray/quick access/shortcut section of the screen. If a ship is changed it always occurs. Now it is occuring whenever I change a system whether I 'lock' or not. The game is unplayable like this. For £100 an update, I expect better!
  • When leaving the Jenolan Sphere, the game goes to the new loading screen (delta rising) and fails to load - even after 30 minuts. The only way to leave is to close the game and reload and try again. It only seems to affect my Delta Rising T6 ships oddly enough.
  • I can see how this pack will be good for a new player like me with only 2 accounts at Level 50 and less than 2 months experience. However, my planned purchase of the Dyson Sphere pack has now been undone. 10000 ZEN not spent on those and no other ships puchased either. Not good for the cash flow, though good for my bank…