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walt04 Arc User



  • Just want to say before all the hate comes out. I understand the frustration but I also have to say that Sense Gearbox and the new staff have taken over I've seen a hell of a lot more try than I have in the 12+ years my Wife and I have been playing. I also have to say that I Understand these folks walked into a hell of a…
  • was a great party.. good folks and good friends..
  • I do think a cap increase would be helpful. not just for reasons above .. it would eliminate a lot of this stuff. also think a possible elimination of faction only invites would be great as well. make some great role playing situations for those folks who do that here.. as well as cross faction fleets getting a opportunity…
  • I think is a reasonable solution to the problem.. amonst other things.. as far as this guy shazia9191 all i can say is this.... Its the same denial tactic as usual.. nothing new to ad but your own persanal ego.. in your own fleet mission statement you say that you are agenst all child molesters... well ok good for you..…
  • There's dancing too close... then there is dancing.. more like walking on top of a toon... while she is hosting a party and running a toon and running a radio show.. do u have any clue whatsoever.. how do u expect anyone to interact at a function like that with someone blocking your view on purpose.. they moved 3 times ..…
  • I agree with tomaswille.... so i posse a simple question to all who say " Itsjust a game" or " it cant realy hurt anyone." Why do you choose to hurt folks on the internet... but not in real life? Why do u choose to make someones gaming experiance misrable .. yet .. get upset when someone dose you wrong in real life?…
  • its yes.. "Just a game" Its also a question of.. "Being a decent human being in real life or here" if u feel justified in saying this then.. go say this to your mother.. yor sister .. or how about any person in real life to there face.. and good luckwith that..
  • In Case you forgot what this thread was all about.....
  • never said they were not giving stuff away... just question there motives... it is pretty obvious what they are doing.. funny how they have theese promotions as they call it.. right when they get caught with there britches down... Im sure all were doing the " Smiles everyone...Smiles... " bit.. im sure they were just as…
  • lol immediately after I posted.. on page 14 .. they posted to burry the thread.. .. further proving my point. not even attempting to answer the questions.. wow that's a certain kind of "Special" right there... hahahahaha. not only that.. but just had to mention we are giving away stuff.. ( like saying.. hay we are after…
  • This just go's to show how far these troll fleets will go.... it is the most absurd thing I have ever seen. Question, If the folks in question were giving away free stuff.. out of the kindness of there warm and loving hearts.. why were they advertising it here on this thread? If they did this sort of thing all the time..…
  • Don't know what all the fuss is about... are u kidding.. ... Same typical tactic .. Terrorize someone on game.. get minions to deny deny deny... bribe masses.. claim do be doing something else.. blame others .. Do it again... seen this over and over and over.. 2 or 3 years worth.. why the thread is soooo long... maybe…
  • its also kind of funny .. with out any names mentioned in the start of this... EVERYONE on both sides knew the group involved.. either doing the bullying or the victim of it. don't know what the fuss is about... right...
  • Don't know what all the fuss is about... are u kidding.. ... Same typical tactic .. Terrorize someone on game.. get minions to deny deny deny... bribe masses.. claim do be doing something else.. blame others .. Do it again... seen this over and over and over.. 2 or 3 years worth.. why the thread is soooo long... maybe…
  • as far as giving away free stuff.. cool .. but is that not like giving a lollypop to your **** victim after you do the deed... just saying
  • Same excuses.. and same redefinition to make them feel like what there doing is not wrong... Same Lame ... so sad that is what they do with there time.. in any court of law... if I did what you described in any culture in any circumstance... to any of there loved ones .. they would have the law.. or worse on me in a hot…
  • Far to seriously ... really... that is such a copout statement... harassment is harassment... don't mater who dose it in what form... they hunted her down ... invaded her personal space... when she moved.. they hunted her down again... they do it all the time every time they get a chance.. as far as the change instance…
  • and I think you folks do get it... this is just another feeble attempt in covering for what you folks do an a pretty consistent basis... ... Someone hosts a party... lets get our toon to walk all over the host of the party... then if anyone says anything.... deny deny deny... 3 years of it... its a really old joke...…
  • Giving away free stuff.... Oh ok that makes it ok to Jump up and down on another toon disrupting a party... yeah... the pics pretty much says it all.... keep justifying your actions by blaming others... how original..... Pretty much same ol same ol with you folks...
  • Ok This is getting soooo old it is Stupid.... That joker has been doing this to not just her but anyone in Risa area not in his group. He has literally taken over a section of the beach ( that's anywhere there is a group of people) and ruined folks just having a good time. He has something mentally deficient in thinking he…
  • it kind of cracks me up when people complain... but never willing to help fix or help in any way what people are complaining about..... all they want to do is rage on the Machine and wine till somebody else fixes it... but there is hope.. lot of u tube videos out there trying to help folks.. may not be the way one person…
  • I do think this is a good idea. Some of us cant be on every day and its good to give everyone options to continue with there fleet projects. I do think they need to extend or give an option to extend the time before the inactive kicks in. for example, i had my hard drive crash. luckly it was under warintee. the bad thing…
  • Wondering if the report came from Fox news or CNN. and if we can trust eather one of them....just asking...;);)
  • Im just wondering if the report came from Fox news or CNN. and can we trust the report from eather one of them.....just asking
  • I have been playing sto for a long while and i will personally will not benifit from this vetran reward deal so I feel comfortable in saying this. I think this will help. With the reliese of the new WoW expansion pack, Sales and game usage has dropped. have seen this reflected in not only in my fleet but others. I will…