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vexravus Arc User



  • Thanks for the answers. It's unfortunate to hear that the Foundry is still rife with bugs. I really wish they gave it even slightly more attention. Hard to believe the build is still only 0.8 Beta. Hopefully they fix the map transfer bug soon because I can see that quickly becoming a very tedious issue to work around…
  • *UPDATE* - Thursday, August 3, 2017 So, I've been away for a while... After quite a long abscence I'm getting back into STO and will hopefully be updating and republishing all my old missions and getting to work on some new ones. Step one is relearning everything I used to know about the Foundry and then learning all the…
  • *Update* - Tuesday, September 17, 2013 I have been slowly updating the little bit in all my mission descriptions (in the missions themselves) that directs people to this thread, so that it points to the right thread, and that has been taking a surprisingly long time. While doing that I've also been bug fixing, etc. That…
  • Good news! I have completed the rebuild on the second Borg map of The Importance of Being Q and published it. I didn't have any problems during testing, but I didn't the first time either, so it's really no indication of whether it will be playable or not. If you had previously tried the mission and were unable to complete…
  • Thank you very much! It's good to be able to be back on STO and in the Foundry, though I have to admit I didn't miss some of the bugs that crop up...I can't wait to get some work done in the Foundry. :)
  • *Update* - Sunday, September 8, 2013 Hello all, I've been away from the Foundry and STO as a whole for a while because of some computer problems and the encroachment of reality (a constant bother). But, I have returned, at least I think so...I've been out of it for a little while and have quite a task ahead of me, mainly…
  • I do still read my posts (although a little less frequently because of a lack of time to do so). Hello! I'm glad to hear you're playing my missions and hope you enjoy them. You may be having trouble finding that particular mission because I may have withdrawn it in order to fix a map that was having serious problems,…
  • Of course when I was just getting around to continuing/completing the voyages of two of the crews in my Foundry missions my computer decided it was it's time to go off to the big desktop in the sky (I may have fried the CPU...). So basically I'm out of action until I can get it fixed. If I'm lucky this will simply mean…
  • Okay, so I lied. I've temporarily withdrawn The Importance of Being Q while I rebuild part of the Borg map. After a few more play throughs I got the Borg flying into the ceiling bug and it's annoying...also there were a couple of other bugs I want to fix that I'd never seen before. So, I'm doing that. It won't be quick,…
  • Update time. I haven't done much work on my upcoming missions lately as I haven't had all that much time to do so. Also, I've been told by a number of people about a bug that seems to crop up in The Importance of Being Q, but seemingly intermittently. I've checked and play tested the mission and have been able to complete…
  • Part three in the Deianeira series, snoitcelfeR has been published and is available to play! Having solved the issues that were preventing me from publishing the mission I have tested and done what polishing I can and released it. Thank you for your patience, I hope that you enjoy this mission and are looking forward to…
  • Time for an update on the mission situation. After spending the last few days looking for a solution to my problem, checking and rechecking the mission, asking on the forums, checking old posts and even posting an error ticket I think I may have resolved it. For some reason I had unfinished task messages that linked back…
  • Hello all, Sorry I've been quiet for so long, reality kind of took over for a while and then the Foundry was down for a while because of LoR, so I wasn't able to continue working on my part. Unfortunately I'm going to have to forgo the first round, since the two missions I was working on before the Foundry went down for…
  • Since LoR went live the Foundry seems to have become incredibly unstable. I've seen and experienced all kinds of errors, from issues with the login and random crashes to map templates being broken in some way and errors in pathing and costumes. Also, it seems that the import feature for costumes has been removed which, I…
  • Alright, so I have been working on part 3 of the Deianeira series, snoitcelfeR (I'm sure you can guess what it's about) for quite some time. I have finished the mission, however I can't publish it because of a Foundry error. For some reason it says that I have unfinished tasks (choosing a costume for a dialogue and filling…
  • I'm still getting problems with the Foundry loading and occasionally get the login error as well. Also, one of my missions now cannot be published (which is irritating since it took a couple of month or more to write) because it says I still have unfinished tasks, namely missing text and needing to choose costumes for…
  • The Foundry is back up and authors can once again roam freely through it! I am currently testing and updating missions. At the moment all my previously published missions are back up and (as far as I can tell) free of glitchs or bugs. There is one exception and that is The Importance of Being Q, which suffered from pathing…
  • Missions Should Now Be Playable Again Thank you. -XA
  • There were some issues with some later missions (specifically part 2 of Ambria's Pride and part 2 of the Deianeira series) that had some issues, mainly bugs involving NPCs and B.Offs, etc. They have not been updated yet and at the moment Foundry editing is offline (but playing and reviewing still works...because that makes…
  • Mission Timeline Series: Once Upon a Time Time Frame: 2409 Info: This series is in six parts. Part one is set in early 2409 (sometime in January) and each subsequent mission takes place approximately 2 months after the one before it, meaning that the chain runs through January to November 2409. Series: The Ambri…
  • [Post Reserved for Future Missions]
  • *Updated* Thicker Than Water *Withdrawn* Deianeira: Part I Part 1 of 4 Author: XerosArmera The crew are ordered to assist another ship in responding to a distress call, but it quickly becomes apparent that the situation is far more serious than just a ship in distress and the crew find themselves caught between duty and…
  • Foundry Missions: *Updated* Once Upon A Time: Part I *Withdrawn* 2286 Part 1 of 6 Author: XerosArmera The crew is sent on a routine mission to study an anomaly passing through the Donatu System, but things take a strange turn and the crew find themselves thrown backwards in time and into the middle of a conflict between…
  • I have a few missions that might fit some of your criteria. They aren't exactly like Search for Spock or Insurrection (where would the fun be in that) but they do have elements of going "rogue" so to speak or doing something that might be frowned upon by Starfleet. I can't promise they're what you're looking for but you…
  • Update - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - 3:25pm (EST) It's been a while since I posted anything, either on this thread or in game and I'm sorry to say that's because there really hasn't been anything to post. I've been working on my mission for the Persistent Foundry Project, but it's slow going and in parts almost moving…
  • Red Alert! Update - Monday, March 11, 2013 - 12:57am (EST) Red Alert! I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has been playing my missions and leaving all the amazing comments and sending me such great feedback! I love writing stories for the Foundry and knowing that there are people out there enjoying them.…
  • Update - Saturday, March 2, 2013 - 6:10pm (EST) It's finally happened! I have finally completed part two of the Deianeira series! That's right, The Importance of Being Q is finally complete and published. I've added it to the list on the first page of this thread and I'll get a picture up there soon too. Now I'm going to…
  • I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it and I will look into implementing some of your suggestions. It may take a while for me to get to it as I am currently working on finishing part 2 of my Deianeira series The Importance of Being Q as well as working on the Cardassian story for the Persistent Foundry project. Thank you, -XA
  • Update - Sunday, February 24, 2013 - 3:35pm (EST) Part two of Ambria's Pride is finally complete! That's right, Garden of the Dead is finished and published. I know it took a while but I had a lot of other things going on and I was suffering a little writer's block, but that's all irrelevant now. So, rush over to the…
  • Update - Wednesday, February 20, 2013 - 4:53 (EST) First, I just want to grovel and apologize that Part 2 of the Ambria's Pride series isn't out yet, but since the first part only has 8 or so reviews so far I guess I don't have to worry too much. I've been very busy, but I'll get it done soon, I promise. As well as trying…